«V B O T S, U I T I U ( IIU W K 1 D IS H E S Just arrived. Good Prices. Good Quality. Com e in and look them over. Shropshire Rams and Ewes fatally safely away at Newport, has taken his hard and is swing* lag around ths cirole to the north* ward, taking prises at the fairs, as for sale. usual. CONGOLEUMi.. , , f •RUGS (9x12 for 35 lambs. — D a. J. w , Coog, Brownsville. F. M. G R A Y , H ILL & <§. ably. in some other town, trade in that town. ’ I Hut in these automobile da>s many re* siding elsewhere find it advisable to do ¡at least part of their buying in the I larger town. Those who go to Albany , to transact business w ill find the firms Phone No. 269 Fresh and Cured Meats (Quarters of BEEF I f cent«; 3 for 20c. order. C . H- F A L K "Certainly n o t1* "Oh. w ry well, my dear boy. But I can assure yon that that sort of th la < might touch the heart of an elderly spinster, and she might adopt yon. and then there would be no need for yon to be a young adventurer at alL” “I don't want to he adopted. "I forgot you had a prejudice against IL Now listen—how's thief Two young adventurers for hire. Willing to do anything, go anywhere. Pay most be good.' (W e might as well make that clear from the start.) Then we might add: ‘No reasonable offer refused'—like flats and furni­ ture. How would that «trike you If you read l t r I Tommy was holding the paper thoughtfully. Hta face burned a deeper red. "Shall w> really try l t r he said at la s t "Shall we. Tuppence? Just for the fun of the thing r ( "Tommy, you'rn a sport! I knew you would be I Let'« drink to sue- o s e .” She poured some cold dregs of tee Into the two cups. "Here’s to our joint venture, and may It prosper I" "The Toung Adventurers, Ltd.!” re­ " If You W ill Call Upon Me Tomorrow Morning at Eloven o’clock, I W ill sponded Tommy. Lay the Details of My Proposition They put down the cups and Before You." laughed rather uncertainly. Tuppence •hakes himself. I "I must return to my palatial suits "The adventures have begun," she at the hostel.” murmured to herself. "What does he "Perhaps it la time I strolled round w anf me to do, I wonder? There’s to the Ritz,” agreed Tommy with a something about you, Mr. Whitting­ grin. "Where shall w e meet? And ton, that I don't like at all. But. on w henr the other hand, I’m not the least bit "Twelve o'clock tomorrow. Picca­ afraid of you. And as I've said be­ dilly Tube station.” fore, and shall doubtless say again, The two young people went off In little Tuppence can look after her­ opposite dlreatlona. Tuppence's hostel self, thank you!" was situated tn what waa charitably And with a short, sharp nod of her called Southern Belgravia. For rea- head she walked briskly onward. As aona of economy ehe did not tnke a i a result of further meditations, how­ bus ever, the turned aside from the direct She wag half-way across St. James route and entered a post office. Tup- pork, when a man's yolee behind her iVnce wrote rapidly: “Don’t put In iwade her start advertisement Will explain tomor­ "Excuse me,” It «aid. "But may I row." She addressed It to Tommy at apeak to you for a moment 1" hla club, from which In one short Tuppence turned sharply, but the month he would have to resign, un word« hovering on the tip o f her less a kindly fortune permitted him tongue remained unspoken, for the to renew bis subscription. m ana appearance and manner did not (T o Ve continued) bear out her first and moat natural assumption. She hesitated. As if he read her thought* the man said quickly: DELBERT STA R R “I can assure you I mean no dis­ respect" Funeral Director and Li Tuppence looked him np and down. censed Embalmer * bi* n,,B' ' ’•■a «haven, with a heavy Jowl, n is eyes were small Efficient Service. Motor Hezrae, Lady A tten dan t and cunning, ano guinea their glance under her direct gaze. Brownsville______ _______ ____ Oregon. "Well, what la l t r she asked. The man took a curd from hla pocket and handed It to her with a bow. W - L. W R IG H T Tuppence took It and scrutinized It Mortician & Funeral Director carefully. It bore the Inscription, "Mr. Halsey and Harrisburg Bdward Whittington." Below the C all D. T a y l o r , Halsey, or name were the word» “Eathnnla G lu s- W. L . W RIGHT, Harrisburg ware company," and the addriss of a rity office. Mr. W hittington «poke again: HALSEY If you will call upon .me tunorrow r morning at eleven o'clock. I w ill lay the details of my proposition before W Cash'paid for ' At eleven o'clock r said Tuunence doubtfully. Cream, Poultry, Eggs and "At eleven o’clock." Tuppence made up her mind., Veal. M. H S H O O K . “Very well, i'll be there.” "Thank you. Good evening." Amor A. Tussing He raised hla hat with a flooriah. and walked away. Tuppence remained for shme minutes gazing after him. LA W Y E R AND NOTARY Then she gm e a curlooa movemsent of | —«boulders, rather as a terrier H alssy , O regon Modern Barber Shop Laundry sent Tuesdays Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing A B E S PLACE Wasted Money Cost is Heavy Few People Read Them Alluringly Attractive The Newport fa s h io n The Cheapest Way AU Read the Papers Use All Newspapers Fire Insurance Co. Hay ia w orth ja s t as much in storage at you m ight get for it in case of fire. The lAmerican Eagle F ire Insurance company will pay you 85% o f the cash value in case of loss by fi re. I C. P. STAFFORD, Agent, ,)USe waB built by subscriptions« 1 7 0 , which was cleared at Wil' d’ V° led About J i : \ nd ,M " ,p J - p ° ” 1" „ L ,SundaY from ,he|r two- months’ vacation tour of tbe coun- |try . which they enjoyed to the Order« filled < lim it. G- T . Hockensuiith.— Lloyd Templeton. D lu e Bird Restaurant, ____ Meade & Albro, B Dr. Marks was called Thursday morning to attend Manuel Ball, who had been severely injured in falling freni a load of hav on the p ilm s developed and printed. Mo»« farm, about four miles thia • ide of Tangent. Ball wa« ex­ * We mail tbem rig ht back to you. Woodworth Drug Company, Albanv O r­ pected to recover without eeriouw egon. remit«. I^astburn Uros.— two big grocery A great deal of effort and a great deal of money Is wasted every year by busi­ ness houses in try in g to attract trade bv sending circulars, handbills and broad- sides through the mails. stores, 212 W. First ami 225 Sontb Main. Good merchandise at the right prices. A good deal Is paid for paper and printing, some more for the labor of preparing the printed sheets for the mail and one cent apiece for postage. p lo o d ’a dry good» «tore is the best County Fair Manager Trofitter in urging granges, community cl ut>s and other» interested to put up a I motto. community building on the la ir ?URD SALES AND S E R V IC E ground«. He think« moit of thu Tires and accessories wotk would be donated and the Repairs cost would not be great. A fea­ K ir k P o l l a r M otor C o . ture of it would he a much-needed pVirtm iller Furniture Co., furni- rest room. I place in Albany to buy dry goods. I furnishing! and notions. Service is our F ia a a lly the pntm aster or the ru ­ ral route carrier passes it along to the adressées, wlio are about pestered to death with propaganda by m ail. H a lf of it is thrown away as soon as its na­ ture is discovered. The rest is laid one •ide while the letter m ail and newspa­ A /te i letters, the newspapers receive the first attention «hen the m ail arrives. And while reading the news the eye catches advertisements printed along- •We. Some of these are read at that time. Others, only noticed then, are seen in the nezt issue and more people g ra tify their aroused curiosity by read­ ing them. By the tim e the advertise- ment has appeared four times consecu- liv e ly nearly every reader of the paper has received its message. H is good policy ordinarily to run tn •dvertisem ent four times or more, or to c, or io retain the signature and the general form w hile changing iteiu a An offer of something especially sea­ sonable, or the quotation of attractive price«, i t especial I y effective. T h ««>«t, to reach the same number of reader.— we d on't mean addre.seea— «jirough a newspaper is only , fraction of t b it through circulars. You have no postage to pay, no labor and expense of m ailing, no printer . bill. P .y the pub­ lisher for his space and he does the rest ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges Funeral directors. 4)7-433 west F ir ,t | itreet, Albany, Oregon. Ilo lm a n & Jackson— Everything . 1 4 for votir table except the linen Highest quality and prices reasonable Phone 43 Opposite Postoffice . M' |en and money are best when busy. Make jo a r dollars work in our savings department. A l b a n y S t a t s | H a n k . Under government supervision. I J ^ ille r Motor S a les I Oakland and Jewett cars Supplies and accessories I First and Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon ortoti -afe Speer Service Com* M pauy Headquarters for good tires Phone 65 First and Lyon ................ .............. ■ ■ - » O 8 C O K AM ES H A R D W A R E , * * the W IN C H E S T E R S T O K E I 322 W First st. Gpecialized shoe repairing G ood* year welt sole sewing W hite's Shoe Repair Service Opposite Hotel Albany. g . 8. G IL B Ë R T 4 Chinaware and g ift shop 330 West First 8 0 « Albany G T IM B O N T H E S H O E D O C TO R Second street, opposite Ham ilton's A d ,ertise ia all the papers ia the ter­ ritory you want to cover and you w ill reach practically every resident, for the amities ia this country who