Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, December 01, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mr. V: ne toward »he tire, that son» their size and the reguhtiity of their
t'Aikb 3
day 1 would flud the weapon that •rder spoke of cultivation.
would penetrate the Scotchman's arm ­ cringes and lemon*
here, too,
or— and would use It mercilessly
and many beautiful hanana-palnis.
Here n iu th iu ^ a certain flnpzen
< ookle received us with unctuous
At the side of the clearing toward
down, who had been boatswain on the
the stream stood a hut, built of cocoa-
Bonny Lass at the time that she so
"Well, now, 'd a r to goodness If It palm logs. Its roof of palm-thatch
regrettably lost her passengers over­
alnt the U’le lady! How come you had been scattered by storms. Near­
board. He sew and recognized his old
git ashore all dry lak you la? Yes, er the stream on • bench were an old
skipper hobbling along the Bristol
sah, ( ookie'll git you-all some'n hot decaying washtub and a board. A
quays, and perhups from pity took the
immelusly." He wafted tne with state­ broken frying-pan and a rusty ax-
shabby creature home with hlui.
ly gestures to a seat on an overturned head lay In the grass.
I Hopperdown dealt In sailors’ slops,
Iron kettle, and served ray coffee with
In the hut Itself were a rude bed­
and had a snug room or two behind
an air appropriate to mahogany and stead, a small table and a cupboard
| the shop.
Here for a while the for-
plate. It was something to see him made of boxes. I w as excited at first,
| mer Captain Sampson dwelt, and a f­
wait on Cuthbert Vane. As Cookie and fancied we had come upon the
ter a swift Illness here he'died. With
told me later. In the course of our dwelling of a marooned pirate. W ith­
the hand of death upon hliu, his grim
rapidly developing friendship, “dfct, out taking the trouble to combat this
lips at last gave up their secret. With
young genimun am sure one ob de opinion. Mr. Shaw explained to Cuth­
stiffening Augers he traced a rough
quality.” To Indicate the certainty of bert Vane that a copra gatherer had
map, to refresh Hopperdown'a mem­
Cookie's instinct. Miss Hlgglesby once lived here, and that the place
ory after the lapse of time since
Browne was never tffore to hint than must have yielded such a profit that
either had seei^ the wavts-beaten cliffs
“dat pusson.”
he was only surprised to find It de­
of Leeward Island.
For Captain
C O P y F S IG -H T
jm g _ B O B B S -M E R R |L L COM PANY
On the beach Mr. Shaw. Captain serted now
Behind this cool, em­
Sampson had never been able to re­
Magnus nn<l the sailors were toiling, phatic speech 1 sensed an Ironic zest
turn to claim the treasure which ha
tan the descent. "Don't blame your­ unloading uud piling up stores. Hath- !
had left to Bill Halliwell's silent
self too much. Everybody has got to er laggtngly. Apollo joined them. I 1 In the destruction of my pirate.
I f he had. Indeed,
C H A P T E R I . —J an e H a rd in g , respect
go some time, you know, and they say was glad, for a heavy fatigue was | being ferried from the Rufus Smith
able and conservative old spinster—but
sailed with Ronlto, he had kept his
drowning’s easy.”
never too old to th in k o f m a rria g e —w ith
stealing over me. Cookie, taking note to the Islnnd. my aunt and Miss
secret from hls formidable command-
m ore m oney th a n brains. Is Inveigled by
With a stifled cry Aunt Jane for­ of my sagging head, brought me some- ! Browne had been easily persuaded to
a stro ng-m in ded spinster. M iss H igg lesb y-
er. Even as he had dealt with Bill
B ro w iie, into fin an cing an expedition to
Halllwell, so might Ronlto deal by him
was already out of reach.
h u n t fo r buried trea s u re on Leew ard
felt him drawing a tarpaulin over me
The boats of the Kufua Smith had
island. H e r niece, V ir g in ia H ard in g , un­
—or at least the lion's shnre must he
“Oh, Virginia I” she walled. “Oh as I sank Into bottomless depths of
d e rta k in g to stop her, gets on th e vessel
yielded to the pirate captain. And
©ii£fc-gcu for th e hu nt, and in th© confu*
my dear child! I f It should be the sleep.
lations with humanity were severed.
■ion is u n w illin g ly carrie d along.
the passion of Captain Sampson's life
Igst parting!”
I opened my eyes to the dying stars. The thought of our Isolation awed and
had come to be hls gold— his hidden
“Give my Jewelry and things
The moon had set.
I heard men
C H A P T E R I I . —B y no m eans concealing
hourd on far-off Leewnrd Island. It
Bess' baby I” I found strength to call shouting, “Here she comes!" “Stand fascinated me as I sat meditatively
her distaste fo r the expedition and her
upon a keg of nails watching the mir­
contem pt for its m em bers, V irg in ia makes
was hls. now, all hls. The only other
back. Then the arms of the Honor­ by to lend a hand!”
In haste I acle of the tropic dawn.
the a cq uaintance o f the H ono ra b le C u th ­
The men “ No, We Do Our Best to Keep Out who knew Ita hiding place, hls for­
able Mr. Vane received me.
The scrambled up and tore for the beach.
bert V ane, an d is som ew hat impressed
of Them.”
were hard at work with bales and
mer mate, had been killed In Havana
strong rowers bent their hacks and I must witness the landing of Aunt
C H A P T E R I I I . —T a lk in g w ith D ugaid
boxes, except Mr. Tubbs, who gave even I, whose role was that of Skep­ In a tavern brawl. The secret of the
Shaw , th e leader o f the expedition, V ir ­
advice. It must have b»»en valuable tic, found exciting. Miss Browne was bright unattainable trensure waa^all
g in ia v ery fr a n k ly expresses her views,
of bright water between ns and the
Through the dawn-twilight that lay advice, for he assured everybody that at last to produce her map and re­ the captalu's own. He dreamed of
p ra c tic a lly accusing Shaw and the other
island. Great slow swells lifted us upon the cove the boat drew near that
m em bers o f the p a rty , In cluding a some­
a word from his lips had Invariably veal the secret of the Island. So far, the doubloons, gloated over them,
w h a t un ce rtain personage, C ap tain M a g -
We dipped with a soothing, cradle bore Mr. Tubbs and his fair charges.
?,UBk ,aJVl a shady •fln an cler.,r H a m ilto n
been enough to make Wall Str»»et sit except In general terms, she had Im­ longed for them w ith
a ceaseless
like motion. I forgot to be afraid. In I saw the three cork helmets grouped
H Tubbs, o f being In a conspiracy to de­
Everybody, In gnawing passion of desire. And In
up and take notice. But It la a far parted It to no one.
frau d M iss Jane H a rd in g . T h e ir relations
the delight of the warm wind that together In the stern. Then the foam­
n a tu r a lly , a re som ew hat strained.
cry front Wall Street to Leeward coming along, had been buying a pig the end he died. In Hopperdown'a lit­
fanned our eheeks, of the moonbeams ing fringe of wavelets caught the
Island. Mr. Tubbs, Ignored, sought In a poke— though to be sure Aunt tle shop In the narrow Bristol by­
that on the crest of every ripple were boat, hurled it forward, seemed all but
refuge with me at last, and pointed Jane hud paid for It. The Scotiuan, street.
splintered to a thousand dancing to engulf It.
Out leaped the sail­ out the beauties of Aroarer as she Cuthbert Vane had told me Incidental­
Hopperdown, an aging man himself,
lights. I forgot fear, forgot Miss Hlg ors. Out leaped Mr. Tubba, and dts-
The Isle of Fortune.
ly, had Insured himself against loss and In hls huinhle way contented, fell
rose from the embrace of Neptune.
appeared at once beneath the waves.
I dropped my book and ran on deck.
Aroarer Borealis, to be accurate," by tlcmnndlng a retaining fee before­ straightway victim to the gold-virus.
of the St otch character.
Shrill and prolonged rose the shrieks , he explained, "but they didn't use hand. Somehow my opinion, both of He sold all he had, and bought pus-
Everyone else was already there. The
“Oh, glorious, glorious!” I cried to ” • my aunt .
and Miss Hlgglesby- parties' surnames much In classic his honesty and of his Intelligence, sage In a sailing ship for Valparaiso,
great gleaming orb of the troplr moon
Cuthbert Vane.
Valiantly Mr. Shaw and times.”
was blinding as the sun. Away to the
ltnd risen since I knew this. As to trusting that once so fur on the way
“Not so dusty, eh?" he came back Cuthbert Vane had rushed Into the
faint translucent line of the bortmn
The glad cry of breakfast put an Cuthbert Vane, he had come purely he would flud means to accomplish the
In their ridiculous English slung. Now deep. Each now appeared staggering
in a spirit of adventure, and hail paid rest. But the raging of the fever In
rolled an Infinity of shining sea.
an American would have said: “Some 'ip the steep, foam-swept strand un­ end to Mr. Tubbs' exposition of my­ his own expenses from the start.
i hls thin old bioo»l brought him to hls
Straight ahead rose a dark conical little old moon th a t!” We certainly
der a struggling burden. Even after
However, now the great moment bed, and the ship sailed without him.
mass. It was the mountainous shape have our points of superiority.
they were safely deposited on the
wae at hand. But before It comet, Before she was midway In the Atlan­
of Leeward island.
All around the island white charg sand, Miss Browne and my aunt con­ dreams that It proved impossible to I will here set down the treasure- tic Hopperdown was deud.
Everybody was craning to get a Ing lines of breakers foamed on rag tinued to shriek.
begin the day by digging up the treas­
The old man died In the house of a
clearer view. “Hall, isle of Fortune!” ged half-seen reefs. Now our bout
ure. Camp had to be arranged, for story of Leeward Island, as I gathered
"Save, save Mr. Tubbs!” Implored
exclaimed Miss Browne. I think my felt the lift of the great shoreward
folk must eat and sleep even with It later, a little here and there, and niece, to whom by way of legacy he
Aunt Jane.
the wealth of the Indies to be had pieced It together Into a coherent left hls map. For years the map lay
aunt would not have been surprised rollers, and sprang forward like a liv­
But Mr. Tubbs, overlooked by all
for the turning of a sod. The eahln whole through many dreaming hours. among other papers In a drawer, uud
If It had begun to rain doubloons upon ing tiling. The other boat, empty of
hut this thoughtful friend, had eannl-
In 182«, the city of Lima, In Peru, here It was at length discovered by
the deck.
all but the rowers and returning fron I.V saved himself. He advanced upon was reroofed and set apart as the bow­ being threatened by the revolution­ her son, himself a sailor. He learned
er of Aunt Jane and Miss Browne. I
“I bet we don't put It over some the Island to the ship, passed us with us dripping.
declined to make a third In this sanc­ aries under Bolivar and San Martin, from her Its history, and having been
on them original Argonaut fellers. a hall. We were In the little bay un
cautious folk began to take thought In the Pacific, and lieurd the tales and
‘A close call I” he sang ont cheer­
1 ey?” cried Mr. Tubbs.
der the shadow of the frowning cliffs fully. "Thought one time old Nep had tuary. You could tell by looking at for their possessions. To send them rumors that cling about leeward
Higher and higher across the sky
At the head of the bay, a quarter
out upon the high seas under a for­ Islund like the everlustlng surf of Ils
line cut the dark crest of the Island of a mile away, lay a broad white got a strangle-hold all right. Thinks son who would Inevitably sleep out
eign flag seemed to offer the l»est hope encompassing seas, this grtuid-uepliew
I. I guess there'll be something doing loud.
as the freighter steamed valiantly beach shining under the moon.
of safety, and soon there was more of old Hopperdown'a, by name David
Sheer and formidable from the edge of dark woods beyond a fire
“Hang me up In a tree or any­ gold afloat on the Pacific than at any
Jenkins, became for the rest of Ills
the sea rose a line of black cliffs, and hurned redly. It threw Into relief th«
where," I Insisted, and It ended by my time since the sailing of the great
days a follower of the Ignis faluus.
ubove them a Single peak threw Its black moving shapes of men upon the zens of the deep!”
having a tarpaulin shelter rigged up plate-galleons of the Seventeenth cen­ All bis restless, hungry life he spent
'It would have been most—moat In a group of cocoa-palms.
shudow far across the water. Faintly sand.
tury. Captain Sampson, of the brig In wandering up and down the seas,
shocking I” quavered poor Aunt Jane
we made out the white line of the
Among our earliest discoveries on
Straight for the sand the sailors
Bonny Lass, found himself with a ever on the watch for some dimly Im­
breakers foaming at the foot of the drove the boat. She struck it with a
the Island was one regrettable from pnssenger for nowhere In particular agined chance by which he might corn«
the point of view of romance, though In the shape of a certain Spanish mer­ at the treasure. And so ut Inst hu
Jar, grinding forward heavily. Th»
f the green veil.
We coasted slowly along, looking men sprang overhoatuL wading half
rich In practical advantages; the chant of great wealth, reputed cus­ wandered Into the London hospital
I came to her assistance. The poor woods wer£ the abode of numerous todian of the private funds of the
for the mouth of the little bay. Mean
way to the waist. And thp arms of
where he died.
while we hud collected our belongings the Honorable Cuthbert Vane had plump little woman was trembling wild pigs. You should have seen how bishop of Lima.
This gentleman
And to me the wildest feature of the
and stood grouped about the deck snatched me up and were hearing me "rout head to foot.
clean, how seemly, how self-respecting brought with him, besides some scanty whole wild tale was that at the last
ready for the first thrilling plunge safe and dry to shore.
“It was a most—unusual experi­ were our Leeward Islund pigs to real­ personal baggage—for he took ship he should have parted with the cher­
Into adventure. My aunt and Mis
Mr. Shaw approached and the twe ence." she told me sa I unwound her. ize how profoundly the pig of Chris­ In haste—a great Iron-bound cheat. ished. secret of a lifetime to Miss
Browne had tied huge green veils ovei men greeted each other in tlielr off­
Probably extremely— unifying to the tian lands Is a debased and slandered Four stout sailors of the Bonny Ians Hlgglesby-Browne.
their cork helmets, and were clump hand British way.
These quadrupeds would staggered under the weight of It.
As we couldu'l -oul-forces and all that, as Miss animal.
In a general way, evesy one of us
Ing about in tremendous hobnailed
Browne says, but for the m om ent- have strengthened Jean Jacques' be­
The Bonny Lass cruised north along knew Ids history. Even I had had an
well, under the circumstances, main
boots. All the luggage I was allowed
unsettling. Is my helmet on straight, lief In the primitive virtue of man be­ the coast, the passenger desiring to outline of It from Cuthbert
tain a fiction of mutual invisibility
fear? I think It Is a little severe for fore civilization debauched him.
to take was in a traveling bag and a
put In at Pannma In the hope that But so fnr nobody had seen the map.
Mr. Shaw, with a certain obvious lies
gunny-sack, obligingly donated by the
And now we were to see I t ; the time
Aunt Jane had been dreadfully word might reach him there of quiet
itatlon. turned to me.
cook. Speaking of cooks, I found we
»as a sweet little hat In a Fifth ave­ alarmed by the pigs, and wanted to er tiroes at home. But somewhere oft that Intervened before that great
“Only lady passenger, eh?
had one of our own, a^oal-black ne
nue shop—simple and yet So chic. I keep me immured In the cabin o
Ecuador on a dark and starless night, event had already dwindled to mice
you’re not wet through. Cookie's mak­
gro with grizzled wooly an unctuou
thought It Just the thing, but Miss nights so that I should not he eaten. the merchant of Lima vanished over- ntes, to second«—
ing coff»>e over yonder.”
voice and the manners of an old-school
hoanp—“and what could you expert' "
But no; for Miss Browne arose and
“I say. Shaw,” cried the beautlfnl Browne said no, helmet« w ire always But nothing less than a Bengal tlgei
family retainer. So far as I know his
asked Captain Sampson In effect, began to make a speech. Tire begin­
Oh, my dear child,
would have driven me to such extrem
youth enthusiastically, “Miss Hard­ vorn— Coffee?
name was Cookie. I suppose he had
“when a lubber like him would stay ning of It dealt In a large and gener­
ing's the most ripping sport, you tow thankful I shall be!”
received another once from his spon
And Aunt Jane clung to me as of
“Though If a pig should eat me,” on deck In a gale?” Htrange to aay. alizing manner with comradeship and
know I Not the least nervous about
sors In baptism, but If so, It was hur­
yore as I led her up the beach.
the trip, I assure you."
I suggested, “you might mark hint the merchant's body-servant met the loyalty, and the necessity of the prop­
led In oblivion.
fate of the heedless glao.
er mental attitude in approaching the
I was,” I atyiounced, moved to de­
to avoid becoming a cannibal at sec­
Now a narrow gleaming gap ap­
Rhrugglng his shoulder« at the care business we had In hand. I did not
fiance by the neighborhood of Mr
ond hand. I should hate to think of leosness of passengers. Captain Ramp
peared In the wall of cliffs, and the Shaw.
listen closely. The truth Is, I wanted
"Before we started I was sc
you. Aunt Jane, as the family toinb!” son Imre away to leeward Island, per
freighter whistled and lay to. There
to see that map. Under the «pell of
The Captain’s Legacy.
afraid that If you had listened you
Virginia, you are most unfeeling
began a bustle at the davits, and
haps from curiosity to see thia old the Island. I hnd almost l»egun to
When In my tender years I was
might have heard my teeth chattering
shouts,of "Lower aw ay!” and for the
believe In the chest of doubloons.
sken to the matinee, usually the most
But I had at least the comforting
the eyelids.
1 spoils of the sack of Guayaquil were
first time It swept over me that we
thrilling feature of the spectacle to
Suddenly I awoke wlih a start to
“Ah, I didn't know you Americans said to have been buried. Who knows
were to be put ashore In boats. Aunt
the fact that Miss Brown was talking
me was the scene depicted on the
went In much for family tombs," re­
Jane burst out In lamentation. She
irop-curtaln. Directly I was seated
but that he, too, wss bent on treasure- i "*'ou£ me- Yes, I, Indubitably, was
marked the beautiful youth Interested­
would not, could not go In a boat
—In the body—and had had my hat i
seeking? Be that aa It may, the little the Young Person whose motives In
She had heard all her life that small
taken off and been told not to wrig­
brig found her way Into the buy on the j ■Garbing herself to the party were
hoats were most unsafe. Why didn't
gle, I vaulted airily over the uncon- j
northeast side of the Island, where so at variance with the amity and
the captain sail right up to the Island
scious audience, over an orchestra en- i them," I assured him, and he walked ' she anchored. Water was needed, and mutual confidence which filled all oth­
off m<*dltatlvely revolving this.
as she had expected and put us
raged In tuning up. and was Inst in
I f the beautiful youth bad been I there Is refreshment In tropic fruits er breast«. It was I who hod ^tiered
ashore? Even at Panama with only a
be marvelous landscape of the drop I
words that were painful ni»d astound­
on shipboard, In the Inform­ after a diet of salt horse and hard­
little way to go she had felt It suicidal
curtain. The adventures which I had
fto all hands had a holiday ing to one conscious of tinluipugnahle
—here It was not to be thought of.
there put to shatue any which the
he was more splendid still.
His j ashore, where the captain did not dis­ motives. In the days of toll to come,
But the preparations for this des­
raising of the curtain permitted to
Only he went we were reminded, the Young Person
white cotton shirt and
trousers dain to Join them.
perate step went on apace, and no on»
ne seen upon the stage.
apart, and had other occupation than to wit, myself, would have no share.
heeded Aunt Jane but Mr. Tubbs, who
I had never hiqied to recover In this showed him lithe and lean and muicn- swarming up the palms for coco­ Hhe would be hut skeptic, critic, drone
had hastened to succor beauty In dis­
prosaic world my long-lost paradts» lar. Hts bared arms and chest were nuts.
In the busy hive. Thus It was obvi­
like cream solidified Into flesh.
of the dropeuriain, but morning re
One fancies, then, a moonless night, ous that the Young Person could not
Then Aunt Jane clutched at Mr
vealed It to me here on Leeward his striped silk sash of red and blue a crew sleeping off double grog, gen­ with any trace of Justice claim part
Shaw’s coat lapel as he went by, and
island. Here was the feathery foli­ about his waist, and his crown of am­ erously allowed them by the captain; or lot In the treasure. Were It not
lie stopped long enough to explain pa­
age. the gushing springs, the gor­ brosial chestnut curie—a development a boat putting off from the Bonny well, then, that the Young Person be
tiently that vessels of the freighter's
geous flowers o f that enchanted land. . due to the absence of a barber—the Laie, In which were captain, mate, required to make formal and written
size could not enter the bay, and that
And here were the soft and Intoxicat­ Honorable Cuthbert would certainly and one Bill Halllwell, able seaman, a
renunciation of an Interest In f i e
there really was no danger, and that
ing perfumes that I had Imagined In j have been hailed by the notlv«»e, If man of mighty muscle; and as freight golden hoard soon to reward the faith
Aunt Jane might wait If ahe liked till
' there had been any, as the Island's
my curtain landscape.
an object large, angular and ponder­ and enterprise of the Harding Browne
the last boat, as It would take several
1-eeward Island megsurea roughly god.
ous, so that the boat lagged heavily expedition? Miss Browne reifuested
trips to transfer us and our baggage
feur miles across from east to west
beneath the rawer«* strokes.
the sense of the meeting on the mut­
Then came luncheon,
I supposed of course that this would
by three from norih to south
The •if the day
Later. Bill, the able seaman, grows ter.
lnrlude me. and stood leaning on the
core of the Island Is the peak, rising prepared with »kill by Cookie, and l*resamptnnua on the strength of
Aunt Jane waa quivering, her
rail, watching the first boat fade to a
to a height of nearly three thousand eaten from a table of packing cases this excursion with hls betters. It round eyes fixed on Miss Hlgglesby-
dark speck on the water, when Mr.
feet. At Its base on three sides lies
Is a word and a blow with the cap­ Ilrowne like a fascinated rabbit's on
Vane appeared at my elbow.
' a plateau. Ita edges gnawed away by one, hot and weary, retired for a si­ tain of the Bonny Lass, and Rill Is a serpent. Mr. Hamilton Tubha had
“Heady, Miss Harding? Ton are
the sea to the underlying rocky skele­
»‘»mvenlently disposed of.
Dead, as pursed hts lips to an Inaudible w hit­
to go In the next boat with me.
ton. On the soutb»*astern quarter the the faint cooling breath of the sea. well as living, be serves the purpose tle, and alternately regnrded the sum­
asked especially.”
peak drops by a series of great preci­ No marsh or stagnant water bred In­ of the captain, but of that later.
mits of the palms arid stole swift fer­
sect pests or fever. Every day while
“Oh. thanks!” I cried fervently. He
pices straight Into the sea.
Away sailed the Boony Less, sailing ret glances at the faces of the com­
would be much nicer than Mr. Tubbs
All the plateau and much of the
Bearing Me Safe and Dry te Shore.
once for all out of the story As for pany. Mr. Vane had remained for
to cling to as I went down— Indeed, he
peak are clothed with woods. • beau­ and grew lean and sun-browned, and Captain Sampson, there Is a long gap •nine time In happy nuconstiousnesa
was so tall that If It were at all a
tiful bright green against the sap­ thrived on It. Every afternoon with In hts history, hazily filled by the of the significance of Miss Rrowne'e
unfailing regularity a llgtit shower
shallow place I might use him as a would not be simply In pursuit of sor­ phire of sea and sky. High ahove all
story of hls having been lieutenant to oration. It was something to see It
stepping stone and survive. I hoped did gain!”
other growth wave the feathery tops fell, hut In twenty minutes It was Benito Bonlto. and one of the two gradually penetrate to hl« perceptions,
“And Indeed that was almost a of the cocoa-palms, which flourish here over and the sun shone again, greed­
drowning men didn't gurgle very much
survivor« when Bonlto*« black flag vexing the alabaster brow with a faint
ily lapping up the moisture that glit­
—meanwhile M r Vane had disap­ waste of noble sentiment umler the luxuriantly.
was brought down by the British frlg- wrinkle of perplexity, then suffusing
peared over the side, and a sailor was
The palms were nowhere more
.. _. . ±
_ . ate
* Esptegl«.
- ‘ h .n , of Hut
him sober
until he history
reap' hls cheek« with aguulzed and Indig­
lifting me and setting my reluctant
abundant than In the hollow by the
nant blusbea. "Oh, I say, really, you
enraging smile.
feet Mi the strands of the ladder.
wyg w^ere our camp was made, and «ml of the afternoon about our table peer« years later, an «ged and broken know I” hovered In unspoken protest
sX promised tcjsel*
of packing boxe« for an event which
"Good-by, auntie r 1 tried. M l *
Iftax}, In • back «treat of JBristol.
U»l. j oo hla tongue. He threw Imploring
—» -