Just Arrived, A Full Line of Pure A L U M IN U M W ARE Call and let us quote prices that will surprise you. No. 8 Octagonal Teakettles No artk,e over Large Preserving Kettles Dishpans, etc., etc., etc. This is the time to clean up and paint up. We are putting in a large stock of best P A I N T S and O I L S We have increased our stock ef F U R N I T U B F Linoleums and kindred goods. URE’ general hardw are l a w n R o w e r s G a r d e n h o se Come in and 'get prices. Our prices |are mads with the object of m aking salea HILL & CO. Jots and I ittles Sen. (Continued from page 1) THOS. F. RYAN o r O reg o n C ity j Formerly Brownsville Man STATE TREASURER Honesy, efficiency and economy, w ith th irty per cent reduction in maintenance expenses guaranteed Vote for W. A. EASTBURN ,for County Commissioner A business adm inis­ tration on business principles. Let us get out of debt and stay out. Mother’s day was well observed at both local churches Sunday. Among the floral decorations, which wore beautiful at both places, there was, at the Christian church, a crowning piece containing the word ’’mother” spelled in flowers. CHAPTER « W hen the out. Red men had made itremc_ _ _________ their departure, e, Kenward W righ t realized it would now be a w ar to the finish. H e had bartrned his. b irth rig h t; he had been branded a tra ito r to his: home. But he cared not. E v il forces now completely dominated hia heart and aoul. H e was beyond redemption. W rig h t had completely forgotten Alice W ilton. ’ H e was taloen by sur­ prise when die entered tha toora from her hiding place in die kitdhen. H e had notJieard her return, but one look at hdr face convinced him that she had overheard everything. I t was a different girl that confrotit- ad him now, dbcusing and unafraid. There were nd pleas, no self-abase­ ment n ow ; only contempt. 05 • A lic e had bean a very foolish girl, an easy victim! to h it qarnal allure­ ments, but iriefr sunenngs had brought a transformation o f soul. For the roomed» she was a woman —a loyal daughter o f Sandy Bay. W hen the angry man grabbed her arm roughly the faced him coolly and measured him with her eye*. 05 “I know what you are now," i__ said scornfully. " 'Y o u r * a traitor to me and to y o u r town.” - And even the calloused black sheep was abashed at the scathing contempt in h i* victim's manner. H e relented her in silence. T h i* time Alice walked” out o f the W rig h t cottage through the front dooa proudly. But once - alone _...» outside, the forlorn little girl broke down. She sou l shelter among friendly trees. W ____ the full realizsRion o f her tad con­ dition Denetrifed. her consciousness 5V rlgh t observed F a th e r K e lly , C a p ta in M a th e r and Isaac A b ra b m a s she hia her lace in her arms and sea • . t a r i n g his fr o n t gate. H a hastily sh o rad tha p ro testin g g ir l sobbed bitterly I t was the end o f in te th e k itch e n and o u t o f th e back d o o r. W a lla c o B o e rr aa the world forjher. K a n w a rd W rig h t an d M ild re d Juno as A lic e W ilto n And so th e ifaith fu l Skeeters found . her. « This tiqbe he was not repulsed. W hen he touched h er arm timidly, ------it o f Captain M ath ers cottage the breakers drowned his voice. As sadly puzzled lv h e r distress Alice looked up, her«!ace tear-stained. She evtjry night, almost until the break ol Alice rose and advanced to the brink, “ S e day o f Alice's tragic discov shrinking back _______ once to _. cover her i n * ___ managed to smile fcently. eyes in horror, the lad was galvan­ w a r I'v e been very rude to you, e ry ,, both V era and Bruce had ized into action. I . ¥ r .Skeeters," she said, regretfully, chanced to stray over their old l i v ­ Down over the dangerous rock* he' and I m sorry.” ers* »as Ik, which led to their trysting scrambled, Vera following as best “Aw , that's all right,” replied place, i . she could. But before Bruce could Skeeters, m anfully, but at the sight T hia time they met alone in the pain her attention Alice cast herself o f his adored one's sorrow his tongue open o f nature, where nothing is into the swirling waters. refused further 'speech. H e didn't concealed. I t would have been ap­ The terrible sight of his beloved know w h it it « a s all about, hut he parent to even a casual observer sympathized, y Alice's remorse was that these lovers wanted to make up sister's body hurtling down to death only deepened as she realized th t They d id stop to exchange awkward lent incredible speed to the boy'e true devotion and love o f the bezv for greetings, and then th e y tried to effort*. Taking one desperate chance, he her. » / chat, both sadly embarrassed. hurled hi* own body out over the But sharwas still enough o f a Jittle But neither would take the final c liff* in a long dive, barely clearing girl to brg-hten up for a moment and step towaitdt reconciliation Ol jutting rocka H e struck the 05 accept the chocolates he shyly p ro f­ course, it mas the lad's error, and the water near where h i* little sister fered hen She even allowed him to it was to hia credit that a fter Vera struggled. H e r attempt to keep escort h er fsotn* I t would be his last had left him far down the road, he afloat was but instinctive in self- time, she thought ran a fter her to beg forgiveness. preservation. And despite the cruel Fortunately, her dear mother and W ith his first stuttered words o f smash and swirl o f the breakers, the Bruce w ere not at h om e She would pleading he found the sweet-spirited desperate boy managed to reach hia has e been able to conceal her V e ra more than eager Hers was goal. 05 not w rro w from them, and she was fcaal < happy to escape the Bread possibility too great a goal to harbor tesent H e fought their way to the rock*. ment Where Vera knelt to lend a hand. W h en* she had w ritten a farewell Together once again, they strolled And then the boy and girl sank ex­ note ademg for th e ir forgiveness she hand in hand over the lovers’ path, hausted .on the flat while Vera ad­ hurried away before it would be too through the meadows that lay soft in ministered first aid to A lic e late. the summer tun, up the wifiding trail The grim reaper had been very The broken tomanee o f Vera to the high cliffs where weird, fan­ 05 M a th e r and B n tee W ilta o could not tastic cyprem trees stood sturdy and «ear, but the man’* strength, born * endure in mistmdarst^ading A fte r fast against the full sweep o f the. In vouth, triumphed. When Alice awoke in her own the jealous latf$ inrpettsous anger element* home she found herself-in a big a rm ­ had cooled, he had come to realize When they had gained the sum­ that there mustpbe A terrible mistake mit where stood their favorite old chair, swathed in blanket* Anxioue faces were peering over her. She somewhere. / tree, the one bearing the heart and H e was asgjre that he m ad * a fool initials carved, they looked down thanked her M aker that her dear him self, ■ Despite the black upon the mighty ocean beating eter­ mother was still absent. I t was easier to tell her story to thoughts ]- - f y fi t f t « g» » * » * « k s a a j a*