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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1909)
FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1B09. THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER. The Secret Of Dry Cleaning is in using "Dry-Clean-O," a soaplike substance which, when added to gasoline, re moves all dirt from the' goods, Just as ordinary soap does in water. Dry cleaning is not simply aiming the poods in fHsollne. This would be lik t washing in clear water only a little of the dirt would be re rcovd. All articles that are liable to shrink or be spoiled by washing in water should be dry cleaned. "Dry-Clean-O" for sale by Sabin, Drugg'ist Ed VanDyke made a business trip to the ilMiiois valley Monday. The Day place on Applegate, con sisting of ltid acres, was sold this week to California people for the sum of $5800. The sale was made through the Best-Fuller real estate firm. Plumbing aone to comply with sanitary rules by I. 0. Mundinger, 515 E street. 8-6-3t REMNANT GARDEN HOSE at 8 and lOo foot, at Cramer Bros. A RATIO Your Honey goes swiftly enough, of course; its a pecul iarity of money. But while its going you can at least make sure that it is bringing you adequate returns. Thats why you should trade here. 1444444444444 PERSOVAI. AVn itrii j. . u.,v T H. C. Kinney went to Hilt, Cal., Monday morning on a business visit. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bowden left Wednesday for Gold Beach on a busi ness and pleasure trip. Miss Lola McDow la now assistant clerk at the music store, during the aosence or Mrs. Rowell on her vaca tion. Ed Kuykendall. of Roseburg, ar rived here Sunday from Roseburg and after a short visit with old friends, went to Medford Mondav. , Ralph Loom'y visited the United . Copper-Gold Mines Co. last Sunday and reports everything in good shape. Carroll Cornell is able to navigate on crutches a little now-a-days and It will not be long before he will be as good as new. , Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Norton re turned "Wednesday from Spokane and the Seattle fair and report a fine trip. ! Mrs. A. C. Barclay and daughter arrived here Monday from Portland to visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay were formerly residents of t this city. I . rrank Mashburn returned last Monday from his eastern trip where he had been to select his stock of fall goods. Mrs. G. L. Satchwell returned Sat urday from Portland where she had been nt the bedside of her husband's mother, who was seriously ill. Mrs. Mary B. Webb and daughter arrived here Friday evening from Los Angeles, Cal., and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Over man, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dixon and Miss Alice Smith and Mr. and Mrs. .Tamos Tufts went to Merlin Saturday by automobile and cannied over niuht returning to this city Sunday. Miss Julia Howctt, Miss Aileen Dunbar and Master Booth Holmes re turned Monday from Seattle, wlier they had a most enjoyable time at the I'air. Tlx y also visited at Vic toria, B. ('., while away. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds and children and Mrs. Reynolds' sister-in-law, Mrs. Robt. Van Buskirk, left Saturday for Comm. Cal., to reside. PAGE FIVE Cooking Apples. Black btrries, Tomatoes Mel ons and all kinds of garden truck now in the market. And say, it will soon be time for those fine large Craw ford Peaches for can ning, send in youi or cers early. White House Grocery PERSONAL AXD LOCAL 4 4444444444444444 Miss Elsie Ball went to Canyon vllle Monday to spend several weeks in recreation. Mrs. Grace Bunch White, of Glen dale, arrived here Monday morning to visit with relatives and friends. Miss Doris Caldwell went to Wil liams Creek Tuesday to visit rela tives. Mr. aud Mrs. Ernest Lewis and baby came in Tuesday from Selma and expect to make their home here. Mrs. Alice Carlon visited over Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howland at Three Pines, re turning to this city Sunday evening. Mrs. Harry Schmidt visited with home folks at Hugo over Sunday, re turning to her home here Monday morning. Master Raymond Austin, of the Applegate, was in town on' business Thursday morning. He brought in quite a load or berries for which he found a ready market. F. Tt. Benedict came in 'from Ap plegate Tuesday to accompany his wife home. Mrs. Benedict had been in this city for several days visiting with her brother, Clarence Wine trout. Miss McCann and Miss Georgia Gale, who have been the guests of Miss Pauline Coe at her home in this city for the past few days, returned to their home at Merlin on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hull, of Med ford, arrived here Saturday evening to visit with friends. Mr. Hull re turned to Medford Monday but his ! wife will remain a week longer In Grants Pass. Mrs. S. D. Newell returned Monday I from a three days' visit with the family of daughter, Mrs. i Albert Coe, of Merlin. Miss Pearl i Newell went to Merlin Saturdav I evening and will remain for about a week. Miss Margaret. Unit arrived Wed nesday to spend a few days with Miss Grace Hayes at the Geo. Cramer home. Miss Holt traveled with her parents as far as this plare, they going to Eagle Point to visit. Miss Holt will also visit there. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. White and Mr. Van Buskirk has been located baby, from Sand Point, Idaho, ar- there for the past two months. j lived here Tuesday evening to visit Mrs. A. A. Allen, two daughters i wl,h relatives and friends. Mrs. and one son were In the city Satur- iWHI,(? wns formerly Miss Essie Hart day and left the same day for their an(1 ,,,,tn she ntl(1 h,'r husband home at Nome, Alaska. Mrs. Mien 'w''re r('slaVnt8 of thia city. 4 444444444444444 PERSONAL AND LOCAL Ira May went to Wolf Creek Mon day. Ad Ames went to Myrtle Point Monday to reside. J. E. Feterson and family left Tuesday for Savage Rapids for a several days' camping trip. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lawson, of Langley, Kan., left for their home Tuesday after a few days' visit with friends in this city. Mrs. A. W. Dahlberg and daughter left Wednesday evening for a few weeks' visit with friends in Port land. Miss Augusta Parker returned Thursday from her trip to the fair. tne also visited at Portland and other northern points. Mrs. Dora Nelson, who hai spent the past two weeks visiting with her sister, Mrs. H. L. Herzinger, of this city, returned Sunday to her home at Portland. Read the Ashland Commercial Col lege display ad and secure a nine months scholarship beginning Sep tember. K-IS-St Roy Martin arrived here Mondav to spend a month or six weeks with his sister, Mrs. Louis Steelhammer, of this city. Mr. Martin Is a cigar manufacturer of Salem. Misses Evelyn Mitchell anil Fay Sill and Mrs. W. T. Coburn and Mrs. Fred Roper were among the Grant P8s visitors who took In the ball game at Medford Sunday. Mrs. Martin Reeve went to Med ford Thursday to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law. Kd Tryer, j which was held at that place Thurs-; day afternoon. i Mrs. D. L. Green has returned to ! ,B " Sixth street. this rltv nfter on i,.n,.,. r . ' e "i i ne rny i nursuay, returning months spent with her daughter, Mrs. Henry M. Due, at Orovllle, Cal., and with her husband D. L. Green, at Galiee. C. L. Hobart went to Seattle on Monday evening to be away for ten days. He will visit the Alnskn-YuUon-I'aeiric exposition and attend to some general business In the big city on the sound. Mrs. Walter Cleveland and baby, 44444444 LOCAL ITEMS 4 4-4444444444-444444 Did you see that "FLASH?" Mrs. Garfield Laws and baby, of VVoodvllle, spent Wednesday In this city on business. Prussian Poultry Tonic and Stock Tonic at Cramer Bros. Mrs. Jake Moore and Mrs. Will Oden were in our city Wednesday doing some shopping. Charles Wade went to Hilt, Cal., Thursday morning to work in the lumber camps at that place. The festivities of Monday night were nicely concluded by serving Folger's Golden Gate Coffee. Miss Wllma MacKenzIe went to Albany Wednesday evening to visit with her sister, Mrs. Frank Pook, j who now resides at that plare. John H. Miller and daughter, Bertha, Miss Bertha Kennedy and William Lemon left Thursday night for Seattle to take in the exposition. Order your Barlett pears for can-1 nlng from your grocer at 50 to 75 cents per box. Rogue River Fruit Exchange. 8-20-2t Lloyd Dyer returned Wednesday ! from a two weeks' visit to the fair and other northern points and re ports a splendid time. Mrs. J. R. Pickett and Miss Genla Davis, of Booth, Ore., arrived Wed nesday to spend several days visiting with Mrs. Tickett's father, W. M. Wiley. Mrs. C. W. Carson and children, of Salt Creek, were visitors to Grants Pass a few days this week, return ing to their home Wednesday even ing. L. W. Richardson and wife, who formerly conducted the Rosebud Wouldn't It Jar You if you hooked a big one and lie got away because of poor tcakle We carry high grade FISHING TACKLE direct from the factory Split Bamboo Ivods $1 and up Cramer Bros. l STAliLISHi:i m in tne evening to their home at I Wnldo. ' Mrs. Lou llebeiile aud little son left Wednesday evening for Port land, where they will visit with an 'old friend of Mrs. lleberlle's . and they will also visit the fair before re turning to their borne here, j deery MrOacken left Wednesday levelling for Portland where he will I Join Itoubaix lilchey and will return i.t... ,1 . of Portland, spent a short time In'""" "'" " IU"m ul '". ihtm-irv vMii.,.r !.!, m, pi i days' visit. He will mother. Mrs. Dora Clovelnn.l iw tt,HO vlslt n M,,,"r ''" "rth and mother, Mrs. Dora Cleveland. They left Wednesday to visit friends far ther south. will be absent about two weeks. is a sister of Mrs. P. J. Peacock, of Waldo, and she and the children have been visiting there. Mr. nnd Mrs. Amos Smith and little Frederick Elsmann went to Medford Sunday to visit relatives. Mrs. Smith's brother, Jnmes Hamlin, has been very seriously ill with ty phoid fever but Is now out of danger and on the road to recovery. The crew of workmen who last week finished the new steel bridge Mrs. A. Adams, of Waldo, who last week fell and broke her right arm I below the elbow, was in the city Sat urday to receive treatment for the Injured member. This is the third time that Mrs. Adams has had the misfortune to huve her arm broken and in the same place each time. She is getting along nicely at the present time. Miss Annie Wharton stopped here Friday evening of Inst week for a I Mrs. K. 10. Ulanehard, of Fniltdnle. i i i . . Newton Martin, who has spent thel. """. " l-otra, tea visit nast week with hl lt,.r Mr- lWT 0IU mm 111 '. returned Steelhammer. of Ihta H.v u.n t... ,BHt Frl,,nv nlht' llir Hiid many friends In Frultdnle and Grants I I II I n II l 4 viae lV w Diet 1 U( IU5V I " . . ulirve l1.U ii.lit. t 1 .t . over Rogue liver at this place, leftr"'"1 ,,n"- wu" "cr ""'iner, joe Monday for Gold Hill to take charge Wharton. Miss Wharton Is a mlllln of the building of the bridge at that r at Albany and hnd been to San nr loud of much n- ' 1 10 uu) kuoiih ironi a place, shipping a c ery and tools used In construction. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Walker made a trip to Merlin Sunday In their auto mobile and were taken by Henry Booth to one of the large peach or chards of that place, where they had wholesale house for her fall opening. She resumed her Journey north Sat urady morning, stopping at Rose burg to visit relatives before going to her homo at Albany. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schrlmpf. .fas. some fine samples of the excellent W. Schrlmpf, Geo, Elliott and two fruit raised there. children arrived from Santa Paula, Mrs. J. G. Young, of Winters, Cal., jCal., to visit Mrs. Schrlmpfs parents, who has been visiting her Bister, jMr- an' ar"l M''s. Alex Watts and Mrs. E. A. Cheetham, of this city, friends. They will visit the Seuttle left Tuesday afternoon for her home, exposition and then Mrs. Schrlmpf Mrs. Young has also been to the will spend some werns visiting. They Seattle fair and stopped here for stnte that travel on the Southern three weeks en route homo from Se-! I'aemo railway Is so extensive that ...i- itM.i.... Ithev were unable to Hccnre berihM (Additional locals on page 3.) A. U. BANNARD is prepared to show the most complete stock of Furniture to be Feen in Grants Ta??, anions the novelties are New Davenports, Couches, Rockers, Ladies and lloll Top rv4:s, l!u-s, Mattings and Carpets, and things that must be seen to appreciate in newest styles and nt prices you can't afford to pass by, for cash or on the installment plan. WINDOW SHADES IN STOCK LARGE SIZES AND LONG LENGTHS avoiding the delay of sending fur them. Como ana see. North Sixth Street I they were unable to Bcrure berths I and were obliged to sit up the en itlre distance. ' Mrs. Stanton Rowell left Satur day evening for Olympla, Wash., to visit relatives and friends. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Marlon Troy, who has spent the past two months with Mr. and Mrs. Rowell In this city, Mr. Rowell ex pects to Join his wife in about thren weeks and n family re-unlon will be held at the old home, all the Im mediate relatives of Mrs. Rowell's family planning (o be preent at Mint time. Miss Kdna Morrow, of Kansas fity, Kan., who has been spending the past three weeks with Mrs. Geo. Cramer, left Monday on her return home. Sim will visit at San Francis 10. I.'is Angeles, Han Diego and D"n ver. arriving hotnp In time to take up her dutl"i as teacher In thf Knn ,n Cl'v Miss Morrow bad In 11 told that her stay In Grunts Pass would probably b" uninterest ing n Miero was nothing nilnir on lire durliig the summer, but r li wi hnpt'llv mirprN'd nn 1 ( mi .! t n, n bi tter time In GmiM r..; 11 at My i.i hi r ; on . r (Inv evenlritf- fur lilu iwmm nt d !..., . - n niinii v k.'u n ill, 1, , , , where he Is employed at the C. P T W'kl""B h"r ,""'k' Bishop store at that place. " j U nm,,,,M to Rny ,hat a ' irmul Hum 1.. t r"u nine mine in luwa. Cheap wood, factory blocks and kindlings block, single load 12.75; 4 loads $10.00; kindlings, 65c. 3 for $1.80. H. Huek Wood Yard, 109 W. II street. Phone 434. 6-25-tf Mrs. II. C. Mitchell returned to her home In this city Tuesday, after a six weeks' visit at her old home In Denver, Colo. Mrs. Mitchell wai ac , , i iiiiiiu in uioHu who saw i companled home by her daughter M to ,holr alj)my , ,hnt Mrs. S. E. Roff, of Portland, and Miss Abble Mitchell, of Maine, a sis ter of Mr. Mitchell. Edward McLean returned Tuesday from Klamath Falls where he spent a week. Mr. McLean made the trio from Klamath Falls to Ashland on his wheel, leaving the Falls In the mornlnK and arriving at Ashland In time to catch the afternoon train for home. Quite a large crowd went to Med ford Sunday to witness the big ball game between Hilt and Grants Pass teams, but were disappointed In the score, which was 6 to 4 In favor of Milt. However, the game was a good one, the best of the season and those who attended are glad they saw It. So many of the Grants Pass team are out of town that It Is thought there will be few more games this season, but they will try to arrange for more to bo played In this city bo- fore the team Is disbanded for the summer. A. H. Ellison returned Frldny from Jacksonville, where he had been to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Emanuel Pool, who died at that plnre Thursday of last week from cancer of the stomach and liver. It was reported In this pnper last week that Mr. Pool had committed mi bide by rutting his throat, but this was not true, Mr. Ellison having misunderstood Mi" telephone message, Mr. Pool did make nn attempt to end his suffer ing by cutting his throat but wns prevented from doing so by rela Mvor n'ter h had Inflicted t slight wound. Deceased had be n afflicted with cancer for many nionlhs before death ended his suffering. 1T was fi9 year old and knves a wife and two children. The funeral wns held Friday with Interim nt nt Tint nil Point cemetery, ( MlMnral bv fiN i j.f. ! " ) Six Venetians were in town Thurs day and furnished some first-class music on the street near the depot. The gentlemen were splendid musi cians, playing the harp nnd three violins. Two of the company were bicycle experts, and handled that machine In a way thnt left no doubt In the mind of those who saw them In the evening they gave a dance at the skating rink which was attended by a large crowd, who fully appreciated the excellent music. The gentlemen left north Thursday morning. T. P. Cramer and W. L. Ireland re turned Tuesday from their hunting and fishing trip on Big Ornybnck and Sucker creeks. The gentlemen had some packing experiences, they hav ing packed six miles Into the hills. They also had the novel experience of getting up at 3 o'clock In the morning and following nn old hunter Into the mountains to get Into posi tion for their game, which on this particular occasion, however, failed to put In appearance. Two largo does passed through the hunting ground and could easily have been killed by the hunters had they been so minded, but they were looking for other game nnd secured It before re turning to Grants Pass, In the shape of a fine, large buck. Fishing was not so bad either, the gentlemen se curing 1&3 fine mountain trout, and didn't half try, so they say. Alto gether the trip wm a most enjoyable one. (Additional locals on page 3.) Hl'SIXKSH I'OIXTERS 4 TTTtTTTTTT Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J. E.Peterson, PioneerlnsuranccMaa. M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist. Curtiss & Co., Jewelers, are still In business nt tho same old Btand. Rannle, tho plumber. Let Mundinger save you money on plumbing. Phono 1093. 8-6-3t Alfred Letehor, Registered Opto metrist and Joweler In Dlxon'a old stand, Front St. Eyes tested free. The Hugo Mercantile Co. carries tho finest lino of groceries, dry goods, hardware, minors' supplies and general merchandise to be found anywhere. Give us a call. 7-2J-tt Garland Ranges are unxcld. Cra mer Bros. Mrs. M. L, Opdycke, nt 716 D street, will open a shorthand clasa the 1st of September, and any appli cants desiring to enter the class will please apply prior to that time. The I. X. L. marble and cranlt works of north Central Point, Ore gon, are agents for Tha Stewart Iron Worka Co.'a cemetery and laws Iron fences, vases, etc, Write us and our salesman will call with deslgna. COMING EVENTS. August 21, Saturday Dance at Sav age Creek hall. Tickets, Includ ing supper and horso feed, $1.51, by W. P. Bally. September 13, Monday Miss Emma Telford's kindergarten re-opens. . MEM WANTKD BO Tie Makers to manufac- ture White Cedar Pole Ties, hewn 2 face. 5 years work for good men. Plenty of work for 4 all. A, K. IXahrook Co. 4- Ilandon, Coos County, Oregon 4 4 4 4 -f 4 4 4 Camp Outfits for hop-pickers aad prospectors at Cramer Broa. REAL ESTATE AND BROKERAGE Goldtley a Crtmer LOANS NEGOTIATED INSURANCE 611', G Si. Grants P. Rosebud Parlors Ilnvintf purchased the Confectionery, Ico Cronm and 8oJii Fouiittiin Kstfihlifdnm'nt, known im the liOSKl'il'I), wo will ho pleuf.(l to incut all our old patrons in tho new place. In addition to tho riular husincix wo will servo lunches nt nil hours daily. Wo aim to jivo satisfaction in all lines. E. E. CARGILL 1? O