Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 27, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
4/, UXi
▼allis and Mi«» Typhei a South*!
ard of Albany.
Mr». R. B. M ayberry and Cecil« |
went to A lb a n y today.
, L illie A ttig ba» been sent to the '
«tat« h ospital at Salem.
Gloria Swanson 1
‘Her Husband’s Trademark’:
to help her litiaband inbuHineM >
And if he proves unworthy of her love—
how far can »he go to find bappine*»?
See the glitteu ot wealth and beauty in new York'» fatbion be'.t!
See the thrilling bandit raid on the Mexican border!
See the great icenei in the lo»t forest
iously took tire
— Lebanon C rite rio n.
that cleans all kind» of grain CLEAN
T heC aautauqus guarantor» at
A lbany came out more th n 1 2:0 '
ahead thia year.
Chopping at any time
All kinds of feed on hand
i Best cash price for any kind 2 grain
The pum p of the concrete ptverg
drew gravel, clo, ged and broke |
Saturday, causing some delay.
Custom Cleaning
Your seed will be care­
fully and properly
cleaned with the least
possible waste at our
warehouse, foot of
Jackson street.
Rev. C. T. Cook b e s t new auto. contin uing a ll d a y , w ith a dinner
A. A . M o r rill and wife a id
T. P. Patton went to Breitenbueb at tbe p a ik .
granddaughter, M ildred F irke , i f
Oren Stratton* is sueiug H. P. Norton
H illsb oro are tlie guests of their Wednesday,
and J. J. Nicol Ie for $1739 damages for
daughter, Mrs. Eldou CroiB.— A l­
M rs. Andrew Brown is a v is ito r
frand in a land deal.
bany H erald.
at Shedd today.
Twenty seven Linn county people
J. R, Nevins of O. A. C. is in
M r*. L. H . A rm strong was in
were at the Holstein meeting at Corval­
th is section today to c e rtify seed Albany Tuesday.
lis Saturday.
potatoes for Ralph M cN eil, oats for
The cheese factory a t R ichard,
C. R. Evans and wheat' for W. 8. sou’s gup, near Scio, burned M on­
I t is cheering, amid reports of short
G ille n weather of H arrisb urg and day.
crops, to learn that there will be an ex-
J. B. C ornett o, Shedd.
‘ Ira heavy yield of prunes this year.
Berry pickers are in demand here
Slewart & Price sold th e ir con­ as elsewhere in the valley.
Albiny grocers have not yet followed
fectionery business to Bert C lark fr u it w ill spoil where i t grows.
the rist in the price of sugar and are
last n ig ht. Mrs. Stew art is un­
selling it for 80 cents a sick less than
decided as to where she w ill go.
Mrs. L illia n Howe and son weut wholesale quotations.
North ■ •*►
M r. C lark w ill take charge of the to Ashland today to visit their
No, 23, 11:29 a. m.
Raymond Southern arrived in town
store the fr et of August.
daughter and sister for a couple
24, 5.50 p. m.
17, 5,39 p. m.
Monday evening for a visit with his
M any clover fields intended for
Murphys Seed Store
S u c c e s s f u l G r a d u a te s
O. A. C.
Frequent c u ltiv a tio n preserves
moisture. M any
whose berries
have dried up tbie year could p ro fit
in fu tu re seasons by fo llo w in g
the example of J ihn Sw ink ot
Lebanon, who cultivated his lie rry
< rop every few days d urin g picking
and got a fine crop
M a 'iit a iir n ,
a dust m ulch by frequeut c u ltiv a ­
tion prevents the rise and evorpor-
ation of water from where it i
needed about tbe roots,
Ringo, Druggist >
Th • Torter fa m ily l ad a reunion
Sunday attended by T
H. Bra?,
fi Id and wife ol Shedd, G. L Pot­
ter sod fs m ily of A lb a n y, H
K ite r nd fam ilyS of A lb an y, W
D. Porter and wife of C orvallis,
M i;e Kathleen M cCarty of Cor-
Week-End Trips
Are the Lowest in Years
Non 8 the time to realize big profit« in
transportation coats.
Q A Round
• jF vF trip from
H a lsey
I n kota on sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday
(•oo( until following Tuesday
For circulars of infonuatiou *tij illustrated booklet write to
Tho Registrar, Oregon A gricultural College,
Corvallis, Oregon
E L L yonr dealer you want
to see a Fisk Tire beside any
other he offers you. He has it
in stock or can get it. See for
yourself what the Fisk Tire has
to offer in extra size and strength,
how its resiliency compares when
you flex the tire tinder your hand,
how the depth of the non-skid
tread looks beside other treads.
This is the way to buy tires!
There's a Tlsk Tire of extra value in every ji l t ,
fo r car. truck o r speed wagon
Tim« »n Rn tim r
mother, Mrs. M. B. Southern, and h it
sister, Mrs. Goorge Hayes.
General Tssnenger Agent.
About a ix ty men are w orking on
The d elivery window of the
tbe H alse y-H a rrisbu rg yaviog and H alsey postoffice is open Sundays
h a lf a mile was finished tbe first from 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20
week. Tbr<e m ’.les of new paving to 12:35 and 4:45 to 5.00 p. m.
uorthw ard from thia c ity was open
for travel Sunday.
Mr«. R. B. Forbca and Miss PAID-FOR PARAGRAPHS
Eleanor D unlap of tbe D unlap
Drug company, Brow nsville, a t­ Admittance Here 5 Cents
a Line
tended the m issionary society picnic
at Sbedd yesterday and called at
the Wheeler borne on th e ir way
Dr. K. W . B arnum , dentist, at
H ole! Halsey every Tuesday aud
The d ry weather has ripened off F rid ay.
For Sale: Ten yearling aud
such grain as it did not stifle.
The ripening came a ll of a sudden two-year-old cattle
W . B. M c­
and a ll the harvesting machinery C orm ick, Shedd, R. F. D. 2.
available is at work b u s tlin g the
kernel« in to th * a icks.
Those who saw the p ic tu riz a tio n
E. H Koehler of Lebanon, ac­ of G lo ria Swaosou at the R ialto
cused in court of beating a dog to Friday w ill know th a t a treat is in
death, was acquitted ou showing store tom orrow, when she w ill
that he d id n ot punish the dog figure in “ H er H usband’s Trade­
G lo ria
m any
very severely and th a t i t is s till fo l­ m a rk .”
low ing him »round. The size of the beautiful costume», and nobody
knows how better than she.
howl caused (he scandal.
W . A . Davenport, form ely in
Homes of wealth in New Y. rk,
the real estate business at Browns­ Berkeley and Mexico, bandit raids’
ville but now a t tbe normal school a w ild anim a l fight, a wild w f» t
at Monmouth, is president of the
e xh ib it end other features w ill be
student body at the la tte r place ou the screen at the R ialto F rid a y
Unfortunately Hor.e Race, Are Not
Conducted a t Thio Young
Lady Imagined.
H ay storage at ihe old liv e ry
barn. See me at the hotel after
5 p m . D udley H enry,
Representative Cannon was argu­
ing a ta riff question at a dinner in
Hall and th e K .K K. Lose
One Contention
“ My opponent,” he said, "reminds
me of the young lady at the races.
The contest of the nom ination of
This young lady’s escort said to
O cott for governor ou the re p u b lic,
an ticke t is going on at Salem be.
“ ‘Podasokus is the favorite. Sup­ fore Judges Bingbam and K e llv ,
pose I put a ten-spot on him for
The dem urrers to the com plaint
you both ways?”
were overruled except on the
‘“ Oh, yes, that w ill be jo lly !” question of tbe le g a lity of voters
said the young lady.
changing from one p a rly to another
“ Well, the race was run, and Po- ou nom ination day. The court
dasokus, the favorite, wag nowhere. ruled th a t such changes are legal.
He came lounging in about seven­ W hether this w ill be to the ad­
vantage o f one side or the other
in the couteet is unknown, but
‘“ How much do I get?’ cried the
from the p o in t having been raised
young Indy, as poor old Podasokus by the contestants i t m ay be in ­
arrived, and »he clapped., her little ferred that they th in k O lcott got
handa together fo r joy.
more volet than they did from the
“ ‘Why— er— nothing,’ said her eleveotli-hour converts
G. O. P.
Member* of th« klan in the
‘“ But how silly you are!’ said
d is tric t
the young lady sharply. ‘ D idn’t I Salem
on fo r |1 5 each, in ­
bet on Podasokus both ways? Then called
I gain, of course, whether he won or stead of $2, to finance tbe fight.
Olcott'» friends have raised
lost.’ **
funds and are investigating tbe
ballots and dem anding recount* in
precinct* where H s ll.d id not choose
to do so. In his answer O lco tt
chargee th a t votes were w ro n g fu lly
counted for H a ll, th a t O lcott votes
were erroneously rejected, th a t
more ballots were counted th u i
the voters cast in some precincts
aud th a t votes csst for H a ll for
th« democratic nom ination were
fo r him in
the re­
publican column.
In a couple of weeks the hear­
ing a t Salem before Judge* K e lly
and Bingham w ill probably be
uuder way.
Recounts w ill probably be had in
every county in the state. beginning
A»k agents for further particulars, or shout low Isree cost, end to ’
■nearby resorts
We are prepared to
pay the highest mar-
kat price for seed.
Give us a chance to
bid on yours.
O . W . FRUM
Ed S toitz and wife were in town
Tuesday evening. They are liv in g
on th e ir farm near C raw fordsville,
which they have recently p u r­
Noting the beginning o f a con­ chased,
crete building a d jo in in g the Pe­
A shipm ent ol 36,000
cans of
terson shoe shop at the couuty seat strawberries to England has been
some m onths ago a reporter asked made by th« Lebanon cannery.
Peterson it tbev were going to abut
R. B. M ariters of H untington seed are cut for hay th is year, the
The short story on page 3 is
bis lig h t off. “ N o ,” said Peter­
The p rin te r accident
son, “ they won’ t shut m y lig h t
atiou o f good seed. Seed coining a lly inserted the words “ To be
o ff.”
I t has since developed th a t wife and little son, gave his par­
the modest shoe doctor is him self ents a very pleasant surprise on from other m ountain state?, bow- continued*’ uuder it,
M'»« Thelma Bowers got into
the owner of the new b u ild in g and the lo th . A fte r spending a week • re r, will keep the price down.
w ill occupy the middle one of three a'. Brow nsville, Halsey and other ( Lester W alker and
wife of a skin gune the other day. She
stores in it, w ith a glass fro n t and points the p a rty m o to rtd on to i B ownsville enjoyed a v is it from tools a header from a bicycle and
Portland to vis it other members ol < t ieir d. u ¿liter and her husband, parted w ith cuticle from
• skylig h t.
the fa m ily .
A ith u r L ir d , lag' week. They parts of her anatomy.
One hundred and th irty -fiv e
W ord has been received th a t a go to Alaska, wh re he w ill have
The Pomona grange w ill meet
b ib ics of Lebanon was the A ttrac­ g irl was reeently boru to Vernon i charge of a radio station and sli9
at B ownsville Saturday, com-
tio n at the K u tin theater Monday P ro u d fita n d wife, who are former 1 w illte a ih sc’i y j l .
jm eoom g at 10 in tLe m orning and
and Tuesday nights. Two shows residents of thia c ity . M r. Proud-
n ig ht w ith the house fit is a telegraph operator on the
packed both times were not su ffi­ Southern Pacific.
cient to take ears of the crowds and
L in n county m arket roads are
the pictures had to be shown again
Tuesday n ig h t.
The youngsters to have 180,000 spent on them for
were snapped in every pose im agin­ improvements. Part o f the Ash
Arc the Best Recommendation of
able—souto w ith clothes on and Swale road is to be macadamized
somo w ith o u t; some rid in g kiddie
kars; some in hath tubs, w ith w ill also come in for some better­
others in more conventional poses ment.
H ay there! H »y
h e rd Hay
— Lebanon Express.
everywhere ! Baled and louse hay
This institution offers a thorough, practical and standard e location at
Last F rid ay evening some ex is pouring in to town. S ix ty car­
a cosi w ithin reach of the high school graduate.
citeinent was caused
by Vern loads, or about 800 ton» went out
It oilers training for collegiate degrees in :
H -evis m a tin g his fu s t public l»sl week over the 8. P. and the
appearance on M ain street in his How had o nly hegim. Warehouses
bathing suit. W h ile he was swim bulgo w ith hay. The old livery
Engineering and Mechanic Arts Vocational Education
tilin g iu the Santiaiu about lbr<e barn on Second street was remod­
Chemical Engineering
wile» from town I is clothea, which eled some tim e ago to receive hay
Home Economica
I a had throw n on a leg, m yster tor Murage and Dudley H enry
MiMtary Scieucc and Tactics
advertizes the fact. Th« longest
It offers training also in
The School of Music, Physical Educa.
d ry spell In nearly seventy years
tion, Industrial Journalisi.
% ■**% % %
V 4 * * * w * has cu t the crop short, but yet this
Fall Term Opens «Sept. 18
valley produces some bay.
* W
. A.
Vetch Seed
Clover Seed
R uth F ru tn returned from her
tr ip to Newport last evening, ac­
companied by G randm a F ru tn of
Aiso A Clever Comedy
in two parts
th in k twice before you try it. Its
burgla r alarm wa* overhauled by
an eloctrician last waek and the
firs t part of this week and you can
never te ll ju st where or how you
m ig ht set the blamed th ing going.
The annual Bell telephone picnic !
w ill be at K ig e r’s island Sunday.
Mra. D. F. Dean went to Oregon
C ity Sunday to v is it at the C. O.
J Dryden home.
I have ioitalled a
I ncle Joe — So touiorro
bring home yonr bride?
Sammy— Naw, unde: that’s old-
fashioned. She’s taking me home
to her folks fo r a while.
Senator Stanfield baa jum ped
in to the breach and h e 'll prevent
any reduction in the proposed d uty
on wool or h e 'll kuow the reaeou