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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1908)
ROOUB RIVER COUMER, GRANTS PASSfrbREGON DECEMBER 4, 1908. ' ' I o.v.i . hi u Oilker. lUDt.. I Our Golden Gate Coffee The Golden Eale Contest. Th mnteat la coming along rery nicely and most ol the contestants are doing good work although the position of the name in the llBt has not been changed. NEW HOPE .n.rlrn Fence at Halr-Rlddle's. Wm. Pankey of Goldfleld, Nev., is here looking after his farming Inter ests, he having bought the farm of Mr. h B. Wynant. He says he A product that is enticingly aromatic and delicious, that has a really concentrated rstrength ; that will make a beverage wonderfully reviv ing and refreshing. Order a pound today and note the difference in the delicious flavor and fragrance. J. Pardee three weeks before tne comeni closes and these remaining days ought to bring double the new sub scribers already sent In. Remember the special 5 prize for the one who brings in the greatest number of new yearly subscribers before the 15th. The candidates now stand: Mabel Darnelll 17,650 Maud Reynolds, R.F.D. 1 ...13,515 Donald Calvert 12,795 Ruth Smith 9.280 Ella Turner, Kerby 2,355 Edna Cornell 1400 Pearl Kearns 1350 Rita Mowers 1,190 Ada Brockman, Merlin 475 Tracy Stlth, Kerby 1 Silver Napkin Rings and Child's Cups at Cramer Bros. 25 per cent discount on Granite "Ware at Cramer Bros. Acceptable Gifts For the Holidays As the holidays approach the matter of suitable Gifts are foremost in our minds and what to buy is sometimes a puzzle. This dilemma can be ob viated some by looking over our magnificent line of goods. We have good sensible goods that are suitable presents for every member of the family and every line is complete. It would be impossible to enumer ate all the many nice things that we have and they are all good serv iceable goods. Goods purchased now will be laid away until wanted. Open Saturday Bvcnln&a Halls Art Store Store Telephone 1051 Hinidmice Telephone luj:i FlUTr.-AI.K. Sterling Sliver Tea and Table Spoons at Cramer Bros. The next meeting of the orange will be on Saturday, December u. The meeting was postponed one week on account of the absence of the worthy master and lecturer. American Fence at Hair-Riddle's. Delbert Wardrlp and family left last Wednesday for Tacoma, where they will make their home. We re gret to lose them from our commun ity, and wish them success and pros perity where ever they go. Rex Fllutkote Roofing at Hair- Rlddle Hardware Co. s. Mrs. E. Warren and children have returned to San Jose, Cal. tim Htewart and Drotner nave taken a contract of grubbing for W. II. Parkey. Saturday, December 12, will be Calendar Day at Cramer Bros. .,, ,i MtCalllster and wife and two children were in our midst bauday and they re t...iy liave rented the farm If you want the best fence on the market for the least possible ln- uKutment eet "Amerkun" woven wire fence. Sold only by Hair Riddle Hardware Co. ;ort that the Hunirhtpr of Mr. and Mrs. W. ll.lUllk . ,aat Sunday. k. -idii m preparing to build School at 10. H. L. Gllkey. supt,. Junior League at S. Mrs. M. C. Find ley, supt., Epworth League at 6:30 D. H Stovall, president. A recep tion will be given to Dr. Hornman In the church parlors on Monday night. At the Sunday morning ser vice J. H. Williams will play "The Holy City," on the cornet by request. Mr. Ml A oni Mrs. Walter and Mr. and biewart were at the Pass Mon Mr. Daniels Is clearing some land at present. .inhn Scherz. wife and children were at the Pass Monday. Christmas Silverware at Cramer Bros. Wanted Two good cooks, must be able to support themselves. For Information Inaulre Of A. V. Daniels or c- c. wynant. C C. Wynant was at Provolt one day last week on business and re- nnrtu iTixm looklnK good up that way. SHORTY. Carving Sets and Chafing Dishes at Cramer Bros. Art tapestry and painting taught by Mrs. Fisher in one lesson. Outfits ordered. Box 4 3, Grants Pass, Or egon. ll-26-2t. A New Repair Mon. Curtis ft Co., Jewelers, are getting In their holiday stock and will next week tell through te columns of the Courier all about It. They are now navInK especial atentlon to watch and clock repairing and this depart ment is presided over by Geo. A. Johnson, a man of great experience In this llne,and who comeB to Grants Pbsb with the best of recommenda tions, one of which Is from the fore man In the Elgin plant, which Is as follows: Elgin, 111., April 16, 1908. To whom It may concern: It gives me great pleasure to cer tify that George A. Johnson Is per sonally known to me, having been In mv employ as an Inspector of watch work for two years. During thlB time he proved himself a thoroughly Bkllled and competent workman at this business. I can cheerfully recommend him to anyone who may i. furt n niitH enough to secure his services. FRANK M. WILLS. Foreman Assembling Dept. Elgin National Watch Co. Watch for the Advertisement of Curtis & Co. In the Courier of next week. It will Interest you. I'nlon Guarantee Association. We write Insurance on all kinds of plate, steam boilers, also Indemnity bonds for officers, contractors; also accident Insurance against casualty. General office New York City. Our agent here is ri B Hendricks, office ground floor, opposite P. O. Grants Pass, Oregon. Rates reasonable and company gilt-edged. 11-20-tf Episcopal Church. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morn ing prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 i.t p. m. Rev. 8. M. uorence wm preaoh both morning and evening. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Subject for Christian Science Ser vice Sunday morning, December e, 1908 "God, The Only Cause and Creator." Service In W O. W. hall at 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting In Christian Science Read ing room, over Russell's Confection ery, at 7:30. ADVENTIST CHURCH. Services will be held In the Ad- ventist church Sunday evening the 28th Inst. Subject "The Millenium Soon to Dawn." All are cordially invited. Elder Thumner, Pastor. During the month of December we will run an automatic auction BiilB In our south show window watch window for bargains. Hair Riddle Hardware Co. UNTIL DEC. n i We'are offering our complete lines of Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats and extra Pants at 10 per cent less ) than regular selling prices. 9c Will buy a big dollars worth, your own choice from our big assortment of Wool Underwear and Stockton Woolen Mills flannel shirts. J I'm Going Co Mansficlds and get a watch that will keep time Friday, December 17tt Will be our four-year-old birthday. We will celebrate bv civino- vmi O J" " just wait and see our advertisement next week. Geo. S. Calhoun Co. Christmas Presents at etchers Jewelry Store on Front Street, Oppo. Depot 20-year Gold Filled Boss "O" Size Watch F-1323 Remember the Place The best 7-jewel Ladies Watch that you cannot buy at the Chicago Depart ment houses for less than $15. Wo will sell you the abovo Watches while they last, for $10.95 No better C h r i s turns present for a lady. A. LETCH ER "We Are King." A. W. Cross Is presenting three or four plays this season that have scored all sorts of success. He has The Bishop" and "We Are King," the latter being the bill at the Star this week. The leading part Is play ed by Edmund Carroll, who support ed Walter Whiteside last season in this play and who makes quite as much of the dual part as did White side. The Raven, a mysterious man In black, Is played by Guy B. Kibbe, a Portland boy. "We Are King" Is one of the best and cleanest comedies seen In Port land for a long, long time and while having a suspiciously close resemb lance to "The Prisoner of Zenda," is yet different enough to save a charge of plagarlsm. A wandering newspaper correspondent Is found In the grounds of a tyrannical and des potic king of a small North German state, and a scheme Is hatched up to exchange places with the king by his premier and other members of the court. The correspondent en ters Into the conspiracy with great enthusiasm and until he gets the hang of being a king makes some of the most ludicrous mistakes imag Rglnuble. In the meantime the for mer king languishes In an asylum and as there Is a striking resem blance between the two men it Is not d'.flieult for the nrrh conspirators to Keep him there under the announce ment that he has un hallucination that he Is the king, which of cu-.iiso ho Is. The company is excellent, the stage settings adequate and in one scene elaborate and altogether "We Are King" Is put on and acted in a manner one expects at the high priced theatres. Probably, however, some of the midlence felt they were being cheated with only a single pistol shot during the whole performance. Oregiminn. "We Are King" at the Grants Pass Opera House Monday, Dec 7. I "Outfitter to Boy and M&n" Vint llnptUt Church. The morning hour of worship Is 10:30. Hurdens" is the subject of the message. The observance of the Lord's supper is at 11:30 aud the session of the HIble school Is at 11:45. At the communion service the right hand of fellowship wlfl be extended to new members. "Com mending Our Society by Consistent Living" is the topic for the young people at ti:30. Evening service at 7:30, when the pastor will preach on the "Sixth Sense". A cordial Invi tation is extended. NEWMAN M. E. CHURCH. Dr. Fletcher Hornman, presi dent of the Willamette University wll occupy the pulpit morning and evening. He will preach a sermon at one service and deliver an address at the other. Special provision for fine music at both services, bunday I I At this up-to-date store a fine line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, BRACELETS, BROOCHES and all other Jewelry will be found SOMETHING NEW A large assortment of Silverware Just the thing for a gift XMAS GOODS are com ing in now, and every one is sure to find just what ia wanted. R. Mansfield The Courier Is Just In receipt of the November number of thee Uni versity of Oregon Bulletin, contain ing the list of officers, constitution and by-laws, propositions for debate bibliographies, debate libraries and announcements for the year 1908-9, of the Oregon High School Debating League. The league consists of 34 schools, divided geographically into five districts. The Eastern Oregon district comprises the high schools of Baker City, Crook county, Elgin, La Grande, Ontario, Pendleton, Sherman county and Union; Colum bia River comprises Astoria, The Dalles Gresham, Hood River, New- berg Tillamook, Woodburn tut Yamhill; Central Oregon distrie Albany, Brownsville, Cottage Gro Eugene, Jefferson, Junction O Southern Oregon district, Centn Point, Grants Pass, Klamath Couit ana KoseDurg; ana the Cooi Bi district, Bandon, Coqullle, Mini field. Myrtle Point, and Nort Bend. The ladles of the Episcopal chare will hold a bazaar and sale of fui work at the Guild hall Monday tftt: noon and evening, December 8th. Word was received yesterday i the death of W. V. Jones, the we! known merchant of Woodvllle. Protect Your Orchards From Frosts By the Orchard Heating Device of the Frost Prevention Co. of Frenio, Cal. For Sale by 4 WWWWWWWWtWWWWWWHtttWItWMWWW JEWELER HEB2BEBHh9 GOOD FOR FIVE POINTS For Address This Coupon ii Void if Not Vottd by December II Courier's Golden Eagle Contest JOW is the time to BCC1(1( ON THAT RABBITPROOF FENCE have a Special Rabbit Proof Fence, m TheSPage Woven Wire Fence Co. XZll -in T ! - ar I noli: Twenty-seven inches to first wido spsuv. The same quality of all Page Fence. Hi carbon coiled Sprit'.' S tcl. Stand a strain of over 18,000 pounds. ! 'U i jStandard "-'j"" Fence r 1 Te lle Sheep Coyote Lawn Page ence is guaranteed to be exactly as represented An experienced man and tools are furnished to assist in the erection of all Page Fence, withontjextrt iHeJwill erect fence over any ground without cutting or lapping, bagging or sagging. Gaddis & Dixon, "The Page Fence Men" J. D. FRANKLIN, Agel Distributors Southern Oregon and Northern California. Cor. 6th and I SW" Grants ?