Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, August 09, 1923, Page 3, Image 3

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    «V B O T S, U I T I U ( IIU W K 1
Just arrived. Good Prices. Good
Quality. Com e in and look them over.
Shropshire Rams
and Ewes
fatally safely away at Newport,
has taken his hard and is swing*
lag around ths cirole to the north*
ward, taking prises at the fairs, as
for sale.
CONGOLEUMi.. , , f
(9x12 for
35 lambs.
D a. J. w , Coog, Brownsville.
F. M. G R A Y ,
H ILL & <§.
in some other town, trade in that town. ’
I Hut in these automobile da>s many re*
siding elsewhere find it advisable to do
¡at least part of their buying in the
I larger town. Those who go to Albany ,
to transact business w ill find the firms
Phone No. 269
Fresh and Cured Meats
(Quarters of
I f cent«; 3 for 20c.
C . H- F A L K
"Certainly n o t1*
"Oh. w ry well, my dear boy. But
I can assure yon that that sort of
th la < might touch the heart of an
elderly spinster, and she might adopt
yon. and then there would be no need
for yon to be a young adventurer
at alL”
“I don't want to he adopted.
"I forgot you had a prejudice
against IL Now listen—how's thief
Two young adventurers for hire.
Willing to do anything, go anywhere.
Pay most be good.' (W e might as
well make that clear from the start.)
Then we might add: ‘No reasonable
offer refused'—like flats and furni­
ture. How would that «trike you If
you read l t r
I Tommy was holding the paper
Hta face burned a
deeper red.
"Shall w> really try l t r he said
at la s t "Shall we. Tuppence? Just
for the fun of the thing r
( "Tommy, you'rn a sport! I knew
you would be I Let'« drink to sue-
o s e .” She poured some cold dregs
of tee Into the two cups.
"Here’s to our joint venture, and
may It prosper I"
"The Toung Adventurers, Ltd.!” re­ " If You W ill Call Upon Me Tomorrow
Morning at Eloven o’clock, I W ill
sponded Tommy.
Lay the Details of My Proposition
They put down the cups and
Before You."
laughed rather uncertainly. Tuppence
•hakes himself.
I "I must return to my palatial suits
"The adventures have begun," she
at the hostel.”
murmured to herself. "What does he
"Perhaps it la time I strolled round w anf me to do, I wonder? There’s
to the Ritz,” agreed Tommy with a something about you, Mr. Whitting­
grin. "Where shall w e meet? And ton, that I don't like at all. But. on
w henr
the other hand, I’m not the least bit
"Twelve o'clock tomorrow. Picca­ afraid of you. And as I've said be­
dilly Tube station.”
fore, and shall doubtless say again,
The two young people went off In little Tuppence can look after her­
opposite dlreatlona. Tuppence's hostel self, thank you!"
was situated tn what waa charitably
And with a short, sharp nod of her
called Southern Belgravia. For rea- head she walked briskly onward. As
aona of economy ehe did not tnke a i a result of further meditations, how­
ever, the turned aside from the direct
She wag half-way across St. James route and entered a post office. Tup-
pork, when a man's yolee behind her iVnce wrote rapidly: “Don’t put In
iwade her start
advertisement Will explain tomor­
"Excuse me,” It «aid. "But may I row." She addressed It to Tommy at
apeak to you for a moment 1"
hla club, from which In one short
Tuppence turned sharply, but the month he would have to resign, un
word« hovering on the tip o f her less a kindly fortune permitted him
tongue remained unspoken, for the to renew bis subscription.
m ana appearance and manner did not
(T o Ve continued)
bear out her first and moat natural
assumption. She hesitated. As if he
read her thought* the man said
“I can assure you I mean no dis­
Funeral Director and Li
Tuppence looked him np and down.
censed Embalmer
* bi* n,,B' ' ’•■a «haven, with
a heavy Jowl, n is eyes were small Efficient Service.
Motor Hezrae,
Lady A tten dan t
and cunning, ano guinea their glance
under her direct gaze.
Brownsville______ _______ ____ Oregon.
"Well, what la l t r she asked.
The man took a curd from hla
pocket and handed It to her with a
W - L. W R IG H T
Tuppence took It and scrutinized It
Mortician & Funeral Director
carefully. It bore the Inscription, "Mr.
Halsey and Harrisburg
Bdward Whittington."
Below the
C all D. T a y l o r , Halsey, or
name were the word» “Eathnnla G lu s-
W. L . W RIGHT, Harrisburg
ware company," and the addriss of a
rity office.
Mr. W hittington «poke
If you will call upon .me tunorrow
morning at eleven o'clock. I w ill lay
the details of my proposition before
Cash'paid for
' At eleven o'clock r said Tuunence
Eggs and
"At eleven o’clock."
Tuppence made up her mind.,
Veal. M. H S H O O K .
“Very well, i'll be there.”
"Thank you. Good evening."
Amor A. Tussing
He raised hla hat with a flooriah.
and walked away. Tuppence remained
for shme minutes gazing after him.
Then she gm e a curlooa movemsent of |
—«boulders, rather as a terrier
H alssy , O regon
Barber Shop
Laundry sent Tuesdays
Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing
Wasted Money
Cost is Heavy
Few People Read
Alluringly Attractive
The Newport
fa s h io n
The Cheapest Way
AU Read the Papers
Use All Newspapers
Fire Insurance Co.
Hay ia w orth ja s t as much in storage at
you m ight get for it in case of fire. The
lAmerican Eagle F ire Insurance company
will pay you 85% o f the cash value in case
of loss by fi re.
C. P. STAFFORD, Agent,
,)USe waB built by subscriptions«
1 7 0 , which was cleared at
d’ V° led
J i : \ nd ,M " ,p J - p ° ” 1"
L ,SundaY from ,he|r two-
months’ vacation tour of tbe coun-
|try . which they enjoyed to the
Order« filled < lim it.
G- T . Hockensuiith.— Lloyd Templeton.
D lu e Bird Restaurant,
Meade & Albro,
Dr. Marks was called Thursday
morning to attend Manuel Ball,
who had been severely injured in
falling freni a load of hav on the
p ilm s developed and printed. Mo»« farm, about four miles thia
• ide of Tangent.
Ball wa« ex­
We mail tbem rig ht back to you.
Woodworth Drug Company, Albanv O r­ pected to recover without eeriouw
I^astburn Uros.— two big grocery
A great deal of effort and a great deal
of money Is wasted every year by busi­
ness houses in try in g to attract trade bv
sending circulars, handbills and broad-
sides through the mails.
stores, 212 W. First ami 225 Sontb
Main. Good merchandise at the right
A good deal Is paid for paper and
printing, some more for the labor of
preparing the printed sheets for the mail
and one cent apiece for postage.
p lo o d ’a dry good» «tore is the best
County Fair Manager Trofitter in
urging granges, community cl ut>s
and other» interested to put up a
I motto.
community building on the la ir
?URD SALES AND S E R V IC E ground«. He think« moit of thu
Tires and accessories
wotk would be donated and the
would not be great. A fea­
K ir k P o l l a r M otor C o .
ture of it would he a much-needed
pVirtm iller Furniture Co., furni- rest room.
place in Albany to buy dry goods.
I furnishing! and notions. Service is our
F ia a a lly the pntm aster or the ru ­
ral route carrier passes it along to the
adressées, wlio are about pestered to
death with propaganda by m ail. H a lf
of it is thrown away as soon as its na­
ture is discovered. The rest is laid one
•ide while the letter m ail and newspa­
A /te i letters, the newspapers receive
the first attention «hen the m ail arrives.
And while reading the news the eye
catches advertisements printed along-
•We. Some of these are read at that
time. Others, only noticed then, are
seen in the nezt issue and more people
g ra tify their aroused curiosity by read­
ing them. By the tim e the advertise-
ment has appeared four times consecu-
liv e ly nearly every reader of the paper
has received its message.
H is good policy ordinarily to run tn
•dvertisem ent four times or more, or to
c, or io
retain the signature and the general
form w hile changing iteiu a
An offer of something especially sea­
sonable, or the quotation of attractive
price«, i t especial I y effective.
T h ««>«t, to reach the same number of
reader.— we d on't mean addre.seea—
«jirough a newspaper is only , fraction
of t b it through circulars. You have no
postage to pay, no labor and expense of
m ailing, no printer . bill. P .y the pub­
lisher for his space and he does the rest
ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges
Funeral directors. 4)7-433 west F ir ,t
| itreet, Albany, Oregon.
Ilo lm a n & Jackson— Everything
. 1 4 for votir table except the linen
Highest quality and prices reasonable
Phone 43
Opposite Postoffice
M' |en
and money are best when
busy. Make jo a r dollars work in
our savings department. A l b a n y S t a t s
| H a n k . Under government supervision.
I J ^ ille r Motor S a les
Oakland and Jewett cars
Supplies and accessories
I First and Baker Sts.
Albany, Oregon
ortoti -afe Speer Service Com*
Headquarters for good tires
Phone 65
First and Lyon
................ ..............
■ -
» O 8 C O K AM ES H A R D W A R E ,
* *
I 322 W First st.
Gpecialized shoe repairing
G ood*
year welt sole sewing
W hite's
Shoe Repair Service
Opposite Hotel
g .
G IL B Ë R T 4
Chinaware and g ift shop
330 West First
8 0 «
Second street, opposite Ham ilton's
A d ,ertise ia all the papers ia the ter­
ritory you want to cover and you w ill
reach practically every resident, for the
amities ia this country who <to not
take oae or more uewspapers are a neg­
ligible few.
H E R K ’8 no better time for your
T outing than August, though it be
fora day, week end or longer. Tbe
day« are flooded with sonabine. The
trails are at their beat. Tbe weather
condition« are sure to be pleasant.
Southern Pacific train« will transport
you in comfort with »«fat. to tbe
place of your choice.
s c b o o l-
A drive on a quiet morning front
309 Lv- Halsey to Albany showed tbe size
Street. Bat
Kai here
h -— —
on street.
when in Al- and importance of tbe tourist traf­
! bany. Open from b to 2 and 5 to 8.
fic. Thirty.four cars of all de­
Mas. B l o u n t .
Optometrists, M anufacturing Opticians
scription« were pasted oo the road,
R U N 8 \V 1 C K
•Albany, Oregon
twenty-eight ol which were front
p h o n o g r a p h s out • ( the state.— Albany Demo­
W O O D W O R T H 'S
Let ns suggest :
E a g le
^ ro v e
Wedding cakes to
|s to r e .■
' ' Sudden Service."
V V a ld o A n d erson & Hon. d ial rib-
utors and dealers lor M axw ell, Chal­
mers, l'.ssea, Hudson A Huom obile cars.
I Accessories. Supplies 1st A Broadalbin.
Cream and Produce Station
" ,DC
J- E. Davia, who for a time
owned nod operated tba Albany-
a ib a n y garage . “ stud«- Brownsville stage line, ia driving
b a k e r” and “ S ta r” automobile?. between Portland and Roseburg
General repairing and supplies.
for the Pickwick Stage company,
ever receive attention again.
Run Ad Several
“ na
B u n la p .
T k . naur
u 1 0 6 DtWu
time. Flowers, wire anywhere in U S.
or Canada, l'lo w e r phone 4S8-J.
The dark or cherry tone on the crystal
frame. Ask to tee the samples.
pers are read and probably not more
than one in ten of those thus laid aside
Newspapers Read
couuty will pay the death
lu n e r * * expenses of Sheriff
A lb an y Floral Co.
a-Ä ra
refill* for everywhere or any
for canning
purposes at canning prices
(Continued from page
I ia Albany, ira d e iu * A lb a n y /If V o u live
A ll work done promptly and reason­
Jots and t ittles
60 ewes, 12
draym an
Newport and Tillamook
Crater Lake National Park
Oregon’s Marble Caves
Oregon’s Mountain, Lake and
River Resorts
Portland the City of H o m s
San Francisco
Los Angeles
San Diego
A nd many other places
Vour local ticket ogeot w ill
gladly give jo u further par­
ticulars. Ask him or write
J O H N M. S C O T T.
Assistant Passenger Traffic Manager.
Portland, Oregon
Southern Pacific Lines
Shoes that Cost less per month of wear
bought; sold and exchanged at alt tia e s
B E N T. S U D T E L L
I’bone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin s t. Albany
W e are m a k in g five-year loans on
I.in n c o u n ty farms at 5 X % plus commis­
sion. Call on
B kam I.aN oC o.,
1.5.3 Lyon St., A lb an y, Ore.
W hy sufTer from
Have vour ey es
exam ined
8. T . FR EN C H
O pto m etrist w ith
M. F r e n c h
S ons
Albany, Oregon
Traveler« are «o mueh delayed,
waiting for tbe ferry where the
Harrisburg bridge ought to he,
that a couple o f ' refreshment
«tanda have been opened there and
are doing a good business. The
Bulletin remarks : " T h is is pos­
sibly the only place in Oregon
where tourists are held up nny
length of tim e.”
When tbe weather man fig urea-
nut the montnly mean temperature
this year be make« it appear about
normal, notwithstanding the pre­
diction« of ‘ •«d en tists” that we
are speeding to an ice age, due to
capers (he mu is cutting up. But
taken day by day it is about the
meanest mean temperature wo
aver had. It conies in slices, sand­
wich style. Hirst come a few daya
when everybody hollers for C lark’e
ioe cream and cold drinks and the
old swimming hole, and then a
few davs when we build a fire to
take off the chill.
U hen the Enterprise waa p rint­
ed last Tbuaaday President H ard­
ing waa believed to be well on his
way to reoovery from the ¡lines«
which bad caused a halt at San
Francisco with hie proposed tour
unfinished. A t 7:30 that evening
Mrs. Harding paused as «he sat
at his bedside reading to him. H»
•aid : ” That’s good ; go on,” and
raised one hand, which dropped
back and he was dead from apo­
1 he news reached Halsey
few minutes later by a radio­
phone message received «imulta-
ueously by tbe two receiving out­
fit» here, those of H . (j. Davis
and O. W
Frum. The Halsey
telephone office received the tidings
at about tbe same time.
W ith last week’s issue we hade
adieu to the Han Franctsoo ‘ ‘ Cus­
tard Cup,” to ingenuous, ingen­
ious and energetio Letiv and to
generous and motherly Mrs. Hen-
field, the portrayal of whose acta
and experiences cannot hut have
bad an elevating moral effect on
many who have read it. In *' The
Secret Adversary," which we begin
this week, a view of life is given
from a different angle, but it is
□one the leas entertaining for that.
Agatha Christie is able to con­
dense big ideas into email sen­
tences, and she leads the reader in
eager pursuit of ths solution of
mystery after mystery until the
concluding chapter.
C. D. Johnson drifted into town
today from Texas. In August,
1376, he began learning the print’-
er’a trade in this barg on the first
piper Harrisburg ever had, the
Nucleus. Mr. Johnson has fol­
lowed the printing business ever
since— Harrisburg Bulletin. [M r.
Johnson was in Halsey earlier the
same same dsy and called in. The
Enterprise «a« ready for the pres«,
but he set about a column of type
for future use, and after he was
gone bia proof waa read and tbe
only error found waa a misspelled
proper name. Not one in a hun­
dred of modern compositora and
linotype operators Is hie equal.
(Centlnued on pa«e 4)