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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1909)
PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to tftti, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Glasses fitted and furnished. Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and en appointment. Phones 261 & 77. iranta Pass, Oregon. S. LOUGllHIDQE. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. Phone 714 City or country calls attended day r night. Sixth and H, Tuffs Bids. Office Phone 261. Grants Pass, Oregon. B. F. DeVORE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGBON City and County calls promptly niwered. Office hours, I to 12 a.m. ltd 2 to 6 p. m. Phones: Res. 473; Office 941. Rooms 1, 2, 3, Shallhorn Bids. Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. II. G. KIMBLEY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN General, Acute and Chronic Practice Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment Phones: Office 175, Residence 1053 Rooms 201 and 202 Conklln Bldg. Grunts Pass . Oregon J. S. McMURRAY Voice Culture Studio over Residence mil's Art Store 716 Lee Street H. I). NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practlco In all State and Federal Courts. Office Opera House Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. OLIVER 8. BROWN, LAWYER Office over IJIJou Theater. Grants Puss, Oregon. a S. BLANCIIARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Backing & Truat Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregoa. 1). M. WOODSON Civil Knuluecr, Surveyor and DnuiglilHinaii Formerly employed in Survoyor-Gen-ernl'B office, Washington 30 years' experience. Resident.': Third house south of bridge on West side. Grants Tnss. GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. m XCII ItKOS., Proprietors. (Successors to N. E. McGrew.) PROMPT AM KIXIAMJ: KFUYICF, Pianos and Organs Carefully Removed Phone l.VH Grants Pass, Ore. First National Bank OF Southern Oregon Grants Pass, Oregon Some of the Service that a Bauk Render the Public DEPOSITS The xnfest and alinplesl wsv of keupinn yel'f tnufmy i by iliHiitlng It in a KtttlnMti Hank, Tlita Nana rxnv 1 jiuHlla Nutduct lo Check, or on ilc mind t'crtlnodtt f (lerolt or on time I'urtlllcatei of lWposltn. On time dcponits we py 4 TX CENT1NTCRES7 DRAFTS The heal and uheatwl wj to triMiflfor money It by Hunk Draft. Wt toll urafti paybl In all parta of the country. LOANS One of the uioit lmpor Unt functions of the iWnk. We endeavor to lively all reasonable newli of our ouelomere. Capital and Surplus $79,000 Stockholders' Additional I . Responsibility $50,000 OFFICERS 1 11. Him, PreliUnt J. U. lUnrMKU., Vie-Tree. II I,. Mimiiv, Cashier K. K.. IUckrtt, ,Aat. Ca.hler Kodol Is for Dypopsln, Indigestion, our stomach, or for any stomach trouble. Kodol Is very pleasant to take and It acts promptly, It digests all tho food you out, for It U com- rosed of tho very same digestive ulcei that are found in a healthy totnach. It In Riiaranteed to relieve you and li told here by all druggist. ATTEND TO THE FALL SPRAYING Apples, old and young, should be sprayed before the winter rains be gin to prevent anthracnose. No not wait for leaves to fall. Peaches, apri cots, almonds and plums should also be sprayed at the same time to pre vent peach blight or shot hole. In each case 5-5-50 Bordeaux should be used. "To make good Bordeaux, dis solve the bluestone and dilute It so that a quantity equal to half the combined mixture is made. Slake the lime and dilute It in the same way. Then allow the diluted lime and bluestone to run together through a pipe or trough into the spray tank. Never mix in any other way. Caution The Oregon fruit pest laws provide a severe penalty on per sons having nest Infected trees or vines on their premises, or for sell ing diseased or wrongly named trees. Pear Blight This Is a germ or bacterial disease of the pear, apple and quince. It also affects wild crab apple, haw and servleeberry. The only remedy Is to cut out and burn all affected parts. Examine trees carefully during dormant peri od to be sure that no blight is held over in the bodies to produce infec tion tho following year. Disinfect your tools with corrosive sublimate having n strength of one to one thousand. Do not spend your money or your time with advertised reme dies. They nre worse than useless. State of Ohio, City of Toledo,) 8S Lucas County. ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me nnd subscribed in niy presence, this 6th day of Dec ember, A. D. 1880. A. W. GLEASON, tSenl.) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In ternally, and n'-ts directly on the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by nil Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Is Your Family Heading While"? 'Worth So much of current rending Is merely entertaining at best that the question naturally nilses. Is It worth while? Your sons ami daughters are bound to read something. They hun ger for stories which take them Into the other half ef the world the world of advent nre, of valor, of fortune-making. The problem is to give them such reading without put tlii!? Into their bands the literature that is either Hilly or demoralizing. Tho editors of The Youth's Com panion believe that a periodical can be made entertaining and yet "worth while," nnd Tho Companion Is con ducted on that theory. And that. Is one reason why inoje than half a mil lion AnuTclan families read It. The paper Is safe, hut not dull, its tales of adventure Illustrate the advan tages of fortitude and self-reliance. Its stories of character lay stress on tho truth thai right conduct Is never a mistake. Fverv new subscriber will find It of hpeclnl advantage to send at once the $1.7. for tht new HMO Volume. Not only does he get the beaut Ifal "Venetian" Calendar for 1!H0, litho graphed In thirteen colors nnd gold, but nil the R-iiex of The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1 !()!) from the time the subscription is re ceived. THE YOCTII S COMPANION, Companion Untitling, ltoston, Mass. New Subscriptions received nt this office. RACE SUICIDE A REAL BLESSING Tho Biibject of race suicide has been discussed by Dr. Woods Hut chinson In Its several features. He thinks our Immediate forefathers can claim no credit for large fami lies for they either gave no thought to the question at all or welcomed children as future bread winners. The doctor has a mixture of Ideas which are hard to follow when one takes Into consideration that the men nnd women of the past who ha've led tho world upward and onward ; have, as a general rule, come from I homes w hero poverty was not un I known. The Lincoln home presented i the very worst side of poverty and j yet a boy was reared nnd sent forth mentally equipped to save his coun try. In all the states nre Instances to bo found where Impoverished soli nnd homes hnvo produced men ami women head and shoulders above the .product of Dr. Hutchinson's Ideal j homes of the rich. The pampered 'offspring of such surroundings haw too often become failures In life. Hut ! let the doctor, however, tell hU own story. j "To sum up," he says. "1 believe jthat the evidence I conclusive that , int o suicide, so far as It has yet gone, ,8 proved an almost unmixed ig instead or a curse; uiui iu,'" an never asain return to the method of blind and wholesale reproduction i without thought of the future. No j class or group m m -" i which believes Itself worthy to exist nn. of course, view with equanimity any proposal to limit the offspring of marriages to less than tnree, or such number as may be necessary to secure the survival of that quota to!afternoon promises to be of unusual nslulf n eta an t hat tho second genera- ,. tion may be at least a trifle more nu merous than the first. "On the other hand, biologic mor ality while deprecating tne proauc- tlon o! children, who are likely to be born unfit, or become so from lack of proper support and training, glori fies and exalts as both the highest racial duty and the most precious Individual privilege the bearing of children by those who are personally fit to bear and financially competent to rear such as will be of value to the state. There Is no achievement net- ter worth living for, no more valu able legacy that can bo left to the future, no more enduring claim to honorable remembrance, than a fam. ly of well-born, well-reared children. "At the same time, there is a growing tendency to encourage and promote In every possible way the marriage at a reasonably early age of young people, who are particularly desirable as future ancestors, to use a Hlberuicism. Somo day possibly we may become sufficiently 1 Intelli gent to endow this sort of matrimony I with slate funds. At. nil events, an intelligent direction of race fertility, by selection of parents and rational limitation of tho number of children, will be the path of future progress." Dr. Hutchinson needs to be told that reforms never go backward. The Roosevelt idea is the modern method of saving nations and these Ideas must be followed If our coun try Is to be rescued from the fato of France, which Is now' constantly do creasing in population because of race suicide. To ndopt Dr. Hutchinson's theories would take us back to the Plato Re public. The doctor's Ideas are taken from that author as far as regards the selection of desirable progenators of the race. Plato asked state aid to rear children or rather urged that certain promising boys and girls bo selected by the state to bo cared for and educated with the idea of their progeny becoming the office hold ing class. To advocate this doctrine hardly comports with our Institutions nnd ideas of government. U is blood that tells, not poverty or riches. The Rest Fluster. A piece of nannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affected parts is superior lo any plaster. When troubled with l.'imn back or nnlns in the side or chest give it n trial and you are cer- n to be more than pleased with th:- prompt relief wh'i It affords. Tills liniment also relieves rheir . tic pnlns rnd 'i certain to please any er! suffering lrcrr. that disease. Sold by M. Clemens. Robert LaFolletto, "The Trust Fighter." Opera House, November fi. Reserved seats 7Tc and $1.00. TV -or "! c-y-i; xitff .v caWM on L Coffee The ironu-tlRht can protects it ARiinst Impurities and deteri oration -ncwr sold la bulk. Your procer will rritul it better rf ground at homo not loo Hue. I I nsw Vyj. vv v. v ; v - .. Hiiui wn ill fmi I nJ f ' -'"""" " ' i i i i,.fc REGULAR flEETING Itf LADIES' AUXILIARY Adrcssi-d Monday Afternoon by. tho IN v. F. H. Harriett, on Important Topic The program of the regular meet- . . , . ..,r..l A ..wlll.iir UnTlilaV infvft The Rev. F. 13. iiarueu will address the lalles on the Bub lect. "What a Woman's Organiza tion May Mean to a "Community." 4s Mr. Bartlett is a clear and force ful sneaker, and a vigorous thinker, he will have much to say that will be suggestive and profitable. - This ad dress calls for the attendance of every member. The business meeting will begin promptly at 3 o'clock that all busi ness may be completed by 3:30. At this meeting plans will be laid for the Chrysantheumem exhibit to be given next month. A large and prompt attendance is desired. Visit ors will be welcomed. Christ ian Science Lecture. There will be a free lecture at the Opera House Monday evening, Nov ember 1, at 8 o'clock, under the au spices of the First Christian Science society or Grants Pass, by Judge S. J. Hanna, member of the board of lectureship of the First Church of Christ, ScienWst, Boston, Mass. Sub ject, "Christian Science." A cordial invitation to be present is extended to all. McGrew Has Matched Team. N. E. McGrew now has one of the best matched team of dapple gray mares to be found on the coast. Last week he purchased from Truckman Moore, of Medford, a match to tho one he already owned and this week he appeared on the street with a team which for beauty, size and ap pearance will aftraet attention In any city In tho country. They weigh 3248 and are perfectly sound. Mr. McGrew was offered $700 for the team but refused to sell. He expects to take them to California. Mackinaw Coats We have Men's Mackinaw Coats in blue and brown, made in Oregon, of Oregon Wool, and Just the thing for Oregonians C. P. Bishop & Co. He sure to henr Senator LaFollett f Wisconsin, November 6, Opera louse. IK) IT XOW. Grants Pass People Should Xot Wait Intil It Is Too Lute. Tho nnnallinu death-rate from kidney disease is due in most, cases to the fact that tho little kidney troubles nre usually neglected until they become serious. The slight symptoms give place to chronic disorders and the sufferer goes gradually Into the grasp of diabetes, dropsy, Rrlght's disease, gravel or some other serious form of kidney enmiil.'ilnt If you suffer from backache, head aches, db.'v stiolls: If tho kldnev se cretions nre Irregular of passage nnd J unnatural In appearance, do not de lay. Help the kidneys at once. Doan's Kldnev Pills nre especially for kidney disorders they cure where others fall. Over one hundred thousand j.-ople have recommended them. Here Is one of many ca '-es In this vicinity: Mrs. William Chnrlev, corner Fourth ni'd f! streets, Medford, Ore., says: "1 never had the slightest trouble from my kidneys until I In jured my back, From that time on I noticed that my kidneys were de rnnged.' The kidney secretions pass ed too frequently and gave mo much annoyance. My back was so weak nnd painful that I was unable to stoop and I could not sleep well. I finally lenrned about Doan's Kidney Pills nnd procured a box. In less than two weeks I was greatly Im proved and I continued until In good health. I have recommended Doan's Kidney Pills to n great many people since they cured me." For sale by all dealers. Price BO cents. Foster-Mlllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. EIGHTY PEOPLE CAN WIN CASH PRIZES Port In ml Comcrt'lnl Club Auks Literary Article on Oregon nnd the Northwest. for PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 2G. Five thousand dollars will be given by the Portland Commercial Club In prizes for the best newspaper article an Portland, the state, or the Pacific Northwest. The offer hold good during the coming year and the one writing the best article will bo re warded with a check - for $1000. Second best will set 1500. and a gradually dlmlshlng scnle of prizes wii reward 80 writers. The contest Is open to everyone. The conditions are that the articles must be printed in a newspaper or magazine of general circulation, printed anywhere outside of the state of Oregon and Washington: Marked copy of the publication must then be sent to the Portland Com mercial Club, where It will be turned over to three judges named by the governor of Oregon. The ar ticle must be printed between tne dates of November 1, 1909, and De cember 31, 1910. Almtst any phase of the Nortn west may be used as subject matter of the articles. The length and treatment is optional with the writer. The plan of the Commercial Club Is not to have the Northwest "boomed" in th.e common meaning of the term, so much as it is tp have the people David I p""-"-mmmm """" (MS Geo. S. Calhoun Co. "OutHtt? re to Boy and Man" i Is the best Pavement for the l . Property Owner IT INCREASES VALUES Clean, Sanitary, Durable Sure, SafeTooting (or the Horse Warren Construction Co. 317 IJeck Illdg., Til 13 EN ! TR BUY YOUR "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries and you afe sure of getting just what you order. We grow our trees for quality not chftip prices. GEO. H. PARKER, Agent Office with J. E. PETERSON TEAMS WANTED o haul lumber for the Butte Falls Lumber Co. Five Dollars per day for good, teams. Apply at the Butte Falls Lumber Co. MEDFORD, OKE. ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER, J009. of the country become more familiar i.t. . i - wru iuib puiuuu oi tne United States and give expression to their views In such articles as will be ac ceptable to papers throughout the entire continent. .-The decision of tho Judges win absolutely impartial. Them . ... prizes for 80 writers and tho m, for winning are so many that entries iu me uuuieoi buuuia oe large. That . 1 U 1 1 I , i . , me uu until rebuiung from the prize offer will be wide and that much good will be realized for the whole Pacific Northwest Is assured $100.00 Reward would gladly be paid for a cure by many people who are crippled with rheumatism, yet if they only knew It, they can be cured by a few tot ties of Ballard'a Snow Liniment, and the price la only 25c, 50c and il 00 per bottle. Sold by National Drug Store. THE M.Pfaelzer& Co. One COAT and TWO PANTS Suit, is the pioneer of Com bination suits and the peer of any made. Double seat and knees of same materia; taped seams. Every weak point in other makes is doubly strengthened in the " Wearbetter." . ' 'A chain is no stron ger than its weakest link. ' Call and inspect them as well as the complete assortment of Wear- better" Young Men's and other Children s suits. Attractiveness, syle and quality prevail. Portland, Ore. 13 ISS ! TRE12S TKKES FROM II