Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, June 15, 1922, Image 1

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Shite Grange for Economy
NO. 41
Lake Creek Rodents Suffer
At the stale grange last week the
Lake Creek community gave a
Union county grange proposed a
times social Friday evening.
retrenchment program that look*
was there au<i did jus­
like a good one. It would lop off a
AY all bills by check and thus establish a
million and a half of dollars from tice to the baked beaus, salad, pie,
permanent record of your business.
the load taxpayers groan under cake and candy.
and nobody except the fellows who
The sum of $27.83 was raised
would lose soft jobs would be
noticeably hurt. Here is the list and Martin Cummings, rodent con­
of grafts the grange proposes to trol leader, paid the boys and girls
cutout: Public service commission $18.65 for varmits killed. Lee
Open a SAVINGS A C C O U N T with this
$50,000; special election 115,000; Anderson and wife of Corvallis
International Livestock association came, bringing with them Mr
bank today.
$1/5,000; armories $115,000; na
We pay 4% interest, compounded semi­
tional guard $100,000; artesian Haralson of the Beuton County
wells $10,000; bureau of muie- Courier, who gave a most enjoy­
$25,000; state tourist bureau $15, able entertainment. We hope to
000; Pacific Northwest Tourist | nave him with us again.
association $75,000; public library
A large number of Harrisburg
$25,000; contributioo to workmen’,, people were in attendance.
compensation budget $175 000:
Mrs. Martin Cummings,
medical department U. of O. $100,-
Sec. Farm Bureau.
000;- fish and game commission
$170,000; O- A, C. extension wjik
Short Stories of Happenings in Linn County Generally
Linn Clubs Lead
$200,000; capitol buildings $,1-5,000:
(Albany Democrat)
and in Halsey Particularly
tax investigation commission $lu,
000; bounty on wild animals $100,-
Linn county club boys aud girls
000; vontilating system state build. judged the spots off of things at
George Taylor went to Albany
Mre. W- A. Shorey of Holley
ings.$l8,000; new buildings and the annual picnic oi the Linn Monday.
on Monday's train from
cement walks state fair grounds County Jersey Cattle club, held
Salem and took an anto for her
$75,000; countv fairs $100,000 on the Warren Gray farm near
With her were Misses
O. A- C.
Total $1,605,000.
Jefferson Saturday, winning from
Mildred Sill of Idnho
A resolution opposing a federal four counties iu the team judging
M is s Nettle Spencer ie at home
Mrs. Tom Lacey of Portland
sales tax was adopted without de­ contest and iu the individual con­ after teaching a term of ecbool at
arrived last week for a visit at the
Ped Templeton and A1 Waggeuer
A graduated income tax is pro­
In the iudivdual judging contest
Mies Viola Talent of Browneville bomee. Coming to Halsey Sun
vided in a measure being promoted, Ralph Maleon, John Davis and
a copy of which was filed with the Dellis Cornutt, all of Linn, tied look Monday's train here for Mon­ day with her brother-in-law, Frank
Kirk, nnd ether friends, going on
secretary of state for approval as for first with 240 points out of a mouth to attend school.
The Oren Strateon family are on to Brownsville (formerly her home)
to form and for preparation of title possible 300. Roy Scott of Scio
for use in obtaiuiug the necessary took second with 225, Cecil Elder the farm at Brownsville from their in the evening tor a visit with old
home during the fruit friends and to attend the pioneer
signatures for placing the measure of Shedd third with 210, Earl Salem
piouio there this week.
on the November ballot.
Brock of Lake Creek and Carl
The elate grange elected one Dannen orf Shedd and Edwin Gladd
Brownsville baseball
Howard Bramwell, editor of the
officer from Linn county. Grace of Tillamook tied for fourth place went to the strawberry festival Palouse Gazette at Colfax, Wash
Harris, flora.
with 195. For fifth, Liun again at Lebanon and beat the baeeball visited with bis uncle, J C. Brain
Next year's gathering will be at furnished the real talsut, Ralph team there 22 to 2
well, about fifteen minutes M o n
McNeal and Carl Williams ot
day while on his way to 8an Fran
A delegation from Linn county Lake Creek, Ruth Quimby of Hal­
cisco. He was born and raised in
favored the abolition of all com­ sey and John Scott of Scio each Eugene, mother and lister of Karl Halsey but it was seventeen years
missions that may be dispensed took 180. Thirty-three boys and
since the two had met.
with and the consolidation of the girls entered the contest. Linn's ¡Sunday at Bramwell's.
Miss Irene Quimby organized
J. M- Ringo and wife end
team won first, Edith Pugh, Stan­
ley Satcbell and Lyle Davis form­ daughter, Lou Jane, of Lebanon that canning club. She is presi­
Calapooia Grange
ing the team. They amassed 600 spent Sunday with Mr. Ringo's dent, Bessie Dykstra vice president
and Genevieve Welle secretary
brother, W. A- Ringo.
Received too late for publication points.
Gladys Newton and Rena Walker
une 1 and accidentally omitted
Mrs. Bert Clark visited her sis­ are also member« and Mrs. A. H.
There is no need of a collision
last week.]
ter, Mrs. Charles Poole, at Leba­
More member»
The grange held its first evening betweeu a railroad train and an non, over the week end. So did Quimby
are invited.
meeting in the ball at Brownsville,
her daughter, Georgina.
May 27, at 8:30, with a good crowd runs into a train, (n the last four
There are visitors at the H. C.
years 676 automobiles rau into the
The guarantor« of the Chautauqua Davis farm nearly every evening to
By special invitation about sides of Southern Pacific trains, at Shsdd bad a deficit ot about see and hear the wonderful radio,
thirty-five visitors from Fairmount resulting in 13 deaths and 253 in­ $125. They seem oheerfui about phoue which Kenneth stone lias
and Morning Star granges, in Ben- juries. Hereafter the drivers of paying it for the good of the oity. built. With a little financial assist­
tou county, were present and were offending cars are to be sued for
ance the young man could add an
Mra. George Starr, residing a amplifying born so that all in the
damages by the company. Good I
couple of miles gast of town, ie room could hear what comes from
Our grange extended an invita­
tion, 'Which was accepted, to Po- You are invited to coine and enjoy the home after a period in * hospital at far-away cities, and he could install
Corvallis but if still seriously ill. receiving apparatus ao that mes­
monacrauge to meet at Brownsville
July 29.
M a. William Carry and daughter sages, songs, etc., could be broad­
Mrs. Mabie Davidson was elect­
of North Bend ere visiting their casted from here as well as from
ed alternate delegate to the state
mother-in-law. and grandmother, other cities and Halaev would be
Mrs. J. C. Currys on the H C. on the map.
Two candidates received the first
Davie farm.
(Continued on page 3)
and second degree?;«
presented at the
Lunch and hot duffeewere served
cafeteria styI'q by the ladies at
rectlon, T te T 2 0 : V : Itlensed and holy
10;30, after wjiich dancing filled
le he that bath part In the Orel resnr
up the remainder of the evening.
rectlon. . . . They shall be priest*
o f God and of Christ, and shall reign
We expect our evening meetings
with H im a thonaand years
to be very successft|l.
1 Cor. I l l : 41 44, 40. A2. 63 : I t la sown
Grange Reporter.
Sunday evening at 8
Take care of your money and it |
will take care of you later.
Jots andTittles
Children’s Day
Shedd Shots
W hat are soma SertpUree bearing
on both resurrections?
John 6 28, 2» Rev Ver : All that
(By Anna Pennell)
are In the tombs shall hear H is voice
A ball game between Shedd and
and shall come forth— they that have
Sunday, in
done good, unto the resurrection of Dever was played
The »core was 14 to 15 in
life ; and ,ey that have done evil, un­ Shedd.
to the resurrection of Judgment. Acts favor of Shedd.
24: 15: There shall he a resurrection
Miss Helen McElvane and Ivan
of the dead, both of the Just and tin-
Dackon were married in Portland
1 Cor. 16: 45-48. 54-57: The firs t, last week.
man la lu u s ] of the earth, earthy J
Henery Freerkaen and wife re­
the second man Is the Lord from
Saturday from McMinu-
As Is (w as]
the earthy
where they attended the
(one, Adam ], anch are (sh a ll) they Vrlle,
also (be) that are e arth y; and as la state grange.
the heavenly (One, Jesus), ouch also
The Charlee Troutman family,
are [shall) they [be] that are heav the Pennells, Myerees and Eddie
McElave drove to Jefferson Sunday
Why should we a x p e t a resurrec­ to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Barne,
tion— a perfecting— of the obedient of
formerly of Shedd.
the world as w ell ae of the ohurch?
(1 ) God's Oath-bound Covenant to
Mis» Frances Freerksen spent
bless all nations through Abraham's the week end with her parents,
Seed, Jesus and H is followers, Gen who lives west of Shedd.
22: 18: In thy seed shall all the na­
Mrs. Harry Sprenger and her
tions of the earth be blessed. Gal. 3
Mre. Vern Arnold, spent
16. 29: H e salth . . .
To thy seed, sister,
w hich Is Christ.
I f ye be C hrists, Sunday with their mother, Mrs.
then are
ye Abraham's
seed, and Swalski, who lives near Tangent.
heirs according to the promise.
Mr. aud Mrs. Hartsell, who have
(2 ) The Ransom-Sacrifice of Christ
for all, 1 Tim . 2 : 6, fl: The Man Christ been living in the Tom Hill house,
Jesus, . . . gave H im self a ran­ are moving to Salem, where they
som for all. John 12 : 32, 38 : And I. a ill make their home for the sum­
If I be lifted up from the earth, w ill mer.
draw all men unto Me. This H e said,
Robert Joeling and wife spent
signifying what death He should die
Rom. 15: 18, 19: (Am . Rev. V e r .): Sunday with Mr. and Mre Mc-
Through the righteousness o f one the Cuuibera, who livee at Saddle Butte.
free gift came [shall come) unto all
Harry Sprenger and wife gave a
men to Justification of l i f e ; fo r . ,
through the obedience of the one shall dinner Thursday night.
were present.
the many Iw made righteous.
1 Cor. 18: 21, 22: By man came
Mrs. Vera Sprague, a teaoher at
also the resurrection from the dead
Locks, is visiting the
For all In Christ shall be made alive
(81 The sacrificial sufferings of
Jesus' followers fo r the dead. 1 Cor.
Those attending
the opening
16 : 29-32: Rise what shall they d
lance at Colorado lake, Friday
which are baptized [w ith sacrificial night, were C. A. Troutman, Kay
sufferings. M ark 10 : 35-40] for thr
Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Sprague,
dpad. I f the dead rise not at all? Why
Frances Freerksen, Anna Pennell.
are they, then, baptized [w ith aacrl
Lyle Pennell,
flclal sufferings] for The dead? And Harold
why stand we lu Jeopardy every hour? Charles Elder. Leland Pennell and
I protest hy your rejoicing which I Eddie McElvane.
have In Christ Jesus our Lord, I die
Pete Freerksen and wife went to
I f a fte r the manner o f men
I have fought w ith beasts at Ephesus, Albany Saturday.
what advsntageth It me. I f the dead
rise not?
Where will these two resurrected
elasses spend eternity?
(1 ) The faith fu l followers o f Christ,
John 14: 3: 1 w ill come again, and
receive you unto Myself, th a t where
I am there ye may be also. 2 Cor. 5 :
1 • W e have a building of God, a house
not made w ith hands, eternal In the
2 Pet. 8 : 18: W e , . .
look for new heavens, . . . w here
In dwelleth rlgl ‘ eousneaa.
(2) T he obedient o f the world.
Prov. 2 : 21: For the upright shall
dwell In the land, and the perfect
shall remain In It. Is. flO: 21: T liy
people shall be a>l rlghteona;
they shall Inherit the land forever
2 Pet. 8 : 18: We, aeordtng to H is
. . .
a new
earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness
L . E Walton was a business
-aller iu Albany Monday.
W e H ave
O ptical
Is the Cause of M any
I f your ryes g ive you trouble or
your glasses sre annoying
S E E US. We can Relieve Yon
Bancroft Optical Co.
j l j 1st St. W. Albany. Phone
A Few of the Many
Opportunities at Home
Halsey Christ tan Cburth
Church Announcements
Patent Pumps—One-strap Baby Dolls... $6.00
Pollyanna Patent Welts, two-strap..... 5.00
Black Kid ene-strap.............................. 5.00
White Cloth one-strap Pum ps.............. 3.50
Black or white Cordovan in cotton lisle at 25,
35- 45 and 50 cents the pair
¡Special in silk and fiber, colors black, white and
Cordovan, at 9 8 cents the pair
Children’s black cotton ribbed at 23 cents
10, Bible school.
11, Lord's Supper.
” The Church a Service Station.”
7, Chrietian Endeavor.
8, ¿Children's day exercises, given
by the Bible school.
Letter Jonee, pastor.
Sunday School, 10.
Preaching, 11.
Junior League, 8,
Intermediate League. 6:30.
Epworth League, 6:80.
Preaching, 7:30.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8.
Rev, C. T. Cook, Pastor,
New Line
Indies’ Blouse Waists, dark colors, at..
Grocery Specials
Two Creme O il free
Neptune Pie Peaches, 2;-lb. size, 6 for... 1.00
Pearl White or Silk Soap. 25 bars ....... 1.00
Dependable Roasted Coffee. 3 pounds...
Peet's Washing Machine Soap, 3 for.....
A ll p rice, le»« 5% for cash
Pine Grove Church:
Sunday School, 10.
Prayer-meeting, 7.
Ms . su n s t,
1127 C n y fe r A v a ,
PhllaSelpbla, Pa.
W h at are Hie tare speetet r«narres
.JL lA b eeven iy,
In corruptton, M la raised In Incor­
rupt Ion; It la sown In dishonor, M la
raised In ( l o r y ; It la sown In weak
Bass. It la raised In p o w e r; It la sown
a natural body. It la raised a spiritual
And as we bare borne thr
Image o f the earthy (one, A dam ], we
shall also hear the
Image of the
heavenly (One. Jesus). T he dead
ehau be raised Inco rrup tib le; for this
corruptible must put on Incorruption,
and tM s m ortal must pot on lim ner
( t ) The earthly, or human, resur­
rection, Ezek. MJ: 58, 56, #1. «a When
I ehall bring agal.i . . . the cap
tlW ty e f Hodom and bar daughters,
and the captivity o f Korns ris and bet
daughters, then w ill I bring again the
captivity of thy captives In the midst
of them
When thy slaters, Hoikur
and her daughters, aball return t<
their form er estate, and Kamarla and
her daughters shall return to then
form er estate, then
thou and
dnnghtera shall return to your forruei
eetaW. Then . . . thou ahalt r e
calve thy sisters, thine elder and thy
y o an g er, and I w ill give them nnte
thee fo r daughters
Is. 26 6. 8: In
thia mountain shall the Lord of boats
make nnto all people a feast of fat
things . . .
He w ill swallow u(
death In v ic to ry ; and the Lord Ood
«Ball wipe away tears from off all
M c e e ; and the rebuke of His people
SbsH be taken away from off all the
Ie. v ,: IT . 19, 2 1 2 8 - For be
bold I create . . .
a new earth
And I w ill Joy In My People. They
M iall build bouses and Inhabit them
end they aball plant vineyards and
en< the fru it of them
They shall aoi
build and another tn h e h lt; they shall
■ot plant and another eat. . . .
And Mine elect shall long enjoy ths
of their hands. They shall not
Ja vein, npr bring forth for
designed collars for suits,
sweaters and sleeveless frocks. Materials
that tub well, seams that hold, styles that speak
ot high quality.
W o r th y o u r tr ip to s e e I
Cross-barred white voile, checked
gingham collars and cuffs in as­
sorted colors. Shoulder insert.
W h ite batiste w ith effective col­
ored organdie border on collar and
Hem stitching on collar
•n d front.
Tailored !
Fancy white striped voile. Pete
Pan collar trim m ed w ith im itation
T ailo red
Corded w hite d im ity .
pleats in fro n t Long roll collar.
M annishly tailored. V ery smart.
H 00
Values !