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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1909)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1909. TH( ROGUE RITER COtTUlsft. Get Together and stand together is the key note of Forrest Crissey's second article on the farmer in his fight against dishonest commission merchants. Don't miss it. Then read " Happiness " one of the prettiest boy and girl stories ever published. All in the SEPTEMBER EVERYBODY'S Special display by Clemens', National, Sabln'a and Demaray's. Wa aiw Qiowww-Bnr dtrwet from na .. NO AtlNTS ' Onr Ttmw mrm crown ttrlotlr WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for m cataloi. Lm itock of vwUtlMnlUbleforoommeroia orchards Chojeo fruit, Nut in4 Omanwdl Trwi, OriM Vimi, Small Fruit PUnti tn Sirtbbwv Tm Daxlks Nurseriich . BUlaOSoe, tOi Qrmmd AT.PortBd,Or. VALUABLE INFOSMAnON for the Buytrs of 3ET7ING MACHINES QUALITIES TO CONSIDER IN MAKINO A rVHCHAIfc Does It run easy. Does it lack good. Does it mtks a good stitch Does It sow fast. Is it wo II mads. Is it sasy ts ssorato. Is It sinyls in construction. Does tfco manufacturer put his name en it. THE FREE sewing machine recently placed on the market by the Free Sewing Machine Co. combines the best qualities of all other machines. It is :hc latest, best and most com plete achievementinbuilding of a sewing machine. Com pare it with all other ma chines in anything in which c'ley claim to excel and you viil find THEBES easily ;,? best. f&EE SEWING MAGIiiNE CO, CHICAGO, ILL. For Sal.- By i ' i.. a -j SHAKE INTO YOUI. SHOES 1 1 , i ' iot-r.aM', a ' -.! r. r r r! li:.', nervous ft t t ie.'. " 'l : i . 'yl ii;,.tliii -in.: ei. I .a' . . : i i a t. Cltlfl 1 " ' ' I el '. ' l: .:.K umki'Kti.'lit it i.' vi -';". - r. r im run? f"r ev. ''" ' ' -. ., f.Ti. Try a i.ii. :''.: I Mich- Store. I'm' n mi- 1 ..r v u ..'f ei'''-' ill atui wiliriit'i". '1 mi! '"ii i; iIk-s Aiii'ii s, omi-ti-it, !. .v v. .1, ,1 Hi ll n :1 1.1.1.. 'i im: hi oi'iMi i" M..i,...rr' III, III I ' ,1 I I t n I nt... ii. .i rr iiriii!Lii. !' .ii. k U yen kr-,..n.,. Hi I. SOLD BY DRl'DGISTS LVLil' :;.t QUICK Let Kcdcl "Digest What You Ent. Then You Ccn Eat What You Like. Von enco could cat anvtliin- vnu I stomach, ami then-fore ill do the wanted, ami your Mum i..h won Id digest it. Hut now there's some t ning-s Inch your stomach won't dig-est. Your stomach absolutely refuses to nccom module von when von eat certain food ro jou have been fiuveill.y your stomach'to eat food whidi ou ile tested, and pnss up those delicnnes that you would have really enjoyed. There Is now a way to cut nny thin you like, if jou will let Kodol dlijest it. Kodol will do this, too. It won t talk: back or command, but will Kn rlsrht ahead with its work and dljrcst all the food you eat. Kodol will let jou eat anything you like. Kodol will do exactly what your tomach does, when your stomach s well and strong, and more, when it la tired or out of omer, Kodol Is compofcd of exactly me suae Juices m found In a Luskhy F-HU-A-Thcinlv Uwful Pile Cure. Bscsum B-RU-SA CURES FIL. Ml ! wcury, cowl... isad or ur ;'"'M,i.7J "tals .4 l41 stat.m.sU" a crlma. T'rJJJu.Jrlu r VU b4Mim It irrttal bwcti- thr VmoiA hist Htm - MtU. Only aruiM of .fStJliSSl. M tettsal Drag Btorw, Cl , Mb "" TUGS AND THIEVES ON A VISIT TO PORTLAND Fifty of the Undesirables Reach the City in One Night and Found It a Pleasant Place. It Is claimed by the Portland papers that the town Is overrun with the criminal classes, and thev give the police all they can do to protect the honest citizens and in this they are not altogether successful. The trains from all directions brought in 64) crooks last Saturday night, and they stay altogther too long for the public good. Portland is a beautiful city and the undesirable classes ap preciate us many advantages and it is claimed make long stays. The plain clothes men. as well as the uni formed police, are kept busy gather ing In the thugs, thieves and bunko men. There Is a complaint also that many women of all grades of im morality are flocking to the city. The most of the male and female charac ters have been to the Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc exposition and having been run out of Seattle they visit Port land for rest and recreation. These visits of the criminal classes are evi dences of the wide published pros perity of Oregon's great metropolis. There is only one thing that can be done under the circumstances and that is to nail down everything that is loose and trust to luck for relief. FAIR EXCHANGE. A New Hack for an Old One. How It Can He done in Grant Past. The back aches at times with a dull, Indescribable feeling, making you weary and restless; piercing pains shoot across the region of the kidneys, and again the loins are so lame to stoop is agony. No use to rub or apply a plaster to the back In this condition. You cannot reach the cause. Exchange the bad back for a new and stronger one. Grants Pass residents would do well to pro fit by the following example: Mrs. Fred Paquette, 1103 Douglas street, Roseburg, Ore., says: "I used to live In Charlevoix, Mich., and many of my friends there had used Doan's Kidney Pills and praised the remedy highly. When 1 began to notice a disorder of my kidneys and rheumatic attacks which were q-.ilte severe. 1 started taking uoan s Kid ney Pills and they gradually banish ed the trouble. After I ranie here a similar spell attacked me and 1 nt once got a supply of Dunn's Kidney Pills. They went right to the seat of the trouble and soon removed it. I would not be without this remedy for anything." For sab by all dealers. I'tic" .",n -outs. Coster-.M iltiurn Co.. Uuffalo. New York, sole agents for th" I'nited States. Keivenilicr the nam" Moan's ami ta!e no other. V. ( . 'I', t T. i 1 I i: i!- '. I ' sani WOIK lis I lie " oui.e o. " i" i' n Well alio si l ung nn nun ui io m m is, Kodol never eetslil'eil-ami Kodol Is the onlv (lig-etant toda, ttiat will digest Ul) food anil do it us com , , , . - . i .. . . i . .1 ; iv. pletely, a- a st rone bean ny ieoinacn. (let'iv iKittleno and have it ready to help your stomach at timet when you need an assist ant. Kodol is hi the nearest drug store. Our Guarnatee OotflourlruiiltUjdiiyiidgi'tdol. r hottlV. 1 ln-ii J"u b h ntlr centonm of th wHHb. It yourD l,ni'iitl iy,lh It hmneUloiis you nf LiiJrt Viufn t..i tKiUii'Uitlifdrumclit nd I. wh rofund yur muny without aum tlonof dlT. w. will tbrn pT ''rfru; ill f'r the bottl. Den' hnlut. all pruKlit know thilouf ufDt It "o. Tbli tnd W but on lo famll. 1 V-Ul. CO!)tlD. IH M BBUCh M Ult Ivittlfl I rant hi ill) 1. "' v . .V . 1. 1. . - -j I).viu&ClCLlcga . torle iwl L. t, u" last riaay aiternoon the W. 1 C T. U. and the L. T. L. held their regular meeting In the V. O. W. hall. After dedvotlonal exercises led by Mrs. Abble Church, the legion ad journed to Its own corner and each proceeded with the business of the hour. At the close of business, a short program was given. Mrs. Church, in her delightful way, told something of her own work as na- tional evangelistic superintendent, and some Interesting Incidents in the,K'V08 the assurance that they need life of Jennie Cassadey and her I flower mission work. She said "It i means something to live in this 20th century when so many opportunities are open. It Is blessed to know the transforming power of the Divine life in those upon whom it falls." A recitation by Miss Gladys Swacker was much appreciated. A social hour followed and dainty refreshments were served. Baby Morphine Fiends are made by all soothing syrups and baby medicines that contain opium and narcotics. McGee's Baby Elixir contains no injurious or narcotic drugs of any kind. A sure and safe cure for disordered stomachs, bowels and fretfulness splendid for teething Infants. Sold by National Drug Store. GIRLS GIGGLE AND FLIRT SAYS PRES. WHEELER President Benjamin Ide Wheeler, of the University of California, was invited to address a meeting of the Associated women students and In his talk he said some very plain truths which it is to be hoped will be remembered by a class of young women who have little Idea of real work, but It should be stated that trifling girls are the exception In all schools. In part President Wheeler said: "There are a lot of you who come to the university because you do not know what else to do. Many of you are entirely too immature to know what you want or why you want It. It seems to be a common plan for girls to take up teaching as a pro fession merely to find something to occupy time until the right man pro poses. Such teachers are the bur den of our high schools." President Wheeler then continued by stating that his objection to girls coming to the university while "iin mature" was because they were th. ones who giggled and were prone carry on flirtations on the campus. He concluded by warning then not to giggle or fliit, as college, bo said, was a place for serious work. Disagreeable at Movie. Lots of men and vomen who nre ,1 :',) ei ,i . it houn 1 : v. . .'o i f, .. !" llir '.. Ml' i. Wl! ll ollers. . ", -; i r , v It's not ilispo :ji inn, it v tin. 1 1 !'i I i 'I -vi." !' ! ' .' ! ! "n : 1 ' i I : !. . i , i ., n:i:. ':i-mi-a s Vim n MmI' in li, Mill"; II ,1 ! Moiei ( in i". I e'il ; -I I e- , ';,i u. liel' liiir. I '.I em ll, or Slim o ; r no i .'' a p ,i, lil ;i a i you i an io ii If yo i ill. ill ! oil, l MmI g I ." alil.-i a Tul o oi , h i Her fn ah- I r a I - o of Ml-on a nt", with or a i ( a ml n ii 'he wonderful result. In a weoh you can eat and in 'oy an food you want without after illht 111 ha III e, In two Weeks Villi will feel 111 ! a new being. direful women who want to have and keep a good complexion, rosy checks, and bright eyes, hbould try Ml-nii-a, acting, it h It does, on the -ttoinach It U the great preventive of Impure blood. If you have a sallow complexion, pimples, blotches, or dull eyes, your digestion Is all wrong, and you should take Ml-on-s tablets Immedi ately, and put your stomach right. Ml-on-a Instantly stops belching of gas, sour stomach, heartburn and foul breath. Ml-on-a Is guaranteed by ('. H. Deniarsy to cure dyspepsia, , sea or car sickness, vomiting of pregnancy, or money bark. Don't hesitate to try Ml-on-a. H Is for sale by leading druggists everywhere. OMBfKtt Htt II Cares caUrrh of money bark. Jast bmatheitln. Ootnplets outfit, Including lohaUrfL EstratMUMftOu lruuiU, HV0ME DO THE FOREST FIRES NEED NOT BE FEARED What TlmlM-r men Say About Pro tection f this Our largest Interest. Tht' Oregon Journal has this to say about for,?8t fires in Oregon and not be feared this season In Southern Par' of the state, all of which will be good reading at this time. Oregon need fear no big forest fires this season, according to one of the prominent tlmbermen in Port land. The forest rangers are a thoroughly disciplined and skillful body of men, and in addition to this government protection, the big tim ber Interests have engaged and sent out from Portland crews of several hundred men to watch the various forests of the state. These men make It practically certain that no fires can get sufficient headway to do material damage to the state's great resource. "Fire Is the greatest enemy of the tlmbermen," was the statement made this morning, "it haB annually des troyed an amount of timber beyond calculation, and Oregon has suffered billions of dollars loss from this cause alone. Now that the timber has been bought up at high prices and Is being held for the mills, the tlmbermen and mlllmen have to car ry tremendous risks, especially at this season of the year. But there need be no alarm among the small holders, who fear having their earn ings wiped out by fire. Hundreds of active, carefully Instructed men are In the forests of Oregon. Crews of them have been gathered here and all over the state and for the three months of July, August and Septem ber they will remain at their posts. The way they stop fires Is with a spade. Water Is needless. Every forest fire starts from some spark or small blaze. With the present number of forest rangers and mill employes scattered through the woods It Is practically Impossible for such a fire to gain any hendwny be fore the watchers would find It. and put It out by piling earth on It." The Murderous Automobile, Automobile accidents are publish ed in the city papers and death is reaping n fearful harvest all over the land through bad management of those who have the machines In harge. Seattle suet led In killing live occupants of one ear the oilier lllgllt, loin- Ol tles( and so the imirderoii were women, work goes on So far (irants all OVef "a hi! an !e tie I Ih lie u nt rv. : t t i : I, at no one i we i-!:,a! have I U C.'l i l. : : ) . ; 1 1 1 J ; a ' i ' " 1 1 I' ro is n, a- hi: i! Mi" Courier to II: Mi- Mi''!!si: V'l U'!':( i: I I :i I t !. I'll, , '. a .... la. 1 ' i ill a il a I ii o II miii ia i I y 1 1 1 1 1 a, e o ! "Mil, the (Im' If n ii v, to mi lil he same bit" t :'o. iU!l, ai ( i a nt y Cu i 1 1 ' I . ' .!. w el!, i i . ( .a . fn: pa .-din K't ' ll kI .I i a ' I I k a ". ;. ii ;;" i . Ma-- am ii:i:sn I--, i t ii i A,'l . ii i iii 1 1 at or. " in i: r: i: pi i;i.i' i Miv. Ie"aitlll. 'it 1,1' (lie lllll'l .,-. r. S. I ..i in ( ii i ii.,- at i;.ki leu , r n-., July :'!!, I'Ki'l. Notice Is hereby I'lveii that John I! Stetit, of ( ) tii'iln, Washington, v h", on )i liii,"i' 1 1',, 1 lius, mnile '''ii'lii-r A ii . ) i i ii I Ion No. IIIHI, for r, , ot a , , i .ot i, .section ;iu, Town-biii nv South, Kange 7 West, lllametie Meilillan, has fe, not Ice 1 of liiti'iillon to iiinke Klnal Proof, to j' Kf.ililldi claltn to the land above de- ('illied, before Joseph Moss, I. S. Co'iimlsnloner. at Grants Pass, Ore gon, on the 91 h day of October, 1909. Claimant unities mi witnesses: Carlton 10. Harmon, of Grants Pnss, Oregon; William G. Wright, of Ornnts Pass, Oregon; Joseph E. Verdln, of Grants Pnss, Oregon; James T. Burns, of Grants Pnss, Ore gon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOK PI IH.ICATION. Department of the Interior. V. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Or., July 1 4, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that Robert E. Crow, of Merlin, Oregon, who, on October 7, 1904, made Homestead Entry No. 1J797, for WH NW and SKK NW"4 Bctlon 2, Town ship 35 8, Range 7 W. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tion to tntkt Final Flve-Yar Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Joseph Moss, U. S. commissioner, Grants Pass, Oregon, on the lit day of September, 1909. Claimant names as wtnesi; fjlll VAttm rkt Vf arl I n Op.vnn' V A . ward Vsn Dorsn. of Merlin. Grrson! Joseph Carter, of Merlin, Oregon; Aron Tarter, of Merlin, Oregon. i BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE OK OFFICIAL S( ItYEY. Office of County Surveyor of Josephine County, Orei;on. Grants Pass, Ore., July 22, 1909. To the Oregon & California Railroad Company, Southern Pacific Com . pany, Marcus W. Hobbini., Mrs. T. P. Lee, H. Wood, o. S. Hlanchard. Emma Falrchllds, W. W. Canby, Elizabeth Caldwell, Mrs. Lillian E. Gilbert, owners of lands to be affected by the survey us herein after stated: You are hereby notified that by re quest of Lynn D. Allen, I will on the SOtn day of August, A. D. 1909. pro ceed to survey In accordance with Section 6 of House Bill number 113, passed at Session of 1901 of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, the lands of said Lynn D. Allen, which are specifically describ ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a pine tree on the east line of the James Vannoy Dona tion Land Claim, No. 38, about 35 chains north of the southeast corner of said claim; thence wet.t 660 feet; thence north 883.08 to the east and west center line of Section 16; thence west to the southeast corner of Lot 2; thence north along the west line of James Vannoy Donation Land Claim, No. 38, to the northwest corner of said claim; thence east 20 chains to the northeast corner of said claim; thence Bouth to begin ning. Also lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and the west 30 acres of the east V of the north east 4 of Section 16. All the above described land is located In Section 16, Township 36 South, Range 6 West. Also the east V of the southwest hi and the west 4 of the southeast M of Section 9, Township 36 South, Range 6 West of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon. And establish the line and corner thereof. FRED MENSCH, County Surveyor of Josephine Coun ty, State of Oregon. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office Roseburg, Ore., July 21, 1909. A sufficient contest affidavit hav ing been filed In this office by Robert K. Smith, contestant, against Homestead Entry No. 0795. made October 8, 1908, for EH NW4, SW NEK and NWU SEtf 8ectlon 14, TownBhlp 39 S., Range 6 W., Willamette Meridian, by Daniel E. Jones, contesteo, In which It is al leged that said Daniel E. Jones has failed to establish his residence on the said tract; and has cultivated no part of the same, built no house upon the tract, dono no clearing, fencing or other Improvement there on, with the Intention of making a homo for himself; that said entry man hns not been upon said tract slnco November 1, 190S, and thnt said alleged absence was not due to employment In the army or navy of the United States In time, of war; said parties nre hereby notified to appear, respond, nnd offer evidence touching said allegation nt i0 o'clock a. in. on September 9, 1'.I09, before the Iteglsler and neeelver at the I lilted States Land orflci; In Kiine hurg, Oregon. Tlic said contestant having, In n proper affidavit, filed .Inly 21, l!Mi!, set forth facts wbl-h show that after ilue iltli-'i-ai e personal '.' i-vlce of thlt liotlc call IH 1 1 lie 111,'nle, ll Is hereby oplerid mi,! directed timt sueii notice 'e i vi :i hy il a " and proper pulilli a -: ii ii . .1. M. I. 'lil'N''i;, Kecelver. vhitm: I'hii i i r,i ! niton. I i' na I 'I" hi ol Ih" I ul -i-ior, I'. I a iv I ni in I . i - ' , . 1 1 , (),.., u ",e l I aoa v a 1 1 i . h 1' I.-.- ii iii .i in..- v . i I : - i I 'i , , I I ii il. il I ii . .... . , n ;,o, ei ' . '.'.. I'"l.", li .: ii- Mill.,, el M"' ' . ! Ilai i v, I ;', :v li. ' ii" i:i., 1 " w i , i i , s 1 ei k : i , 1 ion , Tov ii luii :; Su.ii h, ' Kali '.- V U .- I, WTIIanieile . a lUaili, ! lllrl till 'I llullre ol' llllellliull lo IliaKe final I- in -Vi ar I'loi't, 1. 1 i ilal'li .Ii rla I in to th" land a In n e il-- . : iM ,1, I te ! .It i 'b .Mi,;. ., I'. S. Collltlll-t. ' i' , a ' i I - a i : -i T.i ... I i , , . n , 0:1 1 tli" I I. Mi day ol Sep', mln r, I liilli. laiiuavl naiio a as w II m-ason: 1 1 11 ii- I lanlel-., ol I n d"ii, Ireaoli ; I d.i 1 i ei ( '1 00K ., 1 1 f I )i .' ih -ii , ( in run : I William I'c'.nTs, of i-ien, liregon; I Jacob llaiisetb. of irvi"n, Oregon; i:i:n.iaiin i khhv, liei.i.ter. Vol Ire for Hills for I llllal geliient of Scliool House. I'lie S-liool Hoard of hlatrbt II!, j J , , . -p ti i n Co'.nty, Oregon, will ie- Ive ieai"d lads ror remodeling nnd building on lu feet addition to si hold house, ami painting the same, Also moving wood house. Contrac tor to furnish nil material. All bids must be In t,y September 1. I!)0!l. 'I lie board reserves the right, to re ject any or a'.l Idds. (. V.. PARKE, Clerk District 13. H-C-4t By Order or Hoard, - NOTK'F. Ol FINAL KETT MOMENT. In the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon. In the Mutter or the Estate or) Charles W, McOee, deceased.) Notice Is hereby given that Martha J. McGee, the administratrix of the Estate of Charles W. McGee, dn- cessod, has filed In the above entitled court and cause her final account, and that Saturday, September 4, A. I). 1909, at the hour of two o'clock p. rn., at the County Court room at the Court Houss at Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, has been fixed by order of the Court as the time and place for hearing said final arcount, and all persons having ob Joctlons to said account are hereby notified to file and present the same on or before said date. Dated this 4th day of August, A. D. 1IM). MARTHA J. McGEE, i--5t Administratrix. Hop tickets printed at the Courier office. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore.. June 17, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that Delia R. Goldman whose postofflce address la Tangent, Oregon; did on the 12th day of March, 1909, file In this of fice Sworn Statement and Appllca- . Hon, No. 04752, to purchase tha NW of SE4, SW of NEK Section 18. Township 36 South, Rango 4 West, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1378, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised 3200.00, tha timber estimated 210,000 board feet at $0,70 per M, and the land nothing; that said applicant - will offer final proof In support of her application and sworn statement on the 31st day of August, 1109, before the Register and Receiver at Rose burg, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. SALE. SALE OF TIMBER. Grants rasa, Oregon, July 15, 1909. Sealed bids marked outside, "Bid, Timber Sale Application, July 14, 1909, Siski you," and addressed to M. J. Ander son, Foreat Supervisor, Forest Ser vice, Grants Pass, Oregon, will be received up to and to Include the 6th day of September, 1909, for all the merchantable dead timber standing or down, and all the live timber marked or designated for cutting by the Forest officer located on an area to be definitely designated by the Forest officer before cutting begins, ot about 100 acres In the SE of Sec. 24. T. 37 S., R. 8 W. W. M., within the Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon; estimated to be 125,000 ft B. M. of live and dead Yellow pine and 100,000 ft. B. M. of live and dead Sugar pine, sawtlmber, log scale, more or less. No bid ot less than $2.00 per thousand feet, B. M., for live and dead Yellow pine, and $2.50 per thousand feet B. M. for live and dead Sugar pine will be considered, and a deposit of $200 payable to the First National Bank, Portland, Oregon, must be sent to that bank for each bid sent to the Forest Supervisor. Timber upon valid claims Is exempted from sale. A right to reject nny and all bids Is reserved. For further Information and regulations governing sales, ad dress M. J. Anderson, Forest Super visor, Grants Pass, Oregon. 8-6-5t NOTICE OF SIIKIUFF'H HALE. Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to an attachment execution Isued out of tho Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Josephine Coun ty, upon a judgment heretofore en tered, which Judgment was dated in said Court upon the 23rd day of April, 1909, In an action wherein Dnvld Ayers was plaintiff nnd S. N. Ay rs was defendant, commanding me to sell the attached property hereinafter described, or sufficient thereof to Kiitlufy the Judgment ren dered In sahl action, together with I he costs and Interests and ic'enilng cost, of sale. .Now, theielon-, I will on the "1Mb day of August, 111(19, between Mm hoiiia of 9 o'clock a. in. and i o'clock p. m., to-w it : A 1 I h" hour of 1 o'clock n. in. of -aid .lav nl th" front, door of I he i 'in- ri I Ion- e, In t he City of Grants I',-! -. .lieiei'hll!" County, li'e"oli, aell lo l!,e hlghi'tit bidder, for (ei'iin oi'li in Imiiil, Hi" loll'e.iin-; de.ii-rlbi'd e, e a ri y , I ii. wit : aii imdlvb ( d oil1' fin h i ti r ! In and to Hie i v I '; of the Soiii'ii-ant r of i'- M"li 'II. Mid th North I ' ... of the Nori heaal. iuarter of See ' Hun :;s, nil In Towmihip illi S iulh of llauae s. We ( of the Willamette .Verlillan, In Josephine County, Ore- . eon or r. i ; ' 1 1 1 1 1 nt thereof to i-atlsfy said jud -ii. ent as enli n d nnd docket i d. to wit : The auiil or $ 1 L 7 . T. In 1'nlted Slates Cold Coin wilh lnt"n - t In like 1 gold coin at the rate of (i per cent per ftniiiim from the ;ilst day of April, 190!l; $22.00 for costs and dis bursements, and nil tb't accruing cutis of sale, Dated this 19fb dnv of Julv, 1909. W. J. Rl'SSELL, Sheriff of Josephine County, Ore. notice or i oiti i:m m:. To I. II. Little, bis heirs or inudgns, .'Greeting; Notice bl hereby given that the undersigned bus, in compll n nre with the Kevlned Statutes of 'the Culled States and the laws of tho 'State of Oregon, performed the an nual assessment or development I work upon the "Treasury Group," i '""slating of the "llatl "Copper llellu" and "C llattln Davis," upper Hello Extension" quart;, lode lulling claims, situated In Oallce (unorgan ized) Mining District, Josephine County, Oregon, for tho calendar years Nineteen Hundred and Seven (1907) nnd Nineteen Hundred and Eight (190R), and that unless you, the said L. II. Little, pay your Just and due proportion as owner of an nndlvldud one-third Interest In the said mining claims, to-wit; the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for the year Nineteen Hundred and Seven (1907) and One Hundred Dol lars ($100.00) for the year Nineteen Hundred and Eight (1908) within ninety (90) days from date of pub lication of this notice, your said one third Interest In the aforesaid min ing claims will become the property of the undersigned In accordance with law. WALTER J. MARVIN. Co-Owner. Date of first publication July 30, 1909. Ta .o ii i ii t l i ml.. , ii jy