Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, July 27, 1922, Image 1

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    4 V
Brownsville Briefs
1 S weden
froud of writer
Famous Academy Makes Somewhat
New Departure, However, In Addl*
tion to Its Membership.
(By Elaiup W o o dn orlh)
NO GYP TIRES, but soil
quality tires at the right price
We have some real ba
largai ns
in used cars.
Eron usville has been quite ex-
cited over the discovery of a s till
oo the Johu B lain place,
_ ___
_ . . first
. . . . _____
time in history the
ever the s *ill d id not belong to the ' Swedish snaden,^ r l
BI.,us but b .a
b id sl.: there1
H I T ,-» r
by other parties.
o m a v u s H I in 1786, a humorist
, „
.. .
comic artist hat been elected to
hra uk Kush and wife have a that exclusive body. This honor
brand-new g irl.
and Mrs. | has
Jon A,b#rt -
Oliver Samuelson also have a baby,
Distributors of
■ etrcm, one of the most popular £g-
, ...»
I ures in Swe<3™, editor of S trii, a
Mrs. Alice Moore and children Swedish’ humorist weekly, w rite r of
« 3 v.aittng in Portland th is week, distinction and the creator of some
George B la in went to Albany of the funniest cartoons and char-
acter sketches that ever came out
C E. G a lbraith visited a t the o t Scandinavia.
J. C. H arrison home ib u is d a y .'
1 he Swedish aeademv, popularly
as “ The Eighteen,” for its
Mrs. Lawrence’s home was brok-
in to d u rin g
her absence. membership is lim ited to that num­
N othing was reported stolon, but ber, was molded by its royal found­
some oue is doing lig h t hauls- er on the pattern of the French
keeplng a t night, as the beds have academy, fo r the special object of
beeu slept in.
preserving, p urifying and elevating
ito Sperry is seriutisly i l l this the Swedish language. Its motto
is “ Genius and Good Taste.”
t«k w ith an attack o f g rip .
Engstrom’s popularity is based
N e x t S itv rd a y evening at 7:30
on his b rillia n t essays, principally
a dedicatory service w ill be held in
fron t of the uew fouuta.n on M ain on marine subjects, as well as on
street, which Is erected as a m oil- his sympathetic sketches of the
ument to
Lie uten an t Temple­ common people, sailors, fishermen,
ton of B row nsville, who was killed longshoremen and country types.
during th e recent war.
Miss Helen Palm ing is visiting
in Eugene fo r a few weeks.
New York Man Was Evidently Firm
Mrs. H am m ond and daughter
Ilu ld a are spending the week end
at N ew port.
Very unusual in design, at least
as far as this country is concerned,
is a locomotive built in England for
use in South Africa. The object of
the design is to obtain th? greatest
possible power for any given weight
allowance. A very even distribution
of the weight on the a-tlas is obtained
by placing the boiler betwesn two
drjving systems, which are iu con­
nection witn a tender at each end.—
Popular Mechanics Magazine.
A safe parachute descent has been
made from the height of onlv 78
W e H ave
O ptical
John Itad just le ft the house to
catch the 7 :85 for New York. He
had been gon? about ten minutes
when the telephone rang.
John answered it. H er husband was
on the other end.
“ H e llo !” he said, "is everything
all right, Mary?”
<r^ h y , yes,” said Mrs. John.
“ You’re all right?”
“ Why, y og.”
"A nd tha baby?” John asked
anxiously. “ The baby it all rig ht? ”
“ O f course,” said Mrs. John.
“ W hat makes you th ink we aren’t?
Nothing has happened since you
left the house. W hat’s the matter,
John ?”
“ Well, I ’ll tell you.” He dropped
his voice almost to a whisper.
“ There are several pretty girls in
this station collecting fo r the W il­
son fund, and I thought it would be
less expensive to get into thia tele­
phone booth and telephone to you
than it would be to stay outside.” —
New York Evening Post
Jots and_Tittles
Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally
and in Halsey Particularly
P. A. PehrsEou
was io A lb an y Uieeliug yesterday was at the audi
torium of the public lib ra ry ye*,
E. E. G orm ely was in Polk erdar in s’.ead of at the Rameseuui
county this week.
Mrs. L . A. Perdue of G rants
That big blast at the Saddle
Pare ie a guest at t h j R. L. W in - Butte qua rry was fired Sunday.
nifred home.
There was seven tons of Trojan
powdor, the H erald eays, aud ji
J. A. McCullough was over from loosened 80,000 cubic yards o*
A lb an y T hnrsday looking after rook.
his real estate.
Tbe harvest is on and O. W.
Mrs. M argaret Staruea came in F ru a i’s new warehouse is ready
from her aon’e (arm to spend the and equipped
w ith
week end w ith Mrs. Fox.
m achinery. He is ready to buy
Mrs. J? A. M cCullough of A l- soil, store or clean any k in d of
any arrived Wednesday noon as grain, as he announces iu au ad­
ho guest of M rs. D. S- M c W ill­ vertisement.
Autos Raraaay’t new thrasher,
Miss M a rjo ry Lent, who has ihe largest iu th is part of the state,
been v isitin g at the 0 . F. Neal started work Monday and did per
home, left today noon fo r her home feet work. But Amos don’t. He
n Portland.
w ill have to carry that broken arm
? Iliu m a n aud Pouttu o f the in a sling for some tim e j et.
Brownsville Times are getliug joy
From Sweet Home to A lb a n y
out of Jess ’ a -ueer. auto. They the best road ju9t now is said Io lie
visited Seaside the other day.
th ro ug h Brow nsville and Halsey
Delora W ells, who has been instead of through Lebanon. The
vis itin g her g ra u im o th e r, Mrs. new pavement north from here is
L. A. Pray, for some m onths, has far enough completed to be a fac­
relum ed to her home near Juuctiou tor.
C ity.
L. E A rn o ld of Lebanon, from
M o n d ay .
Oleta, daughter o f ^o stin ia te r
C oJey of Brownsville, who has been
teaching school io Portland, is
(oing to H ou olu lu , where sbo has
a position in the schools.
Lane county complete 1 payment
last Saturday for the new rig h t of
way o f the Pacific highw ay be­
tween here and Junction C ity.
— H a rrisb u rg B u lle tin .
1» the Came of Many
It your eyes give you trouble or
your glasses are annoying
SEE US, We can Relieve Yon
Bancroft Optical Co.
Believer In Old Adage, “Any
Port In a Storm.’’
Goodyear and Kelly-iSpringfield tires
313 1st St. W. Albany, Phone
Hope and Jay.
A propensity to hope and Joy la real
riches : one to fear and sorrow, real
A Few
G roceries fo r H a rv esters
Flavo F lo u r................................... $1.65
Olympic or Crown..................... 2.40
Golden W est Coffee.....................
M. V. K. Special, 3 lbs............... 1.00
Shasta Tea, 1 lb............................
Tree Tea, 1 lb.................................
Mother's Delight C o rn ................
P. 8. Bantam C orn.......................
Premium Tomatoes, 3 cans ......
A. & L. Tomatoes.........................
Darimado Milk. 12 cans .............. 1.25
Macaroni, 12 lbs............................ 1 .0 0
G uittard’s Chocolate, 1 lb............
Bulk Cocoa....................................
Tru Blu Graham s..........................
Tru Blu Cookies, 25 to 40c pr. lb.
Zan Brooms, 50c, 75 and $1
• I I prices less 3 4 fo r cash
Open Saturday Evenings
P. Stafford
Monday from a visit at Oregon
The Saddest Thing.
The saddest thing that can befall a C ity and P ortland.
M r. Stafford
soul la when It loses faith In God and w ill return Saturday. They en.
woman.—Alexander Smith.
joyed a tr ip to Seaside Saturday
and Sunday.
Shedd Shots
All the Inventlena ef Man Have Failed
to Solve Secrets of
the Ocean.
(B y Anna Pennell)
M r. and Mre. T routm an a n !
daughters G ail and Thais went to
Eugene Wednesday o f last week.
Romance and mystery have not
been taken from the high seas, even
with Hie many inventions of man
that help annihilate space and per­
m it communication with the world
in its far-away places. D uring the
last year 26 vessels that left port for
a voyage failed to arrive nt their
destinations. They steamed away
and disappeared. What fate they
met, how it came and where, all are
a part of the mystery of the sea.
Some were equipped with wireless
with which they could keep in touch
with the great stations along the sea
coasts, btit from these vessels no call
came. Like the Cyclops, they sailed
away and from them came no word.
No b it of wreckage picked up at sea
was found to give a clew.
Probably some mine, planted dur­
ing the war and not picked up wlieu
peace came, broke loose from its
moorings, was caught up by the
great ocean currents and carriod
out into the lanes of travel.
Probably other vessels w ill be in
collision with the lost mines, for
there are many not yet accounted
for. The inventions of man have
done much to make safer the navi­
gation of the wide waters, but all
the inventions of man thus far have
not operated to take from the sea
the mystery that has enveloped it
since sailing first began. — Ohio
Stute Journal.
A concerted mass formation at­
tack by thoii’ snds of chimney swal­
lows on a single house picked aj>-
pareutly at random is ths strange
phenomenon that has set Kingston
(N . Y.) bird enthusiasts to scratch­
ing their heads in an effort to give
reasonable explanation to tbe sud­
den invasion.
The swallows swartned down the
chimney of Frank V. Rica, a local
shipbuilder, who had gone to the
four hens six years ago, has in ­ movie» with his wife, leaving the
creased his llock to 2000 and in house undefended. As they cauie
the past year made a net p ro fit on
back into the house they were as­
them of J1601.66. He has the
i'ancred and H ollyw ood strains ol saulted iu the darkness by thou
wnite Leghorns and hatched l9,00t <ands of terrified birds. Unable to
chase the swallows through the open
chicks th is year.
loors and windows, Mr. Rice was
The lig h ts went out Saturday
forced to take a vigorous offensive,
evening before the R ia lto wa-
through w ith its regular run ot k illin g several hundred of the birds
movies, b ut no one cared. Ai. before the house was agnin compar­
auto wae backed up to tlie rear atively clear.
door, its engine set going, the car’.-
sp otligh t turned on tbe c in n m ito -
grapb’s reflector and the show
proceeded as though nothing hail
happened. — H a rrisb u rg Cor, A I
bany DeintC’ at.
The home of Mrs. M a ry Baker
of Tangent, an in v a lid 81 years
Douglas Taylor is enlarging and im ­
o ld , was deatioyed by fire Sa’ ur- proving his dining room.
day, hut neighbors saved her and
Mrs. G. \V. Mornhiuweg is home
her fu rn itu re .
The expected film s failed to
c u re , ao (he A lb a n y Jersey c a tth
NO <7
from her outing at Newport.
(Continued on page J)
Hired a Yellow Dog
The Brownsville churches were lag
ging. and in desperation an evange
list was engaged by a church for a
wesk’s special mission. On his ar­
rival lie went to see the minister.
“ What sort o f church have you
here?" he inquired. "W ell,” replied
the pastor, " I am afraid things are
pretty bad. The people are worldly
and careless, the congregations are
H alrey C h ristia n Church
small, there is no interest in mis­
sions, no one comes to a prayer meet­
Church Announcements
ing, dances and card parties go on
C h ris tia n :
all through tha week, and the people
10, Bible school
are indifferent to the claims of re­
11, L o rd ’ s Supper.
Sermon, ligion.”
“ H ow to Have a Strong C hurch.”
"W ell,” sneered the evangelist, " i f
7, C hristian Endeavor.
8, evangelistic serviee. Sermon, I had a church w ith members like
that I ’d go out and hire a yellow
” A Sermon T ha t is D iffe re n t.”
dog to bite ’em.”
Leeter Jones, pastor.
“ Yes,” said the minister, “ that's
M ethodist:
■ what we’ve done.” — Christian Reg­
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Junior league, 8,
A c iv il service exam ination of
Interm ediate League, 6.30.
E p w orth League, 6.80.
prospective letter carriers and
preaching, 7:30.
clerks at the A lb a n y poetoffice
Prayer meeting, T hursday, 8,
w ill be held A ugust 19 at Albany.
Rev, C. T. Cook, Paiior,
W. I I . W a rra ll, A lb a n y, secretary
of tbe board, w ill furn ish in fo r­
Pine Grove Church:
m ation and a pplication blanks.
Suoday School. 10.
Prayer-meeting, 7.
Both sexes are eligible.
Mrs. Zella Hobbs of Albany
spent the week eud iu Shedd v is it­
ing friends.
Mrs. R oullier of P ortland is
a v is ito r at tlie home of her sister,
M 's . Webster.
C. W . Kennedy and wife were
Albauy visitors Saturday.
E lm e r Margason and fa m ily
were Albany shoppers F rid a y .
M r. and Mrs. Webster, Mrs.
R oullier,
B ill Collins,
C harlie
E ’der,
Vera Cornett. Charles
Iro n tu ia n and fa m ily , Mrs, Hobbs
and Leland Pennell were among
i hose who attended the dauce at
Messrs, Sirong
aud Joaling
motored to Goldsou last week.
M r. and Mre. Rogers spent a few
days w ith th e ir eon, Irv in g Rogers,
and wife.
M r. Abry spent the week eud at
his home in Salem.
M r. and Mre. B lo u n t of Hood
R .ver, who are on a motor tr ip to
C alifornia, spent S aturday n ig h t
w ith the Joslings.
Sunday School Picnic
Tlie Albany, Shedd and Oakville
United Presbyterian churches held
their annual missionary picnic in
the Sheridan Smith grove ou the bank«
of the Willamette river yesterday.
Mrs. K. A. Young ol Albany, who had
broken her arin after Ixing chosen a
delegate to the women’s general mis­
sionary convention at Newcastle, Pa.,
had attended the convention neverthe­
less, and, though unable to write on ac­
count of the condition ol the arm, gave
front memory a report so complete as to
excite general surprise.
Au excellent dinner was enjoyed and
in the evening
cream and cake were
_______ _______ _
The head of the K . K . K . haa
forbidden the members to weav
masks in public. T h a t order, it
obeyed, remove* tbe biggest ob­
jection to tbe kla u . A masked
intruder anywhere invites a bullet.
The beat advice we can give any
citizen r.f Lobauou is so to live th a t
yon won’ t have to u*k to keep it
out of tlie paper. — Lebanon E x ­
• There is $56,000,000 invested ill
automotive industries in Oregon,
w ith a payroll ot 912,009,000 and
a prodnclton of $85.000,000 a year.
There are only a few more days in which to
take advantage of our Jwly sale. If you have
not been able to come before, we would like to
have you como now and «hare in the good val­
ues wo always have at thia time.
We have a nice a»«^jtni»nt of ginghams«
ou sale, (deluding some silk stripe tissue {
ginghams in blue, lavender and
pi.iL—36 inches wide—f o r . . . .
Imported Tissue
32 inch imported tissues in pink, blue,
lavender, red and yellow, priced.
Amoskeag Ginghams
27-inch ginghams in t variety of p a tte r n s ........ 15c and 19c
32-inch ginghnni« in plaid* and check*......... .................................... 23c
Take a tip and buy your sheeting now.
Pequot sheeting, bleached,
6-4, 40c; 8-4, 50c; 9-4,55c; 10-4,60c
Unbleached Pequot sheeting,
6-4,35c; 7-4,40c; 8-4,45c; 9-4,50c; 10-4,55c