(9 HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X HALSBY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JU NE 15, l't’2 Shite Grange for Economy NO. 41 Lake Creek Rodents Suffer At the stale grange last week the Lake Creek community gave a Union county grange proposed a hard times social Friday evening. retrenchment program that look* Everybody was there aul rlghteona; and they shall Inherit the land forever 2 Pet. 8 : 18: We, aeordtng to H is promise, look for . . . a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness L . E Walton was a business -aller iu Albany Monday. W e H ave E V E R Y T H IN G O ptical EYE STRAIN Is the Cause of M any H U M A N IL L S I f your ryes g ive you trouble or your glasses sre annoying S E E US. We can Relieve Yon Bancroft Optical Co. t j l j 1st St. W. Albany. Phone Christian Church ==T ===== A Few of the Many Opportunities at Home Halsey Christ tan Cburth Shoes Church Announcements Patent Pumps—One-strap Baby Dolls... $6.00 Pollyanna Patent Welts, two-strap..... 5.00 Black Kid ene-strap.............................. 5.00 White Cloth one-strap Pum ps.............. 3.50 Hosiery Black or white Cordovan in cotton lisle at 25, 35- 45 and 50 cents the pair ¡Special in silk and fiber, colors black, white and Cordovan, at 9 8 cents the pair Children’s black cotton ribbed at 23 cents Christian: 10, Bible school. 11, Lord's Supper. Sermon, ” The Church a Service Station.” 7, Chrietian Endeavor. 8, ¿Children's day exercises, given by the Bible school. Letter Jonee, pastor. Methodist: Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11. Junior League, 8, Intermediate League. 6:30. Epworth League, 6:80. Preaching, 7:30. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8. Rev, C. T. Cook, Pastor, New Line Indies’ Blouse Waists, dark colors, at.. $4.50 Grocery Specials $1.00 1.00 Two Creme O il free Neptune Pie Peaches, 2;-lb. size, 6 for... 1.00 Pearl White or Silk Soap. 25 bars ....... 1.00 Dependable Roasted Coffee. 3 pounds... Peet's Washing Machine Soap, 3 for..... A ll p rice, le»« 5% for cash M. V. KOONTZ CO. Pine Grove Church: Sunday School, 10. Prayer-meeting, 7. THE RESURRECTION II By The LeytwesVe Ms . su n s t, 1127 C n y fe r A v a , PhllaSelpbla, Pa. W h at are Hie tare speetet r«narres .JL lA b eeven iy, In corruptton, M la raised In Incor­ rupt Ion; It la sown In dishonor, M la raised In ( l o r y ; It la sown In weak Bass. It la raised In p o w e r; It la sown a natural body. It la raised a spiritual body And as we bare borne thr Image o f the earthy (one, A dam ], we shall also hear the Image of the heavenly (One. Jesus). T he dead ehau be raised Inco rrup tib le; for this corruptible must put on Incorruption, and tM s m ortal must pot on lim ner tatMty. ( t ) The earthly, or human, resur­ rection, Ezek. MJ: 58, 56, #1. «a When I ehall bring agal.i . . . the cap tlW ty e f Hodom and bar daughters, and the captivity o f Korns ris and bet daughters, then w ill I bring again the captivity of thy captives In the midst of them When thy slaters, Hoikur and her daughters, aball return t< their form er estate, and Kamarla and her daughters shall return to then form er estate, then thou and thy dnnghtera shall return to your forruei eetaW. Then . . . thou ahalt r e calve thy sisters, thine elder and thy y o an g er, and I w ill give them nnte thee fo r daughters Is. 26 6. 8: In thia mountain shall the Lord of boats make nnto all people a feast of fat things . . . He w ill swallow u( death In v ic to ry ; and the Lord Ood «Ball wipe away tears from off all M c e e ; and the rebuke of His people SbsH be taken away from off all the earth Ie. v ,: IT . 19, 2 1 2 8 - For be bold I create . . . a new earth And I w ill Joy In My People. They M iall build bouses and Inhabit them end they aball plant vineyards and en< the fru it of them They shall aoi build and another tn h e h lt; they shall ■ot plant and another eat. . . . And Mine elect shall long enjoy ths of their hands. They shall not Ja vein, npr bring forth for designed collars for suits, sweaters and sleeveless frocks. Materials S PECIALLY that tub well, seams that hold, styles that speak ot high quality. W o r th y o u r tr ip to s e e I Cross-barred white voile, checked gingham collars and cuffs in as­ sorted colors. Shoulder insert. W h ite batiste w ith effective col­ ored organdie border on collar and caffs. Hem stitching on collar •n d front. Beautifully Tailored ! AL3VNY Fancy white striped voile. Pete Pan collar trim m ed w ith im itation hand-crocheted lace. T ailo red style. Corded w hite d im ity . Double pleats in fro n t Long roll collar. M annishly tailored. V ery smart. H 00 Excellent Values ! Hamilton’s OREGON