Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, January 12, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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year sentence.
T h a t game don’t
p a r.
Mr«. Wheeler continue» slo n l
Yesterday «he was able
to walk across the room, being
steadied by the nurse to prevent
fa llin g . And «he moved the thum b
and huger« of the afllicted hand.
H er constant cheerfulness ie a help
toward» recoyery.
1?. 1922
V. J. Kansiiale had the m isfor
tune to cut his foot very badly
while c u ttin g wood at his home
near Brow nsville Tuesday.
was taken to the hospital at A l-
bauy for treatm ent and w ill have
to remain there for several days
Mrs. E. E Gorm ley and grand­
daughter Rene A lfo rd left on the
noon tra in today for H arrisburg
The first sign o f improvement
Dr. M arks report« a ten-pound along tin- highway appears at th*
boy at the home of George D.
C P. Stafford home, where the
Gould and wife, Sbedd.
are having their old haru torn
Ed Bower« brot Je«»e Keen, down w ith the inten tion o f b u ild ,
brother-in-law of the late H arry mg a chicken h<ju«e near the center
Bower», to Halsey Sunday to take d th e ir lot» and off the street
tra iu for Portland.
jeorge Maxwell is doing the work
The high school boys’ basketball
Japanese Easy to Pronounce.
team went to B ellfountain S atur­
Japanese la one of the easiest Ian
day evening to play the high school
of the world to pronounce
boy« there.
B ellfountain won, 36 Binge»
M st of the words end In vowels and
to 21.
n< ne of the consonants offers any did,
The Epworth league held the cuttles
m oo dily business meeting and so­
cial a t the home of Kuth Frum
There was quite a lot ot business
attended to and after tins a social
tim e was had in games of different
kinds itnd refreshments seived
A bout th irty -fiv e were present.
Brownsville Brief«
Church Canva
The every-member cauvase w ill
be the chief festure of C hristian
church a c tiv ity next Sunday. As
mauy pledgee as possible w ill be
taken ai the m orning service and
those n ot secured then w ill be
taken by teams of canvassers in
the a lte r noon. Members are urge 1
to be at tbeal l o’clock service; ibis
w il1 make the num ber of peop'e to
be visited in the afternoon com­
paratively email.
The canvassers w ill ^ ia v e
lunch at noon, and w ill receive
struction« as to bow they w ill
carry on th e ir work
C. F Swander of Portland, for
vear« our state secretary, w ill
assist in the canvass. He w ill oc­
cupy the p u lp it both m orning and
The S tud y C lub
Mrs. Wood o f I . ok Angeles and
her daogeter and son-in.law , Mr.
ami Mr«. Chari OH MHIer of Eu.
gene, were guests at the K L . W i l l -
iiifo td borne Tuesday.
Ex-service men of Linn county
w dl be tbp guests of honor at u big
Hmoker and entertainm ent given
by Alfred F Babcock Post No 10,
Am erican L-gion, at the comm u­
n ity home in Albany Mondav
n ig ht next.
I'bere w ill be wrest­
lin g and boxing matches and a
fast basketball contest between tlie
local American Legion team and
a q uiutet from the fifth company,
C. A. C. This w ill lie the opening
ol the oainpaigii for membership
in the locul post.
However, a ll
ex service men are invited anil w ill
be welcome at the smoker, regard
less of th eir membership in the
Every-day Remedies
S w am p R oot
P o ru ñ a
S y r u p o f F ig s
T a n la c
M ilk o f M a g n e s i a
M u s to r o lo
A n a l g e s i c B a lm
V ic k ’s V a p o R u b
D a n d e rin e .
S t. J a c o b ’s O il
J a d S a lts
S al H e p á tic a
P i n k h a m ’s R e m e d i e s
C o u g h R e m e d ie s
Ringo’s Drug Store
W e d n e s d a y o n ly , J a n ­
u a r y 18.
M r. S e e l e y s a y s : T h e
S p e r m a tic S h ie ld w ill n o t
o n ly r e ta in a n y c a s e o f
r u p tu r e p e rm a n e n tly , b u t
c o n t r a c t s t h e o p e n i n g in
in d a y s o n t h e a v e r a g e
in g
myra. a tiny Island knoll 1,000 miles
south of Honolulu w hile they culti­
vated a virgin copra plantation. T h e ir
only neighbor tyas Edward
who helped them with their work.
First Question About Styles.
Mrs. Meng, who has Just returned
to the Haw aiian capital, believes that
a few months la all the average white
w oman can stand of tropical ennui-and
isolation, so temptingly pictured by
he mystic South Sea school of roman­
Mrs. Meng’s first
What are the women wearing?" D u r­
ing all the time spent on the lonely
Isle she had read no newspaper or
magazine; had seen no living soul ex-
'■ept her husband and Benner, the
fam ily frie n d ; no sail In the cloudless
blue, and had had no message from be­
yond the briny horizon.
Sick and Tired of Bloomers.
“I hope." said the woman from Pal­
myra. "that they aren't wearing bloom­
ers In civilization, because I'm sick and
tired of bloomers. I've been wearing
them for seven months, and now I
now $ 1.5 0 ?
do. now 2 .5 0 4
In Coblent there are about 3.000
American army, the general policy of
Mlleting being sim ilar In all the zone«
s» occupied by the French. British
tnd Belgians.
in the m ajority of
sees. allied families have been quar
'ered In the same houses or apart
manta w ith German families, the ai­
led famlliea occupying a separate part
>f the house ao far a* practicable, and !
islng the kitchen and bath In com
non w ith a German occupant.
A» a consequence, disputes
■ risen, and the town major, or blllet-
ng officer, ts often called upon to r e t - I
lie them These disagreements almost ;
Invariably have their origin In the
lolnt use of the kitchen. Because of
this difficulty, the policy ha» universal
ly been adopted of Installlug. wherever
possible, a separate kitchen for the
allied fam ily.
Generally, when a house or apart­
ment has been taken over, the Oer
mana have been permitted to take
ih elr furniture and personal belong­
ings with them In the American area
It Is stated, however, that only In ex
ceptlonal cases have German« been
required to vacate their home» or S j -
W ith Seven Months of Loneli­
apartments entirely
One eight room
school building In Cobiens was requi­
sitioned exclusively for children
of want some pretty thing«.
My first
American officers.
dissipation la going to be a shopping
if it i» a box of mir delivmiis candy. It
She had helped the men pick and
I» a» w hole» «ne a» il ts deliriou», and
To Stop Mine F ire s
cure the coconut meat (copra»; had
alter taslmg it yoa'U want more
A new method of checking fire In kept the prim itive shelter looking tid y ;
mines Is by means of boxes of fine rock had served the scrambled bird's egg*
ery«ne dotv» np,>n m ir chotce confer
dust suspended aerosa the roof of the and devtl<rab meat— and developed a
Ilona, they are so pure, (resh and deli-
Any shock due to an expío
deep distaste for bloomers and for the
ston la sufficient to cause them to break Id jlllc Ufe of the novellate
i * i ) from ihelr supports and the
finely divided dost falla into the pas
Open E y.a Denota dashnesa.
owe and prevents the flames from
Wide-open eye» are »aid to be Indie- I
$2 Pocket Ben
Watches now $ 1.5 0 ’
$2 A la rm Clocks
t *
now' l . 5 0 |
j$7 5c Highland I -men Stationery, 50c a b o x ^
If your Fountain Pen o r E ve rsha rp i
¿Pencil is not working bring it to o u r l
pen service station.
Film Drama of Human Hearts,
“The Barbarian”
The story of the prim eval
reaches of the north woods, char­
acterized as a rom autic dram a of
unusual beauty and appeal, ‘ ‘The
B a rb a ria n ” , a Pioneer a ttra c tio n ,
s ta rrin g Monroe Salisbury sup­
ported by an exceptional cast of
players, headed by Jane Novak,
show« F rid ay at the R ialto theater.
The production has been w idely
heralded by critics as one o f the
year’« most notable film s.
brings to the screen something new
in the way o f story, acting, di-
lection, and settings.
The storv
was w ritten by Theodore Seixus
bolomens and acenariozed by K.
P. H eath.
Donald Crisp is the
Plantation W ith Husband
and Friend.
4 $ 2 .5 0 pint Universal Vacuum Bottles
Admittance Here 5 Cents
a Line
A mathematics teacher ba« been
Leave your orders for land-
added to the high school fa c u lty
plaster at the lum ber yard.
in the person of Mis« Ruth T hom p­
Honolulu.— M other Eve must have
son, from C alifornia.
had a fearfu lly dull t^ne If Eden re
Lost, a gold "E ve ra h a rp ” pen­
sembled her home In the South Seas,
M r. and Mrs. Percy S u lliva n
Anyone finding please take to
United States Army Officers* Wives
welcomed a little daughter to the
Enterprise office or to Geraldine
hut returned to civilization sated with fa m ily circle a few day« ago.
and Children Get Modern Homes
seven months of loneliness, barefoot
B uilt by German City— Te Re­
Mrs. Hay« of C raw fordsville
freedom, moonlight on coral strand«,
lieve Crowding.
Dr. E. W B arnum , d e n tis t, at
and parrot chatter In sun-baked palms. -pent a few days w ith Mrs. Guion
She and her husband lived an Adam last week w hile attending
the Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and
Coblenx.— Apartm ent houses built
and Eve existence for 200 days on P al­ Bible conference.
F riday.
by the m unicipality o f Coblenz, aided
Coblenz Provides Apartments for
Families of Yanks.
^ W O O D W O R T H D rug
Ladiçs’ Purses
I landbags
2 5 per cent off
The delivery window of the
Halsey postoffice is open Sundays
grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. m. and lZ:20
to 12:36 and 5:15 to 6.3v p. m.
No, 23, 11:31 a. m.-
15, 12:24 p. m.
17, 5.49 p. m.
X 44-44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 > 4 >
The Bible conference held here
for a week under the direction of
Dr. W . P. W hite o f Portland
closed Sunday n ig ht in the Presby­
terian church w ith a capacity con­
gregation. Two services were held
each day w ith increasing attend,
ance from the first
I t was one of
the greatest religious movements
ever experienced in Brownsville
an I verified the statement of Dr.
W hite th a t the people wre hungry
3 for the word of God.
A t the last
- session it was voted to have another
| conference next yoar and a com-
i niittee of laynlen was appointed to
! co-operate w ith the pastors to make
¡«11 necessary arrangements.
case, beiti^
being a vast advancement over
all former methods—exem p lifying in-
stmtaneous effect» Im m ediately appre
by the tiennati
(able and withstanding any alrain or
opened recently for
position, no matter what the site or Io
•xclualvely of officers of the American
Large or difficult cases, or in
forces In Germany and their (until­
ininnal ruptures (follow ing operation»
specially solicited
This instrniuent r
Mr«. H u jli 1 jt*ep«r is down w ith cviveil the only award in England an
The purpose of the house« la to re-
trouble of the h a rt and her daugh­ in Spain, producing result« without sm
leve the crowded condition o f the
ter, Mrs Bverley, is caring for tier
tty, which ha« been a problem ever
M r Seeley has docn
■Ince the allied troops reached the
Archie C oriieliu«’ little boy swab
b wed a common bra«» pin Sun­ meut, \5aaliiugiMin, for inspection H
There are 82 apartments of
will be glad to demonstrate withou
| lie whole fa m ily wa- < barge or fit them if desired. Businas»
oom« each, and all modem convenl-
‘ ‘on pine ami needle»” u n til M on­ lemands prevent stopping at any othv
•uces in the new building« now be­
day m orning, when the pin came place in Ibis section.
ing taken over by the American fam
I’ S — Every statement in this notic»
lies. W ork on these apartments n t ,
i>v»v from him n atu ra lly.
lias liecn verified before the federal am
darted about two years ago to allevl-
li. It. Penis nil has gone for
<te, as the Germans put It, "an un­
tome office, 117 No. Dearborn at., Chi
two week»’ trip in C alifornia
bearable situation," as “no roof la
arge enough to cover two families."
Xdditlonal quarters for noncommls
•toned officers and thetr fam lliea are
rlao under construction.
Allied army officers say that the
Population o f Coblenz perhaps has
oeen harder pressed by the army requl
dtlon nt quarters than any other oc­
ti pled city. All available space for
•Wees and billets has been
'equlalttnn for nearly three years, but
German official» hope the new apart
ment houses w ill considerably Improve
i he present crowded condition of the
3.50 quart
Rev. H enry Myers was over from
Coburg the first of the week and
spent a few days w ith M ayor W hite
and fa m ily and other Brow nsville
N t 18, 12.04 p. m.
24. 4.34 p. m
14, 5:27 p. m.
The members of the Study club
spent a very pleasant and prob ­
able afternoon last Thursday at
the home of Mrs. D. S. M c W il­
liams. The lesson, given by Mrs.
English, wae g ie utly enjoyed and
sn interesting reading was given
by Mr». Sm ith. I t was decided to
take up the study of the govern­
ment o f Oregon, in conjunction
; Dr. W. P W hite, who so suc­
vith the history, Mrs Templeton
cessfully conducted the Bible con-
S 'f o le y , f a m o u s in t h i s
'erence here last week, preached
Mr« Stafford sang two «elec­
times Sunday— in the m orn­
M p e c ia ltv . c a l l e d t o
Woman Is Glad to Return to Civ­
tion« that were much enjoyed.
ing at the Metbodiat and in the a f­
A lb a n y
ilization After Seven Months
ternoon and evening in the Pres­
Smith in serving refreshments.
byterian church.
This, according
II. S e e l e y o f C h ic a g o
The club w ill meet the 10th
to a statement made at <jne of the
Chicken d in ne r every Munday at
.m d
P h ila d e lp h ia ,
th e
Bible studies, is the D octor’s idea Hotel Brownsville. 50 cents.
pleton, at which tim e M rs.‘ W alton
of Sabbath rest.
n<»tod t r u s s e x p e r t , w ill w ill give the lesson. -
Mrs. Clara M cCcy came over
p e r s o n a l l y h e a t t h e 'S t.
n- i . - i .
For rent or for sale— Houses and
from C orvallis last week to spend. farm< ¡n v ic in it of H a ,
F r a n c i s h o te l a n d w ill r e ­
a tv i i a v u
w i ith
t h her
h o r parent«,
n u ro n fa
* __ ___ _ <
Looks Forward to Shopping Tour A f­ a a T few
days w
W J . Ribelin.
m a in in A l b a n y t h e c o i n ­
ter Working on Lonely Copra
and Mr«. W illia m Davidson.
The Monroe G ia n ts’ basketball
tea m came to Halsey Tue-day
evening to play the Halsey AH
I'lie Giants won by a score
of to 13 9
i be game was rough
The referee was not a believer in
ca lling fouls but many were made
on both «ides.
(R egular correspondence)
Alton W illia m s was canvassing
Brow nr vi lie the first of the week
for the name« o f our citizens to go
i iqfo a c ity directory.
R. H Robinson returned tb * la t­
ter part of the week from a v is it
with his daughter, M rs. H am lin, at
Los Angeles
‘ ‘ B illy ” Templeton, who has
Good apples for sale.
G. W.
been so seriously sick for two or Mornbiuweg.
three weeks, was « lig h tly improved
the latter part of the week, but is
Here is a bargain for some Ford
again confined to his bed.
He tru c k owner:
Two' 82x4^ fabric
surely is having a serious tim e.
casings at $25 each.
Halsey Gar
The Economy meat m arket,w hich ige, Foote Bros.
-V. f. Templeton was compelled to
close on account o f i ll health, is
now being run by M orris K ing.
The many Brownsville friends of
1’rof. A. H. Welter are sorry to
earn that for several days he was
unable to take care of his school
work a t H arrisburg owing to i l l ­
ness. He is reported better now.
John Talent was oyer from. Sa-
l-m a few days v isitin g ’ bis «on
Percy and brother Oscar, who are
farm ing the R. R. Templeton randn
east of town
A brother o f Mr« 4
O«car T alent is also a guest in th tf
Mrs. Pansy T indle M orris, who
has been seriously sick for several
months, eleven weeks being spent
in a Portland hospital, is reported
c ritic a lly ill at the home of her
parents, M r. and Mrs. Frank T in -
dle, in South Brownsville,
husband and big m other came,
called by her serious condition.
M r“. M orris has a wide circle of
friends in Brownsville who are
longing for more favorable uews
from her bedside.
Among the most regret able we-,
'otreuces of the closing weeks o f
, he vear was the special session of
h» legiflature*-Lehanou C riterion
Large Victory.
Begin with all this, as a small de-
rest that means large victory.— James
l ane Allen.
X 4 44 + 4 4 4 4 4 +4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 X
She'll A ccept Y o u r
G ift G ladly
45-acre Dairy Farm
Good improvement».
east of Halsey.
Write owner.
Redmond, Oregon
100 cords of Excel­
lent Fir Wood
St. Kevin's Cross, Ulendalow coun
ty. W icklow. Ireland, Is the spot where
St. Kevin was buried.
Thia la probably the most ancient
cross In Ireland, and a legend runs
around It to the effect that the lady
who could make her arms meet round
the cross would rule her husband
The picture shows a husband en­
deavoring to make his w ife the ruler.
'tnnpjajatny M8ÍÍ
•TJ jo Zjspunoq aieq u oa »qj paipBai
pua aXap qo»n<j p;o aqj a, jj x UO| b
pepuajxa jaq) hum p;o aqj cnojj autau
•J| sea i jap ‘« joji Max laajis huai
tssjJS i|»M psiito t | ti <MM
Notice i» hereby given that thennder
•igned bv an ovdei of the County Court
of Linn County. Oregon, have been ap
or sale on the Samuel Snyder place, pointed Executor and Execntrix respect
four miles east of Rrnwnsville. on good iyely of the last W ill and Teatament o f l
graveled road
H um » ( Allen, deceased
A ll person-
For terms see owner
nas ing claims against »aid estate are re
q n red to present them w ithin six
months from the date of this notice
with the proper vouchers, to the nuder
^ lIC D llC r O
signed at th e ir place of residence in Hal
aey. in Linn County. Oregon.
Dated and first published this 5th dav
of January. 1922.
1 * 1 1 F IO
W . A. A llen. Executor.
Lena Beene, Executrix.
Amor A Tusaiug, Atty, for Far A Exrx.
Í Collie
•rtv» of rawUua«».
Six miles »ouUi-