I PAGE 6 HALSEY ENTERPRISE year sentence. T h a t game don’t p a r. Mr«. Wheeler continue» slo n l improve. Yesterday «he was able to walk across the room, being steadied by the nurse to prevent fa llin g . And «he moved the thum b and huger« of the afllicted hand. H er constant cheerfulness ie a help toward» recoyery. T ñftÉ T Y RAILROAD TJM£ JAN 1?. 1922 V. J. Kansiiale had the m isfor tune to cut his foot very badly while c u ttin g wood at his home near Brow nsville Tuesday. He was taken to the hospital at A l- bauy for treatm ent and w ill have to remain there for several days Mrs. E. E Gorm ley and grand­ daughter Rene A lfo rd left on the noon tra in today for H arrisburg The first sign o f improvement Dr. M arks report« a ten-pound along tin- highway appears at th* boy at the home of George D. C P. Stafford home, where the Gould and wife, Sbedd. are having their old haru torn Ed Bower« brot Je«»e Keen, down w ith the inten tion o f b u ild , brother-in-law of the late H arry mg a chicken hf the house ao far a* practicable, and ! islng the kitchen and bath In com non w ith a German occupant. A» a consequence, disputes have ■ risen, and the town major, or blllet- ng officer, ts often called upon to r e t - I lie them These disagreements almost ; Invariably have their origin In the lolnt use of the kitchen. Because of this difficulty, the policy ha» universal ly been adopted of Installlug. wherever possible, a separate kitchen for the allied fam ily. Generally, when a house or apart­ OREGON ment has been taken over, the Oer mana have been permitted to take ih elr furniture and personal belong­ ings with them In the American area It Is stated, however, that only In ex ceptlonal cases have German« been required to vacate their home» or S j - W ith Seven Months of Loneli­ apartments entirely One eight room ness. school building In Cobiens was requi­ sitioned exclusively for children of want some pretty thing«. My first American officers. dissipation la going to be a shopping if it i» a box of mir delivmiis candy. It tour." She had helped the men pick and I» a» w hole» «ne a» il ts deliriou», and To Stop Mine F ire s cure the coconut meat (copra»; had alter taslmg it yoa'U want more Ev A new method of checking fire In kept the prim itive shelter looking tid y ; mines Is by means of boxes of fine rock had served the scrambled bird's egg* ery«ne dotv» np,>n m ir chotce confer dust suspended aerosa the roof of the and devtl 4 > f The Bible conference held here for a week under the direction of Dr. W . P. W hite o f Portland closed Sunday n ig ht in the Presby­ terian church w ith a capacity con­ gregation. Two services were held each day w ith increasing attend, ance from the first I t was one of the greatest religious movements ever experienced in Brownsville an I verified the statement of Dr. W hite th a t the people wre hungry 3 for the word of God. A t the last - session it was voted to have another | conference next yoar and a com- i niittee of laynlen was appointed to ! co-operate w ith the pastors to make ¡«11 necessary arrangements. TIRES OF LIFE ' ON LONELY ISLE case, beiti^ being a vast advancement over all former methods—exem p lifying in- stmtaneous effect» Im m ediately appre by the tiennati government, were (able and withstanding any alrain or opened recently for accommodation position, no matter what the site or Io •xclualvely of officers of the American vtion Large or difficult cases, or in forces In Germany and their (until­ ininnal ruptures (follow ing operation» es. specially solicited This instrniuent r Mr«. H u jli 1 jt*ep«r is down w ith cviveil the only award in England an The purpose of the house« la to re- trouble of the h a rt and her daugh­ in Spain, producing result« without sm leve the crowded condition o f the gery, injection«, medical treatment or ter, Mrs Bverley, is caring for tier tty, which ha« been a problem ever prescriptions. M r Seeley has docn ■Ince the allied troops reached the inents Irom the United Slates govern Archie C oriieliu«’ little boy swab .thlhe. b wed a common bra«» pin Sun­ meut, \5aaliiugiMin, for inspection H There are 82 apartments of five will be glad to demonstrate withou day. | lie whole fa m ily wa- < barge or fit them if desired. Businas» oom« each, and all modem convenl- ‘ ‘on pine ami needle»” u n til M on­ lemands prevent stopping at any othv •uces in the new building« now be­ day m orning, when the pin came place in Ibis section. ing taken over by the American fam I’ S — Every statement in this notic» lies. W ork on these apartments n t , i>v»v from him n atu ra lly. lias liecn verified before the federal am darted about two years ago to allevl- -late courts.— E I I Seeley. li. It. Penis nil has gone for