PAGE 4 4/, UXi HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E ▼allis and Mi«» Typhei a South*! ard of Albany. Mr». R. B. M ayberry and Cecil« | went to A lb a n y today. , L illie A ttig ba» been sent to the ' «tat« h ospital at Salem. ! Gloria Swanson 1 ‘Her Husband’s Trademark’: H O W I’AR CAN A W IP E GO to help her litiaband inbuHineM > And if he proves unworthy of her love— how far can »he go to find bappine*»? See the glitteu ot wealth and beauty in new York'» fatbion be'.t! See the thrilling bandit raid on the Mexican border! See the great icenei in the lo»t forest iously took tire and — Lebanon C rite rio n. that cleans all kind» of grain CLEAN i T heC aautauqus guarantor» at A lbany came out more th n 1 2:0 ' ahead thia year. Chopping at any time All kinds of feed on hand i Best cash price for any kind 2 grain The pum p of the concrete ptverg drew gravel, clo, ged and broke | Saturday, causing some delay. i Custom Cleaning burned. Your seed will be care­ fully and properly cleaned with the least possible waste at our warehouse, foot of Jackson street. Rev. C. T. Cook b e s t new auto. contin uing a ll d a y , w ith a dinner A. A . M o r rill and wife a id T. P. Patton went to Breitenbueb at tbe p a ik . granddaughter, M ildred F irke , i f Oren Stratton* is sueiug H. P. Norton H illsb oro are tlie guests of their Wednesday, and J. J. Nicol Ie for $1739 damages for daughter, Mrs. Eldou CroiB.— A l­ M rs. Andrew Brown is a v is ito r frand in a land deal. bany H erald. at Shedd today. • Twenty seven Linn county people J. R, Nevins of O. A. C. is in M r*. L. H . A rm strong was in were at the Holstein meeting at Corval­ th is section today to c e rtify seed Albany Tuesday. lis Saturday. potatoes for Ralph M cN eil, oats for The cheese factory a t R ichard, C. R. Evans and wheat' for W. 8. sou’s gup, near Scio, burned M on­ I t is cheering, amid reports of short G ille n weather of H arrisb urg and day. crops, to learn that there will be an ex- Albany Oregon J. B. C ornett o, Shedd. ‘ Ira heavy yield of prunes this year. Berry pickers are in demand here Slewart & Price sold th e ir con­ as elsewhere in the valley. Albiny grocers have not yet followed Much fectionery business to Bert C lark fr u it w ill spoil where i t grows. the rist in the price of sugar and are last n ig ht. Mrs. Stew art is un­ H A LS E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E selling it for 80 cents a sick less than decided as to where she w ill go. Mrs. L illia n Howe and son weut wholesale quotations. North ■ •*► South M r. C lark w ill take charge of the to Ashland today to visit their No. 18, j 2;oi p. m. No, 23, 11:29 a. m. Raymond Southern arrived in town store the fr et of August. daughter and sister for a couple 24, 5.50 p. m. 17, 5,39 p. m. Monday evening for a visit with his of weeks. M any clover fields intended for Murphys Seed Store S u c c e s s f u l G r a d u a te s O. A. C. Frequent c u ltiv a tio n preserves moisture. M any whose berries have dried up tbie year could p ro fit in fu tu re seasons by fo llo w in g the example of J ihn Sw ink ot Lebanon, who cultivated his lie rry < rop every few days d urin g picking and got a fine crop M a 'iit a iir n , a dust m ulch by frequeut c u ltiv a ­ tion prevents the rise and evorpor- ation of water from where it i needed about tbe roots, Ringo, Druggist > Th • Torter fa m ily l ad a reunion Sunday attended by T H. Bra?, fi Id and wife ol Shedd, G. L Pot­ ter sod fs m ily of A lb a n y, H I K ite r nd fam ilyS of A lb an y, W D. Porter and wife of C orvallis, M i;e Kathleen M cCarty of Cor- Week-End Trips to i PORTLAND and RETURN Are the Lowest in Years Non 8 the time to realize big profit« in transportation coats. Q A Round • jF vF trip from H a lsey I n kota on sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday (•oo( until following Tuesday For circulars of infonuatiou *tij illustrated booklet write to Tho Registrar, Oregon A gricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon E L L yonr dealer you want to see a Fisk Tire beside any other he offers you. He has it in stock or can get it. See for yourself what the Fisk Tire has to offer in extra size and strength, how its resiliency compares when you flex the tire tinder your hand, how the depth of the non-skid tread looks beside other treads. This is the way to buy tires! T There's a Tlsk Tire of extra value in every ji l t , fo r car. truck o r speed wagon Tim« »n Rn tim r mother, Mrs. M. B. Southern, and h it sister, Mrs. Goorge Hayes. JOHN M JCO1 f . General Tssnenger Agent. SUNDAY MAIL HOURS About a ix ty men are w orking on The d elivery window of the tbe H alse y-H a rrisbu rg yaviog and H alsey postoffice is open Sundays h a lf a mile was finished tbe first from 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and 12:20 week. Tbr