Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, October 27, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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    FAG K *
O CT. 27, 1921
Brownsville Briefs
No. 18, 12:04 p. m.
24, 4.34 p. m
14, 5:27 p: m.
(Continued from page 2)
merce seems to be hacking the
Prof. Baker is in hearty
accord with the propoeal.
Mra. Mary Kirk went to Port-
2 good sets Heavy Work Harness for sale
Saturday to consult a »1*
1 set heavy Hack Harness
lialist regarding a condition of ill ,
1 set single buggy Harness
Health that seems to baffle the
1 Clipper Fanning Mill, in first-class shape, for
physicians The Portland special­
ist pronounced the trouble of a
sale. Have vou a good milch cow to trade
glandular nature. By a process of
for new machinery ?
tying glands he hopes to relieve
See me for new farm implements.
the difficulty.
Lloyd Templeton, a prominen
auto dealer and garage man of Al­
WWW wwwwww **v%
bany, was here Friday, visiting his
brother, W. C., aud exchanging
>gw with old-time friends.
io the past three ieeuee of the E d -,
terpnee. A wide awake business Yamhill county, residing near
The young granddaughtor of Mr
Dayton, formerly living near Hal­ and Mrs. Henry Roberts, who
house this.
sey, were guests at the Henry Zim­ makes her home with them, is se­
The foxes must be doing much merman borne Sunday.
Ihev re­
trotting now-a-days if one may < turned home Monday, after visit­ riously ill.
judge from the percentage of fox j ing many friends and old neigh­
Under the auspices of the La­
trots io the Het of phonograph! bors in Halsey and vicinity.
dies’ Study club an auction sale
records which is published in this
was held on Main street, in front
issue b y the Woodworth Drug i In past times the good people of >f the old livery barn, Saturday
Halsey have loudly voiced their afternoon, Auctioneer Lawson do­
Another change of pastors at desire for a lyceum course or ing the selling. There was a large
The Church of sometbiug as near like it as possi­ quantity of pies, cakes, homemade
Christ seeks a successor for Francis ble. and also added that “ Halsey bread, fruits (canned aud green)
wap away behind other placer in jellies, jams, chickens (live aud
having entertainment during the dressed), a turkev and vegetables
The sensational daylight bank winter,” The tickets for the first sold. Since everything was do­
robbery at Jefferson some time ago entertainment are on sale and th« nated, the proceeds were practio
proved to be the work of a farmer first number of the course will be illy net, and amounted to about
named Brinson who used about given Wednesday evening.
The $80.
The sale was for the benefit
all the loot to lift a mortgage he buyers so far are responding fairly of the public library.
had fraudulently given to a bank well, but more tickets will have to
Sunday’s Ortgonian had an in-
in Albany. He robbed one bank be disposed cf in order to save the
“ write-up” of Browns­
to pay the other before it should signers of the guarantee to the
discover the first crime. And he «how peoplea from loss.
These ville s woolen mills, with a cut of
Rev. Edward R.
is in jail and “ broke.” The tickets are only $2 for four excel­ the buildings.
orooked way don’t pay.
lent entertainments and you may Geary promoted the company that
erected the buildings and first op­
I'he %tudy club is p n p a ilig for have a reserved seat for lOo more erated the mills. In this connec­
a “ big feed’’ of the goodies aud each number. Let everybody com tion it is interesting to note that
real thiuga that go to make a good forward and do the right thing in Dr. Geary was also the originator
dinner for all. This will be served this matter and enjoy the show d the Brownsville Presbyterian
in the MoCully building, next to too.
■hurch, (in 1857) four years prioi
Cross & White’s furniture house,
Mrs. J. C. Bramwell is laid nt o the organization of the mill
Friday, from 11:30 a, m. until with a troublesome knee. It will ■ompany This we*k the 25th au-
ever) thing is “ etten up-
Please be several days before she will be liversary of the dedication of the
look up their advertisement else­ able to walk much,
present house of worship was c*te-
where in this issue and find out all
•rated. Dr. Geary was widely
about it. Everybody ia invited.
Mrs. E. V. Bass and child vis­ known throughout this western
The funda or receipts are to be used ited at Albany for a day and night ountry as a public spirited citizen,
for the benefit of the library.
with relatives.
ind was at one time tendered a
Miss Alberta Koontz left on the
J. C. Walton of thia place spent ligh political office in state affairs,
vhich office of governor of the ter
evening train Wednesday for Eu­ Wednesday in the county seat.
itory of Oregon be declined be­
gene, where she spent the night
Mrs. G. W. Mornhinweg was a cause he had dedicated his life and
with her frit nd, Miss Donna Rob-
pas-enger to Albany Wednesday iplondid abilities to the preaching
art son.
morning for a day’s shopping.
I t ie gospel and would not be
Dr C. I Templeton and Dr.
• urned aside from that purpose.
Calvin White' of Portland were
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chappellt
week-end guests at the W. R. Kirk and little daugh er Elizabeth were
The Bible study class organized
borne, southeast of town, where Wednesday arrivals from Shedd, •y Rev. A. M. McClain for high
they did aoine gunning^for pheas­ where they had been guests of th, chool pupils who desire to take
ants. Dr. Templeton is a brother Dwight Petersons and other rela
he course prescribed by the state
They are from Trento , uperintendent of instruction, and
of Mrs Kirk.
' Mrs. Ivs Galbraith and daughter, Missouri, and are visiting at I. e hereby secure certain credits in
Mi t Alice Porter, of Sweet Home, nome of “ Aunt Lida’ ’ and “grand­ heir echool work, in addition to
Mrs. Chap 'he greater benefit obtained from
ano the latter’s brother, Hill Ben­ mother’’ Hainline.
son of Salem, are visiting at the pelle formerly lived in Scio, am he study, is growing and prom
they have returned to Oregou o> -es to be a success. One student,
W R. Kirk home this week.
account of the bad health of M vliss Isabelle McKercher, comes
Mrs. J. W Clarke and children Chappells and expect to rem i from Crawfordsville to take the
left today for Bend, where they here.
will join Mr. Clarke, who left for
Mrs. O. H. Kent of Brownsvill,
Mies Lillie Warmoth, owing to
that city a few days previously.
and her sister, Mrs. M. H. Good the serious illuess of her aunt,
F. V. D. Bangs of Portland was lander of Oxoard, Cal., were ii Mies Anna Warmoth, has given
a business caller in Halsey W’ednes- Halsey Wednesday morning oi up her school work temporarily
their way to Albany to spend th and her grades in the South Side
• day.
with their mother.
Mrs school aie being taught by Miss
Mrs. Raymond C, Smith of I.a
Grande arrived in Halsey Wednes. Goodlander had been on a visit ii Schildmeyer, who lives just noith
day evening for a ahort visit with Brownsville and expected to go oi >f town.
to-Portland Wedue«<J »y night.
The high school foothill team
--------- —r--------
Glenn Chance was a business Aaaaaawwaaaaaawaaaawww««
»4 played the Junction City team
caller in Hairiahurg Wednesday J
{ Friday on the local gridiron, the
J game resulting in a score of 13 to 0
Wednesday W A Barrett of
J m favor of the Brownsville hoys
Albany waa in Halsey, where he
received a carload of clover seed IJ
The celebration of the 25th anni
N. J.— Lassoed by •
from Howard Bros. <fe Vitus at the J t his Freehold,
cow, Frederick Carton of J
Skirvin warehouse, where the seed ! J Bveret, oldest C ivil w a r veteran t vereary of the dedication of the
Presbyter an house Jof worship on
had been cleaned.
t in Monmouth county, wss near- J Tuesday was a flattering success.
Dr. E W Barnum and family
Beginning with the big dinner at
of Harrisburg spent Sunday at the J • animal before his son saw his r ! noon, the attendance was large
, plight and came to his rescue J
C. P. Stafford home.
and every minute of the time from
J The aged man. who lost sn arm ,
Mrs. Ida Mary Ren dec h passed , in battle, was pulling weeds in J then until 10 o’clock at night was
away at her home near Peoria Oct J his fTont yard when the cow, , filled full of good talks, stories and
t fastened by a chain to a stake. J incidents of the long ago.
24 after a lingering illness.
J circled around him.
« ca ne from loug distances mid felt
The unions charge that the le 5
• fully repaid.
R. R Templeton,
W » ***** an
duction of 12| per cent in wag'» + w an ana a • »W
the oldest living member, was pres­
of railroad employee which went
Swimmer Recovers Ring.
ent. Rev. 4 E. Snyder, pastor
into effect Julv 20 hat not been re­
M artin s Ferry. O — V irgin ia Cooke
when the church was dedicated.
flected in reduced freight rates. 1021 high school gnidnate. lost her Revs. Harry Templetoo, James
The railroad managers declare that class ring while hstnlng In the Ohio Thompson and George Pratt, form­
on some roads reductions in freight river at s ram p maintained by several er members, now in the ministry,
rates have amounted to more tb in local fam ilies shows town. Billy all had prominent parts on the
the reduct tone in wage« so fas Zimmerman seven, dived Into the program.
It was a day not soon
ater Fie brought up a handful of
made, and on many others the se­ w
mud to show he had ‘touched bottom " to be forgotten by the members of
ductions allowed no net return, In the handful of mud was Miss tjie church and congregation both
hut merely provided against th» Cooke's ring
old and new.
further accumulation of a deficits.
Little “ B ill," Dedman was ta­
ken suddenly and seriously ill
Monday evening and for a time
his life was despaired of aud a
child specialist from Portland,
in n e r
called by telephone, arrived early
Tuesday morning and with Dr.
___ Mashed Potatoes
Waltz rendered medical aid
Baked Beans
Lemon, Cream.
afternoou the little patient was re­
w ith all imaginable trim m ing« and fisings
ported greatly improved, with
Hot Coffee
prospects of recovery.
G. W. Mornhinweg Implement Store
Served cafeteria style at the MeCullv building
from 11:30 until all disposed ot, In d a y
The proceeds are for the public library
You can either eat your dinner there or
bring a basket ami carry it home.
C harity Bo«
A charity box ta the attic Is a good
idea. Pat ta It all o f the outgrown
clothe» and then when a call 1» made
for such m aterial yours la already cot-
p h o n o c r a p h s
A i d
r e c o r d s
November Brunswick Records on Sale Todav
Equally divided between the classical, the romantic and the all-popular
dance field, November Brunsw ick records offer a senes o f fresh delights
to all classes of muss» lovers. Check tho-e you wish to hear then call
upon your nearest Brunsw ick dealer
10006 12 in. $1.50 Avant de Q uitter ces Lieu«— Dio Possente, E^en Brav­
est Heart, from Faust, Act I I , Gounod, tbantone, in French
_______________ ______. . . . ________Giuseppe Damse
10013. 12-in., $1.50, Un be! di vedremo, Some Day H e ’ll Come, from M a­
dame Butterfly, Act I I I , Scene 1, Pecrini, soprano, in Ita lia n ,
____ ___________________________Florence E astg
I » 2 « lihin $1 25, I Hear a Thrush at Eve, Eberhart-Caduian, tenor
Theo, K arie, and Come Where M y Love Lies Dream ing. Foster, ten or
_ ......... ..............................Theo. K arie and Criterion M ale T rio
10012 t a i n $1? O Sole M io, My Sunshine. Capurro di Capua, tenor, in
Ita lia n ......................................................................
30017 12-in., $1.50, Fantasie Im prom ptu, Chopin, pianoforte solo,
_____ ________________________________Leopold Godowski
10043, lChin , $1, Serenade dn Tsigane, Gypsy Serenade, Valdez, pianoforte
by Frederic Persson, violin s o lo ----------------------------------------- M ax Rosen
25006 12-inch, $1.50, Faust, duet from garden scene, Gounod, V asselli’s
Italian Band and Boehme Selection, Puccini V asselli’s Ita lia n Band
2132 It ’-in . 85c. American Patrol, Meacham W alter B. Rogers and his
Bind, and General M ixup, U. S. A March; Allen,
____ ______ _________________________W alter B. Rogers and his Band
2133, 1 0 ‘"ii ., 85c, Serenade, Tosti, violin, flute, harp, G ju d o lie r Trio, and
Serenade, Tosti, French H o rn -P iute H a rp ....................... Belvedere T rio
5O65*10-in., $1. Ma, Conrad, Fox Trot, Isham Jones' Orchestra, and Wa
hash Blues Fox T ro t................................................Isham Jones’ Orchestra
5066. 10-in , $1, W hy, Dear? Cohen Fox T ro t Isham (ones'O rchestra,
and M y Sunny Tennessee, K alm ar-R u by-----
2134, 10-in., 85c, In M y T ip py Canoe, Fisher, contralto and tenor, E m ily
Earle and James Craven, and Dream of Your Smile. Conrad, b ari­
tone______ ____________________________________________ Ernest Hare
2135. 10-in , 85c. I A in 't Nobody’s Darling. H ughes-K ing, Harm onizers’
Male Quartet, and I t Must Be Some One L ik e You, tenor,Frost-
Straig ht-B argy............................... - .................. ...... ..........- ......... B illy Jones
2136. 10-inch, 85c, I'm Looking For a Blue Bird, M errill-R ic h , tenor, A1
Bernard and Carl Fenton’s Orchestra, and O h 1 Brother. W hat a Feel
in ' I C o o k,b arito n e......................................................................... Ernest Hare
Notable Interpretations ofjModern Dance Music
2025, 10-in., 85c, Come to the Moon, Fox Trot, Gene Rode-
mich’s Orchestra, and Nobody Knows, Fox Trot, saxophone
and piano............................................. ............. Rudy Wiedoeft
2026, 10-in., 85c, Patches, Fox Trot, Gene Rodemich’s Orchestra
Buwanee, One Step......... ......“
2031, 10-in., 85c, Bow Wow, Oue Step, Gene Rodemich’s O r­
chestra, and I ’m So Sympathetic, Fox Trot,
__ i ............. .......Biese’s Novelty Orchestra
2059, 10-in., 85c, Just Sn«P Your Fingers at Care, Fox Trot,
Gene Rodemich's Orchestra, and Castle of Dreams, Fox
T’rot .............................................Gene Rodemioh’s Orchestra
2064, 10-in , 85c, June, Fox Trot, Gene Rodemich’s Orchestra,
and Treasure Isle, Fox Trot---- *’
2066, 10-in., 85c, Singin’ the filueg. Fox Trot, Bennie Krueger’s
Orchestra, and Kiss-A-Miss, Waltx, Carl Fenton’s Orchestra
2077, 10-in., 85c, Crazy Blues, Fox Trot, Bennie Krueger's Or­
chestra, and Royal Garden Blues, Fox Trot,
...................................... Bennie Krueger’s Orchestra
2083, 10-in , 85c. Spread Yo’ Stuff, Fox Trot, Bennie Krue­
ger's Orchestra, and Wang Wang Blues, Fox Trot
Bennie Krueger’s Orchestra
2105" 10-in , 85c, I Wonder Where My Sweet, Sweet Daddy’s
Gone, Fox Trot, Bennie Krueger's Orchestra, and Satanic
Blues, Fox Trot............................ Bennie Krueger’s Orchestra
2109, 10-in.. 85c, Ain’t We Got Fun? Fox Trot, Bennie Krue­
ger’s Orchestra, and Daugerous Blues, Fox Trot
............................... Bennie Krueger’s Orchestra
2130, id-in.. 85c, All Bv Myself, Fox Trot, Benuie Krueger's
Orchestra, and Saturday, Fox Trot
..............................Bennie Krueger’s Orchestra
The delivery window of the
Halsey poetoffice is open Suudayg
grom 9:15 to 9:45 a. in. and 12:20
! to 12:35 and 5:15 to 5.30 p. m.
Admittance Here
a Line
Carbon paper for sale,
prise office.
Would you like to see how the
bottom of the ocean looks, away
down under the water, where there
are wonderful animals aud plants
that you never saw? Divers have
told of etrange and interesting
sights that nobody else ever saw.
Now science has brought them to
us. A child can learn more of
natural history in an hour at the
Rialto tomorrow night than it
could dig out of books in a mouth,
aod remember it ten times as long.
dered by the United States railroad
labor board and effective July l i s
compared with the 22 per cent in­
crease in the last wage advance,
effective May 1, 1920.
It is only
l l per cent of the 82,280,000,000
increase in wages made during the
war period.
Butter W rappers
Calling Cards
The 12 per cent cu t in wages or-
F irst class repairing onr specialty.
W e have a good stock of Tires.
Tires are fresh stock and we can make
attractive prices on them.
Good line of accessories, including Top
Dressings and Auto Paints.
Mr. Ford owner, if yon are contemplating
having your car overhauled or trading it in for
a new one we can be ot service to you.
F O O T E B R O S ., Props.
A most remarkable picture.
W hat lies at the bottom of
the sea ?
AttwAr ■
For Sale—Year-old fiir slab
block wood, $2.50 per tier; fir block
wood, 13.00; maple and oak, $3.50,
delivered Halsey.
Warehouses. Chas. Sterling.
W O O D W O R T H D R U G CO .
The juiging team of the Shedd
calf club, consisting of the Misses
Irene and Ruth Quimby and the
two Cornutt boys, were out on a |
judging tour last Friday and Sat­
urday, returning to their homes
last Sunday evening.
They took
in Corvallis, Monmouth and Salem
Again tomorrow, they go to Salem
and also to Dayton.
They are
practicing judging prior to taking
in the International Stock show in
Portland, Nov. 5 to 12.
Chicken dinner every Sunday at
Hotel Brownsville. 50 cents.
Brunsw ick records w ill play on any phonograph, Come to and hear thse
N o, 23, 11:31 a. m.
15, 12:24 p m
17, 5,49 p. m.
Barber shop—Karl A. Bram­
well proprietor. Suits cleaned and
pressed. Laundry sent Mondays.
If you know au item of newB
phone it to No. 205.
If you enjoy a good entertain­
ment, attend the lyceum course.
Four high class shows. First
number Wednesday, November 2.
Reserved seats uow oil sale at
Clark’s confectionery.
For rent or for sale—Houses and
farms in vicinity of Halsey.
W. J. Rtbelin.
Old papers, 5c a bundle at the
Enterprise office.
Dr. E. W. Barnum, dentist, at
Hotel Halsey every Tuesday and
__ _
Fountain pen found. Enterprise
Trespass notices ready printed
at the Enterprise office. In small
lota, ten cents each.
sale—Cedar shakes and
Load lots delivered.
Brownsville Warehouses.
Intermediate League
A most delightful and profitable
entertainment waa given by the
Intermediate Leaguers of the
Methodist church, under thetutor.
ship of Mrs. G. W Mornhinweg,
Saturday evening. The numbers
were wall rendered and a large
audience enjoyed them.
An address on Alaska, by Rev.
Mr. Cook, was listened to by old
and young with great interest, and
all would like the privilege of
hearing further on that subject.
The clase cleared about 130 on
the sale of pies and other things,
the money to gu towards buying a
piano for the church.
The program follows: Panto­
mime, “ Lochinvar," — Young
Lochinvai, Elliott McWilliams;
Bride, Georgina Clark ; Groom,
Leroy Straley ; Father, Frank
Koonts, Mother, Helen William’:
Bridesmaids, Cecil Mayberry ana
Agnes Hayes ; Flower Girls, June
Layton sn I Alice Sturtevant ;
Guests, Dorothy Cornelius, Ruth
Sturtevant, Martin Koontz, Ellie
Robins, Willimina Corcoran aud
Allen Holgate.
Cornet aolo, Clarence Cornelius.
Recitation. Willimina Corcoran.
Reading, Agnes Hayee.
Duet with guitar accompaniment,
Mrt. B. M Bond aud Alberta
Recitation, Georgina Clark.
Vocal solo, Alma Cornelius.
Address by Rev Mr. Cook on his
personal experiences during the
three yeara he e was stationed m
I t i t a ravstery that has puzzled and fas­
cinated m ankind since the b eg inn ing of
tim e.
"Wet H o ld ." photographed by the aid of
of a suhinanne camera, takes vou to the
very floor of the ocean and shows vou a
th rillin g drama of love and adventure and
an exciting hunt for sunken treasure
A pieture that ia an adventure, a drama
and an education.
articles no longer needed, or succeeded
by better ones, w hlth somebody would
like to o b ta in / An advertisement the
size of this, costing 25c, m night
ight find »
buyer in d covert what is
now only trash into good
FARM ERS s s a s sa
.. Coming On "
C ash