Mr. V: ne toward »he tire, that son» their size and the reguhtiity of their HA LSEY EN TE R P R IS E t'Aikb 3 day 1 would flud the weapon that •rder spoke of cultivation. Guavas, would penetrate the Scotchman's arm ­ cringes and lemon* here, too, or— and would use It mercilessly and many beautiful hanana-palnis. Here n iu th iu ^ a certain flnpzen < ookle received us with unctuous At the side of the clearing toward down, who had been boatswain on the warmth. the stream stood a hut, built of cocoa- Bonny Lass at the time that she so "Well, now, 'd a r to goodness If It palm logs. Its roof of palm-thatch regrettably lost her passengers over­ alnt the U’le lady! How come you had been scattered by storms. Near­ board. He sew and recognized his old git ashore all dry lak you la? Yes, er the stream on • bench were an old skipper hobbling along the Bristol sah, ( ookie'll git you-all some'n hot decaying washtub and a board. A quays, and perhups from pity took the immelusly." He wafted tne with state­ broken frying-pan and a rusty ax- shabby creature home with hlui. ly gestures to a seat on an overturned head lay In the grass. I Hopperdown dealt In sailors’ slops, Iron kettle, and served ray coffee with In the hut Itself were a rude bed­ and had a snug room or two behind an air appropriate to mahogany and stead, a small table and a cupboard | the shop. Here for a while the for- plate. It was something to see him made of boxes. I w as excited at first, | mer Captain Sampson dwelt, and a f­ wait on Cuthbert Vane. As Cookie and fancied we had come upon the ter a swift Illness here he'died. With told me later. In the course of our dwelling of a marooned pirate. W ith­ the hand of death upon hliu, his grim rapidly developing friendship, “dfct, out taking the trouble to combat this lips at last gave up their secret. With young genimun am sure one ob de opinion. Mr. Shaw explained to Cuth­ stiffening Augers he traced a rough quality.” To Indicate the certainty of bert Vane that a copra gatherer had map, to refresh Hopperdown'a mem­ Cookie's instinct. Miss Hlgglesby once lived here, and that the place ory after the lapse of time since Browne was never tffore to hint than must have yielded such a profit that either had seei^ the wavts-beaten cliffs “dat pusson.” he was only surprised to find It de­ of Leeward Island. For Captain C O P y F S IG -H T jm g _ B O B B S -M E R R |L L COM PANY On the beach Mr. Shaw. Captain serted now Behind this cool, em­ Sampson had never been able to re­ Magnus nn