4 PAGE 4 HALSEY ENTERPRISE OCT, 8. J9U4 Pine Grove Points r : — — — — — — Rev. M r. T ait of Peoria will preach at Pine Greve Sunday evening, 9— 9— 9999 North South A brother of Charles Nichols from Washington visited him ’a few days lAtt week. HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L A N D $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 SURPLUS Commercial and Savings account! Solicited High School Notes No 32, 3:03 a. m. No. 17, 13:19 p. 18, 11:37 a. at. 3 i, 7,40 p 34, 4:25 p. iu . 31, h : jq , No. 14. due Halsey at 5:02 p. m., atop« to let ofl passengers from south of Eugene. Nos. 31 1 and _ ____ 32 stop only if Noa. 31. 32, JJ . rnn , “ and 1 34 between Port- land and Bngene only. I’asaengera for south of Roseburg should take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer to No. IS. IHalsey-brownsville stage meet« trains 18, 17, 34, 14 and 33 ia. order named. 9 a ä < E o t.r p r ia e C o rresp on d en ce) M is* Hazel Jobuaon spent the upon opening a box of these da. week end at home. licious candies? The wonder,ul W. G. McNeil preached at in - assortment, various flavor* and tempting appearance of these brain'» Island Sunday, “ lumps of delight ” win to us all Charles Niohols levy a special tax for the conatrucMoa of new bridges and tc work this year. Jessie Hocken repair agaay old oaog la the county smith is at Corvallis, Sarah, Hel- will bO Voted upon at the November en and Carl Williams in Halsey, election la Lane county, according tc an order made by the oounty court Democratic propaganda crowded B lanche and Burrel Wilson at Springfield, Nora Doldiron at i The Oregon public service com mis ut this week eloo hat prepared notices of interven . Halsey and Hazel Davis in Al­ bany. tlaa la tha grata rale cases b ro u g h t Hl Sty Happenings etc hy the stale of Kake against the Ore I * gen Short Llae and Oregon Washing (Continued from page I) loa Railroad A Navigation company | O r. and Mrs. ----- T I. Marks A diversion debt at the mouth el were Aliwiny visitors Friday, Hood river has been completed. The H. C. Davis and D. J. Hayes structure wUl divert the flew of Hood were Albany visitors Thursday. river into the Columbia lato a tingle deep channel and open It te chlnook Mr. and Mrs, P. II. Freerksen Salmon and other migratory flak The J were dinner guests at Mrs. Dora dam ooat »587. Two attempta within a week tc wreck the Ualoa Pacific fast mall train. No. 8. by placing obstructions on tbe track between Hood River and Rooster Rock, were brought to light with the arrest at The Dalles of an tttaorant laborer. Davis’, at Shedd, Thursday. business trip to Salem Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark were Brownsville callers Thurs day. _ Saturday Night ; J Beautiful ~ «- ( Kewpie D olls Given Away ] every thirty minutes G et up a party and come New music < j Dandy floor] Everybody is going ] attend the Chris iao church rally day exercise*. There wer* 268 preeeut. J. E . Cooper and wife of Oak­ land, Ore., visited at A. C. Arm ­ strong’s Sunday, returning home Monday. The two families were neighbors in Douglas county be­ fore tbe Armstrongs moved to H a l­ sey. The Standard Beareri of the Methodist church met at the home of Mise Grace Pehrsaon Monday and eletcad, for th* ooming year, Roberta Vandtce president, Gladys Hadley vice-president, Grace Pehreson secretary, Ellen Vannice treasurer and Georgina Clark re­ porter. ¡8 companied M r. Burbank’* bungalow by-------bst that’* secret. j roofed over. Mrs. L. E. W alton went to Her- Dr. H . H Gardner of Corval ie naburg today. visited Red Pearl and Mrs. Nancy Miss Lila Dudley visited Mrs Palmer Friday. « George Ansted was arrested at Harrisburg, charged with stealing the windows ef tho cabin in which be lived. He said ths windows had been left at bis plaoe by some boys. Editor Morgan of tbe Bul­ Mrs. B. Logan returned from a Mrs. Marcella Kirk, a nurse H arry Common* Monday. letin acted as hie counsel and he in Portland, came up Saturday Jack C . Balch, a Eugene life visit with relative* at Corvallis wae acquitted. And th * Demo, and Eugene Tuesday. for a few days with her par­ insurance agent, wa* bare Monday. crat aayt he was “ hailed” into ents, J. J. Corcoran and wife, Elmer Muller and family G. B. Davidswn and wife went court. ami her little son, Hilly K rk. Site hfitne to Etigenn, today after * visit spent Sunday at the W. A . Mul­ When wheat went up in wer went boc T uegday. with their son Claude. ler home. time the baker* raised tbe price of bread because flour coat more. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baum MGa Ruth Frum weut to Port- d a r k Sm ith found a man's When wheat went down after the gartner are home again after a land today for a viait with frieuda heavy rubber right-hand glove on war they did not teduee th* price year spent in Detroit, Mich. aud relativea. the Bruwntvilla road and left it at of bread because tbe cost of flour They made the trip by auto E. D. Wood, preacher at this office. cut so small a figure in tbe oost of and visited many places, in­ Brownsville, went home to Eu­ Mise Mabel Roblneon arrived bread. Now wheat ba* gone up cluding Yellowstone Park and gene Monday, Sunday to spend a few days with again and Portland bakers propose Denver. Dean, email son of Cbeslsr Cur­ her ei .ter Mrs. A . K. Foote. She a rite in tbe prio* of bread because flour cost* more. Meantime tbe Bert CTawford, construction tis, received a bad burn on his wen’, home today. Albany bakery, 424 west first foreman for the Pacific Tele­ arm* last week. H