FAG K * H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E O CT. 27, 1921 H A LSEY RAILROAD TIME Brownsville Briefs North No. 18, 12:04 p. m. 24, 4.34 p. m 14, 5:27 p: m. (Continued from page 2) merce seems to be hacking the move. Prof. Baker is in hearty accord with the propoeal. Mra. Mary Kirk went to Port- * 2 good sets Heavy Work Harness for sale and Saturday to consult a »1* / 1 set heavy Hack Harness lialist regarding a condition of ill , 1 set single buggy Harness Health that seems to baffle the 1 Clipper Fanning Mill, in first-class shape, for physicians The Portland special­ ist pronounced the trouble of a sale. Have vou a good milch cow to trade glandular nature. By a process of for new machinery ? tying glands he hopes to relieve See me for new farm implements. the difficulty. Lloyd Templeton, a prominen auto dealer and garage man of Al­ WWW wwwwww **v% bany, was here Friday, visiting his brother, W. C., aud exchanging greet >gw with old-time friends. Amos Holdridge and wife of io the past three ieeuee of the E d -, terpnee. A wide awake business Yamhill county, residing near The young granddaughtor of Mr Dayton, formerly living near Hal­ and Mrs. Henry Roberts, who house this. sey, were guests at the Henry Zim­ makes her home with them, is se­ The foxes must be doing much merman borne Sunday. Ihev re­ trotting now-a-days if one may < turned home Monday, after visit­ riously ill. judge from the percentage of fox j ing many friends and old neigh­ Under the auspices of the La­ trots io the Het of phonograph! bors in Halsey and vicinity. dies’ Study club an auction sale records which is published in this was held on Main street, in front issue b y the Woodworth Drug i In past times the good people of >f the old livery barn, Saturday Halsey have loudly voiced their afternoon, Auctioneer Lawson do­ company. Another change of pastors at desire for a lyceum course or ing the selling. There was a large Brownsville. The Church of sometbiug as near like it as possi­ quantity of pies, cakes, homemade Christ seeks a successor for Francis ble. and also added that “ Halsey bread, fruits (canned aud green) wap away behind other placer in jellies, jams, chickens (live aud Araut. having entertainment during the dressed), a turkev and vegetables The sensational daylight bank winter,” The tickets for the first sold. Since everything was do­ robbery at Jefferson some time ago entertainment are on sale and th« nated, the proceeds were practio proved to be the work of a farmer first number of the course will be illy net, and amounted to about named Brinson who used about given Wednesday evening. The $80. The sale was for the benefit all the loot to lift a mortgage he buyers so far are responding fairly of the public library. had fraudulently given to a bank well, but more tickets will have to Sunday’s Ortgonian had an in- in Albany. He robbed one bank be disposed cf in order to save the er-»t>ug “ write-up” of Browns­ to pay the other before it should signers of the guarantee to the discover the first crime. And he «how peoplea from loss. These ville s woolen mills, with a cut of Rev. Edward R. is in jail and “ broke.” The tickets are only $2 for four excel­ the buildings. orooked way don’t pay. lent entertainments and you may Geary promoted the company that erected the buildings and first op­ I'he %tudy club is p n p a ilig for have a reserved seat for lOo more erated the mills. In this connec­ a “ big feed’’ of the goodies aud each number. Let everybody com tion it is interesting to note that real thiuga that go to make a good forward and do the right thing in Dr. Geary was also the originator dinner for all. This will be served this matter and enjoy the show d the Brownsville Presbyterian in the MoCully building, next to too. ■hurch, (in 1857) four years prioi Cross & White’s furniture house, Mrs. J. C. Bramwell is laid nt o the organization of the mill Friday, from 11:30 a, m. until with a troublesome knee. It will ■ompany This we*k the 25th au- ever) thing is “ etten up- Please be several days before she will be liversary of the dedication of the look up their advertisement else­ able to walk much, present house of worship was c*te- where in this issue and find out all •rated. Dr. Geary was widely about it. Everybody ia invited. Mrs. E. V. Bass and child vis­ known throughout this western The funda or receipts are to be used ited at Albany for a day and night ountry as a public spirited citizen, for the benefit of the library. with relatives. ind was at one time tendered a Miss Alberta Koontz left on the J. C. Walton of thia place spent ligh political office in state affairs, vhich office of governor of the ter evening train Wednesday for Eu­ Wednesday in the county seat. itory of Oregon be declined be­ gene, where she spent the night Mrs. G. W. Mornhinweg was a cause he had dedicated his life and with her frit nd, Miss Donna Rob- pas-enger to Albany Wednesday iplondid abilities to the preaching art son. morning for a day’s shopping. I t ie gospel and would not be Dr C. I Templeton and Dr. • urned aside from that purpose. Calvin White' of Portland were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chappellt week-end guests at the W. R. Kirk and little daugh er Elizabeth were The Bible study class organized borne, southeast of town, where Wednesday arrivals from Shedd, •y Rev. A. M. McClain for high they did aoine gunning^for pheas­ where they had been guests of th, chool pupils who desire to take ants. Dr. Templeton is a brother Dwight Petersons and other rela he course prescribed by the state lives. They are from Trento , uperintendent of instruction, and of Mrs Kirk. ' Mrs. Ivs Galbraith and daughter, Missouri, and are visiting at I. e hereby secure certain credits in Mi t Alice Porter, of Sweet Home, nome of “ Aunt Lida’ ’ and “grand­ heir echool work, in addition to Mrs. Chap 'he greater benefit obtained from ano the latter’s brother, Hill Ben­ mother’’ Hainline. son of Salem, are visiting at the pelle formerly lived in Scio, am he study, is growing and prom they have returned to Oregou o> -es to be a success. One student, W R. Kirk home this week. account of the bad health of M vliss Isabelle McKercher, comes Mrs. J. W Clarke and children Chappells and expect to rem i from Crawfordsville to take the left today for Bend, where they here. work. will join Mr. Clarke, who left for Mrs. O. H. Kent of Brownsvill, Mies Lillie Warmoth, owing to that city a few days previously. and her sister, Mrs. M. H. Good the serious illuess of her aunt, F. V. D. Bangs of Portland was lander of Oxoard, Cal., were ii Mies Anna Warmoth, has given a business caller in Halsey W’ednes- Halsey Wednesday morning oi up her school work temporarily their way to Albany to spend th and her grades in the South Side • day. day with their mother. Mrs school aie being taught by Miss Mrs. Raymond C, Smith of I.a Grande arrived in Halsey Wednes. Goodlander had been on a visit ii Schildmeyer, who lives just noith day evening for a ahort visit with Brownsville and expected to go oi >f town. to-Portland Wedue« « HAROLD LLOYD in .. Coming On " C ash