Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1952)
Arrive f.»r Visit I I TO SF.E FESTIVAL Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kemn from Mrs. Marguerite Miller of Salem Greenriver, Wyo., arrived June 6 left for Portland with Mrs. Marg for a few weeks visit at the home aret Crowl W’ednesday after visit of his sister and family, Mr. and ing her son and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jim Champion. They are also Mr. and Mrs. Harold McAbee. Mrs. i visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Crowl will take in j John Kemp, Cave Junction. I the Portland Rose Festival. Eagle’s DANCE Saturday, June 14 I i 9 P. M. BRIDGEVIEW i * I I GRANGE ♦ HALL ♦ I Music by The Trailriders X Admission 75c per person — Supper by the ladies i FATUE H'S DAÌ Is June I5lli Sha\ iiig PI(\a-t!ie* Unir SI mvìm « Favonfr- Shaving Mug 1 25 (»♦♦.II 75| Shaving Cleoni lolhar ar I’vih'awJ 9» Aha* Shave lotian I 03 and I 7$ Men 1 Cologne I uW »nJ I 75 III Valley Drug PRESCRIPTIONS — Alway. at a .aving! R. George Simmon., R. Ph. Vacation Bible ____ ____ ,__ ___ school at the Community church opened for a two-week period June 9 with a record attendance of 132 pupils ST PATRICK S OF THE FOREST and teachers. CATHOLIC CHURCH The school is under the direc- Father Kelley. | tion of Mrs. Paul O. Kroon. The Held in the Catholic church lo teaching staff is made up of local cated across from the Ranger sta workers of the Sunday school to tion. gether with helpers from the high Second and fourth Sundays at school age group. 11 :00 a.m. The teaching staff includes: (> Miss Mildred Beard, nursery dept.; CHURCH OF CHRIST Mrs. Gertrude Martin, beginners: Cemetery road, S mile from Mr^ Tracy Cross, primary; Mrs. Ruby Martin, primary 3rd grade; Caves highway. Mrs. Geo. Wayman, junior; Rev. Services at 10:30 a.m. ( Paul Kroon, intermediates. All are welcome. Helpers for the various classes ■ o include: Mae Bowerman, Mrs. Mar- ASSEMBLY OF GOD caret Severn , Mrs. Ruth Hill, Rev. D. B. Wantland, pastor C. A. service at 6:30 Sunday Mrs. Nell Preston, Clydua Knight, LaVerne Greenough. Jeannie Ow evening. ens and Carlene Welsh. Secretaries Sunday Scho.-l begins promptly include: Mrs. Ruby Nicholson, Mrs. at 9 :45 a. m. J. Racknor. Pianist is Lyllabelle Morning worship—11 a. m. Cross. Evening evangelistic se: vice — O- 7 :30 p. m. Wednesday evening prayer meeting and Bible Study 7 :30 p.m, - o ■ JI SUb NAME PENLCO5TAL i Irene McCasland will be install CHURCH ed June 26 as new president of the Robert Late*, Pa it or American Legion Auxiliary. Sunday School, 10 a.m. o Other officers elected at the Morning worship, 11 a.m. June 4 meeting include: Louise Sunday evening services, 8 p.m Haslock, vice-president; Edna Rig Tuesday prayer service, 8 p.m. don, second vice-president; Hazel Friday, young people’s service Henry, secretary; Li Ja Miller, o treasurer; Moonyean Deaton, ser at 8 p.m. Services are now being held in geant at arms; Vivian Deaton, the »lew church building on the chaplain; Amy Hussey, Daisy Nas- Old Stag» road '« mile south of sen. and Marie White, executive officers. the Cafes highway. Post and Unit newly-elected Everyone ig invited to attend. officers will be installed jointly at — o------------- ceremonies held in Central Point OBRIEN Thursday, June 26. MUN I-Wr CHURMH Delegates to the convention 'o Orrin C. Ogier, Pa’.tor be held in Klamath Falls late in Sunday school, 9:45 a. M. July will be Irene McCasland, Lou Morning worship, 11 a. M. se Haslock, Edna Rigdon and Joy Thursday, Prayer service, 8 p.M. Kellert. Temporarily meeting In the The Camp White orchestra will O’Brien school. appear here June 18 for the Unit --------------0-------------- and Post “social and potluck” night, starting at 7 p.m. LULL GOSPEL CH-URCIft A Legion picnic at Grayback TAKILMA is slated for July 13. Rev. Van McCoy, Pastor ——o— Sunday School 10 a. nt. Morning wor hip rvicc 1 1 a. tu Visit Grandparent» Miss Mary Lou Collins and Dar Childrens church 7 p. in. ryl Barrett of Chiloquin and Kla Evargelistic service 7:45 p. i t. Thur-day, midweek service, 7:45 math Falls, arc visiting their gran-1- narents, the C. E. Burtons at their m. ranch --- o . ... - ■ — CAVE JUNCTION COMMI S! IT CHURCH Hall’s Accounting Rev. Paul Kroon, Pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Service Morning service, 11 a. in. CAVE JUNCTION, OREGON Evening service, 7:45 p.m . Prayer meeting, Wednesday at a Audita, Bookkeeping. Income Tax Service and Quarterly Re 7:45 p. nt. ports. CAVE JUNCTION CHURCH H SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS Don Gray, Paitor Sabbath School ......... 9:30 Church service .................... 11:00 Prayer meeting Wednesday. Evangelistic services at the local church are in progress Friday nights at 7:30 p.m. BRIDGEVIEW COMMUNITY CHURCH' J. M. Boat, Pastor Morning service, Unified; 1ft to 11:3ft a. tn. Evening service, Prayer mc tijisf, at 7:3ft. Phone Cave Junction 3612 ------ 0 SELMA BAPTIST CHURCH Bev. Douglas Field,pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a m. Morning worship, 11 a in. “Funda.nejituH of tl u Faith class at 7 :p.m. Evangelistic set-vice, 8 p.m. Monday, work night and men'* prayer nueeting. Tuesday, 7:3fl p.m., choir prac- lice. Wednesday, 7:45, Mid-week prayer service. Bev. Collins, of Central Point, is holding special nettings every evening of this week. lake» Gra nd Ja u gb ter Home Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Ellis took t!aoi.r little gra-hFitighter, Sharon, t her home in Grants Pass last Tuesday. She had been visiting their home for a few days. NOTARY • PEN AND PENCIL SI TS • ELECTRIC RAZORS • TIE CLASPS • LIGHTERS • WATCHES • RINGS it / mj Í \ / I SPORT SHIRTS Colorful sport shirts for spring and summer wear will tickle Dad pink this Sunday. See our selection today in cotton shirts and T-shirts in an attractive variety of colors and styles. $0.69 *•> 95 TREHEARNE'S We Give S & H Green Stamp» Cave Junction Deer Creek Grange DANCE Sat. June 14 9 I». M. to 1 A. M. If you have anything to »ell, contact us — Pa cific Auction Co. 969 Highway 99 South Granta Pa*» We will tell on consignment or buy direct from you. C. A. MORRISON, Auctioneer EARL BOGAN’S ORC HESTRA SEE US TODAY! (Our prices have not increased since 1950) Rebuilt Motors Check these prices— why not have your car running like new you’ll save $ in gas, oil consumption and.minor repairs and have the pleasure and con venience of easy starting and knowingyou’ll ‘get there’ without any trouble. Rough, Green (iiants Pa->s for Pop!— SALES WANTED Ph. 4506 CENTER MEDICAL Every Monday and 7hur»Jay At 7 P. M. We've "Remembered. Papa ... now it’s up to you. From cflir special, and especially fine colljirctioM of Father’s Day gifts, select, th« on« that will please your father the most... everything Lyom watches to tie clasps a®d all reasonably priced. Come in today. • VALLEY Help the ILLINOIS PUBLIC Member of Oregon Aasoeiation of Public Accountants IRA S. HALL AUCTION 3 ILLINOIS VALLEY NEWS FRIDAY. JUNE 13. 1952 Auxiliary Names New Officers ♦ I CHURCH NOTES 132 Turn (Jut for Vacation Bible School 5040 MODEL ‘A’ V-8 —1937 up MERCURY CHEVROLET PLYMOUTH DODGE DeSOTO CHRYSLER STUDE CHAMPION PONTIAC, OLDS 6 BUICK $129.50 169.50 179.50 179.50 179.50 189.50 219.50 219.50 219.50 289.50 Prices include rebuilt engine, installation and a loaner car in needed. Call Clyde and Rick’s C. GUY STEM READY MIX CEMENT Your Local Jeweler Phone 4401 FOSFINE WATCHES. SILVER. DIAMONDS Cave CAVE JUNCTION us for prices on cars and trucks not listed here. United Engine Rebuilders On Redwood Hiway — Across from Drive-In Theatre OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY