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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1912)
FIJI DA V, AUilM , I,,,;, WEEKLY WXilE RIVER COIR1EK PAGE I wo 4 PERSONAL AXD LOCAL. 4 Mrs. John Deveney went to Gallce Sunday for a camping trip. Miss A Partus Frayne of Waldo left Sunday nlgbt for Portland. A. L. Smith returned to Glendale after amending Sunday with his fam ily. .Miss Queen Avery spent Saturday In town, returning to Merlin Sunday morning. Misses Kate and I'earl Newell left Sunday night for Newport to spend their vacation. Mrs. Nora i'oor and .Mm. Julia Custer went to Merlin Sunday to fepend the day. Mm. H. A. llarnden went to Med ford Monday to spend a few days with the Dr. Lock wood family. L'ruest Uauford relumed to Port land Sunday to resume his work with the .StuiU-baker orporatlon. .Miss Minerva found arrived Satur day morning to visit Miss Flo Ilol couib and the 11. A. Corllni family. Ml bs Cora Jji.Mar returned to her home at Vancouver, Wash., after upending two weeks with the W. J. Stovall family. John K. Iiieen of Crewent City i ante over on the auto stage and will spend several days In this city and Medford. Messrs I. F. and A. I. feck, min ing men from Denver, who have In terests In the Holland country, were In the city Monday. T. H. Cornell and family have re turned from an outing of several weeks at Tuscan Springs, In Siskiyou county, California, (ieo. W. Meek and daughter, of Applt'Kate, returned Sunday from Canyonvllle, where they have been on a photonrnphle trip. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Praetlct limited to TE, EAR, NOSE and " HROAT GUuot fitted and furnished. Oflce boura i to 12; 3 to I; by appointment. Phones 62 and 1M- 0RANT8 PA 88, OREOON. V. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. DENTIST Corner 6th and Q street Phone S08-J. Crown, Bridge Work and Mlllngi of All Kinds, a Specialty. O'flce hours, t to 12 a. m.; 1 to I p. m. All Work Positively Guaranteed GRANTS PASS, ORECiON. E. 0. MAOY, D. M. D. DENTIST ! Burtessor to Dixon Bros, Dentlsta Flrst-clsss Work. j 101 H South Sixth, GranU Pais, Or H. D. NORTON ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal j Courts. Office, Opera House Block, j i 0. S. BLANCHARD j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , Practice In all State and Federa' ! Ccurts Hanking & Trust Co. Bldg GRANTS PASS, OREGON. J. D. WURTSBAUGH Attorney aud Counselor at Law Notary Public In otfke. Office In Howard IMock. Phone b-J GRANTS PASS. OREOON. D. L. JOHNSTON ASSAY ER North Stairway, GRANTS PASS. OREGON. Rooms 6 and 7, Opera Houso Dloci. M. C. H. DAY CONTRACTOR AND lU'lLDKK. Hesldences a Specially. Plans and estimate furnished. Residence, K.ikt A it. Phono 101-J GRANTS PASS OREGON. G. H. BINNS Ass v i i: taMlshe.l 19 Jcsri MT f f';ect, cj i!tf local hotel, Ci rants l':iss Ore Lincoln Savage, Misses ArJena Savage, Gertrude Cahill and Ida White, went to Kai?!e Point Sunday to visit Professor and Mrs. Suddroth. Mrs. N. Lannell has returned to her borne In Portland after spending seven weeks in suuthtin Oreguu, a portion of the time tpent with her daughter. Mrs. V. C. Hale. Jack Gordon and friend. Mr. Moody of Kan Fran ! o. arrived Sun day nUiit to upend some time on bis father's ranch near SaaKt Rapid. Mr. Gordon is a son of Phil Gordon, general asent of the Sunset Lines Rev. Robert McLean, who is In Portland, Sunday mornlm; occupied the pulpit at the Third Presbyterian tburih. hU old (barge. He will spend a few days aMending to busi ness and greeting old friends before r-turnlntf. Perry Gunning took a load of peo ple over to Crcacent City Saturday, and experts to bring another load back. Among those of the party were Mrs. I. C. Spencer and Miss Roe Can bld of this city, and Mr. and Mrs Smock of Rogue River. C. L. Clevenger returned Saturday from Colestln, but Mrs. Clevenger, Miss Wlmberly and Mis La Brie will remain for a week or more. Mr. Clevenger's mother and sister, Mrs. Jennie and Miss Sadie Clevenger, went to Colestln Monday morning for a week's Htay. Mrs. D. W. Stone and Mrs. Ray Davis reached Grants Pass Sunday from Crescent City, where they r-"ve been visiting Th former, after vis iting relatives at Central Point, will return lo her home at Sacramerto. Mis. Davis left today for her hone :t Riverside. Mrs. Geo. Crawford and daughter left Monday night for Portland to visit Mrs. Crawford's sister, Mrs. Km men. Wm. Richards, the Merlin mer chant was here Monday to see the fiephant and to transact business. ltTi Chase came from Medford Tuesday morning to spend home time with his miiiidmothtr, Mrs. Caul field. Geo. K. Morey returned to his home at Oakland, Cal., Tuesday after visiting his brother, C. S. Morey. Kd. Daily ennui In from Kerby Monday on business. Mrs. Dick Giitlnid-jc arrived Mon day ni;lit from Klamath falls to Isit. J. M. Smock lias sold ills Holland general merchandise store to Harry L. Lewis, Mr. ami Mrs. Bert Springer and Clarence Olson left Monday night for Roosevelt, I "tall, and will later go to Delta, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kribs of Med ford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Porter. Mrs. Kribs ami Mrs. Porter are sisters. It. M. t'lute and S. I'rovolt were among the upper Vpplega'e vaily fanners who were in the city Mon day. Mrs. Kliabeth Smith ami daugh ter, Kllabeth. left Monday night for their home at Indianapolis, hid., af ter spending two weeks with the Man;;. 1. Hz-ston. daw ford and W. V 1'addoc I; families. Mr. and Mrs. ("has. f. Wise of St. Louis, atv visiting their sons, ('. K. and Francis Wis.-, at their home in the Country Club Orchards, near Merlin Mr. Wise Is one of the prom inent at'ornevs of his home Ity. J. Sorcnson, siiivriiiteiidetit of the Sapphiie mines at liiillipsbui g, . lont.. etiroute to San Diego. Cal., s'opped off at Grants fa -a Tuesday to visit his sister. Mrs. Stevens, only to timl that he had '.eft Grants Pass a few dins ago for the Willamette valley. Mr. and Mrs .1 T Hartley and daughters and Mr- M 0. ll'.-e-!ow ai lived Tuesday morning tiom Mi', en. v I. ere t l.e i i i side. ;o s'. nd a month .. 1 : ' i . i '.Ttie. vme on WH'.iai.s !e' v it I' iend I lie lids. c sixili t.i.'de le.l.hei Mis.- I.i ;..i is ,!!;:.. ,. 1,, h..o.l Fa'ls. ,, ,s , . :. ,, ,- I as tea. "e; in the f,r:... :, . t' : s 'lacl.s, ,:,-.d w :; ;; !,,iV, !,,. st ;i '. ; ,i de 1 h. i ..i : d ' s imk.i g I i. ' . . t.l. ill'.. ' ! . . i .. v e :t !;.. ;. '!. A ., : ... - ' 1 w i: h'ti i . - I i H I I -g. 1 11 1 1 1 . Hi. II .rl.i; b se'.;., : i i '..el , I I : . : d'-'i;' ; u a , ; . ,ee. , o; ' ,:: d : 1 i : ; .r.i.i , .it'. . ... .it'll-. . a.ii of i : : - s n , 1 ,. ;:,. , . I .. - ' Has Are Now KIjh The first ripe ligs of the season were picked from the Courier's owu lig tree, growing at the rear of the office building on South SUtb street, on Monday. The crop Is confined to a siiiii'ie tree, so the market will at no time be In danger of being over stocked from this source. Sunday Kciiri'ii of IK) Mile Carl Williams and his two daugh ters, Misses Iteulah and Hell, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haffman, In the Wil liams automobile, mate a trip cover ing ID) miles Sunday, going to Ker h. Takllma. Waido and other points in the Illinois valley. Frel Supervisor Tranferrel R. I.. Fronini", supervisor of the Siskiyou forest reserve with head quarters in this (Ity, will leave the first of September for Olynipla. Wash., having been transferred to the supervision of the Olympic reserve In the state of Washington. He will be succeeded hre by N. F. Macduff formerly in ( barge of the Santiam re serve with headquarters at Albany. Iluildlng Dig Rani Dr. Loughrldge, In his dual per sonality of Farmer Longhridge, is building a great barn on his alfalfa farm west of town that will set a new pace for structures of that sort. The building will be 3SxlOU feet in size, :!fi feet high to th ridse, and w ill hold over 100 tons of hay. Along each side will be constructed feeding sheds 1 feet wide, making ample room for handling stock when it is desired to feed tlv hay out on Hip premises. Search Was Fruitless Constable Handle and party re turned Friday afternoon from Elk creek, where they went to search the Webb premises for various articles that A. G. Wicker has lost, and which In ti complaint filed in the jus tice court he charged the W'bbs with having confiscated. None of the miss ing articles were found, and there was no evidence discovered to con nect the Webbs with the. missing; goods. Siiw the Marble Caves Messrs. Geo. Coffenberry and Vern DeArmont with their wives, returned Friday night from a trip to the Ore gon Marble caves. They went in from the Williams) creek side, the la dies riding the horses over the nin' miles of trail while the men wore out shoe leather. Mr. Coffenberrg ex presses his opinion of the natural wonder as "great; something no one should miss." The party was absent five days, and enjoyed the camp life, with the trout, venison, etc.. to the ut most . Meilfonl heleals Koseluirg Medford defeated Rosehurg at the ,la ksoii county metropolis Satuid.iy. with Melptyre and Marshall in the points lor die home team by a score ot 4 to I!. The game went 1 L' innings. Fusou's fast clii!) was again victor ious yesterday with Hnrgess and Baker as tin- battery, and Week let paying second base, by the one-sided score of 1 '2 to :'. Koseburg never ap pearing dangerous. Medford p'ae.; Weed next Sunday at Weed. An ex cursion will lie nin from Giants fuss to Shasta Springs, and one far." for the round trip will prevail. Read ('cants Pass Palms A t: ibe ot' gypsies, with its Mill iU tu of 1 ; i ig h 1 1 begowned fortuue 'el'ing "ladies." dropned down upon Grants l'a.-s Saturday morning, and pro. eed.'d to rake in the oin from the guillilde who wanted to know wh..' the future has in s'me tor i hem Chief M, 1 ran i lietiv in formed the visitors of the citv ordi nate o demands a license fee of ;.er dav for people of their , '.;ss who ply D'cir trade w i'hin the tv ';'- :t .rid ' 'a i of the dusl,' dam-, 's : -I" w '-etew Ith for t';e Jo . Picks I p Runaway '.o -welv. -'- ,. ! Ke, I, M.g '.,d v " uaiit ,1 'o s. e :. w ! --' . ! If.: ,s. 1; .-. w e-1 -i.utt !;.!,. i n '"' '- ' " ' ' trig ..s ... dr., ir. . ,,-s o.l .i Uf as to i 'i,' . w V. : u,... t .in ;. o 'he., r -.ii'!;.,.,. " ' :. i i.e, n ' ' ' 'A -'"a . Don (Nboni Carrie .Murpli) Mail Don Osborn is carrying the mail 'from Murphy up the Applegate on the R. f. D. route while the regular car 'rier, Louis Mitchell, is on an outing !ln the Crater Lake country. J.h ksiui-JoM-pbiiie Institute i The joint teachers' institute for Jackeon and Josephine counties will be held at Ashland during the week ;f the Itoue River Valley Indus trial Fair, September - j, '- aud -". at wlihh time all teachers of both 'couuties are expected to be present. :.ew Display Window j The Hannard building, now occi 1 pied by the lldmer friinitute store, lias been greatly improved by having a full plate glass front put In. The : glass extends down the side, making I one of the tiriest display fronts in Site city. Alaskans Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Gray, and lit'le girl, of Juneau. Alaska, arrived in the city Monday aftTiioon on a visit to Mr. Gray's sister, Mrs. W. S. Coutant, of Fruitdale. They will re main some time and look over the country. Mr. Gray la the owner of some good property five miles south of Merlin. J V eteran Dies in Santa Barbara ! Garrett P. Atchison, formerly of Grants Pass, and for some time cus todian of the mineral exhibit building, died last week at Santa Barbara, Cal. Mr. Atchison was a veteran of the civ i I war and for some years was in poor health and his death was not 1 unexpected. , sneak Thief Takes Gobi Watch I .Inst after noon Monday, while the family was all absent, the house of (I. W. Sturgeon, at "i!i) South Sixth street, was entered, and a valuable i gold watch was taken from a shelf upon which It was lying. It Is thought probable that the theft was J committed by some of th hangers on with the wild west show that was in town. The watch lias not been recovered and there Is no clue to the light-fingered one. Wild West Show a Disappointment I A great crowd came to town Mon ! !:" to see the Kit Carson Wild West Show. the aggregation being patron , ied much better than the perform ance it gave would warrant. Man:-' of the attractions that had bHin tol ivertised failed to appear, and while, j there w ere some excellent iuunlie"s jon the program, it wag on the whole a disappointment. The horses wvrs lespeeially a poor lot, it being almost cruelty to animals to make some of i them carry a man. i i j School Money on Hand I The state apportionment of s iiool i money for Josephine county this year amounts -o ,., )M11,j and Sup erintendent Savage has heen distrib uting the fund to school districts. Six districts are yet without their share on account of the failure of the school clerks to lile their bond with the county superintendent, and when this is done the money will lv avail able. The amount for the year is $',4o,4p :,,id with a balance from schoid lands, etc.. makes the total for this (ountv amount $t;,.i;. to. E-Chief Comes to Town Link McCrew came In from the ; Leonard O-.-hard holdings this w eek and lie states that the alfalfa on the fenn-Oregoti ranch was a big crop tlv first cutting, the ae mid crop, .which is about ready to cut, is also ,!dg. and there is excellent prospect for a big third crop. All other pro ducts of the farm are of the bumper Order. Link has become an enthus iastic follow er of Cine innatus. aud tells his friends that the only way to build a great city on the site of ,0rants Pass is to develop the ri, h land of the county, and he is satis fied that this w ill be done. .VOI. (J WIDOW M IFS SI'LF Dl I I v l'l V SIIVi! T..i. ., t .'"!:' '!': she shot and killed ; Willi. ii. i Shaiftr to protett her honor. K. i!e!s, a your.g widow yeaj-s old, is today at li'erty on Jl",- iroi hail SN'ft.r. Mts Cleu ai',,. s. a;. - a-.. I :!. :i. i ailing he,- ,n ' ' ' ;el. .. to kill le r ,f s ef i.d to n,., rv hie,. .When he . ilK-,1 she slot him ,l,..,,d. ' Were a'! tr.-di. i'les as ! i- : ir.ii ion as Ch in-'., i i.iin's folic. ;.,,',.,.., j Di.M '. I . . ... Reiredv die world ' il ', '"' ' '' '" i' ff and 'he peiM-n'-a ' '' s '".-r '; .I'-i 'lv '. ' wti'.- I :u,U . S . tt. of Te.i,- le. '' F"r ( ! I .1 1 , ile. .le! , THKF.F. DF I IN AN I A I TO ACCIDKXT. COLUMBUS, Ohio. Aug. 13. Three men were killed near here to day when their automobile was struck by d mail train on the 13. & O. railroad here. WANT HIKK LUNCH IUMSHF.D FROM LOS ANGKLKS. I.OS ANGELKS, Aug. 13 Thous ands of signatures have been secured to a petition demanding; a referei.t! '!,' vote on a city ordinance bau'.shipg free lunches in Baloons, aeeordhig to sponsors of the petition today. Scores of solicitors are working daily and it Is believed that the number of sig natures required to bring the issue before the voters will soon be se cured. POPULISTS TO KXDORSK I WILSON OK ROOSKVF.LT ST. LOUIS, Aug. 13. When the populist national convention met here today, It was announced that the party would not put a ticket of its own In the field. It was believed either Colonel Roosevelt, the pro gressive nominee, or Governor Wil son, the democratic nominee, would be endorsed. SUFFOCATES TO SAVE CHILD'S LIFE EUREKA, Cal., Aug. 13. After ef fecting the rescue of her 1 ."-year-old daughter from lhf noxious gases of a well into which the child had de scended to get some tools, Mrs. Charles llerriford of this place, is dead here today from asphyxiation, teeing the child collapse In the well, Mrs. llerriford rushed to her assist ance, and tied a rope around the girl's body. The child was drawn up while the mother suffocated. WILSON EARNS KALAItV. j SEAGIRT, N. J., Aug. 13. Wood 'row Wilson left here today for Tren io:i on his weekly trip to transact state business. i RACK TO THE SOIL. A reader sends in the following, the wall of a tiller of the soil ::i '. ichigan, which tells in a few words w hy so many front th.e eastern states come to the Rogue River valley where life is less strenuous: "At 4 p. m. the farmer feeds his horses and his sheep. At he drags the hired man r.eluctant from his . sleep. At ij the breakfast horn re sounds o'er valley, hill and field to call him to the morning meal of things liis acres yield. And so all day upon his way the cheerful farmer plods and agitates with hoe an,) plow his deeply mortgaged sods. At 10 p. in. he milks his cows and gathers up ttie pggs and rubs a quart of liim nient upou his weary legs. The hon est fanner's simple life is one of healthful toil consumed in teasing things to grow upon unfriendly soil. The farmer is a happy guy. for when Uu day is done mere's nothin' more for him to do until tomorrow's sun." coili rrd . t . ,.t ,!;.,,, , . V"P I., iv , K-.;,:V a a-iu:i Kv Zfl lend Icr coi.v. itrt KA i Send tcr co;.y, Irre LI1" H. I. II. c .?,,;, Hand and n Horse HSVJil-a.-.3-. -a. This is the time to get in and do some effective cultivating, while the ground is damp and easily worked. We handle a cultivator that you will like come in and see them. Horse or hand culti vators. The price is right. Lawn Mowers We have several gcod makes at various pric es. If you are going to need a good strong mower -one that will hst a life time, with care. We would like to sell you one. jewel! Hardware Co. GUN STOLEN CIRCUS DAY. A. L. Springer tame to town Hon day to attend the wild wst (jm,j and then to take the train for the Yukon country. He brought mm his 16-gauge Baker shot gun 4 valise with his extra collars and div ers other things that he would neej in the northland. He left his goods and chattels la a neighbor's wagon that w as standing ru?ar the cold storage plant, but when he returned for them someone ha,d heen there ahead of him, and had rifled the wagon. The gim which was In a plg-skln case, waj stolen, the valise had been taken to a vacant barn in the vicinity and lt contents gone through, and a lunch that had been provided for a hungry party, was eaten. The city p0n(e force took the scent, but could set no trace of the stolen goods. j SKVKNTKKX SKXTKXt Fl) TO DIE AT Ohhssi, ODESSA, Ang. 13. Sixteen sea men and a petty officer are under sentence of death here today as the result of a revolutionary plot framed on board the battleship Ivan Zlatoust of the Black Sea fleet, by which it was iutended to seize the Russian imperial family on board their yacht and force Czar Nicholas to abdicate. The conspirators planned to hold 1 1 i the Imperial yacht while th? cm and his family were l)elng conveyed from Yalta, their favorite resort in the Crimea, to Selmstapool. The seizure. It Is said, was to have been the signal to ths mutinous lialtic fleet to attack St. Petersburg and Kronstadt simultaneously, with the object of establishing a limited mon archy and a constitutional regime. BUSINESS POINTERS j Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. ; J E. Peterson. PlonesrlnsurnueMn. ! Rexall Remedies at Clemer, "i j irugs. ' Alfred Letcher, Registered Optiw I .ictrUf and Jeweler m Dixon's old ! tand. front st. Eyes tested free. Making hard-earned dollar? buy all that they will luy !s t!.c hu i-ewife'g task all the time and that Is why !t';c nd? nvo s tch seriously interesting; reading matter for her. And Indhn Motorcycles ( South Sixth Street. ORAXTs PASS, OllKtJOX. I 'i3 Kit (,!! iLntu-ttA h ih Sl.StrR.s lif TMf hl'Ll XtS OF JESUS AND MARY. ..,. Cf.'.Vuw Cwnv Mubic. Art, IcicuctMi li.d C. mr. tr cul Dr-fli. ktiidnt and Duf SWnfi. Rrrinr d Mi 'a' i- i l';'rt!rctua'r -a.ninj.V'nt- 'tTAl-nt uncmf ni. A :rr USTIR W' ACi. St. Mart'i Jiaittmy. RS