Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1939)
Illinois Valley News, Thursday, September 21, 1939 Page Four fi SAVINGS' IN QUALITY FOODS ... fi Nationally Advertised Merchandise That Has No Superior IS fi fl Vegetables 4Oc fi B 38c S fi 19c 63c 6Oc fl I 19c fi $1.58 48c 35 c I $1.49 47c fi 45c 33c 48c 39c a fl s 36c 15c 35c fi fi 46c 37c B I 19c $3.93 37c » 0 I 5c 70c 0 fl 9c I fi fl fl fi B Model Cash Grocery I I I fl ■IK fi fl Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, Sept. 22-23-25 FRESH FRUIT AND SUGAR, Brown 3l/t Pounds ..... Friday and Saturday Only SUGAR, Powdered 3 Pounds .............. FANCY PEACHES— Lug SUGAR, Pure Cane 10 Pounds ............. GRAPES— Large Tokays, 5 lbs. SUGAR, Pure Cane 25 Pounds ............... FLOUR, Kitchen Queen 49 lb. Pound Sack ....... NEW BLACK FIGS— 3 lbs. COFFEE, Hill Bros. Blue Can 2 lbs. COFFEE, Special “A” 3 Pounds ............ CANTALOUPES— 1 for SHORTENING, Cartons, VVesminster - Pearl I Pounds .............................................................. PURE LARI), Swift’s Jewel 4 Pounds ............................. CAULIFLOWER— Eacn MILK, Oregon - Morning 48 Can Case CORN FLAKES, Alliers Per Package ......................... . ............ SHREDDED WHEAT, The Original Per Package .............................. - CLAY MASSIE Oranges, Lemons, Strawberries, Bananas, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Carrots/ Celery, Sweet Corn. Prices Effective Friday, Saturday, Monday, Sept. 22-23-25 fl PANCAKE FLOUR. Happy Jack No. 10 Bag ..................................... fl OATS, Regular or Quick 10 Pound Bag ................................. PORK & BEANS No. 2*4 size, 2 cans....................... SAUER KRAUT No. 2*4 size, 2 cans PEAS No. 303 size, 6 cans CORN No. 303 size, 6 cans TOMATO SOUP, 3 Cans ..................................................................... CORNED BEEF 2 Cans ...................................................................... MATCHES 2 Cartons ................................................................ HONEY No. 5 Tin ......................................................... ...... PURE APPLE BUTTER No. 5 Tin .............................................................. KARO SYRUP No. 10 Can ............................................................ We Carry a Complete Line of CROWN FLOUR AND FEEDS fl fl O. W. GREEN FORMERLY SCHUMACHERS Cave Junction, Oregon i ocals Harry Floyd made a business trip to («rants Pass Wednesday. Mr. nd Mrs. T. A. Drews of Portland are visiting Art Drews. T A. and Art are brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hess of Medford and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Durkee of Gold Hill were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Drake. Mrs. W. C. Runyan returned home last week from Woodstock. Kansas where she has been the past two months. On her return she came via the southern route and took in the San Francisco ex position. Mr. and Mm. Jimntie Lanning and family of McFarlin. Califor- nia, who have been visiting Mrs. Lanning's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Allen of Takilma, returned home Monday. — o— Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Champie of Roseburg are visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Wilson of the hotel. Mr. Champie and Wilson were buddies in b during the last war. —---------- - ■ NOTICE Mrs. Agnes Yerke and daugh Mrs. W. O. Burch and daugh Dr. A. N. Collmar. and Harold ter, Ella were shopping in Grants ter, Wanda, were transacting bus C. H 11 spent Sunday 'n Cave Junc iness in Grants Pass last Monday. tion. They now reside in Grants Pass the first of the week. —o— —o— Pass. Kenneth Oppie, son of Mr. and Richard and May Webb return Mrs. E. L. Oppie, O'Brien, arrived ed to their home, San Demis, Cal Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Strong and Thursday from California for a ifornia, after visiting with their son Ronnie of Takilma visited Mrs. visit during his vacation of O’Brien for the summer. Strong's sister Mrs. Stub McBri- —o— ety of Samoa, California, last Sun Mf. and Mrs. Sam Bunch of Robert Brandsma and Clarence day. Bridgeview made a trip to Gran’s Goodwin of Grants Pass visited Pass last Friday and took in the at the Jack Eggers home in Takil Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Jones, form Josephine County Fair. They were ma Sunday. er residents of Cave Junction, accompanied by Mrs. Mattie Sey but now living in Grants Pass, ' fertin Mr. and Mrs. Amos Slack of were visiting friends in the valley Kerby entertained at dinner last last Sunday, They were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Victor Silveria and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Phil guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd children of Niles, California, have lips of Clinton, Illinois, and Mr. Hayes at the Grayback camp. been visiting friends and relatives and Mrs. Harry Mills of Bridge in the valley Mrs. Silveria is a view. John Smith, County Road fore sister of Mrs. Keith Owens nd —o— will be remembered as Flor Rev. Q G. Morris took his man, and crew are busy building ence Houcki daughter Anne back to school, the a bridge at the Charles Reynolds place on the old Oregon-Califor Williamette University at Salem. Mrs. Elizabeth Holland and her He returned Saturday. Mrs. Ora nia road above O'Brien. This has daughter Mrs. Pearl Houck were Smith accompanied them as far always been a bad place for trav- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim as Corvallis to visit her daughter ! el and the repair work is much ap preciated by those using this road Desmond last Sunday who took Mrs. White. way. them to visit at their old home in Wonder. —o— Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rout of Los Angeles, arrived last Sunday in Cave Junction and are spending several days here visiting their many friends. Mr and Mrs. Rout formerly owned the Cave City theatre and sold it last spring to the present owners, Mr. and Mrs. W B Roberts. Switching service nt the Herb ■o ■ Watts switch on the Holland Road W'ord has been received here will be discontinued immediately by friends and relative« of M rs. while changes are being made on Ethel Duffey of Seattle, Wash lines Number 7, 10 and 3, ington, formerly Ethel Woodcock J M SMOCK TELE CO of Kerby. Oregon, of her very serious illness. Mrs. Duffey's mother. Mrs. Lottie Woodcock, has been with her for the past month. AUXILIARY Pinochle Party WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27 at 8 p. m. Auxiliary Meeting Room 25c CAVE JUNCTION Fred Rethmeyer and sons are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freitas were being employed by the Smock Tel business visitors in Grants Pass ephone Co. clearing right of way the first of the week. and setting poles for the new line on the Holland road. IF YOU DON’T USE —o— OUR SOAP Misses Victoria Jasperson and for joodneii sake TRY OUR PERFUME Jettie Moseley of the Cave City Coffee Shop and Mrs. Geo. Scott SOAP - 5c ■ 10c - 2 for 15c motored to Ashland, Medford and Valley Variety Store Grants Pas« last Monday. TASTIER MEALS the 0 Mrs. O. W. Henry reports of the terrible fires they had around the big Potlatch country near the Clearwater river in Idaho r.l-out Sep» 10 when her old home and everything on the place as well as Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips about IS other farms were com left last Sunday evening for their pletely destroyed. home in Illinois after spending a week visiting with their cousin, : Mrs. Harry Mills. While here NEW ( AVE CITY they visited the Oregon Caves and the Redwoods in Hianchi park. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Cook, son Jimmie and Mr. and Mrs. Ells worth Cook of O'Brien returned home from Grants Pass Saturday- evening where they had been stay ing for the past month. Drug Store PUBLIC INVITED TO BOSTF.R PROGRAM The Illinois Valley Grange will give a Rovste^ program at the grange hall in Bridgeview, Fri day evening, Septnieber 29th. A cordial invitation is extended to Mrs. P, C. Patrick and Mrs. everyone to attend, the program Sam Bunch entertained their being open to the public. bridge club with dossers luncheon Tuesday afternoon in the Club room at the Rainbow Gardens. STANDARD OIL Present were Mesdames J. J. Vil- PRODUCTS lair, H Bears«, H. O. Smith, J. W Authorised Distributing Sta. Smith, R. S. Leonard, J. M. Smock. H. R. Floyd, A. A. Johnson, Chan. COMPLETE LUBRICATION Babcock. Mattie Seyferth and the SERVICE hostesses. Miss Maxine Patrick as ATLAS TIRES A BATTERIES sisting Prises were awarded to Mrs H. R Floyd, first; Mrs John ( AVE JUNC TION Smith, second; and Mrs. J. J. Vil- MOTOR C OURT lair. Traveling prise was won by K C. HAMILTON Mrs. Howard Beams. Your Rexall Store Opening Saturday! we will display a complete line of REXALL Merchandise the DeLUXE line of DRUG SUNDRIES May we suggest that you fill your medicine cabinet now for winter. Every Article Absolutely GUARANTEED If not satisfactory your Money will be Cheer fully Refunded. DEEP CUT PRICES ELECTRIC COOKING COSTS Accurately controlled ELECTRIC beat that i« ALWAYS uniform al ways RIGHT for every cooking operation, means TASTIER foods! ELEC TRIC COOKING bring» new tang and flavor; insures fuicy. tender roaits, better pie*, cake*, and biscuits, vegetable*, cooked with little or no water, retain healthful minerals, do not “bod to bits" .. Electri« cooking u CLEAN, SAFE. CON VENIENT COPCO