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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1909)
PAOH TWO PROFESSIONAL CABDS M C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. GIuim fitted and furnished. Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and on appointment. Phones 211 ft TT. GraaU Pane, Oregon. S. LOUGnRIDGE. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Res. Phone 714 City or country calls attended day or night. Sixth and II, Tuffs Bids. Office Phone 281. Grants Pass, Oregon. DR. C. A. CAMPBELL, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate American School of Osteo pathy, KlrkBVlllo, Mo. Chronic Diseases and Diseases of Wo men and Children a specialty. CONSULTATION FREE. Rooms 1, 2, 3, 1st Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phones: Office 771; Res. 793. Grants Pass, Oregoa. B. F. DcVOKE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON City and Country calls promply answered. Office hours, 9 to 12 a.m and 2 to 6 p. m. Phones: Res. 478; Office 941. Rooms 1, 2, 3, Shallhorn Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregoa. The Papular Barber Ihea Get your ton.sorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS On Sixth Stieet Three chairj Hath Room la conaeotloa II. D. NORTON, ATTO RNE Y-AT-L A W Practice In all Stat and Federal Courts. Office Opera House Bldg Grant Pimm, Oregon. OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER -Office Cor. 6th and F Sts. Grants Vmm, Oregon II. B. HENDRICKS, COUNCELOR AT LAW Civil and Criminal matters attend ed to In all the Courts. Real Estate and Insurance. Office 6th Bt., oppo. Post Office. Grants Vum, Oregon. 0. S. BLANCIIARD, ATTORNHY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Grants Puns, Oregon. Culling ra.ds at the Courier. PAGE A.udo by tho Tune Fence Co., of Adrlnn. Mlh., and MonoHsen. I'.,., nnd on actunl ue for 25 years. Tho Pioneer Woven Wire Pence of tho country, imido on thu same principle of coll spring now con coded by tho majority of torra wire fcuee manufacturers to be tho best way. Pago Fence has the groat est sulo of any fence today among conservative fence users who prefer the best, High Carbon Coll Hprlng Steel Fence made. PAGE QUALITY You do not weigh two men to find which Ih tho Moulest Btrongent aud bout. The same with wlro fences. It Is not tho lze of the wires that counts, or tho weight per rod, It's the quality first, combined with proper spaces, proper number of wires nnd height aud combined, breaking strain of the fence, that counts groat weight. Sort wires moan great freight, higher selling prices and does not Improve the fence. Pago wires are twice us stout as the ordinary feuco wire. Come aud test them. Investigate It "roHts nothing PAGE WIRE, la found only In l'ngo Fence. Tho Page Company makes eveiv pound of High Carbon Steel Wire used In this famous feme. PAGE, COIL Kvory wire In l'ago Fence Is an actual Coll Spring of the verv hlghoot quality-allows for contraction, expansion, chv eicti,,', of fence over rough ground, and Knock animals runnln!; into tl,e fonco- neither fen'j or auliital li Injured. PAGE CUOSS HAKS Are actually wotcil'o tho lot g wires, i;uk!g ,.lf,.lt ,,,, fabric. No welds .reak, no hinge Joints to nn complete nous tie witti n perfect knot, tUi k (,r st , ,. . ' , wires to break. ' ' ' n';'"1 COMPETITION TELEPHONE SERVICE Does Not Offer a But COMPELS a CHOICE of EVILS; Either a HALE SERVICE or a DOUBLE PRICE Will the Telephone Users of Grants Pass Be Wise and Profit from a Knowlege of the Unfort unate Experience of Other Pacific Coast Cities With the Double Telephone System? Read This Letter from a Citizen of San Bernar dino, California, Where the So-callediHome Telephone Company Was Given a f ran chise Some five Years Ago. San Demardlno, Cal., June 4, 1007. Mr. C. 0. Lundblade, Eureka, Cal. Dear Sir: Yours of May 28th at hand. In roply will say, yes, we are In a fight to get rid of our double telephone system and that fight will go on until the end for which It was started shall have been accom plished. Our people have learned from ex perience that a double system Is the most absurd Institution ever devised by man. Nothing more senseless can bo conceived. A double system means In reality a half system. Be cause not 3 per cent of residence owners ran afford two phones and as but one phone gives communica tion with but half of all who have phones, our residents are doomed perpetually to half service My neighbors who pny for tku home phone must come to my housn If they would speak to anyone who has a Sunset nnd I must go to my neighbors If I would rail anyone of half our city who regularly pay for High FENCE IN CHOICE of BENEFITS phone service. Mayor Barton tells that his neighbors use bis phone about as much as they do their own. And so It will be with you If your people are so foolish as to establish a phone system that necessitates It. The merchants are, of course, com pelled to pay for both phones. This they cannot escape so long as resi dence people must order goods. They see the uselessness of the thing and curse It every time they pay double for service; our grocers and butch ers are determined that It shall not continue. Our people are practically a unit against the double system. Had they known a few years ago what they have slneo learned, a proposi tion for a second system would not have been tolerated. Do not bo misled by the fallacy of "competition." It does not exist. Knch company has Its schedule of prices to which It rigidly adheres aud that Is the end of their warfare. Remember this, It Is a thousand times easier to keep a corporation Carbon Coiled Spring I'AGh SLIDING DOOK T) Is the most wonderful Invention on any wlro fence made tenia" and fouiul ou ,t,rt ,! t)f only Thtw bag and sag. You can climb 1'nge Fence, stock can Jump on f" trees may fall acrosK l'age and not damage It. No barbed wire Is used above these styles, no hinge Joints to buckle and Bag. PAGE SPLICE Hie most simple, efilclent und best quired, made U one-flfth the cannot move splice when feco Is " """. h,o ,onee up, IllOre lUIlll. Nil iMlfl In.r ... I I.. . i ,n.t t, " ,T'"K PAGE TOOLS fenccslenVnn l t'rWl Im.; feme, nn,, U tool, to PAGE l ENCE-WUEIUno ELM) ir nbso. e, V ' " ,n;U,',UU U' I1ADD1S & DIXON Pe l'ae Itnv Men DistrilmioM lor Southern Ore. Not tin-in Cal Mam Of;,u MI-Pl-ORH. OK. THE BOGIE RIVER COURIER. out than It Is to oust one that has a foothold. What the city needs Is not poor ten Ice from two systems, but good ?ervlce from one Yours truly, signed) X. A. RICHARDSON. GALICE. Still It rains, river very high, and no mall. Managpr Cora ilattiaon of the Orlo left for Portland. Tom Brinkerhoff and wife left for Seattle and British Columbia for a month's visit. ' Miss Roblson of the Consolidated left for Portland the fore part of the week. Prosnwtors seem to be very busy. Chances are that we will have more good mines than an part of Oregon in the near future. Jackson and Cunningham have struck it very rich In their quartz rlalm. Bashfull maids look out. Tom Emery is slowly recovering from his recent sick spell. Dr. DeVore was seen on our streets a few days ago. Ike Smith has been a very sick man but is much better now. visa Mattison. the trained nurse, has been pretty busy lately. She Is as good as a doctor with the sick. Sam Call Is very sick, and was taken to town today. Mrs. J. II. Ward and Georgia, Mrs. Ike Smith and baby returned home after two months' stay In Grants Pass. Alfa Hawkins and Lee Draugh brow went to Grants Pass on busi ness. Mr. Chena of the Carlton group made a flying trip to Gold Hill on mining business. RED WING. WOI.F CKKKK NEWS. We have had a very pleasant change In the weather In the last few days. What storms we have had came mostly In the night, giving us very fair days. SAMPSON spray In any quantity, at Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Mr. Hope ha3 his new house com pleted and his family ensconsed therein. Mr. Newman is slowly recovering from his illness. Mrs. Newman is ill. Evidently the excitement caused by her husband's Illness proved too much for her deli cate constitution. Roy Kelley was quite 111 last week with the tneasleB, but Is very much Improved at the present writ ing. The "Ideal colony" Is still grub bing and preparing their land to set out trees In the spring. Mr. Noble of Grants Pass was out last week looking at some of the mines. He has a machine for sav ing flour gold which he Is anxious to put In operation. Sl'NSIIIN'E. of nnv other ,.,., erected.' Let the fence down, r elv restretch It as before, and end, .. .. 1,1 nlh'K n'i' spH'os. Simple fi,rill any .tyl. Is J. D. FRANKLIN Looil Krpresent&tive vtiVio with Coron IKxith IMw. Cr.miiaiiy Ml SIKF.r.T m c IK w... i. mora Catarrh In this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a greai mu, doctors pronounced It a local .h nrPflcribed local reme- UIBCOdo bum tr- dies, sou ..iirmnt. nro- to cure wun iocoi u. . .--nounced It Incurable. Science has n?oven catarrh to be a constitutional Sfseasend therefore requires con stitutional treatment. Halls ca tarrh .Cure. manufa tur ed by F. J. Cheney & to., w" 8 the only constltutlona cure on the market It Is taken Internally In "ose. from 10 drops to a teaspoon, ful It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer $100 for any case It rails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. ,. . T. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO.,To ledo, Ohio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. 2"B 41 First National Bank OF Southern Oregon Grants Pass, Oregon Some of the Service that a Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The safest and simplest way of keepin your money Is by dspositing it in a Reliable Bank. This Hank receives De posits subject lo Check, or on demand Cartifloats of deposit or en time Certificates of Deposits. On time daposiu we pay 4 PER CENTINTERES7 DRAFTS The best and cheapest wa to transfer money Is by Bank Draft. We fell Draft payable in all parts of th country. LOANS One of tb most impor tant functions of the Htnk. Wa endeavor to supply ail raasoaaule needs ef our cBntemars. Capital and Surplus $75,000 Stockholders' Additional;' Respon-ibility $50,000 OFFICERS 1,. B. Hall, President J. C. Campbell, Viae-Pres. H. L. Oilkey. Oshier R. K. Macs are. Awl. Cashier WILLIAM P WRIGHT, U. S. DEPUTY SURVEYOR , MININii ENNINRKR A5D DRAUGHTSMAN 6th 8t., north of Josephine Hotel. Grants Pass, Ohkqon. FJ0IEY5 KlEtfEYCUKl Makes Kidney and Bladder Klsbt Steel PACE STYLES We can quote prices on several scores of styles for every pur pose. If we haven't exactly what you want we can get It for you. Fencing Is our business and we want to help you get exactly the right stylo of fence in the right place. PAGE KABIUT PROOF FENCE Much stress Is being placed on this Important subject today. Now Is the so-called rabbit-proof fence you are using today or con templutlng buying absolutely rabbit-proof. Have you made a fail ure by erecting a so-called rabbit-proof fence and found It does not turn these pests? Think this over, investigate your fences and cull on us, and price our line of Tage. PAGE FES'CE ERECTION We furnish man and tools and assist in the erection of every rod of Fage Fence at the selling price. We erect Tage over tho hills and through the canyons without cutting or lapping, and all the wires will be of the same tension. We will do this If you are ekoptlcal. We will l,e pleased to prove to you that we do this In all cases. If the fence Is not exactly as we represent it, we will take It down nnd away. Every rod Is fully guaranteed. PAGE FENCE IN ACTUAL USE There Is In actual use In Southern Oregon today over one-half million rods protecting the sheep and goats from the coyotes. The orchards and vineyards from rabbits, and the fields and ranges from unruly .stock. Your neighbors have miles of race Fence in actual use. PAGE PRICES Don't be misinformed. Call and got prices direct. Cheap soft lro fence, should sell tor loss. Less material and prlco is the only selling point, but If you are figuring on the best, we can sell ou lage Fence for less money, quality considered, than you can buy fence elsewhere In your country, and we especially Invite you to get I age prlcea before ordering your fence from the East. Re member, we ship In carload lots from the factory and deliver Tago direct to your town. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 20, NEIL &GKIFFIN Grocers Vew Stock of Groceries, Everything Clean and Vre9h Canned Goods Teaand Coffee Staples Flour ' Fruits Fairbanks Soap 7 Bars for 25c 310 SOUTH 6th ST. Dandruff ahd AUlNCrttAlRei are but outward signs of the evil done in secret by myriads of dan Jruff germs sapping the life blood of the hair. Micro kills the para site, soothes the Itching scalp, gives lustre to the hair and stops it falling out A single application gives relief and proves its worth, Save your hair before too late. Micro prevents baldness. It is a delightful dressing for the hair, free from grease anf sticky oils. Ask your druggist for free booklet, HOYT CHEMICAL CO. Kodol digests all the food yon eat It you will take Kodol for a llttlt while you will no longer have Indi gestion. It Is pleasant to take, acts promptly. Sold by Sabln's drag store. h 1 1 viimv wvnur 31 YZ5 - m II n