4 V HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL X HALSEY, L IN N COUNTY, OREGON. TH U R SD A Y, JU L Y 27, 192J Brownsville Briefs 1 S weden froud of writer Famous Academy Makes Somewhat New Departure, However, In Addl* tion to Its Membership. (By Elaiup W o o dn orlh) NO GYP TIRES, but soil quality tires at the right price We have some real ba largai ns in used cars. Eron usville has been quite ex- cited over the discovery of a s till oo the Johu B lain place, _ _ ___ _ . . first . . . . _____ How. For the time in history the ever the s *ill d id not belong to the ' Swedish snaden,^ r l BI.,us but b .a b id sl.: there1 H I T ,-» r kJ ”f by other parties. o m a v u s H I in 1786, a humorist „ , „ , , .. . ! comic artist hat been elected to hra uk Kush and wife have a that exclusive body. This honor brand-new g irl. Mr and Mrs. | has Jon A,b#rt - Oliver Samuelson also have a baby, i , ¡rj MORTON & DOTSON Distributors of ■ etrcm, one of the most popular £g- OLDSMOBILES , ...» I ures in Swe<3™, editor of S trii, a Mrs. Alice Moore and children Swedish’ humorist weekly, w rite r of « 3 v.aittng in Portland th is week, distinction and the creator of some George B la in went to Albany of the funniest cartoons and char- Monday. acter sketches that ever came out C E. G a lbraith visited a t the o t Scandinavia. J. C. H arrison home ib u is d a y .' 1 he Swedish aeademv, popularly known as “ The Eighteen,” for its Mrs. Lawrence’s home was brok- en in to d u rin g her absence. membership is lim ited to that num­ N othing was reported stolon, but ber, was molded by its royal found­ some oue is doing lig h t hauls- er on the pattern of the French keeplng a t night, as the beds have academy, fo r the special object of beeu slept in. preserving, p urifying and elevating ito Sperry is seriutisly i l l this the Swedish language. Its motto is “ Genius and Good Taste.” t«k w ith an attack o f g rip . Engstrom’s popularity is based N e x t S itv rd a y evening at 7:30 on his b rillia n t essays, principally a dedicatory service w ill be held in fron t of the uew fouuta.n on M ain on marine subjects, as well as on street, which Is erected as a m oil- his sympathetic sketches of the ument to Lie uten an t Temple­ common people, sailors, fishermen, ton of B row nsville, who was killed longshoremen and country types. during th e recent war. FOUND HAV e H n TELEPHONE Miss Helen Palm ing is visiting in Eugene fo r a few weeks. New York Man Was Evidently Firm Mrs. H am m ond and daughter Ilu ld a are spending the week end at N ew port. DOUBLE-DRIVE LOCOMOTIVE Very unusual in design, at least as far as this country is concerned, is a locomotive built in England for use in South Africa. The object of the design is to obtain th? greatest possible power for any given weight allowance. A very even distribution of the weight on the a-tlas is obtained by placing the boiler betwesn two drjving systems, which are iu con­ nection witn a tender at each end.— Popular Mechanics Magazine. RECORD FOR A PARACHUTE A safe parachute descent has been made from the height of onlv 78 feet. W e H ave EVERY THING O ptical John Itad just le ft the house to catch the 7 :85 for New York. He had been gon? about ten minutes when the telephone rang. Mrs. John answered it. H er husband was on the other end. “ H e llo !” he said, "is everything all right, Mary?” - pareutly at random is ths strange phenomenon that has set Kingston (N . Y.) bird enthusiasts to scratch­ ing their heads in an effort to give reasonable explanation to tbe sud­ den invasion. The swallows swartned down the chimney of Frank V. Rica, a local shipbuilder, who had gone to the four hens six years ago, has in ­ movie» with his wife, leaving the creased his llock to 2000 and in house undefended. As they cauie the past year made a net p ro fit on back into the house they were as­ them of J1601.66. He has the i'ancred and H ollyw ood strains ol saulted iu the darkness by thou wnite Leghorns and hatched l9,00t