Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, May 29, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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« a Ii6 r w 4 * » t - 'IO T
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T k a ra « a r
W ee. B » H K t I E H
Hiram was never known to b» eu
slow before.
The millenium approaches. The
North and South Methodist churches
hlM r ip ci. |1.59 * year la edvanca have voted to merge and now the
Advvrtisiog, 2>k. an in c h , no dtecoun
fur iliac 3r space ; no charge fur com Congregationalists and Preabyteriana
poaitkjn or c tanges.
>f America talk of doing the same.
l a T a ld -f o t Paroarsphs," to a line
Ha a S v -r ti-n g disguised a t new«
To Advertisers
Copy received before 'i ueulay is i
tim e for good position. Wednesday
late and Thursday's mail ia loo late.
Offiee hours, 9 to 13 and 2 to
M ondays and Friday forenoons.
6 except
While the wis* men in Washington
arc trying to make the farmer be
lieve they are planning to help hint
(lift himself by his bootstraps)
forming a fund taken from his re
ceipts to be used in increasing the
price of his products, the following
cjnditions prevail, as stited in
bulletin of last Saturday by State
Market Agent Spence:
During the months of January
February and March of this year
»8,379,000 worth of principal agri
cultural products were brought into
this country from other nations to
compete with our farmers for mar
kets and prices.
Over »3,000,000
worth of meats were imported to cut
under the prices of home cattlemen
who are going bankrupt every week
Of hides and skins (not including
furs) during this three months »15,
025,000 worth were imported, while
the cattlemen of Oregon can hardly
give away their hides. Hides are
on the free list.
American packers build big pack
ing plants in Argentine, buy beef
cattle at less than the cost of pro
duction in this country, freeze the
meat and ship it in here at a duty
of one-fifth and take away the
markets of American cattlemen.
they hear a rumble
The congressmen who, in a huff
so prom ptly passed the bonus bii
over the president’s veto, have come
off their high horse and are seeking
to conciliate him. They hast been
consulting with him on the tax re­
duction law and they kicked out
I edge's substitute for the world
court proposition
which Harding
mid Coolidge favored.
Evidence is pouring into Washing
ton tnat Coolidge has the approval
of the rank and rile of his party and
they haven’t. In Vermont, the most
rock-ribbed republican state in tin
union, the party in convention has
adopted resolutions specifically cen­
suring a senator and a congressman
(runt that stale for voting to over
ride the bonus veto.
At last the name of one of tin
business enterprises alleged to b<
leaving Oregon on account of tin
income tax has been revealed In
tai-shirkers' organs. It Is tin
Hunker H ill-Sullivan mining com­
pany, which lias taken out a char­
ter under the laws of Delaware
Now if it takes its mines to Dela­
ware Oregon will lose a payroll.
Oh, worrs, worra I
We are 9 3-4 inches short of the
iverage in rainfall in 1904 to date.
Tell the world that the Oregon cli
nate would be perfect if we had a
ittle more rain than we gat.
We have no Newterrys in Linn
ounty politics. The campaign ex­
penses of candidates in the late pri-
-nariaa ranged from »3.42 to »41.20
■er candidate.
The Oregon national guard en-
ampment will be at Fort Caaey,
Vagh., where no foot and mouth dis­
use has been reported.
Al(cohol) Smith will not get a
presidential nomination, for bit
■arty dares not give it to him.
Epitome of Events in the
Beaver State
»vseourga strawberry festival oo<n
>d last week with a record-breaking
crowd In attendance.
Crops throughout Grant county are
In need of immediate rein and fa. .n
ors are alarmed over the prospect.
Mors than »500 persons attended the
opening of the first annual eastern
Oregon sportsmen's show at Baker
Portland accommodated 4979 fatal
lies in new dwellings in 1923. as
against 3058 In 1922 and 1130 In 1921.
An extension of the Pendleton
municipal water system at Its source
Jf supply to cost about »25,000 will
•e started next week.
Petitions for the recall of Willard
» Elkins and Mrs. Roy I.oomis. mem
era of the Eugene school board, have
jeen placed In circulation.
The receipts of wheat at the Astoria
erm Inals from July 1 of last year up
o the present total 3755 carloadi or
lightly over 6,000,000 bushel*.
At the Independence mine in the
Iranlte district there Is plied up more
ban 200 tons of concentrates awaiting
ransportfttl'>n to the smelter at Ta-
Business men of PoBt county arc
«eking the campaign to organise all
the «000 prune acreage In that
ounty Into one unit for the marketing
f the crop.
Roseburg suffered a spectacular
varehouse fire, which caused a loss
oughly estimated at 350,000 and tor
time threatened the entire south
nd of the city.
The Jersey herd of Prank Lough ary
nd son of Monmouth was auctioned
bidders from all over (he United
Rates for 316.220, at an average price
■er head of 3252.
The pageant of Wascopam will not
>e staged In The Dalles thia year, it
■sing planned instead to put on a
srger affair In 1925. with a paid
llrector In charge.
The Walter L. Baker Calf dnb. so-
ailed by reason of the gift made by
dr. Baker of a registered Jersey calf
rom hie Lane county herd, has been
rganlsed at Pilot Rock.
The request of Sheriff Lowe of
vlemslh county that he be allow ed to
end hie prisoners to the state penl
entlary for safekeeping hat been re
ug£d by tVarden Dalrympi*.
Since March 1st, oleomargarine has
Vregon Federation of Women's
teen outlawed In Canada. It ia a
by unanimous v*U went on
crime to make, import, sell or possess
cSfd in convention at Oregon City as
It. Sentiment against the counterfeit »vorta» th» entrance of the United
was almost unanimous, while in Ore­ Rates Into the worM to«rt-
With construction work an a flab
gon money and influeces are striving
to do away with a law banning sub­
plans for the open jpg of tbs Dee
lei rlvpr and its tributaries te Co
More i ^ I d 2 Ç00 acre* 4 tkglvr were
The Salem Journal says, and raised
m ultili W ¿«¿»m s m
the Oregonian copies with appar­ hi school of (oreetyy < Otwo Agri
‘ ' eon us I j
ent approval, that the direct pri. uliurelcollege whfi* eg thntr
prlgg trip |n the Gain U- dielrlct
mary gives all the plums to the
dope of the Î North P®w<er high
large cities, How altruistic there •cljjol <j|d p r e s t i and eighth
city papers are in exposing the »ere d is« ■ ! id»} Frida, morning to
primary I Id ’s order bolus f. r ban) Siad ?nd other «gterUl fat con
<tructlo| «prit of t^e »»« gym naslitm
them immediately.
Paul Coughlin at the Caivaraiks ef
Hiram Johnson seems to have lost Washing*0» aao the (Retata oratori
some of his pep in the campaign. He a l contest e< Eugene far hie school
•gainst the Ünlftrattt** ef Ortmoe and
has introduced a bill in the senate Idaho. His oration --ng entitled "Jus
giving independence to the Philliplne* *!«•£
but it provides a wait of 25 years
Land which yielded “44 «elione to
between its passage and its operation. 'ha g£U ' i? P» pen shin» whipkj was
tilled by Shvrifi Christensen end a service men sad Warford s application
I force of deputies on the ran ah of Wll was the only one received
Upd Quin*, in the sontbern pert of
The state superintendent of banks
W«*®° county.
ba* iasued cehcks covering the second
Ureal Xormend. 12-yeer-old son of dividend to depositors having claims
My. end Mrs. Alsx Normend of Elsie, against the defunct First Bank of Bay
in Qletsop county, was Instantly kill­ City. The payments covered by the
ed by
accidental discharge of a dividend aggregated^»2600.
rifle. The bullet tore the right side
Edward E Brodie, minister to Slam,
of his head off .
las been indorsed by Charles L. Mc­
The prouty Lumber company, own­ Nary. United States senator, for ap­
er of the Cullaby Lake lumber mill pointment as ambassador to Japan.
□ear Carnahan station In Clatsop coun­ I Mr Brodie is owner and publisher of
ty, has leased the plant to J. Weston ■ '.he Oregon City ¡enterprise.
Hall of Portland, Who expects to start
Many telegrams have been receiv­
operations at once.
ed at the executive department from
Oregon's «xporta for the flret three California protesting against the re­
months of the year totaled 320.273,039 cent action of Governor Pierce In re­
and put the state 13th In the Hat of fusing to allow the Oregon national
states In the value of Its foreign trade, <uard to go Into summer training at
according to statistics from the de­ Monterey.
partment of commerce.
i "Three-Fingers” Clark, 55, member
L. E. Warford of Portland will be J of Beecham A Clark, sub contractors
one of the doorkeepers at the repub­ on the Natron cut-off construction at
lican national convention at Cleveland. Crescent lake, was found dead near
There were two places for Oregon ex- the Hanson camp at O'Dell lake. It
H a ls e y , O re g o n
Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited
la believed that death resulted from proximatery »2,090.099 worth of bonds
heart diseas*.
io the Warm Spring irrigation dis­
The fishermen’s union strik*. which trict in Malheur county will receive
stopped commercial fishing at the their July interest payments, accord­
mouth of the Rogue river last sum­ ing to an agreement reached between
mer, has not been settled, and the the state irrigation securities commis­
Macleay Estates cannery at Wedder- sion and the Fleischhacksr Interests
burn remains idle, although the com­ of San Francisco, who are heavy hold­
mercial fishing season opened May 16. ers of Oregon Irrigation seeuritles.
J H. Bagley, representative of Clay­ The state will pay approximately »9000
ton Marks, Chicago capitalist, whose of the interest due on the bonds under
timber holdings in Curry county ap­ its guarantee, while the Flelschhacker
proximate 30,000 seres, lying between interests will advance »28,000 through
Port Orford and Rogue river. Is at Ran Francisco banka. Without thia
Gold Beach making preliminary ar­ arrangement interest on the bonds
rangements for extensive logging Oper­ would have been defa-lted.
DeLos Wesley was in Albany
Approval was given by the secretary Friday.
of the interior to awards covering the
Miss Willmina Corcoran was
sale of 310,000,000 board feet of rtg‘- shopping in Albany Saturday.
timber on the Klamath Indian reserve
Jno. McCord was visiting at
tlon in Oregon. The receipts from the the Jay Moore home several
sales, approximately 31,500,000 will go days last week.
Beach & Co . best in the world
to the Klamath Indians. About 1200
O. W. Frum shipped two
Indians will share in’ tbs »1,500,009.
H e a v y or light.
Full slock on hand.
double-deck carloads of lambs
Flax growers of the Willamette va) to Salem Monday.
Come in and see the q nu lily and Itaro prices
ley will have 12 flax pulling machines
Wayne Veatch was a passen­
There’s health in c u ltiv a tin g
to aid them with the August harvest, ger to Cottage Grove Friday.
garden crops, andalsotn eating them
representatives of the chamber of com­
Mr. and Mrs. James Bond of
O u r p ric e s sell o u r goods
merce state development fund having Albany
visited at the Jay
signed a contract with the Canadian Moore home last week and took
manufacturer. The machines are to charge
while Mrs. Moore at­
be delivered in Salem by July 25 and
lodge at Hood
are to cost »27,000.
Despite the enactment of the pro­
Mrs. G. C. Osburne drove down
hibition amendment a few years ago from Portland Tuesday to visit
the hop crop of Marion and Polk coun her mother, Mrs. Eliza Bran­
ties for 1923 brought larger financial don and attend the funeral of
returns than the combined yield of Mrs. H. M. Miller.
peaches, apples, cherries, prunes,
Mrs. J. A. Kirk and son John
pears, loganberries and strawberries,
Athena came to Halsey last
according to a bulletin issued recently
week for a visit. When they
returned home this week, Mrs.
Three fatalities were due to Indus­ C. P. Stafford of this city and
D E A L E H I N H A Y . G R A IN
trial accidents In Oregon during the Mrs. Clara McCoy and daugh­
week ending May 22, according te a ter Lilia went as far as Portland
Have you list'd any
report prepared by the state Industrial
nclude a sack with youi’SK accident commission. The victim* In with them.
next o rd e r o f p o u ltry feed and j o u will be sur-m eluded Carl Mathias. Holbrook, labor T E A C H E R S ’ E X A M IN A T IO N
or; William A. Ballard, Albany, labor­
prised with results obtained.
er, and Clemens Oster, Bend, taller.
Nutios is hereby given that the
A total of 649 accidents was reported county superintendent of Linn
New and Second-hand Wool Sax.
Also Twine to the commission.
county, Oregon, will bold the reg­
Major Swartzlander, for 25 years ular examination of applicants for
superintendent of the Umatilla Indian teachers’ certificates at A lbany,
agency, will leave Pendleton ia about Oregon, as follows :
Commencing Wednesday, Jut.*
three weeks to accept a position with
a special intelligence unit of the fed- 11, 1924, at 9 o’clock^ a. ni., and
oral treasury department. He will be continuing until Saturday, Jun*
stationed in California In hie new 14, at 4 o’clock p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon
work. Byron H. Sharp of Phoehix.
Art*., has been designated to succeed U. S. History, W riting (Paunaaa-
Major Swartzlander.
suip), Music, Drawing.
It alfalfa hay In the west end of
Wednesday Afternoon
Umatilla county and the northern end Physiology,
of Morrow county should yield st the
Training, Composition, Domas-
same rate this year that It did last the
tic Science, Methods in Read,
Oregon Cooperative Hay Grower»’ as
ing, Course of Study for Draw­
Hay is wortli just as much in storage as
sociatloB will have about 40.000 tons
ing, Method* in Arithmetic.
to sell, according to figures presented
you might get for it in case of fire. Th )
Thursday Forenoon
at the annual meeting at Hermiston.
American Eagle Fire Insurance company
Between 76 and 50 per cent of the cros A 'itbm etic, H otory of Education,
Psycho'ogv, Methods in Oeog-
(will pay you 86% of the cash value in cas?(
tn the two counties is controlled by
of loss by fire.
Domestic Art, Course of Study
At the final session of the Oregon
for Domestic Art.
grand lodge of Oddfellows' at Hood
Thursday Afternoon
River. Ashland won the 1925 conven-
'(on. Officers elected for the coming Grammar, Geography, Stenogra­
phy, American Literature. Phys,
Otflcers elected for the coming year
ice, Typewriting, Methods in
year L E Carter, of Portland, grand
Lartgnage, Thesis for Primary
master; Henry Young, of Joseph,
******* 9—— ••
deputy grand master; V. J Jackson,
Roseburg, grand warden; F. E.
Friday Forenoon
Aaron, Portland, grand secretary, Dr. Theory and Practice, Orthogra--
A n y G i r l in .T ro u b le
0 D Doane. The Dalles, grand treas­
P 7 (Spelling), Physical Geogra­
urer; and Past Grand Master Taylor,
phy, English Literature, Chem­
may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the
i ruste*.
White Shield Home, 565 Mayf.lr avenue, Portland, Oregon.
Mis* Cornelia Marvin, state libra
Friday Afternoon
dan. has received information from Sohool Law, Geology, Algebra,
¿ •9 ******•*•**••«
the Oregon Agricultural college that
Civil Government.
two farmers' bulletins having (o do
Saturday Forenoon
A Popular Refreshment, •tth fruit canning have been with
drawn by the government. Persons
one that ia relished at all times by laving received the bulletins are urg
Saturday Afternoon
old nr young alike, is our icecream. ed to destroy them because of danger Ganeial History, Bookkeeping.
It is made Jrotn pure, unadulter­ from botulinus poison from the recipes
E dna G ee r .
8upt. Lino County School*.
ated cream and flavored with pure contained therein The bulletins bear
fruit flavor*. T ry »owe whenever number» 1211 and 839 The first of
you can. There i* no m on whole­ the bulletins relates to "Home Can-
some or delicious refreshment on aing of Fruits and Vegetables.' while
earth. Parties and families sup­ the second was entitled "Home Can
F in t O m Work
ulng by the One-Period Cold Pack
plied in any quantity.
Method "
Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry
Sent Tuesday i
Bondholders ta possession of ap
H I L L & <2 a Hardware
Farm M achinery J-
Stoves & R anges : j u « « v. r... .„d Bridge,
H arness ••
Garden Tools ••
H I L L &<2
/ O. W . F'R U M
z ^ »\ P R O D U C E R ? of
E G G jf
O. W . F R U M
A m e ric a n E a g le
• Fire Insurance Co.
C. P. STAFFORD, A gent
Clark’s Confectionery
J- W . S T C P H E N S Q H n-op.
Whal are you going io do »bout that car ’
Don't wait till th« spring rush.
trip* when you need it the ntos*.
Have it ready for spring
Our shop equipment is among the heat, which enables us to
do your job th* way it should be don*.
All Work Guaranteed
R e p a ir in g
Fi.k and Gate, rire»
All kind, of scceswwies
WtU.r.1 batter, service Special eqn.pment for bandi,ng wrecked car.
1 rouble calls given prompt attention any time and any where
Residence. Bights, I8x