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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1909)
t FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1909. yOUNG BANDITS ROB CALIFORNIA BANK .'The Valley bank at Santa Clara, Cl., robbed last Friday of j;000 by two young fellows, scarcely iore than boys. " They made a safe jet away In an automobile but the Machine broke down at Sunnyvale jnd they were arrested by Sheriff jangford and gave the names of jue Wllletts and Fred Carr, wblch they admit are assumed. It is be lieved the boys are from Oregon. A dispatch from Santa Clara says: : Still concealing their identity, but talking freely of the daring robbery in which they were the principal actors yesterday, the two boys cap tured at Sunnyvale by Sheriff Lang ford were brought here this morn ing for arraignment on a charge of robbery. To Sheriff Arthur Langford, who captured them, the young men made A startling confession. Joe Willetts, who appears to be the leader of the gang, Bald he and his companions had planned a series of bank rob beries that 'would have created & reign of 'terror in financial circles. So far had their plans matured, that on Thursday, with an hired automo bile awaiting their return, they en tered the First National Bank, in the heart of Oakland, and calmly weighed the chance of making their escape with a fortune. "This Stnta Clara robbery was on ly an experiment," said the youthful bandit, after making this revelation. "We intended, if it was successful, tp go after bigger and richer in stitutions and to clean up big money before we were through. "We purchased a machine In Oakland and had it remain just around the corner, as we did in yes terday's job. Carr and I went to the First National Bank about 12 o'clock and looked the place over. We. were well aimed, and if there had not been so ninny clerks and so many people passing outside, we would have held up the cashiers and tellers and tried to escape with aii the money In .sight." , The proceedings were brief. The boys gave the same assumed names tha't they had given the sheriff yes torflay, .'refusing to divulge their true names,, nor could any Informa tion tuat might tend to establish their Identity be elicited from them. ' "The court1 will place your bail at 20,M)Q.eacfV said Justice Thompson- ' "There is no jdanger of. our rais ing that amount" said Carr, with a forced laugh. i The officers are telegraphing to points In Oregon today in an en deavor to get a line on the youths' identity. W. C. T. I'. Last Friday afternoon the White P.Ihbon sisters held an interesting .sslon at the homo of Mrs. E. W. Kendall. The usual order of business Big Lot of i To Closed Out Cheapl jj I was able to secure a big lot of Ivhcb Ranges jj . from a firm which was co:hf out, and I am jj I going to sell th?m as lone; c.i they lrt lor ajj price less than ranges have ever bean fold on J fj the coast tram Portland to aan rrr.naseo. U 'H... it.j r V. hi Wl I I'!-'' d 1 . ' n Inn-till1'. I 'N T VI-- I i11" 1 ir '1: 1 1 M ' ' Ike M. Davis 304 South Oth St. irr,-tfrrawTOrTir K-Ull-S -TIk- miIv I.;iM l I'llc'Cinc. Because E-KU-SA CUKES PILES, and DOES J't nienKv produce constipation and never enre. A;"11 ,.S e-RU-SA mu.u. only druggists of highest standing -ell i n in Joint Mil National Drug Store, Clemens, Subln's Drug bi"". warn 1 ass. ore. Timi.! rriM0i:s: UUY YOUR TKl-KS FROM "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries" and you ate sure of Retting juM "f ''r' We .row our trees for quality not cl.eq. nus. GEO. H. PARKER. Agent OfTiwwilbl. E- rETERSOS was followed by a piano solo by Mrs. Foster; a reading by Miss Ella Sav age; a recitation bv Sabin, and an address by Robert McLean. Mr. McLean Rtr'nrt keynote of the situation whPn h said there must be something pro- iueu io taKe the place of the sa loon; that it was un to the temnor. ance people to see that this was ac complished. A delightful social hour followed while we lingered over the lemonart and cake served. The L. T. L. had a meetine- last Friday on the lawn at Mrs. Cnlvprf home. Mrs. Calvert, as usual bni the legioners interested. Baby Morphine Fiends are made by all soothing syrups and baby medicines that contain opium and narcotics. McGee's Baby Elixir contains no injurious or narcotic drugs of any kind. A sure and safe cure for disordered stomachs, bowels and fretfulness splendid for teething infants. Sold by National Drug Store. FAULTLESS PRESCRIPTION, No Remedy for Stomach Distress and Indigestion so Perfect. A scientific prescription for dvs pepsla put up in small tablet form and called Mi-on-a is making thous ands of quick and lasting curej throughout America. There is no stomach disease (even catarrh of the stomach) that it is not guaranteed to cure, and C. H. Demaray has so much faith in Ml-on-a for stomach disorders of all kinds that he will refund your money if it does not cure. Mi-on-a, the faultless prescription, stops sour stomach, belching of gas, distress after eating, heartburn, bili ousness am! nervousness. It is well worth a trial by any read of the Courier who suffer? from any stomach disturbance. It contains ingredients that not on'y give relief but that act on the stom ach so beneficially that in a thrrt time the Labhy, tired nut walls of the stomach regain tiro!, strength and activity. Try Mi-on-a for a wi-ek: misery will change t i lin!iin: despair to hone; dull er.s to bright and you will youi'sclf Ronib'r why you suffer ed so loi.g wi.'h such a remarkable prescription at hand. And only Ho cr'ts for a large box at leading druggists everywhere. Cures catarrh or money back. Just breathe it iu. Complete outfit, including inhaler $1. Extra, bottles 50c. DruggiaUi. ('outs ns Trail Maker. The brush eating instinct of the Angora goat is being successfully demonstrated on the Lassen National Forest in California where they are cutting trails for fir' guards through the brushy areas on the slopes of the mountains. The animals, which number oOOli, have been divi.b il into two bands ami under tbe cave of the herders New Ranges fj i Be l til are grazed within certain well de fined areas so that their work may be concentrated on the brush within these limits. The result is that they have practicality killed nearly all the brush in the course either by eat ing it up entirely, or by barking, as in the case of the heavy manzanita bushes. At the beginning of the experiment there was some doubt as to the goats' willingness to eat the manzanita, but it has been found that where there is little else they will Just as readily attack It as any other bushes. The grazing season was so late this year on the Lassen Forest that the goats did not begin operations until about the middle of June, but since then they have made rapid progress and the result promises to be a success from every point of view. The trails will first be opened and then kept free of sprouts by the goats, saving the government con siderable labor In cutting them out by hand as has been done hereto fore, while the brushy forage which otherwise would have been wasted will support 3000 goats very com fortably. CROWDS GOING TO ! RINGLING CIRCUS A great many Grants Pass people are going to Medford on Saturday, August 2S, to the Rlngllng Bros.' circus. It will be the only opportun ity this year and the railroads are preparing to handle thousands of visitors from the surrounding terri tory. Ringling Brothers have made many important Improvements since they last appeared in this part of the country. At Madison Square Gar den, New York, where the season be-1 gan, the performances were attemV'.l nightly by the biggest crowds thai ever saw a circus in Manhattan, and the newspapers were not backward about saying that the Ringling Brothers were presenting, in evry respect, the best entertainment, of the kind ever given there. The perform ances will be Identical with those given in the Garden, not the slight est change having been made In the long program. vhe circus offered this yea- Is one cf wonderful novelty. Instead of the. usual single thriller presented by other circuses, the Ringling Brothers ire heading their bill with no less t'ian seven of the grontes; and most sensational acts that hava eve.- been prese-nted anywhere on earth. The parade will be given in the forenoon. It will far sip-pass the hrl'lianf pageants which the Hlngllng Blethers have given In par years, laving been entirely rebui" In the f'velgn workshops of th" show . at Liverpool, England. Disagreeable at Home. Lots of men and women who lire j agreeable with others, get "cranky"' ; at home. It's not disposition. It's the j liver. If you find In, yourself that. :on feel cross around the house, lit " (!:!;;:. s worry yon. jut buy a bi.i- tlo of Ballard's Ilerhine pin put your 1 liver in shape. You a ml everybody iirouiid you will ('"! !! ' for it. Price r,( (fMs ;;.r 1 National Drug Ft ere Sold by of w.K spot. Me-l (.ran: !' . IV., I !.n, IV il ;i"il To i t,l'.-;i tl !- Ho- I'. ie';. ! T nil" b;ii ;i v.'i ; V nit. Trm i lH'ii iiV a bad leo k. 'I itlCI I ' lli'. A IV TV 'II t .ei-.i I e.l ;n i; ir, day a ' '! ni -hi. !! hi lli' 1. i 1 ii t in- ',1 V i.i ' ir !i,e 1 -it Ii" Is really l m'i m-y a.-! " 1,'ji-v 1 1 1' I bat ("i 'e 1 Hoan's Kbln y PUN cue ; ). L ,.- .).. j. I'.i,-- I ;.i 1 ;eb" :. ml '' ' in- ".- li" i plollf in the fitll'AVl'lg hi ill r- iieMii : .1 B. Slnf. i . or. Main and All. la 'reels. Ashland, (lie., v.-ivs: "'li"U 1 start'"! using Dunn's Kidu'v Pills I was In bad fl a;n-. My Uilnevs dl n(,i pi'i l'iivm tleir f ii n tlons prup'-r-!v 11 Tl 1 1 the S"cretions cave evlib-nee of this fact. I flt generally mlser ;ilie, ni v hack pained tu" "vr"ly and I had lm' little n rubli Ion . W'hni- v. r I ( ; -1 1 1 1 i obi It sett led In i".v l,iilnes and it such tllnen the Ironhi" was vols''. I was nt bumMi old bv u fib-nd to try Dunn's Kbl ii' y Plils and procured box. 'I'lo v Went lit oll e !o the seat of trouble and guv the most satlsfic'tory re lief. I am gli d to neknow ledkii' the benefits derlvi d." Tor sale by nil dealers. Price cuts. FoHter-Mllbiirn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the I'nited States. Remember 'h" nanio Donn's--and take no other. TaKe Kudo nf the times when you fee) what you have rnfnn i not di gesting. Kodo! digests what you eat no you run rat sufficiently of any good. h"leFomo food, If you will I Just M Kndol digest It. Sold by all druglBts. TBI I ROGUE RIVER COCIUttt. To the CitUen-s of Grants Pass and Vicinity. In announcing to you the opening of the handsomely appointed "Hotel Seward," at Portland, Oregon, I wish to most respectfully solicit your pa tronage, assuring you the same courteous treatment from myself and associates that I have endeavored to extend to you during the years past while with The Portland anil Corne lius Hotels of this city. The "Hotel Seward" is very elaborate as to structure, equipment and furnishings, while our prices will not be iu excess of other hotels. Situated as It is on the corner of Tenth and Alder streets, one block from the Arlington Club; also direct ly across the street from the main entrance of Olds, Wortman & King's mammoth department store now un der construction; also a block away from the noisy clanging street cars, and being within easy reach o( all theaters and shopping district makes it an Ideal location. The office will be In charge of Mr. Allan A. Wright, who for the past 15 years was chief clerk at the Port land Hotel. We have a most excellent cafe In connection at moderate prices, there by affording your wives and daugh ters the opportunity of getting all their meals without dressing for the street. You will find the "Hotel Seward" omnibus at the station with a most courteous man In charge. Trusting I may have the pleasure of your patronage at the "Hotel Seward," I nm, yours truly, NATHANIEL K. CLARKE, Mgr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of William Gebhardt, deceased, has filed his final account as such admin istrator and that by order of Honor able Stephen Jewell, county Judge of Josephine County, Oregon, the time for hearing objections, If any, to said account and passing the same has been fixed for August 30,190!), at 10 o'clock a. in., nt the County Court room Grants Pass, Oregon. T. K. ANDERSON, Administrator. 7-30-r.t XOTICK I'OK PI P.LK ATIOV. Department of the Interior. I'. S. Land Office nt Roseburg, Or., July 23, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that John B. Stentz, of Olynipia, Washington, who, on October 13, 190S, made Timber Application No. 01812, for Nidi of NW'i. Lot 4, Section 30, Township 3S South, Range 7 West. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Finnl Proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore gon, on the 9th day of October, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Carlton E. Harmon, of Grants Pass, Oregon; William G. Wright, of Grants Pass, Oregon; Joseph E. Verdi n, of Grants Pnss, Oregon; .lames T. Burns, of Grants Pass. Ore gon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. notice roi; pi plication. Department of the Interior. IT. S. Lnud Office at Uoseburg, Or., July 1 -1, 1!(ifi. No!i " is hereby glvm that Robert E. ('cow. of villi, Oregon, who. on (Vtob.-r 7, 19"'!. made Hume ;'ead K-trv No. i:i7fT, f'-r "f. NW'i SE; NWi; S'etlon 2fl. Town 'bir. iV. I!.,e : 7 W. WiMa'iioMe - ri'lia!), e ; filed rotl-e nf Int.-n- ton o ui; -" I''"!il V, ve-Y';i r I'l'O' f. ' i ' !..!!!.!, . -.r. to iv," rnid above de-.erl'i"il, b"fove .lo 'epb Most, I". S. commissioner, Gram.-. Pass, Oregon, "U th" 1 t day of S pi i-tV.-r. 1 !H'9. Cb-l'i'-'iit names as wit in'sses: 1 ' t F'i ! V: of !'om ta v. Merib 11. of of Oregon; 1M rlin, O'vuoTi; 1 !.a. .',011 ; if 'i rl e p. ''n.j yv n 1.. :ii'v, 1: tor. wn o 1, 11 Il ('F I OBI FIT! III'. LPtle. iN Irs or ii'kIimis, Is ben by given has, Iu compll ' is d S' a t ntes of ill' 1 Me In wo of the p' 1 fo-'tued th" a n ir development , Oree , 1 Inn ( i'. It '' 1 ; lb t -:-ati an-. ; we I ing: Noll tli iinders la nilh lb" i 'tiii'd S'rs of 1 l . ' '1, - t. s-' "ett "Mill tl" ;!;: of tb I reasary (.roup, 'ait" HavN." I ' 1 1 ('., ,;,er !"e , "(',,., , . o. :;,' a--Extension" muni b ml n i n tr I i ' la inw, sll tinted In Galb 1 :i.eli Mining libltht. 'County. Oregon, for ih ' ve;irs Nineteen Hundred unorenii- Jo.M'plilne calendar and Sevn '(1lu7l and Nlnete n Hundred and i Eight (inns I, ami Hint unless you. 1 the Mild L. II. LltHe, pay your Just 'find due proportion its owner of an Undivided one-third Interest In the ;Ciibl milling dalinc, ln-wlt: the kuih iof One Hundred ')ollavH $ 1 00.00 ) for the year Nliniecn Hundred and Seven (19U7) and One Hundred Dol lars ( $HHi.(iii 1 for the year Nineteen Hundred and Eluht (IHO) within ninety (90) days from date of pub lication of this not lee, your said otie 'lilrd Interest In the aforesaid min ing claims will become the property of the undesigned In accordance ! with law. WALTER J. MARVIN',1 Co-Owner. Date of first publication July 30, 1 909. HERE IS RELIEF FOR WOMEN, If jrU tuv tio liitlil'k,l'ili.r)r,lll.ll-f or K.ilin7 trotitila tnd U'l a crtiu, J'lmwini hrh ri-Hi f frmn Wmwii'i I tin. try M'ili''t firnr'i ACT! lUI.IA-I.K.iF." lll.mntc-.rfliJ.H I lm iu'lmg InlUmmitlnn 'il ni" r'nt. Miillirr Clrnjf'" AM'trMllHii-t-nr U "'Uiy lM-f '"r 1 K"it '"f llllil f"f M r'. f-iin''" "Mil Mtlili. ; AiarM, '11m HuUw t OttCo UUur, NK. XOTICK OF OFFICIAL St HVEY. Office of County Surveyor of Josephine County, Oregon. Grants Pass, Ore., July 22, 1909. To the Oregon & California Railroad Company, Southern Pacific Com pany, Marcus W. Robblni., Mrs. T. P. Lee, H. Wood, o. S. Etlanchard, Emma Fairchllds. W. W. Canby, Elizabeth Caldwell, Mrs. Lillian E. Gilbert, owners of lands to be affected by the survey us herein after stated: You are hereby notified that by re quest of Lynn D. Allen, I will on the 30th day of August, A. D. 1909, pro ceed to survey In accordance with Section 6 of House Bill number 113, passed at Session of 1901 of the Legislative Assembly of tbe State of Oregon, the lands of said Lynn D. Allen, which are specifically describ ed as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a pine tree on the east line of the James Vannoy Dona tion Land Claim. No. 38, about 35 chains north of the southeast corner of said claim; thence weit 660 feet; thence north 8S3.0S to the east and west center line of Section 16; thence west to the southeast corner of Lot 2; thence north along the west line of James Vannoy Donation Land Claim, No. 38, to the northwest corner of said claim; thence east 20 chains to the northeast corner of said claim; thence south to begin ning. Also lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and the west 30 acres of the east V4 of the north east 14 of Section 16. All the above described land Is located in Section 16, Township 36 South. Range 6 West. Also the east H of the southwest and the west M of the southenst 14 of Section 9, Township 36 South, Range 6 West of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon. And establish tho line and corner thereof. FRED MENSCH, County Surveyor of Josephine Coun ty, State of Oregon. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Office Roseburg, Ore., July 21, 1909. A sufficient contest affidavit hav ing been filed In this office by Robert E. Smith, contestant, against Homestead Entry No. 0793, mndo October 8. 11H1S, for E NWV4, SWH NE'4 and NW4 SEtf Section 14, Township 39 S., Range 5 W., Willamette Meridian, by Dnnlel E. Jones, contest ee, In which It Is al leged that said Dauti'l E. Jones has failed to establish his residence on the said tract; and has cultivated no part of the same, built no house upon the tract, done no clearing, fencing or otht-r Improvement there on, with the Intention of making a home for himself; that said entry man has not been upon said tract since November 1, 190S, and that said alleged absence was not due to employment in the army or navy of the I'nited States in time of war; said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond, and offer evidence touching said allegation nt 1O o'clock n. m. on September 9, 1909, before the Register nnd receiver at the I'nited States Land Office In Rose burg. Oregon. The said contestant having, in n proper affidavit, filed July 21, 1909, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, It Is hereby ordered and directed taut sucii notice be given by due and proper publica tion. J. M. LAWRENCE, Receiver. NOTICE TOR ITISLICATIOV. I Department of the Interior, I. S. Laud Office at Roseburg, Ore., 1 August f., 1909. ' Notl'v Is hereby given that Anlone ' A. llanseth, of Drydon, Oregon, who, I on May III, I'.lu:!, made Additional 1 I lloai." 'tend Entrv, No. 1 :'7.".3 S. R. j lo'.f', for NW of SE';, S'i of : N H ' i , Section S. Township :1S South, j Range 7 West, Willamette Meridian, I I lias filed notice of intention to make 1 I Final Flvo-Yi ar Proof, to establish . I claim to the land above' ib'ser before Joseph Moss, I". S. ( 1 'duller, 1 1 ; 1 11 ti 1 s Pass, Oregon, on ",: lb 111 day nf September. I HU'.l. ( '1 1 1 ma 11 1 names as wit nos ,1 s Aitnur Daiibds, of Dixdeti, Ore, -on Mailon friioks, of 1 1 I 11 . Oregon Wil'i.mi Powers, of Dryilen. Oregon la. oil laii;.. tb. of Drd'"i, Oregon BENJAMIN L. EDDY, H-glst. Notice lor Bills I'nr Enlargement of Selioiil House. Tie- S'hoof Biianl of District 13. .!o-. 'pbine CoMily, Oregon, will re ceive se;:",l bids for remodeling and biilallng on lli feel lobllUon to -a bool boiivi-, and piilnlliig tie- same. Also moving wood bonne. Cunt 1 -actor to fill ti I h all iiiiiterial. All bids must be In i.y September 1, r.or.i. The Ik. aid reserves the light to re ject any or all bids. C. E. PARKE, Clerk District. 13 S-C-lt By Order of Boiivd. NOI H I' OF riwi, si-ri I I.IMEM'. In the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon. In the Man. r of the EMmo of) Charles V.'. Mctiee, dei eased.) Notice Is In reby given that Mnttha .1. MKiee, Ho iidinlnlsiriitrlx of the Estate if Cbnrles W. McGce, de censed, has filed III Hie above entitled court and cause )wr final uccoiint, and that Sat uvday, September 4, A. D. 1909, nf the hour of two o'clock p. m., at the County Court room nt the Court House t Omuls Pnss, Josephine County, Oregon, Las been fixed by order of the Court ns th" time nnd place for hearing said final account, nnd all persons having ob jections to hh iil nccount nn hereby notified to fllo nnd present the same on or before said date, Dated this 4th day of August, A. D. 1909. MARTHA J. McGEK, 8-C-&t Administratrix. Hop ticket printed nt tho Cornier Office. NOTICE FOU Fl'KLICATIOX, Department of tho Interior.' ' U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., - , -- - May 26, 1909. Notice Is hereby given tbat Edgar M. Cockerline, whose postoffice ad dress is Murphy, Oregon, did, on the 27th day of January, 1909, file la th'.a office Sworn Statement and Ap plication, No. 02851, to purchase th NWU of SE4 Section 30, Town ship 37 South, Range 5 West. Wil lamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amen datory, known as tne "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised, $115.00; the timber es timated 75,000 board Teet at $1.00 per M, and the land $40.00; that said applicant will offer final proof In support of his application and sworn statement on the 14th day of August, 1909, before the county Clerk of Josephine County, at Grant Pass, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or- Ini tiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corrobor ated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., June 17, 1909. Notice is hereby given that Delia R. Goldman whose postoffice address Is Tangent, Oregon, did on the 12th day of March. 1909, file In this of fice Sworn Statement and Applica tion, No. 04752, to purchase the NW of SE4, SW4 of NE4 Section 18. Township 36 South, Range 4 West, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, undor the provisions of the act of Juno 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such application, the land and timber thoreon have been appraised $200.00, the timber estimated 210,000 board feet nt $0.70 per M, and the land nothing; that snld applicant will offer final proof in support of her application and sworn statement on the 31st day of August, 1909, before the Register and Receiver at Rose burg, Oregon. 1 Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest nt any time before pntent Issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit In this office, alleging facts which would defent tho entry. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. SALE. SALE OF TIMBER. Oregon, July 15, 1009. Grants Puss, Sealed bids Timber Rale marked outside, "Bid, Application, July 14, 1909, Sbskl. you," nnd addressed to M. J. Ander son, Forest Supervisor, Forest Ser vice, Grar.ts Pass, Oregon, will be received up to and to Include the Oth day of September, 1909, for all the merchantable dead timber standing or down, and all tho live timber marked or designated for cutting by the Forest officer located on Hn area to be definitely designated by the Forest officer before cutting begins, of about 100 ncres In the SE 14 of Sec. 24. T. 37 S., R. 8 W. W. M within tho Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon; estimated to bo 125,000 ft. B. M. of live nnd dead Yellow pine and 10'.,00() ft. B. M. of live and dead Sugar pine, savtimbPr, log scale, more or less. No bid of less than 2.00 per thousand feet, B. M for live and dend Yellow pine, nnd $2.50 per thousand feet B. M. for live nnd dend Sugar jdne will be considered, nnd a deposit of $200 payable to llio First National Bank, Portland, Oregon, must be sent to that bank for each bid sent to th" Forect Supervisor. Timber noon valid claims Is exempted from sale, A rlv lit to reject nnv and till bid Is reserved. For further . Information and regulations governing siib'S, nd- .t t V , .. .1 f. 11. (j urei.n .i. .1. : iioei .son , 1 nii'.'i ri'iocr- ,.' visor, Grants I as, Orecron. S tl-fit s- 1 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Not In; Ii hereby given thai pur suant, to an attachment execution I. un it (oil of the Circuit Court of tho Stale cf Oregon, fur Josephine Coun ty, iipi n n judgment heretofore en teied, v. hlch Judgment was dated III saiil Coin) upon the IMnI day of Atu II, 1!'0!i, In it 11 net Inn wherein D.i id Avers was plaintiff and H. N. Ay n was defendant, commanding lie to fell the attached pinpoity eluuftlT lleH'Tlbi'd, or sufficient iheiei.f to i-at'.ify tbe Judgment veii ibliil In said lotion, together u'th the ('".'IS llllil Interests and llii illlllg costs (if sale. Now, therelore. I will 011 the 30th day of August, l!i0!l, between tho Iioiiih of !t o'clock a. m. nnd 4 o'clock p. m., to-wit: At the hour of 10 o'clock 11. rn, of ! H"bl day nt the front door of tho ( onrt House, in the city of Grants Puns, Josephine County, Oregon, sell to Hie highest bidder, for (erins emh In blind, the following described property, to-wit: An utidlvU i d one-fifth Interest In nnd to the Wist of the Southenst lunrtcr of-Section 21, and tho North 't of the Northeast quntter of Sec tion 2H, all In Township 39 South of Rang" K, West of the Wlllnmette Meridian, In Josephine County, Ore gon. Or sufficient thereof to Piitlufy said Judgment ns entered nnd docket ed, to-wit: The sum of $127.25 In United Stntem Gold Coin with Interest In llko gold coin at tho rnte of 0 per cent per nnnurn from the 21bI dav of April, 1909; $22.00 for costs and dis bursements, nnd all tho accruing costs of sale. Dated this 19th day of Jnlv, 190$. W. J. RUSSELL, Sheriff of Josephine County, Ore, Tfcs Co. it 1