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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1909)
FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1009 THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER. i t .I ' "I ' i ' You can smile now for the much-sought, home-grown Green Vegetables are here and were never better Asparagus, Radishes, Onions, Rhubarb, Lettuce Butter is Lower J. Pardee VAFr onl Street Grocer GRANTS PASS 3 CENTRAL POINT 2 The tallies were kind of few and far between at last Sunday' ball garan on the local grounds, when the Central Point team met defeat for the first time this season, at the bunds of the Grants Tubs bunch. The local boys made their first run In the second Inning, and up to the sixth It looked like It was going to be a goose egg for Central Point, but In this inning they succeeded In send ing one man around the diamond, thereby tying tho score, but Grants Pass went them one better In their half of the same Innings and put two more men across the plate, this giving them a lead that the Central I'olnt boys were unablo to overcome, although Ilopkin's long drive in the eighth enabled them to bring In one more run which was the best they could do. The Grants I'uhh team has been strengthened up considerably, having several new players and by changing positions, and put up a gunie Sunday that would bo hard to bent. Oshorn In the box for Grants Circus GRANTS PASS T U E S D A Y SEl'IS-FLOTO OKUi'Mtnagcrk'HippodromcWild West ICO-STARTLIHO, SUPERB, SENSATIONAL AND STUPENDOUS SURPRISES-ICQ 80-CHA riOH AERIALIST8 IN THE AIR AT ONE TIME, 20-CHAMPION 1CR0R1TS PFRFfiRMmn kf AT ONCE-20 10-CHANPION EQUESg Tfilllt In (lM nttflio viviun , vfcvnnv Mnitinu roOLS OF ONE ANOTHER AT THE UETIE-S02(MUR-VELOUS ACTS AT ONE TIME 20 30 YES CLOWNS TNv 5' A tUnd of Sioux Warrion by Special Permiuion of U. & GovtmmentIlluatrate ltri ymm ! WU Wat 500 Great if. WdF I tt ; . .... .V - i , A ,1 vr Ail ; t . " "XMT THE ARMOUR THK MOST ATTRACTIVE lT.ATUKK l-VKK Sl - l - Two Performances Daily at 2 and 8PM doors oii:n dm: hour i:arui:r ' Sec the Animals and Hear the Biff Band Reserved Seats on sale at Dcmaray's l)niS Store. No advance in Prices Pass was there all the time allowing the visitors only four singles and having sixteen strike-outs to his cre dit, while Thrasher was all the candy behind the bat, stopping every thing that came his way, In fact all of the boys were there with the goods which they certainly delivered In professional style. THE SCORE. Grants Pass 01000200 3 Central Point ... 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 02 flatteries: Grants Pass, Oshorn and Thrasher. Central Point, Good pasture and Sandy. Monday, May 17 Is a date to re member. The Bacred cantata "JoBfph" Is to be given that night and no one can afford to miss It. Petaluma Incubators and repairs at Cramer Bros. MKRLI.V. W. S. Uutler, the originator of a number of choice varieties of straw berries, who has made a practical trial of the soils of Wisconsin and Idaho, and who spent several months in searching for an Ideal place for his business, visiting all parts of Washington, Hood River and the Rogue River valleys, has settled near Merlin. He purchased the Frank Thomas place northeast of town, which was noted for Its deep red soil, and has entirely changed Its complexion. Mr. Thomas had gone largely to Tokay grapes, but Mr. Butler has disposed of most of the new grape vines that were or dered, and hopes to demonstrate that the luscious berry is a greater revenue producer than anything else that can be planted In our soils. We believe tfiat Mr. Uutler understands his business, and our mouths are al ready beginning to water In anticipa tion of what we can reasonably ex pect next year. Too many pupils have dropped out of school theso warm days, which reminds us that our truant officer has gone away. Another one should be appointed at once and Instructed to do his duty. Paint now. Use Putton's Paint or Sun-proof lead. Cramer Bros. Perry I). Williamson has pur chased the blacksmith shop from W. J. Ott, and Is seemingly reaching out I to control tho entire business of the Ha Greater Kind RARE WILD BEASTS FROM EVERT CUME, FREE STREET PARAGE Novin in Ht- it ilk Mitch, Under lrrlJexenf Shetnof t 1,600 jf jnimmertng Dsn-Jnnrs-I0:30 A. U. fit n Free Exhibition on Show Lot on Atri. Vti of Ptrtdt10 Acrti of Wtttrproef Ttntt-Comt, Rtin of Shlnt-2 Show Dtily Afttrnoon tni Night. BOBBLE HERO OF CIAXT PERFORMING ELEPHANTS FREE MORSE SHOW Cftm J Brtifal Wmm film mimi uiiTwa. rir a m. . m . , - t w v a l v w. ...vj j ua TMiiiatiTiiarfcm iiti irnrto Tir ousunit 81 IU UU0IA4 III ICMTl Big Circus town, being at the head of the livery stable, butcher shop, confectionery store and blacksmith shop, In which he carries quite a stock of furniture, and it Is rumored that he will soon put in a stock of furniture. This Is an example of energy and push that might well be followed by others, 'ihere has never been a complaint from Perry that there was a lack of opportunity In Merlin and his con tinuous acquisitions prove that he has faith in Its future. Charles McCaslIn has opened up a new meat market In the Schaffer building and is getting a large share of the trade. "Floretta," fine varnish for floors and other woodwork at Cramer Bros. H. G. Rich, a representative of Spokane capitalists, spent three days of last week looking into the possi bilities of a motor line from Merlin to Gallce and went away with con siderable enthusiasm. He was taken over the route by Chas E. Short, and found that the only obstacle was Taylor Creek hill, and this was not very serious. He expects to be back again In a short time, when some thing definite will be done. Get votes from your dry goods merchant. F. H. Adams, who recently ar rived from Nebraska and purchased the Yancey place, three miles south east of town, has certainly made a difference In the looks of that hill side. New fruit trees have been planted and the place Bpruced up in a way that convinces us that a pro gressive citizen has been added to our llBt. Aermotor engines at Cramer Bros. Harley Keyte returned Monday from a trip through Nevada and Colorado. He reports that there are as good opportunities for a you us man right here In Merlin as in any place he visited. Prospectors' outfits at Cramer Bros. Rev. Cady has started a movement to have Decoration Day services In Merlin, and everyone seems to won der why that day had not been ob served here before. The services will no doubt be Interesting, as well be fits such a noble cause. Rev. Cady has a way of accomplishing most everything he starts out to do, anil IVil A White City of Perfect Tents Where Novelties of Rare Excellence are lie-sentetl THE GREAT NELSON FAMILY MARIE MEERS FLORA BEDENI Rhoda Royal's Menage Marvels Clowns In (Jioat Nuinbcrs PARADE Of Marvelous Beauty Stars 500 GRAYS N WITH ANY CIRCUS This is the the odd jobs of the buggy, the furniture, for the floors and woodwork, for every paint purpose, we have the right Finish. PAINTS, ENAMELS, STAINS and VARNISHES are each and every one scientifically prepared for specific uses. Remember if it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any tell you the cost. Ask us n it ' In this particular case he will have the hearty support of the entire com munity. Prof. Head, of Grants Pass, has been canvassing the district for the past ten days selling pianos. It is said that he has sold seven. The Rochford dredge, which was built on Rogue river just above town last winter for experimental pur poses, is now being shipped to Alaska where It will be used to gather up the gold from the bottom of the Yukon. The new fence that has recently been put around the Massk- house adds much to the attractive appear ance of that hostelry. They also added a water tank with a gasoline pump, and now have hot and rold Aater throughout. This will add to Its popularity and will, no doubt, stimulate trade. Merlin Is the most moral district In the county judging from the re cent booze prosecutions. We have a soft drink emporium but have yet to hear anyone accuse them of sell ing liquors. There Is occasionally a little disturbance from the "booze fighters," but the source of their supply Is easily traceable to Giants Pass. We feel proud of our county sent. The present dry weather Iihs caused a few of the hold-backs to commence Inquiring about the possi bility of Irrigation from the Grants Pars project, and It Is quite certain that when the time comes the whole Merlin district will present a solid front in favor of the ditch. Mrs. E. Jones has been quite sick the past week, but Is now Improving. Mrs. Tomklns, who lives in the I,e Koy house at the Yellow Jacket mine, Is very seriously HI. She had an at tack of pneumonia, which was fol lowed by heart failure, and her con dition Is quite critical. Dr. Flanagan Is in attendance. The frosts that have done so much damage throughout the state has not visited Merlin to a Very large extent. A few of the more exposed orchards show tracks of Its visit, but the p.'aches, which constitute the tnilk of our shipments, are not Injured In the least. M. J. Johnson, an attorney from Portland, hns located In Merlin nnd will take up the practice of hi pro Paints and Finishes for Every Home time to freshen up the home by doing painting you have been Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. We can what to use, how much SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY C0R0N-B00TH HDWE CO. fession. He will pay particular at tention to the mining business. Hunting outfits at Cramer Bros. Chas. E. Short, our real estate man, spent all of last week In Port land working up an Interest In the Merlin district. He reports a large number of Portlanders as anxious to get In the Rogue River valley, and considers his time as well spent. W. B. Buell, an Insurance man of Tortland, spent last Sunday In Mer lin looking over our fruit lands, and expressed himself as very well pleased with the prospects of the dis trict. He will be back again in a very short, time If a certain piece ot property he looked at can be pur. chased. Hose! Hose!! Hose!!! at Cramer Ilros. Vote for Queen of Grants Pass float. Sc and 10c cotton hose remnants at Cramer Bros. MAY PKOVK FATAL. W hen Will (JruiiN Puss People Ix arn the Importance of It. Backache Is only a simple thing nt first; We Have the Choicest Line of Teas and Coffees to bo found anywhere in the country. Here are some of them: TEAS Golden Crown Japan C. F. ft. Spider Leg Linton's Blend Schillings Bulk Spider Le Bulk Gun Powder Trophy Uncolored All the Standard Prices Teas have advanced but we are still scllinc at the same old price. C. F. DIXON, Use planning. For way, there's an to use and But when you know 'tla from the kidneys; That serious kidney troubles fol low; That diabetes, Brlghfs disease may be the fatal end, You will gladly profit by the fol lowing experience. 'Tis the honest statement of a suf ferer who was cured. A Fields, carpenter, 1121 Mill street, Roseburg, Oregon, says: "The recommendations in favor of Doan's Kidney Pills given by local people led me to procure a supply of this remedy. I had been bothered for years with kidney complaint and backache. Doan's Kidney Tills brought very gratifying results and were It not for the relief I found, I would certainly refuse to endorse them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Ask your grocer for votes. S-foot sprinklers, best on earth, at Cramer Bros. Vote for Queen. COFFEES No. 70 Blend (Best 25c) Fancy Gautamala Monopolc M. J. B. National Crest Palace Car "Wadco G Front Street Grocer