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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1911)
High ' Flight and Olympic You make no mistake when you buy these two brands. Re member we always guarantee tbem to give satisfaction. J. Pardee FEltSOXAL Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McMurray of Ashland were visiting with Grants Pass friends on Monday. They ex pect to go east to visit with relatives and will also visit at points in Can ada while absent. ' Lou Gibson returned to his home In Merlin Monday evening after spending the day here on business. Clarence Nelson, who has been vis iting with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith of this city, returned to Merlin Mon day evening. Mrs. C. II. Hatch returned Miss Myrtle M. Shore arrived on Tuesday from Evart, Mich., to take her place as principal of the Riverside school at their opening-next Monday. Mrs. John H. Dumphrcy and little daughter, who have been visiting with Mrs. Dumphrey's father, J. E. Ker ley and other relatives, left Wednes day morning for their home in Port land. I Mrs. May Booth and little son Cla-.:de arrived here Wednesday morn Ins tiom Chehalis, Wnsh., to make this place their future home. Mrs. ! Booth Is the mother of Mrs. Carl I Centner and was a resident of Grants Pass several years ago. Miss Jessie Laytou returned to iGraiiis Pass Tuesday evening after spending several dny8 with friends In Medford. E. C. Underwood. W. C. Lockett and E. L. Churchill returned Tuesday ,from a most successful hunting trip spent at Dad's creek. They returned i well supplied with game. J Miss Mary Coe left Wednesday for Oakland, Cal., in answer to a sum mons from her sister, Mrs. E. S. De Pue stating the serious illness of her son Anson PePue. Miss Coe will re main with her sister until her nephew has Improved. C. C. Robinson, of Sheridan, Wyo ming, arrived on the afternoon train on a visit to old friends, in this city. It Is possible that he may locate here as he Is in scan I of a good climate and good schools. j Mrs. J. L. Green returned Tuesday; to her home In this city after an b-. sence of three months spent at herj old home la Fairbury, Nebraska. She was called there by the illness of her father, who is ijow recovering. Mrs. Green is glad to be back in Grains Pass. Miss Lucie George, who has spent the past several weeks with relatives at Kerby and wlth friends in this city, left Monday morning for Port land, where she will teach in the pub lic schools this year., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith return ed to Grave Monday morning after spending two weeks with relatives here. Mrs. 'John Banks, who spent last week in this city taking treatment for her eyes, left Sunday evening for her home at Rosoburg. H. L. and F. M. Neall of Medford, were Grants Pass business visitors on Monday. J. M. Pates of Gold 11111, .returned to his home this afternoon after hav ing spent several hours here shopping and visiting with friends. Mis. L. F. Hicock and mother, Mrs. J. A. Singleton, came up from Merlin Tuesday morning. Mrs. Singleton's home is in Colussa, Cal., but she has spent the past month with her daugh ter in Merlin. She returned to her California home today and Mrs. Hicock will return to her home at Merlin this evening. S. Smith of White Salmon, on the Herman Schmidt left Monday even- foiumoia river, nas ueen spending lng for Newport, where he will spend several days on a tour of linystlga some time rusticating on the beach, itlon in and about this city, looking for a suitable location. . He went to Medford Tuesday afternoon to spend a day or two. from Woodville Tuesday morning after a short .visit with relatives. Adolph Maier went to Wolf creek Tuesday to spend several days look ing after mining business. Bert Calhoun is spending a week with his brother, George S. Calhoun, and other relatives here. Mr. Cal houn has been located at Chico for the past few years but in future will be In San Francisco. Guy Pullman, who has been visit ing with his uncle, E. A. Davis and family of this city, left Sunday even ing for his home at Pueblo, Colo. Samuel Bowden went to Medford Tuesday to spend the day on busi ness. Attorney Fred Williams went tf Glendale Tuesday morning to look after legal business mntters. U. A. Griffin went to Woodvillo Tuesday morning to spend the day on business. Raymond and Carl Gates came in from Gallce Monday to spend several days visiting with Grants Pass friends and attending to business matters. L. A. Hammersley, editor of the Woodville Argus, was in town Mon day evening visiting with friends. Hermann Westerheid went to Port laud Wednesday evening to speud several days on business. A.C. Howland of Swastika, was visiting his brother and looking after business here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mahoney re turned Wednesday- evening from a month's honeymoon trip spent at Portland, Aituria and Newport. Mrs. Nina Smith returned Jo her home at Gold Hill Wednesday after noon after spending the, foreuoon hore on business. Frank S. Torry, the insuratiee man, returned from a business trip to Med ford Wednesday evening. Miss Edith Tycer left Wednesday for Kerby to spdnd a month's vaca tion with friends. Henry Williams weut to Merlin Wednesday evening, where he ex-, peotslo remain for some time. Alex Mitchell returned to Grants Pass Wednesday evening from Wor den, where he has spent the summer at the sawmill. ' Miss Lueila Ruth, who has been visiting with her sister In Tacoma for the past six months, returned to. her home in this city Tuesday. ' Andy Colvin returned to his home at Glendale Wednesday evening, af ter spending the day here on busi ness. ' Donald Offins, who bus spent the summer with his parents at' the Hammersley mines has returned to this city to begin school duties on .Monday. Mrs. A. W. Hoy, who has spent the past three weeks lu this city, a guest at the home of her brother, C. G. Gillette and family, left Thursday morning to join her husband at Palo Alto and after spending some time In that city they will go to their home la Sioux City, Iowa. R. L. Coe returned Thursday morn ing from Portland and Seattle, where he had gone to accompany his daughter, Miss Pauline, who return ed to her school at Wooster, 0. Mrs. Kenneth Root and children, who have been visiting with relatives in this city for the past week, re turned Wednesday evening to their home at Roseburg. Deputy Sheriff Eugene Coburn re turned Wednesday from a week's va cation spent at Portland and Astoria. Mrs. J. II. Stacey went to Albany Thursday morning to visit with her friends, after which she goes to Port land to spend several weeks. Dr. E. N. Bywater went to Central Point on No. 13 Thursday to spend the afternoon on professional business. Mrs. Clements Returns Home- J Attorney C. H. Clements returned ; from Portland Sunday evening, bring-j lng with him Mrs. Clements, who has j been spending the past six weeks In a sanitarium while recovering from herj recent severe attack of appendicitis, j Mrs. Clements is feeling much im-j proved in health and glad to be home I once more. Arthur Conklin and daughters, the Misses Evelyn and Gladys, returned Wednesday morning from a two weeks' vacation spent at Astoria, Portland and Seaside. Harry Salstrom expects to leave to day for Lodl, Cal., where he will join the Milburn-Kenworthy Stock com pany for a three months' engagement as character and juvenile actor. . noux. STOVALL At Philomath, Oregon, Sunday, September 3, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stovall, a 10 pound daughter, Margaret Odessa Stovall. Mr. and Mrs. Stovall were former residents of this city. Oliver Plows No. 20 12-inch Cilled Plow ., , . .$12.50 No. 7 V Orchard Plow . .$11.50 No. 508 Hillside Plow $16.00 No. 33 Breaking Plow .$16.75 Star 3 Stubble Plow $16.25 Chilled Shares, Steel Shares, Plow Wheels Quiney Cutters and all Plow Extras. ! CRAMER BROS. ODD FELLOWS' BLOCK. Potato Forlcs Scoops For bowel complaint In Chlldreu always give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil. It is certain to effect a cure and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to' take. No physician can prescribe a better remedy, For sale by all good dealerBv CENSUS 1U UKAU AGAIN. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR BALE Mrs. H. B. Reed and children of Keby, are spending a few days In tawn with Mr. Reed. J 1 '.T EXCHANGE FOR GRANTS PASS Beautiful home In Pasadena, Cal., large lot, 6-room strictly modern house. Magnificent 50:acre date and cotton rancn In the famous Coachella valley, Riverside county, Cal. Flno residence In Fernando, one of Los Angeles' fine su burbs; grammar, and high whool. Exchange for good ranch or at reap-. Eleven acres In Ontario, Cal., 4-room house on oiled street wants 20 or 40 acres near Grants Pass. We have a fine, Urge list of city and acreage property In Los Angeles nd suburbs for exchange for 6, Tf, 20 or 40 acre ranches near Grants Fsm. If thinking of going to Los An geles, see us. We can wll or exchange your property for you. Ten yenrs residents ot Ios Angeles. J ME3 WATSON k SON. 317 Central Bid. ' Los Angeles, Cal. GFO. R WATSON, ?05 Conklh nidnt.. Grants Ps", Orgon. FOR SALE 45 acres, one mile from Murphy, three-fourths mile from school; unimproved. Enough wood on place to pay for it. Price $25 per acre. Terms can be had. E. Loughrldge, Wlldervllle, Oregon. 9-8-6t FOR SALE One top buggy, good condition, 25; hack, shafts and pole, $10; heavy wagon, $10. II. C. Egberg, 3 miles east of town, Jones Creek. 294 5-ROOM house, plastered, plenty of water, lot 50x100, for Bale. Will take stock In part payment, or will rent house. Phone 165-L, or call at 648 N 4th. 9-l-3t Old Residents llet urn Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Howell and daughter, Mrs. II. McArthur, arrived here Wednesday from San Diego, Cal. and are looking for a home, as thpy expect to permanently locate in Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. Howell and family were residents of this city 30 years ago, when the town was in lis Infancy. MIkh Maybelle Parsons of Ashland, Is in this city, a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fuson. P. II. Holdsworth, superintendent of the Alameda mine, Gallce, came to Grants Pass today to meet Mrs. Holds worth, who has just returned from a trip to Portland. Mr. and MrV Holds- worth are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorrln Booth. A. R. Dunham of Woodville, was in Grants Tass today, looking after bus- Isens matters. Mr. Durham resides 'on a farm near Woodville and return ed In the afternoon to his home. W. D. Mcintosh spent Monday and Tuesday In Grants Pass, returning ; Tuesday afternoon to his home nt Golden. j Miss Jane Wharton of Roseburg, Is In the city, the guest of her broth- er, Joe Wharton and family. I Rollo Cole arrived here Monday j 'from Boise, Idaho, to spend two i ! weeks with relatives In this city. ; This is Mr. Cole's first visit to his 'home town for five years. Miss Linda P. Todd arrived here, Thursday morning from Staunton, Va., to teach In the Grant! Pass pub-( ll schools, 1 Mine Evelyn Wahrer.who has spent hfr summer vacation at htr home in loa, returned Wednesday evenlr.g to Crnnts Pass to assume her duties as Instructor In the Grants Pass pub- ! lie schools. Ming Helen McAdow arrived here Wednesday from Toledo, O., to temh In the Grants Pas schools. Attorney Robert O. Smith went to. Portland Wedtienday evening, where h,. win look after Wal buslnchu tnnt trts today nnd return Friday rimm ing to thi city. You n k Brock Cuts Wrist - Ford Brock, a 16-year-old boy whose parents reside at Hugo, was seriously cut by one of the circular saws at the Three-Pines saw mill this morning shortly before 10 a. m. The tendons on one side of the right wrist were severed, necessitating the lad's removal to the hospital, where tho tendons will be united by an op eration. Dr. Loughrldge states that the hand will soon be In good shape. l Miirriiigo Llcenw Issued Marriage license was Issued Sep tember 2, 1911, to William Mastln and Genevieve A. Moore, both of Josephine county. KELLERSTRASS White Orplngten cockerels, $2 and $3, from stock that was awarded first prize at Btate fair, 1910. Savage Rapids Poultry Co.. Box 363. -ll-4t rOR S ALB Timber "cla'tni, NW Sec. 24, Twp 87, 7 West, Jose phine county. For particular address H. Walter, conductor, 3rd and Townsend streets, 8. P. Co., San Francisco, Cal. 9-3-tt TO EXCHANGE TACOMA, Sept. 7. -It is rumored hre today that the census bureau Is after the "higher ups" In the census frauds In Taeoma, Portland, Seattlo and Spokane. Hart Monson and LeRoy Thomas, two government special agents, have been making quiet Investigations here for several weeks, it has Just boen learned. When the federal court convenes Monday 30 oases In volving census enumerators will be called. HOFFMAN'S NOSE AIDS CLKVKK 1U NOO GAME SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 7. Judg ing from the conditions of the nose of a man giving the name of Wil liam Hoffman and claiming to be ft chauffeur, Dr. Henry Horn today be- I1 llevos that the prbbosls has been us ed many times in a clever bunco game. Hoffman presented the frac tured nose, saying a Chicago physi cian set It badly, Dr. Horn patch ed It up and. after an hour's work presented a bill for $30. TO EXCHANGE Equity in big lot on Sixth street and $200 cash for first payment on 5, 10 or 20 acre acreage under ditch. This lot 1 north side, half block from paving. None better. Address M. C. care Courier. ' tf STRAY Kl) ESTRAY There came to my place about January 15. a two-year-old. roan colored heifer, without brands or marks, Owner ran have same by proving property and paying charg. es. Marlon Griffin, Slate Creek, Wonder, Oregon. 8-4-8t MISCELLANEOUS RANNIE, the plumber, Is ready at any minute to repair your plumb lng. 609 II street. Telephont J40-R. 4-2-f ARTISTIC photographs, postal, stamp pictures, amateur finish lng. Come and see samples at tb Ang'lo Studio, 606 Slith street Mid-f'immrr prices. 8-19-tt The Best at Any Price Swift's Premium Ham. Swift's Premium Bacon. Swift's Pure Leaf Lard. Swift's Premium Dried Beef. OLIVE OIL Imported and California Oils, Absolutely Pure. DELMONTE STRAINED HONEY. Whitehouse Grocery MAWS, ' MOMMY Your house and out buildings with LOWE BROS. HIGH STANDARD READY MIXED PAINT Those paints are scientifically correct. The colors, lead, zinc and oil arc pure and in proper proportion Tlic mixing is done' by sitc'taL machinery, which grinds and mixes the ingredients to perfection. Lead and oil make good paint, hut why go to the trouble of mixing when you can buy Lowe's High Standard, all ready for the brush! Pioneer Strictly Pure Lead, per pound 10c Carter's Strictly Pure Lead per , pound . . 10c Raw or Boiled Linseed Oils per ( gallon $1.35 Brushes of all kinds and styles from 10c to ' $4.00 Varnishes, Colors in Oil, Jap alac, etc. KI'OltTIM) (KHMtS. If you do not have flith or ven ison, It Is not our fault. We can supply you with the prop er tat klo and ammunition. IIAKXKKSF.M. lttnieniber ouf" Harness De partment. It Is getting better Slid bigger every day. Grants Pass Hardware Co. . THE BIO HARDWARE STORE.