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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1908)
ROOUS WVKH COtJWElt'; GRANTS PASS, OREGON DECEMBER IS. 1903. I.IL&GRIFFL grocers Sty ptock of drbceriev l-TfTylhiiigr Clean and tfrc;S -i .r ) ( i i i Canned GoodV . Tea arid Coffee Mplfr . Flour . 1 Fruits " 310 SOUTH 6th ST. JBllINGrliAIRg f C bdt ootwird sim of the evil Cm to item by myriads of dao I ferns sapping the life blood ' Oe hair. , Micro kills the para. ;a, sooues me itcolsf scalp, ig lustre to the hair and stops 'talHof oat A single application fft relief aad proves its worth. atn year hah before too late. ,Klcro prevents baldness. It 1st dbjhtfal dressini tor the hair, Jrat from grease and sticky ells, Aatt MrtlnMwtcttnrtM WinbU u -Horr CHEMICAL CO. V ' WMnm J I BUSINESS COLLEGE ) II umimiMonimiiTi. J II POOTIAMB. OMOON ! A JLi WRITE rOR CATALOG " jam r pto SMALL BLACK SPOTS 1 FOCWDN PORK , During the butchering season of the ear the-Experiment Station fre Queutly repelves specimens of pork that present an unmarketable ap tcarance The rind or ekla, taken from the abdomnlal region hid In side the legs, ia found to be dotted with . black, wart-like growths of various sizes ranging from that of a pin-head . to i a haielnut Many . of thesa spots In. the early stages con tain a small amount of pus, and by careful examination a , small mite will be found burled deeply In the skin. .,,,,,,,, . The mite.. causing these pustules and subsequent black spots Is known as "De modex fulljculorum var suls" a very, large name for such a small miui that may be seen only br the aid of a magnifying glass Just when the mite attacks the hog Is not well known, and as It burrows deep. In the skin, treatment or tne use of Insecticides la of little Value; besides there Is no indication of its presence until the time of butchering, when the damage Is al ready done. These blackened spots, although unsightly, do not Injure the meat for food,, and , they may be completely removed with the skin. If you want that turkey to be "perfection" for Christmas dinner, get a Savory Boaster. They are only $1.25 at Halr-Rlddle Hdwe. Co. How's This? t We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure F.J.Checney ft Co, Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheency for the past 15 years, a opueve bim perfectly honorable hu-slness transactions, and financially able to carry out any ob- ',;;Uons. jnade by. his firm. 'Warn ing, Klnnan ft Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. ' 1 Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken inter nally, acting directly upon the mu cous surfaces of the system. Test! monlals sent free. Price. 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. - - W. Ji Gardner COMMENCING MoMay, December 14, 1908 And Contiuing Until Friday, January 1, when we will taKe an inventory. An immense stock of new g'oods just received from the Eastern Factories, and we will give a Discount of 10 Per Cent A nice new II II I SCHOOL NOTES. The Granta Pass High School girls played the Ashland Normal team In the Ashland opera bouse on Sat urday, December 12. The game was an interesting one though our girls were badly handicapped aa they were not prepared for the slippery floor, as were their opponents, and consequently could not move about quickly. . The team consisted of the following players: Clara Calhoun, center; Genevieve Pattlllo and Ha xel Anderson, guards; Merle Cald well and Pauline . Coe, forwards. The aubs were Clara Wolke, Annis Love and EUabetb Davis. Chap eron, Miss Fay Newton; manager, H. E. Mielke. The score at the end of the first half was 10 to 2 In Ash land's favor. The last bait of the game Ashland threw two baskets and Grants Pass one. School closes for the holidays Wednesday, December 23, and re opens Monday, January 4. , Monday, afernoon last the Cicer onian Debating Club gave a debate In the Assembly room of the High School. , The queslon was: Re solved, That federal legtslalon In re gard to the regulation of trusts was desirable The speakers on the af firmative i were Sloan Thomas and Daniel Mcfarland; for the negative, Roy Cheshire and Mack Tuffs. Two votes were cast for the affirmative and one for the negative. Lela Phillips of Leland has loft school for the time being. , Paul Blanchard was one of our vsltors Wednesday, December 9. Dureil Cahlll is helping tils father at Hugo for several days. On Wednesday, December 9, a commotion was created in the IV short-hand class by the appeearance of a mouse. The girls, of course, screamed and the boys enjoyed a good laugh. Ross Bailey Is absent on account of sickness. A number of our High School stu dents are In the play which Is to be given in the opera house Friday evening, December 18. ! Gordon Griffin has stopped school on account of getting bis finger cut with ,an ax. We sincerely hope that he will recover soon. Do not forget to patronize those oh all goods line of 11111 II I Front Street, Opposite Depot who advertlae ln the Tokay as It Is through the advertising that we are able to get out our High School paper. Something new in neckwear has come to town which goes the ruch lng one better; it Is the Raggeesday collar. On Monday morning the High School boys all appeared wearing this new creation and the sensation may be imagined. There were all colors and styles, shapes and sizes, and It looked as though the boys had raided the ladles' de partment in a dry goods store. Per haps the girls will take the hint on seeing how It looks to have one's throat swathed In wrappings as it one had a case of overgrown mumps and sore throat, taken with a triple back-set of lockjaw. Mrnriiv. : Ha, ba, ha! "Wonder who Bus ter Brown is" and "Who Is Buster Brown?" are the leading questions at Murphy these days. Won't they be 'sprlzed when thoy find out, though? Automatic Auction In the aoutn window of the Hafr-Rlddle Hard ware Co. Wm. Bunch of Grants Pass, was a visitor at Murphy Sunday. Miss Llssa Green of Merlin, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. D. . Hayes, for a few days. , Reverend Howard of Portland, the Presbyterian Suuduy school evangelist, preached an excellent sermon after Sunday school lust Sunday. Laselle Stewart of Lane county, was greeting old friends at Mur phy Sunday, and also visited his homestead on Murphy Creek. Miss Annie McCaillster of Pro Kavory Itoostcrs only $1.25 at Hair-Riddle's. volt, was a guest of Miss Winnie Osborn from Friday to Monday. A targe acreage of fruit trees will be planted In this vicinity this win ter Dr. Loughrldge will have about 1000 trees set out on his farm re cently purchased of O. O. Bunch. Mr. Wlnotrout will set out 450 trees on his farm, besides a num ber of others are planting smaller orchards. & Company's in the store skirts just received l II I ififiiiMi; VALUABLE INFORMATION for the Buyers of SEWING MACHINES QUALITItS TO CONSIDER IN MAKING) A PURCHASE Does It run easy. Doe It look good. Does) It enake) a good stitch Dooa It sow fast. Is It well made. Is It easy to operate. Is It simple In conStructleri. Does the manufacturer put his nam on It. THE FREE sewing machine recently placed on the market by the Free Sewing Machine Co. combines the best qualities of all other machines. It is :he latest,best and most com plete achievement in building of a sewing machine. Com pare it with all other ma': chines in anything in which ;hey claim to excel and you vill find tFREE easily ic best. FRtE SCWING MACHINE CO. CHICAGO, ILL. 0 IK IE Ml. 304 South Sixth St. We U'arn that the Oscar Creek placer mine, ownod by Grants Pass parties Is being put In readiness for operation as soon as a sufficient supply of water comes to enable them to operate the "Giants." Ul STKR UKOWN. DeWltts Wlloh Hazel Salts Is es pecially good far piles. Recom mended snd told ny Model ferns' Sere. I I II II II II 7 I II To Furnish House or Barn. New or Second ff and All kinds of Stoves to select from Heaters and Cook Stoves, new and second hand. Now Is the Tine to Bay OAV OS Grants Pass, Ore. ALCOHOL 0PIUM-TCMCC0 Llbby Cut Glass, Parker Foun tain Pons the two, standards, at Domaray's Drug Store. -v VT jtmrt enmity n tuna.