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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1911)
FRIDAY, APRIL 11, tin WEEKLY ROGUE RITKK COURIER PAGE TWO PROFESSIONAL OAEDS M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to KTE, EAR, N08E and THROAT QIasms fitted and furnished Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and om appointment. Phone 182 ant 1M-R. Grant Van, Oregon V. L. DIMMICK, D. M. D. Dentist Fetach bldg., cor. 6th and 0 street. Phone I OS-J. Crown, Bridge Work and Filllnga of all klndt a specialty Office Houre to 12 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. m. All Work Positively Gnaranteed GRANTS PASS, OREGON E. 0. MACY, D. M. D. successor to Dixon Bros., Dentlita Fl rit-Claw Work 19 H South Sixth, Grant Pa, Ore. J. P. TRUAX, it a PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Phone : Office, S2G; Re. 124 Albert Building, Sixth Street GRANTS PA38 - - OREGON Calls answered at all hour. Coun try call attended to If. D. NORTOnT ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W Practice In all State and Federal Saurt. Office Opera House Bldg Grant Pa, Oregon OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER Grant Pass Orrgou 0. S. BLANOIIARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal CoarU. Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Grant Pom, Oregon Mrs. Nina Brumbaugh Lessons In China Palatlng. Orders Solicited. Itudlo: 76 North Eight Street J. D. WtJRTSBAUQn Attorney and Coanaelor at Law Notary Public In office Office In Howard Block. Phone M-J GRANTS PASS, OREGON T). L. JOHNSTON ansa VI :i; Room 6 and 7 Opera House HI . . North Blair. i GRANTS PASS. OHK'kJ.N M. T. UTLEY CARPENTER GENERAL COXTRACfOR Ill'ILDER Jobbing Work a Speciality Phone 841 718 N. ftth Hired, limits Paw, Ore M. 0. II. DAY Contractor and Pmllilor Residence a Specialty Plans and estimates furnished Residence East A Bt. Thon 10J-J Singer and Wheeler & Wilson SEWING MACHINES tor sale or rent, on easy payments. Supplies and repairs for a'l makes. Stocking darner and rot ton. T. HASSELL lUG Front St. t tram I'ass I KItMDNAL AND LOCAL 511ns Ethel Wilkinson spent Easter with frlenda at West Fork. R. H. Bullock spent Tuesday here looking after business matters. Mrs. L. C. Stewart, of Leland, re turned to her home at Leland Sat urday evening, after spending the day here shopping and looking after business. What? Where? When? See page 6. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Williams spent ster Sunday with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams, who reside at Merlin. They returned to Grants Pass In the evening. Frank Colvlg, who has spent the pant several weeks with relatives at fjulro, Cal., returned Sunday even ing to his home here. Sinclair Coghlll, of Wallace, Idaho, ' In Grafts Pass looking over the rlty and adjacent country with a lew to locating In Josephine county. Melvlna Fox, of Dryden, spent Ecster In this city with friends. Tom McCall. of Walla Walla, a: tved here Sunday to look after busi ness matters. What? Where? When? See page 8. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Wood came down from Medford Sunday to spend the day with friends here. Surveyor Hall and Frank Barries went to Hugo Monday morning, where they will spend several days doing survey work. James Oroxes spent Sunday with relatives and friends at West Fork. Stephen Jewell and wife, of Rose- burg, are expected to arrive here In a short time to vlalt with Mr. Jewell's parents, Judge and Mrs. Stephen Jewell, and family. C. J. Reld and E. W. Martin, of McMlnnvllle, are recent arrivals In Grants Pass who are spending a few days hero looking over the country. 8. J. Johnson arrived here Sunday from Santa Anna, Cal., and will spend several flays here on business Dr. C. H. Smith rame down from Gold Hill Monday to spend the day on Di'ofpsslonel business Prof. McMurray returned Monday nornlng from Ashland, where he had brent Saturday and Sunday. What? Where? When? See page (I. Chas. Meserve was a visitor to Grants Pas Sunday "enliip. He re turned to Medford Monday morning. C. W. Trlplett, of Hugo, was In town Monday looking after business matters. H. L. Wilson spent Easter Sunday with his family here and returned to his business at Leland Mondny morn ing. What? Where? When? See page 6. H. A. Williams, of Grave, spent unday In Grants Pass visiting friends and taking In the ball game. n. F. Mulkey, of Jacksonville, ipent Sunday and Monday In this Ity. The foundations are now being laid for two rew bungalows on B Htreet, one between Second and Third streets for J. M. Tetherow, and one ctween Fifth and Sixth streets for Druggist Deniaray, Both of these gentlemen have already built hand some bungalows In this city and the ew buildings will surpass In beauty thrt first ones constructed. J. C. Noff were among the Medford visitors to this city on Sunday. J. J. Wilkinson. C. P. Doyle and Ed MrCnnn and N H. Oale. of Kerby, were In town Sunday to wit ness the ball same between Medford and Grants Pass. Mrs. II. N. Rlcliey, of Hugo, was visiting friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. 15. Palmer went Wnodvllle on N'.v 13 Sunday to spend the afternoon with friend City Engineer Hobson went to Myrtle Creek Sunday evening on a business trip. Frank C. Robertson mine In from bull game between Medford and Jones creek Sunday to witness the ('.runts Pass. J. D. Seeley arrived Saturday from pnuglu. All. , and left Sundav morn ing for Waldo, where he will teach liool In the O'Hrlen district H. V Meade came down from Medford Monday evening to spend a day on business In this city. I J. D. Hammond left Monday even- ror uatico, wnere he goes toi spend the summer at the mines at j that place. Arthur W, Hrown, who has spent I several days In this oltr. retnrneli Tuesday morning to 1,1s homo Medford. D S Mas.:ill wIm .m n,,. ttlnn weru ;mr Vprll ard to Snn VUk. r.( les. I here n m(, n iiutsii Ml . I SOlOBYDRtGulSTSlUK.MKt n S. Sutherline and C. E. Wick-1 rtrom were Grants Pass business vis itors Tuesday from Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Young left Mon day evening for West Fork, where ttey will spend a few days and then go to their home at Portland. Mr. Young Is president and general man ager of the Winkle Bar Mining & Development company at Dothan, Ore. Ed H. Houston, who has been In Grants Pass for the past three weeks in the Interest of the Oregonlan, left Monday afternoon for Medford. Mr. HouEton reports business splendid n this city. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Sr., Misses Elizabeth Smith, Alice Brlggs and Delia Havlland returned to Grave Monday, after spending a short time In this city. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Fry, of Mer lin, were visiting with friends here Monday, returning In the evening to their home. Alva Walker, who has been an In mate of the South Pacific hospital In this city for the past three weeks, returned Monday afternoon to his home at Gold Hill In company w!th his mother and sister. He was oper ated on for appendicitis by Dr. Loughrldge and Is now on the high road to recovery. Dr. S. Loughrldgo was a profes sional vUItor to Hugo and Tolo Sun day. Rolla Stephenson, who has Bpent tho past week looking after business matters In Portland, returned Mon day afternoon to his home In this city. A. Morrison, who has been very seriously 111 from the effect of blood poisoning In his left arm, fa now convalescent and able to he about the streets. Mr. Morrison was engaged In dressing a beef some time ago when he cut one of the fin gers of his hand. The wound was apparently healing satisfactory when blood poisoning set In and ' almost cost Mr. Morrison his life, but he Is now out of danger. Misses Winifred Flanagan and Edna Trimble returned to their du ties at St. Mary's academy Monday after spending Easter In this city. They were accompanied to Medford ty Mrs. Flanagan, who returned to Grants Pass In the evening. Miss Bertha Dally visited over Sunday with the family of A. Letcher In this city and returned to her home at Medford Monday. Henry Norton Is home from Eu gene to spend his vacation with his parents, Senator and Mrs. H. D. Norton, of this city. L. C. Archer came In from Waldo Monday to spend the day on business. E. J. Edwards, of Junip-Off-Joe, was a Grants Pass visitor Monday. H. M. Leonard was among the out-of-town visitors to this city Monday. He returned to his home at Ashland in the afternoon. Attorney A. C. Hough returned Monday evening from a business trip to Medford and left Tuesday morning for Klamath Fall3, to spend several days on legal business. F. M. Anderson, of Kerby, was a town visitor on Monday and was shopping and looking after other Im portant matters while here. John Robertson, of Gallce, was In town Monday. He reports every thing flourishing In his part of the world. 1 F. M. Hallenshead i;ud Will Pre- denux are two of the latest arrivals In this city who are looking over the city and surrounding country with a view to locating permai.ently. Th.-y come from Kansas. Mrs. Mary Cliausse, an old time resident of ('.rants Pass, who has spent the past several years at Port land, arrived here Tuesday morning ti. spend several week with her son. I Joe Chatissee, and his family, who live near this rlty, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Henry and daughter. Miss Helen, rame up from Hugo Tuesday to visit with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Schmidt, llev. Kohert McLean and George K Kiddle went to Woodvllle Tuos day afternoon to attend the South ern Oregon Presbytery, In seslon at that place. U,-v. . J. Irwin, recently ;ippolnte,i Sunday school mlsslonarv of the Presbytery, who has been In Giants Pnss Sunday, Is also In ntten dunce imtlMER PARTISAN FAILS TO WIN COVETED OFFICE CHICAGO, April 19. A rebuke to Senator Lorimer Is Been here today in the defeat of former Speaker Shurtleffe of the lower house of the Illinois legislature for city attorney of Marengo, fehurtieire was ou i Lorlmer's right hand men. Otner ronrft.iates who supported Lorimer were defeated In numerous sections of the state. ILLNESS CAUSES G.4DSKI 10 I.OSL TWT'NTY THOUSAND By United Press Leased Wire. NEW YORK, April 19. Madame Joanna GadskI, the singer, is 111 at the St. Regl3 hotel here and today she cancelled her concert tour, for which she was to have received $20, 000. Her ailment Is sciatic neurits oi Inflammation of the sciatic nerve. THINK DROWN KILLED HIMSELF TO BENEFIT WIFE OAKLAND, Cal., April 19. The coroner will hold an Inquest today Into the suicide of H. G. Brown, a former saloon owner of Spokane, who shot himself Monday In City Hall park. Notes left behind Indi cate that Brown killed himself so that his wife might get hl3 Insur ance money. lder Is nearly always Hub to rheumatism of the muscles, and quickly yields to the free appll' cation of Chamberlain s unimeni For sale by all good dealers. PHOENIX GOES WET AND COUNTY VOTES DRY PHOENIX. April 19. Official count of yesterday's election re turns shows that all of Maricopa county with the exception of Phoenix h "dry today. Of the total vote the prohibitionists polled 750 ma lorltv. In Phoenix the "wets" out numbered the "antls" by 313. THE LADIES' FAVORITE Wherever Parisian. Sage Is Known it Has the Cull. Parisian Sace. that most efficient of all hair restorers, Is a very de lightful and refreshing hair dress ing. Besides possessing these qual hips it will nos tlvelv make any woman's hair soft, luxuriant and at tractive. C. H. Demaray sell is for 50 cents a large bottle and will re turn your money if It does not cure dandruff, falling hair and itching sraln In two weeks. "I bad irlven un hones of ever be ing cured of dandruff, when I pur chased a bottle of Parisian Sage. It has entirely removed the dandruff and started a growth of new hair, and all this after having been trou bled 15 years. I cheerfully recom mend Parisian Sage." Mrs. Eliza beth Anderson, Mec.hanlcsburg, Pa. Class Pins Received The class of 1911 of the Grants Pass high school last week received their class pin, which Is neat and ar tistic In design and bears the class colors, green and gold. There will be eight graduates from the high school this year. THE AGONY OF A BABY 1'NhElt A SKIN AFFLICTION is all the more terrible because it can't tell you how It suffers. But there Is relief at hand -not only re lief but a permanent cure from prickly heat; rashes, hives, eczema and all other skin affections so prev alent among Infants during the sum mer months. If you want to see your baby rest easy once again and a look of relief spread over Its little face, just apply this splendid remedy, ZEMO. We believe honest ly and sincerely that In ZEMO you will find the cure you have ueen praying for. We can tell you In all truth that we have made thousands and thousands of parents happy with this simple sure remedy. And to prove our absolute sin cerity, we huve Instructed all drug gists selling ZEMO, to retund tne purchaser his money If the very first bottle does not bring relief. Used persistently thereafter ZEMO Is bound to cure. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP make the most economical, as well as the cleanest and most effective' treat ment for affections of the skin and sculp whether on Infant or grown person. Sold by druggists everywhere and In Grants Pass by our authorized agents, C. II. Demarav. hot- 'loved " ;v o'uit of HI. t'"i"h !"i;itv I'd In health ml ethni:vitp- over the bright pn:i;ie, Is ,f f, rant r.i H Is putting un flve-roori !miu,.;i!, on F'fth and M itre.'N ;u,1 s'at,. that for th. yr-M-v .. x ,u,, ter the hn leesi (,., bnrv Vi ,w .,, . estate t jl oUMI U ( HVMPION FORIIFS KNOCK H T Vol N(i MUTT SoPTH BEND, tnd . April 19. fiHVii-.vl lnt fen seconds fur Po'Ium, former bantamweight on, to knock out Yonnc Brl't r I'onf here last night. Forbes i'h : no In the '"if will keep : a little real cert.i';! "i-anii taken tod.iv to t"vntv fnulo'i, '' going n' For'e shifted, rrosse,) over and the fight ended bai-k " Steps match him Forbes ;nd tO' ..,j his w ere with Brlft w hen rUht "with strength nd eas thy always please" TWO HORSE OVERALLS MAOC r LEVI STRAUSS (a CO. - wmm mm We want builders to see us about roofing. We want to demonstrate why it is to your advantage to roof your building with Malthoid Roofing and we will do this to your complete satisfaction. We will show you beyond any question that Malthoid is the very highest type of roofing perfection and made so well that it will last as long as the building it covers. ' We will show you that Malthoid is a better roofing than shingles is more satisfactory than iron is cheaper than tin in fact, we can prove that there is no other roofing known to the building trades that is as good as durable as long lasting as water oroof as fire resisting and as cheap as Malthoid Roofing. It's free Send for It. A new and nimble book on "Cheerful Homes." ThU booklet illufir&tes toDie of the matt hrau-iful bungjlowi of buutbem California. A book every borne builder will prize. Sent f tee. It has got every other brand of V ', ready roofing marking time while it is progressing there is more of it sold on the Pacific Coast than all other brands combined and it speaks well for the intelligence of builders that this is so. The makers of Malthoid Rooting know their business for they have been at it for twenty-six years and they not only make this roofing to sell but they make it to last and to please the people who buy it. They would rather have the good will of the builder than his money and ; they get both by the way they make Malthoid Roofing. If you have roof troubles of any kind or of any description no matter what kind of a roof you have on your building, see us at once and we will help you out of your difficulty. Hade by The Paraf fine Paint Co. Rogue River Limber Co. ami i iii hum. u auu Lveiymicic Grants Pass, Ore Bays Remind us of tenting times, and we begin to look at our old tent, and find it is in a bad condition. No use to try and mend the old one when you can get new ones ranging in size and price from 7 by 7 feet at $4.75 to '. 12 by 18 feet at $16.50 We will be glad to have you call and decide on one, while the assortment is good. Remember the place. Jewell Hardware Co. I'KOTF.CTIOXIST DEFENDS CANADIAN RECIPROCITY' By United Press Leased Wire. WASHINGTON, April 18. Con gresstuan Hill (republican, Connecti cut), a protectionist, defended Can adian reciprocity in the house today, he charged that the standpatters fav orlng the Tayne tariff were Incon sistent. Hamilton (republican, Michigan) attacked reciprocity. Mrs. Henry Moose came over from Crescent City Tuesday to spend a few day with frlenda. l l.KClED MAYOR OF I'ASADEN WITHOUT SPENDING A CFM WB! PASADENA, Cal., April 19 William Thum. millionaire, tlected mayor of Pasadena at the recent municipal election without spending a cent. His statement of election expense, filed with the lounty clerk, shows that he did not so much as pay car lure to the meet h(M nt which he spoke. Thum sV' he made most of these trips In n;i automobile, whlth belong! to hi -.v.fe. Y I