Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 08, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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OCT, 8. J9U4
Pine Grove Points
— — — — —
Rev. M r. T ait of Peoria will
preach at Pine Greve Sunday
9— 9— 9999
A brother of Charles Nichols
from Washington visited him ’a
few days lAtt week.
Halsey, Oregon
$ 3 5 ,0 0 0
Commercial and Savings account! Solicited
High School Notes
No 32, 3:03 a. m.
No. 17, 13:19 p.
18, 11:37 a. at.
3 i, 7,40 p
34, 4:25 p. iu .
31, h : jq ,
No. 14. due Halsey at 5:02 p. m., atop«
to let ofl passengers from south of
Nos. 31 1 and
stop only if
Noa. 31. 32, JJ
. rnn
“ and 1 34
between Port-
land and Bngene only.
I’asaengera for south of Roseburg should
take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer
to No. IS.
IHalsey-brownsville stage meet« trains
18, 17, 34, 14 and 33 ia. order named.
9 a ä
< E o t.r p r ia e C o rresp on d en ce)
M is* Hazel Jobuaon spent the
upon opening a box of these da. week end at home.
licious candies? The wonder,ul
W. G. McNeil preached at in -
assortment, various flavor* and
tempting appearance of these brain'» Island Sunday,
“ lumps of delight ” win to us all
Charles Niohols <fc *Qn have a
lover* of good sweet* and judges oew milking tnaohiue.
of coufectioudry excellence. Try
Cyrus Haynes of Coburg visited
them once and aee If we exagger
ate the perfection of toese goods bis son, Bert Haynes, last week.
Clark's Confectionery
R A LSTY R A iL E O X B ^ T riil 5
Who W ouldn’t
Smile Happily
i ^'* vm **** a ,' aaa *' a **** sa /*** a * a ***, a *****^^'^***********^
Tbe delivery window of tbs
Halsey postoffice is open Sundays
from 10:40 to 10:60 a. m. and 12:15
to 12:30 p. m.
Sunday mail goes out only on
the north-bound 11:37 train:
The Study Club
The Women’s Study club held
its first meeting of the season
Any Girl in Trouble
The Halsey school furnished Oct. 2, at the home of the presi-
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pebrsson
i dent, Airs. S. J. Smith, and the
iuay communicate with Enajgn Lee of the Salvation Army at the
attended church in Halsey Suuday the program given Friday even­
following committees were ap­ Mail goes south once a day. cloaingat
White Shield Home, 505 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon.
ing at the teacher’s meeting. It pointed to serve for the year: 11:05
a. m. j north twice, closing 11;2J
Mrs. Marion Fraley of Portland was as follows:
| Membership, Mrs. J. W. Drink- a. in. and 5:30 p. m. M ail stage for
999— • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • « • • • • • • • • • •
visited her cousin, Mrs. E. E.
Crawfordsville amt Sweet
Georgina Clark; piano duet, ! ard, Mrs. J. W. Clark, Mrs. W. Brownsville,
Home leaves dailv at 6:45 a. ui.
Hover, Saturday and they were
Newt NotM
bound from Oregon City, struck au dinner gnetts at the R. K. Stew­ Esther
and Louise Seefeld;
j laubner, Mrs. T. I. Marks,
outbound Oregon Electric train al art notne Sunday.
Mrs. Shotwell. Dr. Mrs. C. P. Stafford; Finance,
(Continued from page 1)
Hood and Grover streets tn Portland
Paid-for Paragraph«
A special meeting of the atate gam«
The community club entertain, Biumbaugh of the psychology j Mrs. B. M. Bond, Mrs. W. H.
The Standard Lumber company ol
(6c a line)
ment Friday evening wee well department at O. A. C. gave a I McMahan, Mrs. W. A. Mulder,
commlaalon will be held In Eugen<
Portland, which recently lost Its suit
Oetober II. Steps will be taken tc
After the jr*g ram a very interesting and instructive Mrs. Martin Cummings; Art,
to enjoin the state tax commission
business session was held and the
take up proposed changes In the gam«
Encampment Attention
Mrs. J. W. Clark, Mrs. B. M
from enforcing the provisions of th«
following officers elected; Presi­ lecture. The four senior girls Bond.
lAws with the state Iegtalature.
state Income tax law, was granted un
joint meeting of Hhlsey, Har­
served refreshments.
A new tariff containing reduced til October 13 to file In the supreme dent, Roy Owen ; vice-president,
Mrs. Stafford was elected sec­ risburg, Brownsville and A lpiut
The school has some very retary to fill the vacancy cauaad encampment* will be held at H al-
rates on logs shipped from points on court at Salem a petition for rehear Albert M in e r; Sec etary, Collin
C trver; treasure«-, Dean Bllyeu energetic football players, as is
the Valley Sllela railroad to Newberg lng.
by the removal of Mrs. J. W. .oy Oct. 24, 1924. A ll camp
censor, K. R. Stewart.
sad Winona was filed In the office«
evidenced by an occasional black Moore to Harrisburg.
Judge Martin L. Pipes, prominent
The member* are invited.
of the public service commission at
J. W. Moo»«, Scribe.
Portland attorney, was appointed Jus
(Left over last week)
tlce of the state supreme court by Gov
Demand for Oregon coyote pelts 1« ernor Pierce to succeed the late Jus
For s a le - Reds. Pullets. 2 pure­
Farmers are busy in the field
Melba Neal has returned to
The club decided to improve bred
increasing. Although the market ba« tlce John MoCourt, who died here a these days.
roostets, Russ, Halsey, Ore.
school after a time of illness.
the social hour by sewing for
not yet opened, IS fur buyers have few weeks ago. Judge Pipes will
the W. C. T. U. children’s home,
O. G. Coldiron is in Oklaho­
applied for permission to submit bid« serve under his appointment until Jan
Some choice weanling pigs for
ma visiting his parents. Henry tives and the high school one near Corvallis.
foV buying pelts obtained by govern uary 1.
G. E. M unkers .
The first part of the year’s •ale by
Cook is managing the farm in day last week. Other visitors
ment hunters.
Maintenance and outlaya of the Ore his absence.
were Misses Ellen Vannice and program is devoted to nature
Old paper* for sale at 6c a bundle
Fatally Injured by being caught be gon state tuberculosis hospital tlut
Genevieve Wells.
study and an interesting lesson at tbe Enterprise office.
tween cars while attempting a coup lng the next biennium will aggregut«
School is progressing nicely
One of the best initiations was given by Mrs. Laubner on
Hug at Reedsport. Charles Welghtman
»360,851, as against actual expenses under the management of Miss
21, a Southern Pacific brakeman, wai for the present biennium of »186,333 Lavelle Palmer. Sixteen schol­ ever given the Frosh was held “Western Wild Flowers.” This Halsey Happening«
for the eleven Freshmen Satur­ was followed by a general dis
married on hla death bed In a hospital according to a statement filed by th«
ars are enrolled,
evening. A large number of cussion. Refreshments were
(Cojfinned from column 5)
at North Bend.
Institution officials with the state bud
Mrs. L. S. Stalcup of Long the alumni were present. This served by the hostess, Mrs.
While atate banks are exempt from get commission.
H arry Common« was in Albany
Beach, Cal., is here visiting her made the attendance very fav­ Stafford assisting. Club will ¡Saturday.
the payment of the state Income tax
Oregon pensions have been granted
Oct. 16th, with Mrs.
dividends paid by these Institutions as follows: Herman Deckman. Port daughters, Mrs. James Burns, orable for the success of the meet
L. H . Armstrong and wife aul
are subject to the levy, according tc land. »12; W illiam 8 Chapman, Port and Mis. J. S. Nicewood.
Ketta and Hazle were in
a legal opinion by I. H. VanWinkle, land, (18; Ralph J. Bailey, Portland
Rev. Mr. Tait of Peoria were
Albany Saturday afternoou.
»18; Sidney A. Ice. Win berry, »12; week end guests
at Henry
Following the bating of H arry M lnti Herman L. Gray, Portland, »18; Alths Brocks.
M r. and M r*. T. P. Patton
Mr. Tait preached
and Jack Spong at Salem, school of Webb, La Grande, »12; W illiam E
drove to Corvalli* Sunday and
flcials expelled John Drager, Donald Reed, Portland, (15.
spent the day with M r. and Mrs.
and in the evening at Pine
Kelly and Vernle Perry, high school
Oliti Stalnaker.
Tbe Staluaker*
John 8. Coke, United States at Grove.
atudenta. who were said to be respon torney for Oregon for leas than twc
aocompanied them home aud
aible for the affair.
Visitors at the Martin Cum­
stayed over uight.
years, dent his resignation to Presl
Officials of Lincoln county wer« dent Coolidge by telegraph and asked mings home Sunday were Mr.
Davenport’s music house, Al­
restrained by Federal Judge Wolver that he be relieved at once. Judge and Mrs. Arley Cummings of
bany, is still selling out pianos at
Mrs. C. R-
ton from attempting to collect th« Coke Is the fourth United States at Halsey, Mr. and
reduced price* to make room for
taxes for 1*19 and 1920 on property torney in succession to give up bl« Rowan and children of Eugene,
tbe carpenter*. Their new adver­
held by tbe United States Spruce Pro post before hla term had expired.
All’s. Annie Jones and Miss
tisement appear* this wee<.
ductfon corporation.
Enlarglug the eastern Oregon stat« Marie Jones of Corvallis.
A calf, which bud survlred appar hospital to care for the increasing
Mrs. A. C. Armstrong went to
Mis. C. S. Williams and Mrs.
eatly about three weeks, was found number of mental patients rather than Thomas
Albany Saturday afternoon to visit
Ardry accompanied
In a well recently by Paul Sklmpsey adding to the Salem Institution, wklct
her sister, Mrs. W. W . Stuart, and
their mother, Mrs. Decie Brock
(School Reporter.
j N o v e lty D a n c e
j Tumble Inn
driller, who was Inspecting a num
her of wells on the Dunn ranches
south of Lake Malheur.
It will require «7(7.11* to conduct
affairs of tha state game aonimlsSlon
during the next biennium, according
to an estimate of tbe proposed ex
pendlture* riled In the office of the
•fate budget eommisstoa
Is now crowded almost to capacity
was recommended by Dr. R. E. Le«
Steiner, superintendent of the hoe
pltal at Salem, at a meeting of th«
slate board of control.
J. E. Norton, president of the Cooi
County Good Roads association, gav«
notice to the county court that the as
soolatlon probably would »tart suit t*
determine the validity of the »280,OOf
bend issue which has been questionec
because of the law governing the num
her of special elections that can b«
held in a current year.
Portland Sunay,
Rev. Mr. l ’ate and wife of Pe
oria were wesk-end guest« at
H. Brock’ s. M r. Tate preacesd
Mrs. Brock went to consult an
eye specialist.
We are very proud of the
number of our young people
who are taking up high school
A «Ma l <> levy a special tax for the
conatrucMoa of new bridges and tc
work this year. Jessie Hocken
repair agaay old oaog la the county
smith is at Corvallis, Sarah, Hel-
will bO Voted upon at the November
en and Carl Williams in Halsey,
election la Lane county, according tc
an order made by the oounty court
Democratic propaganda crowded B lanche and Burrel Wilson at
Springfield, Nora Doldiron
i The Oregon public service com mis
ut this week
eloo hat prepared notices of interven .
Halsey and Hazel Davis in Al­
tlaa la tha grata rale cases b ro u g h t Hl Sty Happenings etc
hy the stale of Kake against the Ore I
gen Short Llae and Oregon Washing
(Continued from page I)
loa Railroad A Navigation company |
O r. and
----- T I. Marks
A diversion debt at the mouth el were Aliwiny visitors Friday,
Hood river has been completed. The
H. C. Davis and D. J. Hayes
structure wUl divert the flew of Hood
Albany visitors Thursday.
river into the Columbia lato a tingle
deep channel and open It te chlnook
Mr. and Mrs, P. II. Freerksen
Salmon and other migratory flak The J were dinner guests at Mrs. Dora
dam ooat »587.
Two attempta within a week tc
wreck the Ualoa Pacific fast mall
train. No. 8. by placing obstructions
on tbe track between Hood River and
Rooster Rock, were brought to light
with the arrest at The Dalles of an
tttaorant laborer.
Davis’, at Shedd, Thursday.
business trip to Salem Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark
were Brownsville callers Thurs
Saturday Night ;
J Beautiful
Kewpie D olls Given Away ]
every thirty minutes
G et up a party and come
New music
Dandy floor]
Everybody is going
attend the Chris iao church rally
day exercise*.
There wer* 268
J. E . Cooper and wife of Oak­
land, Ore., visited at A. C. Arm ­
strong’s Sunday, returning home
Monday. The two families were
neighbors in Douglas county be­
fore tbe Armstrongs moved to H a l­
The Standard Beareri of the
Methodist church met at the home
of Mise Grace Pehrsaon Monday
and eletcad, for th* ooming year,
Roberta Vandtce president, Gladys
Pehreson secretary, Ellen Vannice
treasurer and Georgina Clark re­
¡8 companied
M r. Burbank’* bungalow
by-------bst that’*
roofed over.
Mrs. L. E. W alton went to Her-
Dr. H . H Gardner of Corval ie
naburg today.
visited Red Pearl and Mrs. Nancy
Miss Lila Dudley visited Mrs Palmer Friday. «
George Ansted was arrested at
Harrisburg, charged with stealing
the windows ef tho cabin in which
be lived. He said ths windows
had been left at bis plaoe by some
boys. Editor Morgan of tbe Bul­
Mrs. B. Logan returned from a
Mrs. Marcella Kirk, a nurse H arry Common* Monday.
letin acted as hie counsel and he
in Portland, came up Saturday
Jack C . Balch, a Eugene life visit with relative* at Corvallis wae acquitted.
And th * Demo,
for a few days with her par­ insurance agent, wa* bare Monday.
crat aayt he was “ hailed” into
ents, J. J. Corcoran and wife,
Elmer Muller and family
G. B. Davidswn and wife went court.
ami her little son, Hilly K rk. Site
to Etigenn, today after * visit
When wheat went up in wer
went boc T uegday.
with their son Claude.
ler home.
time the baker* raised tbe price of
bread because flour coat more.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baum
MGa Ruth Frum weut to Port-
d a r k Sm ith found a man's When wheat went down after the
gartner are home again after a land today for a viait with frieuda heavy
rubber right-hand glove on
war they did not teduee th* price
year spent in Detroit, Mich. aud relativea.
the Bruwntvilla road and left it at of bread because tbe cost of flour
They made the trip by auto
preacher at this office.
cut so small a figure in tbe oost of
and visited many places, in­ Brownsville, went home to Eu­
Mise Mabel Roblneon arrived bread. Now wheat ba* gone up
cluding Yellowstone Park and gene Monday,
Sunday to spend a few days with again and Portland bakers propose
Dean, email son of Cbeslsr Cur­ her ei .ter Mrs. A . K. Foote. She a rite in tbe prio* of bread because
flour cost* more.
Meantime tbe
Bert CTawford, construction tis, received a bad burn on his wen’, home today.
Albany bakery, 424 west first
foreman for the Pacific Tele­ arm* last week. H<a sister, Alice,
Frank Gansle and wife and street, is selling four one-pound
phone and Telegraph company, is quite ill with tonsilitis.
¡daughter Leila spent Sundav in loaves for a quarter.
and his crew are building a new
A. A. Tussing and j Eugene visiting st tbe bonie of
toll lead from Albany south. daughter
Bonita went to Cor­ M r. Oansle's parent«.
» « A* Muller and wife and
Mrs. P. H. Freerksen were Al­
bany shoppers Saturday.
Elmer Munson and wife spent
Sundny with Estes Bass and
The Oregon public eorvlco commit
Ailey Cummings spent Sat­
aloa bat granted authority to the Ore
at the home of his
gon-Washington Railroad g Navlga urday
Mrs. Hannah Cum­
tloa oompaay to dtecontlnee aa auttl mother,
lary station at Reith. . M , . rn Oregon,
fee the receipt and delivery of freight
A nine-pound boy was born
la less than carload lota.
to Mr, and Mrs. Edward James
W. 0. Snyder, government trapper Gump at their home near Pe­
shattered all records when he report oria Saturday.
ed a hag of mort than 300 alnct
Mrs. Hannah Cummings and
August 1. He works la Harney coun
Milton Bond drove out to the ! I he new lines are being built on vallis Tuesday. Bonita entered
1 " * ? " °f
° I
t im m i
Mrs. Max Hoflicb of Albany
Martin v Cummings
home and the east side of the railroad O. A . C. for the yea.;', work.
s s
¡ s
and Mrs. Mabel Black of Portland
tc get away from the high
power lines of the Mountain
W. C. Bass a’nd family, who ' spent Sunday with their sister,
C. V. Curtis has moved from States Power company.
Development of the lumber re
been living on the O. W. M r*. H arry Common*.
source* of Lake oouaty is expected Mrs. M. E. Bassett's residence
farm east of town, moved
Ravmond Southern of W ilm ing.
The Calapooia Teachers’ As­
as the roeult of aa aaaouncamaat that to Arthur Robnett’s property in
x of the week to a farm I ton, Cal., arriv.’d Saturday for a
sociation of Zone 2. with teach- ’
tha geversa* eat win offer for sole northeast Halsey.
Harrisburg which has visit with hie mother. Mrs. M. B.
probably la tha near future from »00,
Mrs. Marion Fraley of Port­ ers from Halsey, Tangent, Har­ been . Occupied by J. W. Cbok and Southern, and other relative*.
te »OD.OOa.OOd feat of yellow land was in Halsey the last of risburg and surrounding dis­
Earl Cole, a former
Pino la the PYoasont national foreat
M r*. G. M itin er end daughters
the week, a guest of her aunt. tricts present, met at the Hal­ rendent of this vicinity, will
Friday night.
Ona man waa probably fatally In Mrs. J. L. Rector, Mrs. Fraley sey schoolhouse
Ida and Amanda and son Ted and
were addressed by Dr. br mg his family and take pos­ Mrs. Klixa Brandon spent Bunday
Jured and two others were badly cut was formerly Miss Marie Stew­ They
And bruised whan a Part land Electric art and a resident of this city. Brumbaugh of O. A. C. and re­ session of the Frum ranch.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
port a very instructive and in­
^ower ooaapacy 1 passenger boo, la
Mist Dori* Lake went to Cor­ Vannice
Mrs. J. S. McMahan made a teresting session.
vallis, Saturday.
She wa* au-
(Continued In column 6)
'X •
uneral D irector and
censed Em balm er
L i­
Efficient Service.
Motor Hearse,
Lady Attendant
Mortician A Funeral Director
Halaey and Harmburg
Call D. T a v to a , Halaey. or
W. L. U i i a i t . Hamabnrg