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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1912)
I'AGK FOUR Weekly Rogue River Courier COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. A. H. VoorhJet, . V. ConUi-t, Proprietor Editor .aUr4 la tb U. 8. Post Offle at ttraota Paw, Oregon, mcob4 cl&u wall matter. aURSCKIITIO.V RATES um Year 11.60 Wit months 75 Three Month 40 Payable in Adranre. FRIDAY, Al (l ST 1, 1012. IMPORTANT RAILROAD NEWS. Tbe mokt Important newa puulluh ed by the Courier in many months appean In tbe article on our first page relating to th railroad from the roast up Rogue river to Grants Pass. We have long known curtain facts In regard to this proposed line but have not until tbe present bad sufficient Information to Justify milk ing public tbe outlines of this rail road situation. Practical men have long known that tbe water grade af forded by Rogue river was In part the practical key to tbe situation. To build a railroad It must be recog- olzed that tonnage is required and In . . . . .. m instance enougn is onerea in me hape of coal and timber, as well as Incoming and outgoing agricultural An J mineral products to Insure dubi- n. for th nronosi.d line. HOME COMINO DAY. (irants Pass Is of sufficient size jthe profits of hog raising or adverse things has come to pass, and wc only ismi on the breed when they could be and Importance as a community that .conditions In Oregon for the pursuit Valt a more complete development j legally dispatched, but proposed that It should begin to lay the foundation of the Industry. Large numbers of 'of irrigation to attract a large nnni-11'11 k,10,kers who wpre caught red I. . . , ... .... : handed in plying their trade lie re- for fixed days for annual observance. .landowners cannot, of course, follow ber of these desirable homebullders, ported q the commercial club and like the rose carnival, grange fair jthe raising of hoes with profit. To . but all this will come to us lr due 'a COmmlttee appointed to wait upon and the like. In connection with the make- the Industry profitable there time, for there Is an active dimand the offender. Mr. Voorhies called at- last named event, the Courier would j nmst he plenty of water and plenty for good farms under irrigation bv , tention to the fact that nowhere uggoHt that we name and enroll a ,of the proper feed close at hand, and 'nuen who have the monev to develope i'""1'.1 a bt'tter fru,t ('ount,'y ,,e f0,in(1' new day to celebrate, and that should In larw areas In the state one or both the jandi 0ur soil and our climate ,J' 'f ,a s,ran"rr aske'1 abn,,t fr",t 1 1 some knoi-ker with a penchant for be u "Home Coming Day" This is lacking. Justifies he belief that the future has mining would discourage the fruit In- by no means a new Idea, nor do we "On the other hand our dimatlc sr. at promise in store for Josephine dustry, and say this was only a mln glve It as such, except its application conditions air Ideal. In no section of 'county. country; if the stranger asked to this city. Home coining day as tbe country Is the risk of the hoa celebrated In other Btates 's an or- raiser of losses by disease so low. In caslon set apart for the return home many sections no swine disease of 'of those who make summer tours, any natmr has ever been known. t camping outings and other trips. It jl'lils Is notably true of the Wallowa la an occasion also for a visit of Jand Powder Valley seitions, where those who live elsewhere and desire many farmers are making great sue to visit their relatives or frtends In esH In both raising and fattening Josephine county. hogs for the Portland market. The plan li to name a day which -just what can be done to cause will come during the Orange Fair n)t. number of hogs to Increase even this year and the district fair next ia the same ratio as our population, year, it we innuginnie nome 1 i s day this year, it may not ne nn event of great Importance during 1012. but will bo by 1913. when by that time It .m ,ut-n for,,, ,i hne and become an event widely advertised. which, consequently, will make of It an event of importance to most peo- . . t . . , , .1 1 pie in the county, as well as to those wbo may select a dnv for visiting ug duwn to the meat and pith of the their relatives and friends here. The 'matter. Too many of our hindown falr will be nn event whbh will a-;4rs have sold off their hogs and put 1st greatly In entertaining all wtio mav ehoose to come. WHY N't T Mi'KK Him;s.' i'b re Is .ertainl.N soniething wrong with a gie.uer portion of the . ,. , state In icuard to the f.iinile of our fanners to supply the markets with pork. Our soil will prod. no the feed ; while the climate is all that could be ; 1 desired by those who raise bogs, and 1 yet the supply is far short of the de- j maud. The Courier has nred the j farmers of Josephine county to en'or the business and while some have taken the advl.e n,an liae not ,huc ; o. Of course It must be understood that leid tor swliu . at, not he pro Juced without Imgatiou. Alfalfa or ioer aie anuuig the h'g 1 rodttcing foods and these can ho .town in I Hlo'.nd in- e in l i c un: w , on- , d.tlous are T.i oraUo ruder . -H' in .uSIiig. V h Morn llogs?" the Sun. lav i':euon. in some (acts and tig ire.-, whiih are worthy of the attention of every f.irmer who v. 1 ;! ! ' 1" art Mo mentioned Is as follows: 'lo'ieiitly attention w;t ml'cd 'o tie f.o t that a new ,c:i-!is ball.-f.-, bowed t' at on M ty 1 '. 0 1' re weie J n ! 1'i". !..vs i". ''".. c, ..11 I v iv M iv ! " CM' - . . m . li t- .. gained In population 259.229 people. an increase of 62.7 per cent, the num - ber of hogs in the state decreased 63.829, or a loss of more than 22 per cent. These figures ought to cause every flur nf tne ten yean in wnicn we cau citizen of tbe state great anxiety, for iand it la to be nopea, torever. me - there I. surely something wrong 'misfortunes of a country that gets following is tbe article referred to: when hog raising, one of the most jln'o the bands of the speculator are , "Loganberry culture, a new Indus profitable the general farmer and I many. Men buy and sell farms as a is Browing to large propomons dairyman can annex to his chief In-lb.mlness and no one thinks of inak- jln th'8 8tat- At ,3rook8 alone ih' du.trles. take, such a slump as that.' Ing Improvements, but the day of!000 "ates ere shipi,ed t0. a rort" W must remember, too, that for the last three or four years, or practically .. .h. r C CI Bill' C ' C Dl"i rx j i t no constructed at North Portland, tbe proprietors of those yards, ably sec onded by the railway companies and and surround himself with the com- ,man m sei -uu atreB m ro,K ,oun the officials of the Union Meat com- , forts of life, Is to be found in every j ty during the fall and plans to in pany, have been making an active portion of the county. He is an e.l- ( 8ta11 canning, drying and bottling campaign toward Increasing theivocate of good roads, good schools number of swine on Our farms and 'and up-to-date Improvements of ev - ranches, while the officials and fac- ery kind, and we find him alvayg will- ulty of the Oregon Agricultural Col- lege have fully and heartily co-oper- ated with every effort made by the '1W1 the dockyards ! Park,n ho"BM- "Meanwhile every person who lias followed the advice of these people .L-ihvafQittntfln lh hrnr hmlnoGa nr - - jlncreaKlng his herd, has, If he has .a'iel ltn Intelligence, made money li. i-. - . ... t, UI 111 inunr iiihu almost any oher branch of animal I Industry or sericulture. There Is I , ome.hlng wrong, and the trouble does not lie either with a slump In me ablest ami wisest advisers can- n,, if iniy man could Induce ' those who are now keeping hots to ',, ,,,. li,,,ls t,n nr ,,enti nud ' , .1, 0f those who are now hogless' to get a broud sow or two, he would do the 'state more good than the planting of , , , niany orchards. Perhaps that brings ((, money Into fruit trees and the tdantlng of them, while those who have cleared and brought Into culti- vatlon more land have utilized most , of It for orchard purposes'. "We do not desire to give the ap- .pie or anv other fruit Industrv I em1 k rje, as wie saving goes. .ot 'a bit of It. We have a great fruit country and many larpe fortunes and inunh prosperity will . onto throuch fruitgrowing. Pit the orchardi.-t who forget the hog business Is not wise. he has five aires or a hundred or a thousand he should manage to keep a few hoc and cows If he gets the cows he will surely, if he Is sure, iet some hoes. ;K lea-t a brood sow or two " ' M 'I'll El ' . ViiK'i'l I.T, k 1. I MM M'MEN 1' I Vw ; '1 ., vow . : t; , . ditb iis w Vi h pi :.:1 : 1! ,. . tural districts outside ( i;ra:t! 1': c t lie ;.: s -' t ' 1 1 .of the !'. a '.: c- ! : v uk. nt1 in the".. t!;e pteM : ! a ; t 1 - ; - . : t 1 e :' 1 tr i a ; ii i t-L i v uii-n rivfr fvii niru we can assure the --cviu laisc, uufc v w. . - . Urn Kilt ! reader from personal knowledge that 1 Here are some berry figures which i Mr. Kinney is right, and what Iijuil be of Interest to the people of 'more, the good work promises to jjosephine county. The members of 'continue indefinitely, 'the Commercial dub should he In I Truly the days of speculation in ; land around Grants Pass are gone i ... . . . . . reckoning comes. A few years ago 'speculators fairly had possession of '.hu ,.,.n.v .,. ,,thfcr rinSa n r tn hub v n n i , wiv " ' " ' , 'evidence today. The homebuilder wlth money to Improve his property i i Tng to do his share toward paying for them. In every way this modern farmer is an up-to-date citizen. He jtalka intelligently regarding the bree(1 of 8t0l k' knows aU a,)0ut ( creameries and cheese factories, is an jexpert In growing alfalfa and swine breeding, and thoroughly under. . , . .stands the farm from a money-mak- lu? point of view. His example In-fne rnnrfli'PB hla npli'hlinra nnrl rlvou nrn , - -,.... B,.vD .Hdenre to the business man. Grants Pass neonle cenerallv. a 9 ; ' .well as the best citizens of the eutirc county, rejoice that the new orde- of AN EPIDEMIC OK KNOCKERS. The knocker is admitted to be a .'id 1 itlzen for any omniunity in ; ' which he may locate. As a rulr he is a ne'r-do-well- a dangerous chnrac- ter. His trade is to injure everybody , , . , , who Is in any way dependent on the prosperity of the city or county. Un- fortunately there Is no law. as yet, on the statute hooks to punish hlni, but the next legislature will be called , upon to deal with this class. This fel- '0W 3 WOrfe ' " 'ieMi,en,e alu! now 19 suffering froni n epidemic of these uiHlesit- ables. Their only object and aim in life seems to be to injure the coun'ry and their neighbors. Tliev do not ;ui- .dcrstand that they Injure themselves and friends, if they have any, and carry thrlr animosity to tlv e!ent of driving would-be investors from the country. Of late this vow thlr.a ' ' " ha8 nap!,pne(1 in a ""'"'r of cases. People In search of a homo have no the producer can market the pro use for a community that will harbor ('"rf of les toil, and that the fact that a V.rockcr and the result invariably is they go to places less inf. s'e(; w i'h tills lass. GET KKAUY l-'UK STATE Ml !oi..e oi.e sho ;1,1 take 1:1 -1 . ter of !r:i'ins a Joseplune o:;n: e. hioit a; the sti.te fair this ear. W e cannot afford to miss ti.K opj.iTusf.ty. but ;t ;',! i.v ;n,, late if it is Hot el. d ,.t eil.e. We .-l.j.ild send samri's ot g ei t o ;r 1 est lie ate ra.t; of all Kir. live sto. k or l'..;r a-o 1. ci.,1 se . ,i;ou. n will " i1 !.:ie 1 v -1 M l f w! li lo T. w :. t the . , .1 r I AN IMPORTANT NEW INDUSTRY terested !n this matter, and do.every ' thing possible to Insure the pros- i noritv nf this branch of business. The land cannery, netting the growers ; 131,000. A total of 37 cars of logan- berries was shipped from Brooks this j !'ear- The acreage given to this fruit ! constantly on the Increase. One a aaa i machinery. 1 l. o.M.MKItt'lAL CLUB 1 DISCUSSES KNOCK KRS. The ears of the Grants Pass knock er must have burned Monday evening (iring the pr0.reM of the meetlng I of the Commercial club, for he was jsure talked about. The subject was ' o.ougni up wnen a. rarsons quoted a gentleman who naa recent-: ,ly returned from an extensive trip throughout the east, who said that heard only good words of the D.r.. cnil.M- nn-nc f, ... V, jlvus,lc lu,c, iic a ihmU uumr, but that hf found the knocker still (luitig business here at home. A. E. Vooihies wanted strenuous methods ja,lopU(l f(),. dtaI,K wh the kn0(.ker Jn,, was sorry there was no open sea- for mines, the follow with the ham mer would waste no time In telling him that tills was a fruit growing relnn and the mines were elswhere. Tlie tone of the club was not good for tlu, Knof.ker. President Hobart iieliverod an apostrophe upon the - kind, and it was evid nt that the next !,ln,e ,lu' K"or- hammer Is heard. . there will be something to talk about In town. j ,-,, Sl., ,.,.., ,.,,., (.mmillllli,.;l. f t ion from S'upt. Campbell of the southern Pacific regarding the use of !l,,,l't "f ,h'J l' i(,t building for a ; display room. Mr. Campbell said that the company proposed the re- moval of the old building to a point , -rtber north, and back from the pres- lent location, when it would not lie so 'nvailable for the purpose of an ex- hihit room, and proposed tha the Club erect a small exhibit room near er the passenger depot, where people nn the tr-iiiw conbt vio- it ,on tne n.uns (oum view it. In his report, hoc-iyiary Quinlan ;'ai'1 "Pecinl stress on the need for : n",,lnK 11 '"'ni"T 0,ul,'t f,,r the Pro duce of the Hogne valley. He stated that conditions oulrf not be expected , materially improve locally until farmers of tributary valleys were forced to seek elsewhere for markets was a detriment to this locality. He uttered a truism that was endorsed by the members present when h said "It Is a pretty good plan to take catv of the country first, for then the city will take (are of I 'self." ' C. L. Mangiim. who was sent to the Yreha lonsress with the Commercial dub mining exhibit, made n verbal report of the work at the con::i-'ss. A vote of thanks was tendered him by the dull for the very efficient av ' In w hb h he handled the exhibit. I'M UK' ( OAST LINK vli:Msr (.K)IND. - liy liute.l Press Leased Wire. t SAN" .I-'KAN'CISCO. Aug. t.V :s News js receixed her' by the cham ,s I er of lotnmep-e todny of the ground ing of tbe -it'll- Ce; Sienmsllili ( onijiatn 's liner City of Seattle on the rot k coast near Kel liikitn. g southern Alaka. U'taiU of the fs if ?t 1's plight are l:n K inir. but i' ; 1. feared she is in u d.ingerous po-i-tbui. She i a vessel of about .',' 0 '!' ;;, ,! had ,1 p ist il list of 1 ei' s ' f tie P., it'. Coast Steal; -tr umv r s' Ced their been,l tbtou.'. 'bee of 1 oni'neri'e, but t h. 1 1 1 'in r .I"1, lis I..'. i- l i (' II-';;. :di th e ; llll v DKI.AYKD I'KXSIOX CHKCKS RF.POltTFD IH K SATURDAY. I WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 Two 'hundred thousand war veterans i whose pensions are held up owing to a controversy in congress over the j abolishment of pension agencies, will J probably receive their delayed checks on Saturday, according to announce : ii'ent here today. i The senate is said to have yielded i to the house In the pension agency 'dispute. The lmuse will accept the ' pension bill today and the president I will sign it tomorrow. The checks are all ready for mailiug at the pen sion office agencies and as soon as the president affixes his signature to COWS ARE PROFITABLE for everybody if a cream separator is uei to cet the butter fat out of the milk. No matter whether you are a farmer or dairyman, no matter how many cows you have, 'four or forty, a cream separator will make them mote profitable. The advantage of the Dairymaid cream harvester is that it gets all the butter fat out of the milk, saves all the prolit for you. If you leave part of the butter fat in the skim-milk you are losing profit that you can save by using a separator. The Dairymaid cream harvester is one of the simplest, liiiitt running and most practical separators on the market. It skims close and is easy to clean. It saves work in the dairy and puts dollars in your pocktjt. We will gladly further explain the merits of the Dairymaid cream harvester and show you wherein this separator differs from others and why it is better. Take one home and try it before you buy. Rogue River H'dw. Co. ; HANTS PASS, OKK. I WHFAT WANTED We will pay the Portland market price in I cash for wheat and gram as soon W. P. Counts I'Hom: IF YOU BUSINESS MEN only realized the business-building power of first-class stationer', you would choose your own Bond Paper and not intrust its selection to a subordinate And, if you wanted to make your business stationery 100 24 efficient, you would specify (Fac-Simile Watcr-Maik) 1 Tie De Lu?;e Business Paper because by comparison you would find that COUPON BOND is far beyond the average Bond Paper in quality c:iar:ict:r impressiveness, and all that malxn.onery : r. " productive. . , -cify COUPON BOND today. And sec the co. Let us show ycu samples. nau.w, .U(,ist Hi, mi ' i thp new bill aiithnriln fTTZr, , - a mrir ism ance they will be on their way to the old soldiers. GIRL RETURN'S HOMK MYSTERIOUS AIlSKXt l NEW YORK, Aug. 14. After a week's mysterious absence, Edna Gray of Brooklyn, who left ner aunt's home here In an automobile with a strange man, returned today in a hysterical and exhausted condi. tion. The girl reached home in a semi conscious state, and continually raved about a roadhouse where she claimed to have been held prisoner from all appearances she hud been drugged. - Alin HATQ oats. Bring in your as possible. StSon THK (AH! I-KK! sT-.U. mi. THE AMERICAN TRDE MRK-MATER MRK BtClSTlOtO WATERMARK yj