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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1909)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1900. THB ROGUE RIVER COURIER. PAGE FIVE Quality is the point that counts in tbe value of rublier goods. You havejprebably had per sonal experience which has taught you the truth of this statement. Nothing is more anncyiaf than to pay a good price for a fountain syringe only to have it crack and become useless in a short time, Our foun tain syringes are of the best quality rubber and we will replace any that do not give satisfaction. Sabin T5ht Druggist Omni, weigh and measure everything you buy American Oroeer. The White House Grocery ML Who is using CHASE SANBORN'S CELEBRATED COFFEES 'A to how they like It; They will tell you It Is always uniform in qual ity and the finest flavor. Of course, you can get along with . out it, so can a wagon get along . without grease but it goes hard. We have It in several grades rang ing in price from 20c, 25c, 30c and 40c per pound. Choicest Boiled Ham for that quick meal nice, thin, regular slices. We Do It With Our New Slicing Machine Can give you Breakfast Bacon sliced while you wait Sauerkraut, good Kind Per quart, 10 cents. White House Grocery ; PERSONAL ITEMS HHHHHm A. Jackson of Medford was in Grants Pass Wednesday. Mr. Jack son la day operator on the Medford Mall linotype. Mrs. R. W. Clarke returned last Friday evening from her trip to the City of Mexico, where she spent two months visiting a sister. Mrs. Montgomery and daughter, Myra, spent last week in Glendale visiting old friends. They returned to Grants Pass on Monday. L. R. Lamphear, who has been doing some important work in his line at Wdodvllle, returned home the latter part of last week. Williams' Jubilee Singers, the world b famous double quartette, will be at opera house Wednesday, February 24th. Fred Mensch returned Sunday from a trip to Portland, where he went on business connected with his government surveying contracts. Volney Dixon, of the firm of Gaddls & Dixon, came from Medford Monday with two fence builders to erect a car of Page fencing which has just arrived here. J. E. Love, postmaster and mer chant of Canyonville, has spent the week in Grants Pass, visiting his brother, Dr. Love, and sister, Mrs. E. C. DeArmond, and also doing some business. Mrs. A. M. McKnlght arrived Wednesday night from Langton, N. D., to visit her daughter, Miss Ethyl, music and drawing instructor in the public schools. Mrs. McKnlght will spend several weeks here. B. I. Plummer has purchased u piece of land at Aumsville, Marion County, and will remove there with Mrs. Plummer and the little daugh ter Saturday. It is probable that Mr. Plummer will also engage In the butcher business at that place. Mr. Plummer has been a resident of Grants Pass for the past 14 years with the exception of about two years spent in the Willamette valley. Rev. . A. J. Holling8worth, wife and baby, left Monday for UlyBsus, Neb., where they will spend six months. They will then go East and Mr. Hollipgswojth.w 11 Venter n med ical school to fit himself for a medi cal missionary. He has been pastor of the Christian church at this place for the past 20 months and during that time there have been 103 addi tions to the membership of the church . and it has grown much stronger in every way. A farewell reception was tendered them at the home of E. C. Dixon by Mrs. Euri-dice-Crockett last week, which was largely attended and much enjoyed. Coming Wednesday, February 24, WilliamB' famous Jubilee Singers, at opera house F. E. Eastwood arrived Tuesday from Clarkston to take his place as a member of the Peerless Clothing Company, who have purchased the P. H. Harth clothing stocK. ine rinrirnmn rw&sh) ReDublican has the following to say of him: . Gen ornl resrret throughout business circles are heard over the resign tlon of Cashier F. E. Eastwood of the First National Bank. Mr. East wood has been considered one of our best and most successful business men. and his removal to Grants Pass. Oregon,. where he has aBsociat ed himself with Asa Holcomb in the clothing business is quite a to his large circle of friends here, Mr. Eastwood has served the First National Bank as cashier for three and a half years and last month was again re-elected for the fourth time, to Clarkston Mr A?dVv - o " teller of the Com mercial Trust Company of Lewis ton. Mr. Eastwood will undoubt edly be a great addition to the busi ness Interests of this city. Adds a Hundred Per Cen Yearly. There is room in this country to Plant hundreds of orchards. The land can be bought for at from $2t) to $100 per acre, and five years from the time it is planted it will be worth more than five times as muchetaoi more than live times its cost, provid ing you plant the best varieties of apples and pears. A gold mine cannot make money for you as fast as planting an orch ard will, and besides a good gold mine is one of the scarcest things in the world to get hold of; while on the other hand an orchard is the easiest property to acquire. You buy the land and plant the trees and every dollar you expend will double Its value compounded every year for a dozen years to come. This is the surest way to make, money. This will bring you a big crop of money if you give it a chance. Get the Water Now. If the water users will now put their shoulders to the wheel with LOCAL ITEMS Read the Page fence ad in this issue. The Southern Pacific trains have once more become regulated and are now running on time. Be sure and get your seats for Williams' Jubilee Singers. They will be on sale at Homing's Saturday, February 24th. YOU can get the best fence made the "American" for only 50 cents per rod, at Halr-Rlddle Hardware Co. If you have not the money to se cure irrigation and cannot work on the ditches with your team, sell part of your land and use the money to irrigate the balance of your holdings. Both Mr. and Mrs. Moore of Burgess street have been very sick, Mrs. Moore dangerously so. They are at this time in a fair way to recover. Don't be a clam; get right down and do your part to extend irrigation as fast as possible. It will be worth mor than $10,000,000 to the farmers the same determination that has of Josephine county. characterized the directors of the ir rigation company during the struggle they had to find a practical plan which would bring water to the valley, there will be no question abopt every farm in this part of the Rogue River Valley being watered. Stand together and work together with the one determination to suc ceed. Remember that even ten acres under water means a fortune to the owner, with our soil and bright sun shine you have only to add the life giving water to bring success. Go after the water and get it uow. AVork Resumed on Bridge. The steel bridge at the foot of Sixth street is again under con struction, after the mishap caused by the flood. Two of the center piers went out at that time and are still lying In the river several hundred yards below the bridge. The work men have succeeded in placing another pier in the center of the stream and others will quickly fol low. It Is to be hoped that no more accidents will occur. Complain of Condition of 6th Street. One of our wideawake, thorough going farmers who lives on the south side of the river came to town on Tuesday and after driving through Sixth street from the bridge to the depot, said that he was now patronizing mall order houses and should continue to do so until Sixth street was paved. When asked why he had resolved to do this, he said he would not deal with a set of merchants who were content to do business on a street that is now and has been for years in a disgraceful condition. They can, he said, cause it to be paved, and without delay, but they lack energy to take the necessary steps. He went on to say that the Orange is taking up the matter and are putting themselves in shape to buy in carload lots. Sfie MAXWELL Capt. Atchison Resigns. Capt. Q. P. Atchison, who for the last three and a half years has been in the service of Grants Pass Com mercial Club, resigned his position last Friday. Capt. Atchison is a veteran of the Civil war and since locating in this 'city has made many friends by his uniform courtesy to all with whom he comes in contact. William Atchison and wife and their son-in-law, Frank Claufer, and wife and five children arrived in Grants Pass last week from Gray Rocks, Wyoming. Mr. Atchison is a cousin of Captain ..Atchison of this city. They will permanently locate In Josephine county. MODEL L D 14 H. P. Equipped complete with Magneto, Gas Lamps amd Seneratorf Top, Full Set of .Tools, ready for a hundred mile trip. $900 f. o. b. Grants Pass For Catalogue. Full m FrB. OLDING, GrantsIPass, Ore Good Reports From Applrgate. O. H. Perry of Murphy came to town last week and spent a few days, returning home last Tuesday While here he attended the annual meeting of the Fruit Growers Ex change. Mr. Perry takes a deep In terest in fruit growing as well as general farming. While in this city he visited the Courier ofllee and, in a conversation, be said that the Applegale country is forging ahead most satisfactorily by the Intro ducing of irrigation. The orchards are responding to the care given in spraying and pruning and the result was last fall a fairly good erop of superior fruit and the prospects are most encouraging for 1909. Out side of the orchards and vineyards alfalfa Is the great crop, and of this the acreage is being largely lncreas ed each year. Mr. Perry Is an Arl zona miner who came here to im prove his health. Mrs. Briggs says that since she bought a coffee mill and grinds her Folger's Golden Gate Coffee Mr. B. never complains about the coffee. Rev. Robt. McLean will speak in the court house Tuesday evening on the subject of "Evolution." at th invitation of the Socialist local. A general Invitation is extended to the public to be present. The city council will be asked to pass an ordinance granting to the Josephine Irrigation and Power Company the right to run their ditches through the city to furnish water for irrigation. Residents and business men of Sixth street must not, in the hurry of events, forget to take the neces sary steps to secure the paving of this great business thoroughfare. Take up the subject at once so as to have the paving done before the warm weather and the dust comes. William's Jubilee Singers at the opera house Wednesday, February 24th. This is tho best company of Southern Jubilee singers on the road. There are eight In this company, which has, a reputation from coast to coast, from Florida to Maine. If you wish to hear the real melodies of the South wait for the "Jubilees." Don't confuse the date Wednesday, Feb ruary 24. Reserved seats on sale at Homing's Saturday, 20th, at 9 a. m. Admission SO and 25c. Take right hold of the Commercial Club and see to it that there is money enough to advertise In a large way. Now is the time to do It. Send copies of the Courier to your friends in other states and let them know that Josephine County is to have without delay a system of Ir rigation. This added to the finest climate and best soil In the world will make it as near a paradise as It Is possible to find in this world of ours. Things are coming our way now. The building of the Irrigation ditches means the doubling of the business of Grants Pass and the ad ding of 100 per cent to our popula tion. It likewise will more, than double the value of every acre Ir rigated. There is no reasonable excuse for any man to live in town if he doesn't like it. If you have no word of com mendatlon to say for your town or her people, emigrate. You won't stop tbe clock by going away. The dogs will play Just the same and the pure air, bright sunshine and spark Unit water will have the same health giving properties. Speak good word for your neighbors if you can. If you cannot, don't everlast lngly enlarge on their faults. If you have become thoroughly disgruntled move away, go where things will ult you. You won't be missed very much. Ex. For Easy Gardening and at the same time clean and perfect garden ing, the kind which will make your gar den the talk of the neighbor hood and cause your face to glow with honest pride, nothing Jquite the equal of this Planet Jr. No. 17 It is suited to all kinds of garden cultivation and all garden crops. You can do more and better hoeingwith it in one day than you can do in three days with a hand hoe. This is but one of 52 FUntt Jr. tools of equal superiority. Call at our store and look into their merits. Price of wheel boe shown in cut with attachments These and a large line of the beat and latest improved farm and garden implements for sale by Cramer Bros. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. BUSINESS POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon Go to Coron for Plumbing. Oliver plows at Cramer Bros. J.E.Peterson,PioneerInsuranccMan. M.Clemens, Prescription Druggist. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron's. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler in Dixon's old stand, Front St. . Eyes tested free. Pago Fence Is erected without ex tra cost ask J. D. franklin. ', All trimmed hats at 60 per cent discount at Mrs. Waughtal's. When investigating fences, don't fall ' to see Pittsburgh Perfect at Cramer Bros, We have secured the agency for "Nature's Remedy" for Dyspepsia, Constipation and Rheumatism. This Is sold under a guarantee. Our rep resentative will call on you soon and explain the medicine more fully. C. H. Demaray, Druggist. 1-29 tf A Gilt Edge Loan. If you want to loan S3&0Q on real estate near Grants Pass, worth) 9000, call on J. E. Hair, Masonic Temple Building. 2-6-tt Coming Events. Feb. 24. Williams Jubilee Singers at the opera house. Feb. 24th, Wednesday, Williams' double quartette Jublls Singers, at opra house. Eggs for Hatching. I have the real goods in Barred Plymouth RockB, record laying strain. From 25S and 244 eggs a year stock. $2.00 per IS. You can't help but be satisfied. 2-19-2t JNO. SUMMERS. , Sign up for the Water. Every home in this city should have the benefit of irrigation this year. If you have but one lot it will only cost you $5 to got the water for your garden and lawn. Let us make Grants Pass the most beautiful town in the state. Plant shade trees and cultivate a lawn as well as a flower earden. Slan un for the water at once. Clairvoyant. Mable Clare Wilson, clairvoyant. Readings dally and circles by ap pointment. 609 L street. 2-19-4. The best looking field fence la Pittsburgh Perfect, sold by Cramer Bros. DON'T buy a spray pump until you have looked over our line and re ceived our prices. HairVRlddla Hardware Co. Get Busy AMERICAN FENCE turns cattle, horses, hogs, pigs and rabbits. Every rod is guaranteed to be per fect. Sold only by Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Scores of styles of Page fence if you want more styles, ask Franklin, at Coron-Booth Hardware Co. 2-19tt We furnish men and tools and assist in the erection of every rod of Page fence at soiling price. Ark Franklin, at Coron-Booth Hardware Co. 2-19-tl and got your orders in early as it is surprising how our canned goods are moving. 3 cans sampsons canned plums jC 2 cans extra standard corn j- and Tomatoes ttdv Something a 'ittle better in perfcr- ed stock Corn. Peas, and r A Tomatoes 20c; 3 for ulC Catsup, per pint 1 tJw and bo many other good things that space and time will not permit any further grgument. A trial order will coivince you. . GIBSON GROCERY CO. Front 8t. oppo. Dtpot The Itweptlon to Newcomers. A most brilliant reception was given to newcomers on Friday after noon by the ladles of the Auxiliary at Hall's hall. The rooms were tas tily draped and decorated, a large number of beautiful potted plants ad ding to the brilliancy of the sceae. The committee In charge left nothing to make the ladies who have recently come to this county feel that they are among friends. There were some 250 ladles present and the occasion was one long to be remembered by all who were fortunate enough to be there. Among the guests were ladles from every part of the county and among them was a large delega tion from Frultdale. f The City Council. The City Council met on Thursday night, but there not being a quorum present, the Mayor adjourned the meeting. The subject of the' tele phone ordinance could not come up and so It is not yet known officially that the Mayor has exercised his right of veto, though It is currently reported that he has done so. Clearance Sale A. U. BANNARD having invoiced, dis co veros he has too many goods, and will, during February hold special reduction SALE to reduce stock and clean up odd pricos on Furniture, Carpets, Ruga, Lin oleum, Bedding and a groat variety of lines. No use to make prices here, come and see goods and priceB. A small lot of bettor class Wall Taper worth 50o and GOc at 20o per roll. You will lose money if you pass this by. A. U. BANNARD NORTH SIXTH STREET GRANTS PASS, OR.1T N. B. A largo line of Collapsible Baby Carriages just came in.