Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 21, 1908, Image 5

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    eigh and measure eterylkinf you
Inty American Grocer.
V, Items pt Personal i
Interest. ij
White House
Yes we have tHem, a ship
ment just arrived from the
grower direct.
Malta Bloods and fancy
Navals, 25c 30c and 35c
per dozen.
BleachedGelery 5&10c
Black orWhite Figs
in bulk 10c
Saur Kraut
Home grown
10c per quart.
Ripe Olives in bulk.
Heinzes Sweet and
Pickels. Have you
Remember we have
Fresh Bread Dailey
Home made Fancy Cakes
Tu esday and Saturday.
Geo. Birdfe e is at Eugeue, la at
tendance npoo the Oregon State 0.
E. ConTentlon.
Miss Eva Reymers ii attending
the State Endeavor convention, at
Eugene, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M. McKniaht
are back from their several months'
stay at Baltimoie, Md.. with relative
and friends.
Manager It. W. Clarke, of the
Rogue Elver Water Co.. oaid Med-
ford a ilviDg business trin. Wtd-
oeadaj afternoon. '
ChftS. Meserve was not in tfcn
neighborhood of Wolf Cretk, Tuesday,
looking after an important reatly
C. B Fowler and wife who have
been the guests of Attorney A. C.
Hoogh and family for the last two
weeks, have returned to their Sen
Francisco home.
Hon. B. F. Molkey, 'candidate for
the republican nominee for District
Attorney in this district is in the city
for a few days, looking after bis po
litical fences.
Frank Berry, who owns soma very
rich copper glance at Gold Beach,
Onrry connty, has been in Grants
Pass this week, consulting with
local mining men.
J. R. Jones and Fatrick Gilbert.
two leading mining men of Spokane,
wasn., nave been in this vicinity,
this week, investigating some tempt
ing mining claims in which they are
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Norton, who
have been spending the winter at Los
Angeles, were in this city, this week,
visiting with Mr. Norton's brother
and with their daughter, Mrs. R. L.
Demaree, while en roote to tbeir
home at Woods, Ore.
R. E. Lee, a prominent mining man
of Spokane, Wash., has been hern
looking or some mining property in
hlcb to invest. He is a cousin of
the illustrious "Robert E. Lee." of
Civil War times and 0. L. Mangum,
who has the signature ef the two
men says that they look so much alike
that he canaot tell the difference.
Mrs. Blanohe Dean Harvey returned
to ber home at Marshfleld, Tuesday,
after having spent several weeks with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Dean of this city. She was accom
panied home by ber brother, Ralph
Deao, who will spend some time in
the Coos Bay coentry.
Palace of "Sweets Factory makes
all their own candies, Front Street,
next to Model Drug Store. 2-21 tf
Prof. Elmer Monohan and his as
sistant Wm. Green, of Baker Univer
sity, Kansas, who have spent several
months in this region, gathering
specimens for. the said edncational
institution, departed for the east,
this morning.
H. C. Batehan and family arrived
this morning frcm Hood River and
ill make this locality their future
home. They have been reading the
news of Josephine county through the
columns of the Courier and Add that
they an much interested in this
promising country.
W. B. Sherman, the rrniinent
realty man arrived Friday from a four
weeks' visit in Michigan and otter
entern localities. He bad all Kinds
As it was near Washington's birth
day, the Bethany Beuefit society dis
played tbe natioual colors at their
regular session Wedn sday afternoon.
The piano was draped with a large
flag, while the red, white and bine
was festooned over pictures and
doors. "America" was auua bv al
and Mis Helen Love gave a humorous
reading, "A Boy's Essay on Wash
ington.' After the business session
and informal program, a light colla
tion was served by Mesdamea Van
Dkye. Veatch, Wallace, Willis and
Wilson, tbe hostesses for the after
noon, i
Tomorrow afternoon Bayaid, the
young son of Dr. Findley will cele
brate his 8tb birthday anniversary
with a party, to which about 80 of his
little friends will be invited.
; i A Brief Record of
Local Events.
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. L.
B. Hall had a number of the school
teachers partake of an evening dinner
and spend the evening in a social man
One of the most enjoyable valentine
social affairs was a whist party given
Friday evening at the home of J. A.
Slover, corner of 8th and E streets.
Forty guests responded to the invita
tions and passed a most pleasant
evening. After an exciting oontest, it
was found that Mrs. Horn and Harry
L. Starr bad captured the first prizes,
while Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Lucas car
ried off the consolation honors. Re
freshments were served during tbe
evening. The residence was decorated
itb hearts and other appropriate
valentine decorations.
About 80 invited friends assisted
Miss Alice Hortoo, one of the publio
school teachers, to suitably observe the
season with a valentine party, at tbe
.niKinna .Tnnhsnn home, corner 2d
and A streets, Friday evening. Var
ious amusing games were indulged in
and dainty refreshments were served,
all of which helped make it a delight
ful evening for one and all.
What promises to be one of the
noteworthy sooial f naotions of the
season is the 25th wedding anniver
sary of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kianey,
which will occur at tbeir elegant
home on Nob Hill, next Wednesday
evening. A large number of Invita
tions are out and the occasion will be
a memorable one in local social cir-
oles. '
Tuesday evening Mrs. Tbos. Will
lams, at ber home, on 7th and A
street', entertained a few of her young
lady friends at & o'clock dinner and
an evening of social enjoyment.
Mauy of the guests were teaohers in
the school of the city and all report
having passed a most enjoyable even
ing '
Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Will I
Ireland had the teaohers of the city's
schools as her guests at a charming
valentine rjartv. The afternoon's pro
gram was oue p-plete with pleasurable
I surprises and were greatly enjoyed by
the merry gathering.
Friday evening the "Home Guards'
gave a very unique and at the Binie
tiu.e enjoyable Valentine social in the
parlors ofNewmsn Methodist church,
which was very largely attended and
a decided success in
An important meeting of the Beth
any Fraternal Club will be held in tbe
church parlors, next Tuesday evening.
The Presbytery of Southern Oregon
will meet in Grants Pass, Tuesday,
Aprjl 14, for which preparations are
already being made.
H. L. Truax received word from
his old home, at White River Juno-
tion Vt., this week, to the effect that
his mother, ' Mrs. 0. B. Truax, aged
81 was dead. She has made several
visits with her son in this city and
and many friends here, who will re
gret her demise.
Wm. Fehley. the worphtns fiend
who was accused by the Corouer s
Jury w !h having given the late Earl
Dotson enough morphine to cause tne
latter's death, was yesterday released
from custody, after the matter had
occupied the attention ot Justice Hoi-
man for a good part of the past week.
The electric wiring on tbe big
arches which span Sixth street at F
and G streets, was pot on this week
and now the arches are being ad
mired and favorably commented upon
by the travelers and paeeersby. They
nresent a very neat aaa impressive
nnomnno and cannot help but do
much good advertising.
Unoo consideration of the general
increase In land values throughout
the state, the state land board, at its
meeting the other day, decided to In
crease the price of all state lands all
over the state from 13.50 to $5 per
acre. Secretary Brown, of the land
board, stated that the demand for the
land was becoming greater and that.
it is thought the state could get 15
per acre Just as easy as the original
price. Ihe state still holds tracts of
land, some of which is worth much
more tbaa the price aiked for It. It
la aaid that private parties hold
similar property at considerable
higher prices.
The successful Grants Pass High
achoel debaters were somewhat dis
appointed to learn that the Marshfleld
debaters whom they are to meet in mo
forensio arena and toy conclusions, bad
decided that they wanted another sub
ject, evidently fearing to meet the
local team, after it had won both
former debates. Tbe new subject Is:
"Resolved. That Boards ot Arbitra
tion With Compulsory Power Should
be Established to Adjust Disputes
Between Employers and Employes."
The debate was first set for February
IS, but on account of the change of
the question, tbe date was postponed
until February 20 and will be held In
tbe Baptist churoh of Roseburg.
News Notes From the Business
Men to Readers.
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist.
Go to Corun for Plumbing.-
M. Clemens. Prescription Druggist.
A splendid line ot Royal Charter Oak
Ranges at Coron't
Will anyone who is a member of the
Ralston Health Club please call at
Bacon & Enbanks harness shop. 2 14-2t
Otto J. Knips of Grants Pass, so
cialist candidate for nominee for con
stable, Grants Pass precioot. 2 14 41
Special Sales ot Millinery at Greatly
Rednced Prices 60 per oent discount,
by Mrs. Waughtal, ' during the month
of January. 1-10 tf
List Your Timber Lands With
Herxtnger A Mitchell. 12-20 tf
Keep Your Eye
on the
GIBSON'S Cash Grocery on Feb
ruary 22, 1908, to the people 01
Grants Pass and Josephine County,
a new Grocery store,
FRODDINS At Crescent City, Cel.,
Monday, February B, ivuts, to Mr.
and Mrs. 8. A. Proddias, a son.
FRODTLIU3 At Deertng, Ore.,
Monday, February 8, 1908, to Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Frodtlioe, a son.
EGQERS In Grants Psaa, Mouday,
Fberuary 17, 1908, to Mr and Mrs.
Wm. Eggers, of Waldo, a daughter.
Which is due 'to come
off on Saturday, Feb. 15,
You can see the chicks
hatching. Remember
that early chicks are the
best fall and winter lay
ers and the profit on
chickens is largely in
eggs. Increase your
profits by using a petal
uma. For sale only by
CONGER At Placer, Ore., Friday,
February 14. 1908, Harold Conger,
aged 18 months, of tooeroolosls.
THOMAS At Seattle. Wash., Friday,
February 14. 1908. the infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Thomas,
of Grants Pass.
Mr. Thomas received the sad In
telligence and departed for the northern
city Saturday morning. The be
teaved family have the sympathy of
their many friends In this vicinity.
Rev. J. E. Day. tbe Woodville pas
tor and fruit grower, accompanied by
Mrs. Day. was in tbe eity, Tuesday,
on a combined business and pleasure
WALLACE In Grants Pass, Ore,
Wednesday, February IB, iue,
Mrs. Rhode Wallace, aged 55 years,
ot consumption.
Deceased was bern at Tipton, Mo.,
la 1862. When about 10 years of age
she oaltsd with the Baptist Church.
She has lived hereabout 2, years and
most of tba time a patient snffcer.
The fnaeral was bald at the house at
2 -.10 Thursday, oenducted by Rev. F.
O. Lovett Many frienda gathered to
express their sympathy. A husbapd,
two sons and two grandchildren are
left in sad bereavement.
Chicken supplys Poultry Netting
Special Ratae From Grevnta Pass.
On aooount of the 5th annual con
vention Western Retail Lumbei men's
Association at Tacoma, February
27th, 28th and 29th. Tickets will
be sold at Grants Pass ou the certifi
cate plan, to . Tacoma, entitling
holders to return at one-third fare
from Taooma, having paid full fare
going. Further particulars at tbe de-
nnl '
1-24 tf Agent
Wa wish to extend oar since rest
thanks to the frienda who assisted la
the burial ot . oor son. Earl, and
who extended sympathy in oar sor
row. Mr. and Mrs! J. G. Dotson.
List Toar Timber
Herslngar A Mitchell.
Lands With
1210 tf
T6ft '' SAL'SGood- family
horse, harness and runabout. Bold
eheap Inquire of P. H. Harth.
... . 2-21 tf
had as his guests a
boy friends. Friday
they celebrated the
of experiences with the elements, as j WHg pronouueed
well ss otherwise. For instance, he , eTery ay.
was delayed 48 horns by a big snow j a
storm and when he got into Chicago, , pai Kinney
he was relieved of all bis money, nnmber of his
having to remain In the wnlly evening, when
city" until he conld. wire home for Valentine season in fine style. There
more cash. Of course he is delighted ' were gBU10l, many and innumerable,
to get back into this land of sunshine with aelioious refreshments thrown
and Tokay grapes, where he hopes to jn t0 aad rest to the occasion, which
forever spend his days upon this the fortunate guests say was one ef
mundane sphere. unalloyed pleasure.
The members of St. Lake's Episco-1
pal church are taking a livily interest
in the fact that Bishop Ecadding will (
conduct services in that church, Thurs- j
day, February Tt. j
Thnrd Mrs. Winch, the mother
White House
Tfte Tea and QoTIee House Eeckman will have a -rastcrate.
Remembtr t
When vou wish an easy shave,
As good as barbers ever gave,
Call at The Josephine Tonsorial Par
lor; . . i .1.. k.;. wltti t) raf A
of Mrs. H. O Kinney, who ,. making rf
her home with her dang iter, had the tow(ls , cltMi
misfortune to .all ana treat one i , - razor kePD
thighs. Owing to the fact that , ... B , thiDk . flnd
she is now over SO years ci age. cue , , , fte
... ... .nan f or. ' A" ' -
accident win vetv ieij
ibusly to her. The family have sent
to Poitland for a trained norse to care
! mind.
! Ladies' and Gent's Shoe Shining.
mo tf AW SCOTT. Propr
Selma, Feb. 18, 1208.
Editor Courier: I eud you a lew
items from the thrlviug town ot
Walter Harmon, the sawmill man
visited Selma, looking for a location
for his sawmill, having purchased
timber here and trying to buy more.
We all hope he will succeed, lie will
be the right man in the right place.
Cant. Hagen has teoeived from the
U .S. Department of Agriculture, a
sample of new fruits adapted to this j
climate to aid the department in in-1
trodnning and establishing the
varieties by propagating them and ;
thoroughly testing their value the
I varieties are one Hybrid Morton
I orange, two Savage Citranges. These
I have stood a temperature of 15 degrees
I fahrtuheit, also lhre varieties of rigs,
I one Grofse Marselles, oue Plaudure,
I one White Iechia and a new fruit from
China. Actinida .Chintnsis, China
n..Vnir taw This SDecisS tS
considered the most ornamental or tne
genns frmu a fine foliage point of
view. The leaves are large, heart
shaped dark green on the upper sur
face and densely tomentose beneatn.
The flowtrs are very large and yel
low, inches in diameter, strong
growing and excellent for covering
arbors, trellises and low buildings.
The fruit borne by this species is
about tbe siie o a hen's egg, with a
fine leathery, hairy skij oovering it,
full of meat and fine seeds, very sinil-
lar to the gooseberry or fig When it
has been picked and left to soften it is
A F.yer for Early Buyers
One lot over 2000 yards fine Swiss Embroideries 2 to 12 inch widths
. . . . n . a t I a. ft
entire lot will be placed on sale &aiuraay. reuruary t, ai v
o'clock. You may think that you have bought some j
good values in embroideries but this will eclipse all 1 jC
888 Henderson extra long hip corsets, the kind so many
try ana then always ouy, sizes i7 io j
One lot 18 inch fine cambric Corset Cover emb. worth up to 50c
with edged braiding to match, we consider this lot one y
of the very best offerings of the season jC
One lot fine Cambrick embroidery 1 to 3 inch widths 5c
We have just received a big lot of Lace Curtains, new and Striking
designs, white Ecru and colored Modrcss.
49c to $6.50
said to be very fine for eating, having
The Naahvtlle Students. the flavor of the fig, goceeberry and
The above named company appeared . citron. It is said also to make de
at the opera house lat evening belore j licious pies, jam and sauce. These
. . . i t. n..rn,m,nm Limii r nranasatsd bv trreen or
for the aired sufferer.
About 60 children and young ladies
will take part in the entertainment
given by the Benefit society of the
Presbyterian church, the evening of
.v. oa.l. T!r.lle Soncs of Many
lijr; AVvVUa - rt tma ' as
i . UA s.Vifl1. . . -Mu11nn4 In fart hV BaAula
Nations ' wiii do ktc" j luo tu,m .the dancing waB rwuwn i j ..---
ren io appropriate ;co-tame, while the the best 0 in Lead for many months on the Captain's pla.
young ladies are rrei1"1'" ; There ar uiue youy
, tit1(t " Fashion. " - tv. boon hnsv all the'timo.
cnaracier rrw-u, j;nnj j - r j - 1 , , ,
T-i-w . . r,iv. sr.nHnd2.jc. ti, who attended last evening of fruits with Jospehiue .county
telegram came this morning - were we 1 sausnea.- - - a FRUIT RAISER.
i.egll'UT, &ii -. ----- j
wasacreditablejoneasa whole, while hardwood cuttings by layering or
rneee plants are auiug um ,
They have
t,wi,1 rha winter - so far with the,
! Tokay grapes snd the above varieties i
111 :
Reduction Sale of FURNITURE
I will sell Furniture and houso Furnishing
goods at a large reduction in price for cash
to reduce stock and make room for spring
stock. "I mean busiuess." Wlieu you re
member that this store ALWAYS sell Fur
niture the lowest, this reduction means mon
ey for the buyer.
Wall paper at 25 to G0 reduction.
White Sewing Machines also at cut prico.
Rev. C.
that the household gocus 01
O. Beekni be shipped at
t, Fl Paso. leias, wnero wi.
Something rpecial for the
Saturday at.Gibstn'e.
"ladie ', Spray Pumps, Spray Hose, NomIos
V21 It j and fittingi. Hair-Riddle .Hdw. Co. J
9 HWV W1W1 V1 1 1 l " 'MMMt"tWWWHtWvM