t PAGE 3 H A L S B Y E N T E R P R IS E HALSEY ENTERPRISE « a Ii6 r w 4 * » t - 'IO T » » e tr a l— a a w * . , » *» ., » « k lU f c - 4 - v » » y T k a ra « a r W ee. B » H K t I E H MAY n 1*44 Hiram was never known to b» eu slow before. U, The millenium approaches. The North and South Methodist churches hlM r ip ci. |1.59 * year la edvanca have voted to merge and now the Advvrtisiog, 2>k. an in c h , no dtecoun fur iliac 3r space ; no charge fur com Congregationalists and Preabyteriana poaitkjn or c tanges. >f America talk of doing the same. l a T a ld -f o t Paroarsphs," to a line Ha a S v -r ti-n g disguised a t new« To Advertisers Copy received before 'i ueulay is i tim e for good position. Wednesday late and Thursday's mail ia loo late. Offiee hours, 9 to 13 and 2 to M ondays and Friday forenoons. 6 except TARIFF BUNK While the wis* men in Washington arc trying to make the farmer be lieve they are planning to help hint (lift himself by his bootstraps) forming a fund taken from his re ceipts to be used in increasing the price of his products, the following cjnditions prevail, as stited in bulletin of last Saturday by State Market Agent Spence: During the months of January February and March of this year »8,379,000 worth of principal agri cultural products were brought into this country from other nations to compete with our farmers for mar kets and prices. Over »3,000,000 worth of meats were imported to cut under the prices of home cattlemen who are going bankrupt every week Of hides and skins (not including furs) during this three months »15, 025,000 worth were imported, while the cattlemen of Oregon can hardly give away their hides. Hides are on the free list. American packers build big pack ing plants in Argentine, buy beef cattle at less than the cost of pro duction in this country, freeze the meat and ship it in here at a duty of one-fifth and take away the markets of American cattlemen. they hear a rumble The congressmen who, in a huff so prom ptly passed the bonus bii over the president’s veto, have come off their high horse and are seeking to conciliate him. They hast been consulting with him on the tax re­ duction law and they kicked out I edge's substitute for the world court proposition which Harding mid Coolidge favored. Evidence is pouring into Washing ton tnat Coolidge has the approval of the rank and rile of his party and they haven’t. In Vermont, the most rock-ribbed republican state in tin union, the party in convention has adopted resolutions specifically cen­ suring a senator and a congressman (runt that stale for voting to over ride the bonus veto. At last the name of one of tin business enterprises alleged to b< leaving Oregon on account of tin income tax has been revealed In tai-shirkers' organs. It Is tin Hunker H ill-Sullivan mining com­ pany, which lias taken out a char­ ter under the laws of Delaware Now if it takes its mines to Dela­ ware Oregon will lose a payroll. Oh, worrs, worra I We are 9 3-4 inches short of the iverage in rainfall in 1904 to date. Tell the world that the Oregon cli nate would be perfect if we had a ittle more rain than we gat. We have no Newterrys in Linn ounty politics. The campaign ex­ penses of candidates in the late pri- -nariaa ranged from »3.42 to »41.20 ■er candidate. The Oregon national guard en- ampment will be at Fort Caaey, Vagh., where no foot and mouth dis­ use has been reported. Al(cohol) Smith will not get a presidential nomination, for bit ■arty dares not give it to him. 1EWS NOTES ’FROM ALL OVER OREGON Epitome of Events in the Beaver State »vseourga strawberry festival ood last week with a record-breaking crowd In attendance. Crops throughout Grant county are In need of immediate rein and fa. .n ors are alarmed over the prospect. Mors than »500 persons attended the opening of the first annual eastern Oregon sportsmen's show at Baker Portland accommodated 4979 fatal lies in new dwellings in 1923. as against 3058 In 1922 and 1130 In 1921. An extension of the Pendleton municipal water system at Its source Jf supply to cost about »25,000 will •e started next week. Petitions for the recall of Willard » Elkins and Mrs. Roy I.oomis. mem era of the Eugene school board, have jeen placed In circulation. The receipts of wheat at the Astoria erm Inals from July 1 of last year up o the present total 3755 carloadi or lightly over 6,000,000 bushel*. At the Independence mine in the Iranlte district there Is plied up more ban 200 tons of concentrates awaiting ransportfttl'>n to the smelter at Ta- oma. Business men of PoBt county arc «eking the campaign to organise all the «000 prune acreage In that ounty Into one unit for the marketing f the crop. Roseburg suffered a spectacular varehouse fire, which caused a loss oughly estimated at 350,000 and tor time threatened the entire south nd of the city. The Jersey herd of Prank Lough ary nd son of Monmouth was auctioned bidders from all over (he United Rates for 316.220, at an average price ■er head of 3252. * The pageant of Wascopam will not >e staged In The Dalles thia year, it ■sing planned instead to put on a srger affair In 1925. with a paid llrector In charge. The Walter L. Baker Calf dnb. so- ailed by reason of the gift made by dr. Baker of a registered Jersey calf rom hie Lane county herd, has been rganlsed at Pilot Rock. The request of Sheriff Lowe of vlemslh county that he be allow ed to end hie prisoners to the state penl entlary for safekeeping hat been re ug£d by tVarden Dalrympi*. Since March 1st, oleomargarine has Vregon Federation of Women's teen outlawed In Canada. It ia a by unanimous v*U went on crime to make, import, sell or possess cSfd in convention at Oregon City as It. Sentiment against the counterfeit »vorta» th» entrance of the United was almost unanimous, while in Ore­ Rates Into the worM to«rt- With construction work an a flab gon money and influeces are striving to do away with a law banning sub­ plans for the open jpg of tbs Dee stitute butter—Market Inspector lei rlvpr and its tributaries te Co Spence. umblJ dUlerialUed More i ^ I d 2 Ç00 acre* 4 tkglvr were The Salem Journal says, and raised m ultili W ¿«¿»m s m the Oregonian copies with appar­ hi school of (oreetyy < Otwo Agri ‘ ' eon us I j ent approval, that the direct pri. uliurelcollege whfi* eg thntr prlgg trip |n the Gain U- dielrlct mary gives all the plums to the dope of the Î North P®w