Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, May 18, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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    Just Arrived, A
Call and let us quote prices that will surprise
No. 8 Octagonal Teakettles No artk,e over
Large Preserving Kettles
Dishpans, etc., etc., etc.
This is the time to clean up and paint up. We
are putting in a large stock of best
P A I N T S and O I L S
We have increased our stock ef F U R N I T U B F
Linoleums and kindred goods.
general hardw are
l a w n R o w e r s
G a r d e n h o se
Come in and 'get prices.
Our prices |are mads with
the object of m aking salea
Jots and I ittles
(Continued from page 1)
o r O reg o n C ity
j Formerly Brownsville Man
Honesy, efficiency and economy, w ith
th irty per cent reduction in
maintenance expenses
Vote for
A business adm inis­
tration on business
Let us get out of
debt and stay out.
Mother’s day was well observed
at both local churches Sunday.
Among the floral decorations,
which wore beautiful at both places,
there was, at the Christian church,
a crowning piece containing the
word ’’mother” spelled in flowers.
W hen the out.
Red men
had made
_ _________
their departure,
e, Kenward W righ t
realized it would now be a w ar to
the finish.
H e had bartrned his.
b irth rig h t; he had been branded a
tra ito r to his: home. But he cared
E v il forces now completely
dominated hia heart and aoul. H e
was beyond redemption.
W rig h t had completely forgotten
Alice W ilton. ’ H e was taloen by sur­
prise when die entered tha toora
from her hiding place in die kitdhen.
H e had notJieard her return, but
one look at hdr face convinced him
that she had overheard everything.
I t was a different girl that confrotit-
ad him now, dbcusing and unafraid.
There were nd pleas, no self-abase­
ment n ow ; only contempt.
• A lic e had bean a very foolish girl,
an easy victim! to h it qarnal allure­
but iriefr
brought a transformation o f soul.
For the roomed» she was a woman
—a loyal daughter o f Sandy Bay.
W hen the angry man grabbed her
arm roughly the faced him coolly
and measured him with her eye*.
“I know what you are now," i__
said scornfully. " 'Y o u r * a traitor to
me and to y o u r town.” -
And even the calloused black sheep
was abashed at the scathing contempt
in h i* victim's manner. H e relented
her in silence.
T h i* time Alice
walked” out o f the W rig h t cottage
through the front dooa proudly.
But once - alone
_...» outside, the forlorn
little girl broke down. She sou
shelter among friendly trees. W ____
the full realizsRion o f her tad con­
dition Denetrifed. her consciousness
5V rlgh t observed F a th e r K e lly , C a p ta in M a th e r and Isaac A b ra b m a s
she hia her lace in her arms and
sea • . t a r i n g his fr o n t gate.
H a hastily sh o rad tha p ro testin g g ir l
sobbed bitterly
I t was the end o f
in te th e k itch e n and o u t o f th e back d o o r.
W a lla c o B o e rr aa
the world forjher.
K a n w a rd W rig h t an d M ild re d Juno as A lic e W ilto n
And so th e ifaith fu l Skeeters found
. her. « This tiqbe he was not repulsed.
W hen he touched h er arm timidly,
------it o f Captain M ath ers cottage the breakers drowned his voice. As
sadly puzzled lv h e r distress Alice
looked up, her«!ace tear-stained. She evtjry night, almost until the break ol Alice rose and advanced to the brink,
“ S e day o f Alice's tragic discov shrinking
back _______
once to _.
cover her
i n * ___
managed to smile fcently.
eyes in horror, the lad was galvan­
w a r I'v e been very rude to you,
ized into action.
I . ¥ r .Skeeters," she said, regretfully,
chanced to stray over their old l i v ­
Down over the dangerous rock* he'
and I m sorry.”
ers* »as Ik, which led to their trysting scrambled, Vera following as best
“Aw , that's all right,” replied place, i
could. But before Bruce could
Skeeters, m anfully, but at the sight
T hia time they met alone in the pain her attention Alice cast herself
o f his adored one's sorrow his tongue
open o f nature, where nothing is into the swirling waters.
refused further 'speech.
H e didn't
concealed. I t would have been ap­
The terrible sight of his beloved
know w h it it « a s all about, hut he
parent to even a casual observer
sympathized, y Alice's remorse was that these lovers wanted to make up sister's body hurtling down to death
only deepened as she realized th t They d id stop to exchange awkward lent incredible speed to the boy'e
true devotion and love o f the bezv for greetings, and then th e y tried to effort*.
Taking one desperate chance, he
her. »
chat, both sadly embarrassed.
hurled hi* own body out over the
But sharwas still enough o f a Jittle
But neither would take the final c liff* in a long dive, barely clearing
girl to brg-hten up for a moment and
step towaitdt reconciliation
jutting rocka
H e struck the
05 accept the chocolates he shyly p ro f­ course, it mas the lad's error, and the
water near where h i* little sister
fered hen
She even allowed him to
it was to hia credit that a fter Vera struggled.
H e r attempt to keep
escort h er fsotn* I t would be his last
had left him far down the road, he afloat was but instinctive in self-
time, she thought
ran a fter her to beg forgiveness.
preservation. And despite the cruel
Fortunately, her dear mother and
W ith his first stuttered words o f smash and swirl o f the breakers, the
Bruce w ere not at h om e She would
pleading he found the sweet-spirited desperate boy managed to reach hia
has e been able to conceal her V e ra more than eager
Hers was goal.
05 not
w rro w from them, and she was
fcaal < happy to escape the Bread possibility too great a goal to harbor tesent
H e fought their way to the rock*.
Where Vera knelt to lend a hand.
W h en* she had w ritten a farewell
Together once again, they strolled And then the boy and girl sank ex­
note ademg for th e ir forgiveness she hand in hand over the lovers’ path,
hausted .on the flat while Vera ad­
hurried away before it would be too through the meadows that lay soft in
ministered first aid to A lic e
the summer tun, up the wifiding trail
The grim reaper had been very
The broken tomanee o f Vera to the high cliffs where weird, fan­
M a th e r and B n tee W ilta o could not tastic cyprem trees stood sturdy and «ear, but the man’* strength, born
endure in mistmdarst^ading
A fte r fast against the full sweep o f the. In vouth, triumphed.
When Alice awoke in her own
the jealous latf$ inrpettsous anger element*
home she found herself-in a big a rm ­
had cooled, he had come to realize
When they had gained the sum­
that there mustpbe A terrible mistake mit where stood their favorite old chair, swathed in blanket* Anxioue
faces were peering over her.
somewhere. /
tree, the one bearing the heart and
H e was asgjre that he m ad * a fool initials carved, they looked down thanked her M aker that her dear
him self, ■ Despite
black upon the mighty ocean beating eter­ mother was still absent.
I t was easier to tell her story to
thoughts <yf jealousy that would nally against the worn rocks.
Vera and Bruce.
Straightway and
creep into his mind to torture, he
As they gazed in silent apprecia­ bravely, she began, while the boy
could n o t believe that the gentle tion o f the scene— suddenly Vera
on her word*.
Y - - y W * . ’ _ whose
w u v is
s had
ia u
r i i i i
screamed, a cry o f utter terror.
T a k in g V era's hand in hers, Alice
one o f er od, could so easily fall yie-
Bruce, dumfounded, could but fol­ said gently:
tim to »Vright's wiles. But «he lad low her horror-stneken eves— and
“ I shall never forget what you did
was n o t yet big enough to put the far down below- across the chasm on
for me, Vera—try to forgive— end
m e m o ir o f that night when he had an opposite cliff be beheld his little fo rg et
found, h er alone with W rig h t m the sister, Alice.
Vera could only sob softly as the
la tte r'* house, out o f his mind. W h y
Even from the distance it was evi- little sister turned to face her
had she refused to explain array* her dent that something sras wrong F o r
H i t face was white aa
apparent ju ilt ?
the broken girl had sought forgive­ death But she went on.
M a r y times he had passed Vera on ness o f her M aker
She knelt in si­
“And, Bruce.” she said, “that night
the street. H e had wanted to speak, lent prayer ns Bruce and V era at Kenward s house— Vera had com»
to make up, but he always hesitated watched.
for m e I wouldn’t go and the let
until too late So he contented htm-
The spell was broken by Bnice’s you believe her guiltv— for my
aeif with walking up and down in erics o f warning, but the noise of |
(To be continued.)
Trices on other machinery have a drop
I .....
the standard makes of the world.
A Popular R efreshm ent One that
is relished at all times by young or old
is our ice cream. I t is made front pure,
unadulterated cream and flavored* ith
pure fru it flavors. There is no more
wholesome or delicious refreshment on
earth. Parties and fam ilies supplied iu
C. E. Stanard and wife of
Brownsville are away on a C alifor­
nia tour, now that the warm
weather is really with ua.
We sell
the Claxtonola
Come in and hear it play
E. Zimmerman is proposed for
county commissioner by democratic
friends who will write his name in
on the ticket, which is printed
blank for that office.
A ll
From Mrs. M artha J. Kayser,
Redlands, C al., Mrs. Wheeler re
ceived as a surprise, Monday, a
package of oranges and lemons,
with blossoms also, a fragrant gift,
direct from the orchards where
they grew.
records aud needles.
Stewart & Price Confectionery
legal lights (or
darknesses) declare that the laws
against auto speeding are so word­
ed that they cannot be enforced in
that city.
The state highway commission
promises its part, with county and
I national co-operation, in building
la 14-foot roadway from Foster to
I Cascadia this summer. County
liond funds to the tune of 138,000)
land federal funds of a like amount
I are available for the work.
We w ill swap for your old Binder.
G. W. Mornhinweg
The Dennis company is getting
its plant at Tangent ready for the
paving of the section of the Pacific
highway from there to the county
Word has been received at the
office of the county clerk to the
effect that Elm er Rathbun, com­
mitted from Linn county to the
state hospital in November. 1921
has been released and taken lo
Come in and let us talk it
MCcormiC|( and Deering "¿NO“ RR“ ''
Mrs. Addis B Ehrlich of Port-
I land has bought the Harrisburg
hospital from Mrs. Ann Hope
1 Purdy.
Miss Gladys Clevenger, Browns­
ville high school graduate, was
married a conple of weeks ago to
J T. Smith, a Sacramento news­
paper man.
By S C O O P C O N L O N
A Genuine Riding
Corn Plow for
Mrs. Lonzo Neal returned Mon­
day evening after a three-weeks
visit with her mother in Idaho.
Capital and Surplus $35,000
Interest paid on time certificates of deposit
We invito your banking business
C. H. KOONTZ, Pres
T c TAYLOH, Vice-Pres.
B. M. BOM), Cashier
Be Honest With Yourself
O. I f you have been d riftin g along— spending all, saving n otlnn g-
and th in k.
You must realize that it cannot go oil forever. One's earning days are
numbered. Now, w hile your earning power is the greatest, see to it that
each payday pays S o m k t h in o toward your future I n d k p k n d r n c k ,
W e w ill welcome yonr a c o itn t a n i l help you save.
T he First Savings Bank of Albany, Oregon
k ' Where Saving, are safe -
Four p(. r ceBt aB(1 „ „ worTy
— -
A +■ t ■ t 't 't ■+■ t ' t +■+- f '+ j
George W. Scbroll, son of G- P
Schroll of this city, and Ruth Mary
Moore were married in the Epis­
copal church at Bartow, Florida,
A p ril 17. The bride’s parents aud
a small company of friends w it­
nessed the ceremony, which was
preformed b , Rev. James H Davel.
Immediately afterwards the bride
and groom left by auto for Palm
Beach and other points of interest
They were the recipients of many
lovely gifts. They will reside at
W inter Haven, Elorida.
D e tro it Vapor Od Çtove
The concrete
pavement from
this city to Harrisburg, 7.94 miles,
is to cost 1188,282.
W . A. Carey went to Roseburg
Sunday to visit a daughter, Mrs.
Davis, for a few weeks.
Mssdamrs Jake and H illard
Ackerman and Mrs. Havsrland
and daughter Effie from Browns
ville visited
Mery West
at the English home Thursday.
The county Farm Bureau has
continued the county fcgent on
duty for this month at least. It
hss also voted »400 to 0 . A. C.‘ for
extension work.
Cecils Mayberry was the winner
of the »10 Linn county prize given
by the state dental association for
essays on the teeth.
Roland Marks was home from
Corvallis for tbs week end and
played ball for Halsey at Harriv-
burg Saturday.
D illard Price was in Harrisburg
The bridge at Alford, on the
Pacific highway, something like
200 feet long, including approaches,
is practically finished.
John Cochall and D. Arnold bad
a fist fight at Brownsville for
which each paid »5 (ins and justice
court costs, and no disagreement
was settled, either.
high school took
second place in the county inter-
scholastic track meet at Albany
Saturday. The local team had 20
pointe to ite credit, Albany taking
first with 66. Scio was third with
17 pointe; M ill City, 15; Crabtree,
1 0 -T im e t. -
Mrs. R. I. Edwards of Browns­
ville brought M r. Edwards’ mother
over, after a two.weeks visit, lo take
Saturday’s train for her home in
Portland. Mrs. Edwards took the
children along and visited friends
(Cpn Un lied on pape 4)
H E R E D STAR is a marvelous advancem ent for home* without gas. • i
I t gives to these home* the same smokeless ami mlorless heat asiloes
the city gas range. It is wickless, a*
«eanaaltg l
erate* its own gas from cheap kerosene, gasoline or distillate, concentrat-
/s tng a double rin g of heat beneath the cooking utensil and saving at least
B ona-fourth of fuel b ill. Operates 19 hour* on a gallon of fuel,
415—421 W est F irst st.. Albfinv Ordirmi
•*•♦•••••••«(<•••«•♦»♦»»«»»»»»•«♦•• »«»»»»»«»»«»«»»l» »»gs
Automobile Insurance
Fire, theft, collision, property dam age and <
personal liability. Protect yourself against j
c. P. STAFFORD, Agent.
> ]- - f y fi t f t
« g» » * » * « k s a a j a*