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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1907)
VOL. XXIII. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1907. No. 34. CANDIDATES NOMINATED FOR THE CITY OFFICES Ward Co.ucuo Held for Coun cilman and Mass Meeting lor City Officers. The o'ty election will be held one week from next 'Monday, when councilman, one from each of the four wards, a mayor and treasurer will be chosen for this niuncipality for the next year. As the time approaches, interests increases. In compliance with the suggestion of the city council, citizens inet in the four wards Tuesday evening, for the purpose of naming candidates for councilmen, with the following result: First Ward T. P. Cramer. Second Ward W. W. Walker and Jas. Tuffs. Third Ward Liucoln Savage and Chas. Buck halter. Fourth Ward W J. Storall and Frank Fetsch. It will now be up to the voters to select one person from each of these wards, to serve in the council, and the friends of the various candidates are now getting in their bent licks. Wednesday evening the mass meet ing called by the city council was held in the courthouse. This was largely attended by representative citizens and the best of feeling prevailed. W. T. Coburn was selected as chairman of the meeting, while M. L. Opdyke was secretary. In about five minutes time two men were named for maporalty honors, Dr. J. C. Smith and L. B. Hall, while Col W. Johnson was named to succeed himself as treasurer It did not take long to do the business and then the meeting was adjourned. Mayor Smith's friends are going to advocate his re-election, purely upon the olaim that he made a good record in that office, during the past year. This they say is all they want the voters to consider, and they think that this sufficient to insure bis be ing retained in the ofUce another year. Mr. Hall also has many warm friends, who are not goiusr to leave any stone unturned, to secure his election. They set forth the fact that he has large property inerekts and that he is in every way well fitted to fill the important rlace. They set forth the fact that he is pronounced on the moral issues now before the teople. Thus far the candidates have re frained from indulging in personali ties, each man wMing to abide by the will of the majority. With this good feeling prevailing, it look as thnutih the voters woold be the ones to decide who is best fitted to ooo.npy these places of trnst. In order to bet ter enable the voters to register, en. ec ially those who are worxing ail day and are not able to pet the office dur ing the day. City Recorder Clenieuts announces that he will keep the books at the City hall, from 7 to 9 o'clock, on the evening of November 2.", 2(1 and 27. for the accommodation of such per sons, ANENT THE MONEY SITUATION. Dear Courier : These are trying times and the average mao is completely puzzled at the uew order of things in the bauk ins world I have observed events for tome time, as closely as my ability permited and I have come to the roi lowiug conclusions: that the mouey kings of the east, headed by John D. Rockefeller, have decided that th-y are going to run thin country of ours and h all of the irotitH of the working people from etery bnsimns whatsoever and that no iudnetry snail list independent und in competition with them that prodmed a profit to its owner They sought the old po litical parties and the railroads as the best mediums through which to car;v oot their plans; and the success they have hud i the maivel of tne orld. Rut the ren .f the United States bad to be reckoned with an t its active' conservative cor e has thwarted some of these plans. Mad at the nresident and the triple of every statu for their uViesl ne next try to establish the r-upreumcy of their money tMif by an attempt to wreck the independent lauks of the country and thus accomplish through the banks what they hav failed to accomplish through 'he two old parties and the railroads. ; They do not propose to do legiti mste business in this country "give and take"; they make their money gambling and if they can't sack and plunder this oountry by old methods then they bring about a money panic and the runs on the smaller banks that will follow will wreck them and then they will bny ep such of them as they want and need. If they can do this then they will let their money out through them until they get a lien on everything in sight and then at their sweet will call another panic, clean up every valuable interest and take it home to themselves. Their big banks in New York City owed the western banks large bal ances ; they locked up aud refused to pay the western bauks ; they supposed the western banks won d go on paying out ; the news from New York would cause runs on them to result in forc ing them to suspend and then the big bank gamblers would buy them in. But the astute governors of the west ern states saw the point and wisely declared a pnblio holiday to prevent it aud protect the depositors and save the banks. The fol lowing dispatch shows which way the wind blows: "New York, Nov. IS Standard oil absorbs rival banks, takes advantage of financial panio and gobbles np in dependent banks which are unable to keep their heads above water. Stand ard has been aig borrower recantiy and it is reported that this money is to be use) to purchase independent banks at the present bargaiu values. Oklahoma and Californi a independent hanks are already added to the col lection." Thoy work npon the confidence of the people to snccssfully carry out their deep laid plans they must shake the confidence of the people in each other and keep it shaken for if this is not done the people would soon come together solidly organized against them; to this end they have bred up nnholy combinations the manu facturer agaiust the consumer ; the merchant against his customer; the employe against his employer and now they attempt to 'array the deposi tor against his bank ; if they can do this the way is clear for them to do, with the banks what they have done with the railroads own them all. When our home banks open up again or legitimate business it is to be hoped by every good citizen that the depositors will concede first that the banks were closed the same as our courts by the governor and not by the officers of them and that they will not .withdraw their money for iu doing this they will open the way for standard oil to drop in and buy them np Should this happen we may con fidently expect the same treatment from them later on that we now re ceive from the railroads. If they wili take off their trains and refuse us cars aud ruin ns and our business, what can we expect from them in a hanking way? Don't exchange an hmiet set of business men, who are fully identified with our every in terest for a set of gamblers, who sim ply seek to grab everything we have got at the rates of two dollars for every one invested. We should be aware there is nothing too small aod contemptible for these marauders to do. When E. H. Harri mao returned to New York recently tie dec'ared that Southern Oregon was the coiuiUK countrv ; that its climate was the Italy of the United States, etc. Now it is not unreasonable to supiose that his hatred fr our people, which he shows by taking away our train service and his constant refusal :o provide oars to haul our lumber and othfr lreights.thus dwarfing our every industry that he woeld gladly see runs made ou our bauks and then via the Standard Oil. gather theui in. if it can be done. Perhaps it can't be done, hut if it can't, we mar be assured it will not bt because the Standard Oil does not wsut it. For my own part I have no use for red liauded gamblers in any capacity ; thonnh I have .eeu honest gamblers, none of theui were of the Standard Oil brand. This artiole is writteu without soli citation of anyooe. W. J. WIMER. November 18. Bridge Proposal. Tbe County Court of Josephine, County, Oregon, will considrr sealed bids for contract t construct a steel bridge across Rogue River at Grants Pass, Oregon. January ii, 1909, at J o'clock P. M. Each party will be en titled to two bids : One on plan and specification now on file with the County Clerk, and one on plan and specifications te be furnished by bid Hr to be filed with County Clerk on or before December 18, W7. Bridge to be 400 feet long and 22 feet wide. ll-22-4t INSTRUCTIVE ADDRESS ON IMPORTANT SUBJECT County Health Officer Love Gives Institute Member Some Ve.lue.ble Information. By request of the members of the Josephine County Teachers' Institute the Courier herewith publishes' a por tion of the able 'address delivered by County Health Officer Dr. Love, at the Institute, last week, as follows: It is evident from a consideration, from all'that has been said, that the tender years between early childhood and adolesence must be safeguarded as far as may be against both tuberou losis infection aud prediiposition to it. La Fetra says: "Tbe school must cultivate first health, strength an,d energy, after these should come honesty, courage aud patriotism, then the ability to speak, read and write ones own language, together with a knowledge ot arithmetic." Upon this foundation all else may be built. The moat important part of any school, publio or otherwise, is tbe school room. It should be well lighted and the desks so arrauged that the light comes preferably from the left side or rear so as to prevent shadows falling upon the writing. The number of square feet of wiu dows should equal oue-fourth tbe floor space of the room. The ventilation of the room should be ample. The temperature should be from 60 to 84 degrees for large pupils and from 64 to 68 degrees for the smaller ones. During childhood and youth everything must be done in the schoolroom to favor the development of a sound physique. I here sboulu be games, athlelio sports and nianntl training. Someone has said that "Many of the problems in moral and intellectual training must be referred to the playground for solution." The amount of study or muscular exercise which produces normal fatigue in a healthy child may produce abnormal fatigue in one physically below par. The offspring of alooholio or neurot ic patents, the auaemio uliiloren, tbe mouth breathers and those who have defect of sight or hearing, or which grow rapidlv and especially young girls, are very susceptible to collapse from overwork. These abnormal strains are must apt to show them selves in tbe spring after the indoor life of the winter. Awakening ou fieshed in the nioruinu is one of the early signs of abnormal fatigue Ina bility to couceutrate the atttntioo, loss of memory, irritability aud worry are other signs. Doctor Call le says : "The days ut brutuly whiipug children are past. We are now relined and whip their brains io death. " In uiauv schools tne children must no one of two things: either they must take a cold luuch or must rtisii home, gulp down a warm meal iu the good old American tashinu, and rusli hack. This is harmful. During the. period ot active growth there should b plenty of wholesome food taken with decent regaid to the capabilities of the digestive tract. Some authoriiee would have tuberculosis children ex cluded from the school for their own good, and in order that they may not be a source ot lutectiou to other-. It 'is highly essential I bat every consumptive allowed to attend tchool should be required to iarr ou meas ures to prevent communicating his disease to others. Teachers and older scholars should be fully instructed in the cause aud prevention of tubercu loids, aud especially shoulu the teacher watch such symptoms as mouth breathing, swilling of the glands of toe ueck, pe siaient diy cough, catarrhs and running ears, paie or feverish easily fat.gued nervous or fretful children and most, especially those who have persirtent heanarhes. Certainly consumptives should not teach school. A par. from the possi bility of them infecting susceptible scholars, tbe occupation is an indoor . nil iu whicli their chanc s of re covery are not good. No consumptive snould be employed about a school house. The cboolrooms should be flushed, with air during every iutrr mission, and the entiie relax. In om should be disiulected at ! ant oik e every thren mouths. Seais aud desks s iould be coiiktrutted to suit t e size of the rhilrt so as to obviate stooped and cramped positions which may cum press toe chest and ireveut deep naiural breathing. I bad thooirbi that this was neither the time or tbe place torn nttou me tieaiment of tuberculous, but vou ih pardon me. I am sura lor raying one wold beiore I rl ae I waul to euiphazise tbe fact hat the druu treat ment of tuberculosis nas Deen wrig'iea iu the balance and found wanting. If you hafe tuberculosis and fill yours. If up on cod liver oil,' Beech ood Creosote and cough struts containing morphine or other seda tives there will be a neck and neck race as to which will have the honor c f killing yuu the disease or treat ment. But on Vie other hand go out of doors, stay out day and night, sum mer and winter, eat five square meals day and this treatment persistently carried out for months or years if necessary, will result in a core in a large per cent of cases of incipleut tuberculosis. Institute Closing Session, The closing session of tbe County Teacher's Institute Friday, was quite interesting. Dr. Sheldon's addrest on "Memory," was exceptionally good. He said we must cultivate the ability to forge things, as well as to remem ber. To remember thing! one should talk abi at them. If we wish to forget any one thing, then talk mach about something else. His illustrations were very apt and much to the pont. He pronounced the so-called "Memory Culture" teaohrs as fakirs, pure and simple. Tbe talk given by Miss Euox, on "Drawing," was fin". She explained that the new system has a text book, so a pupil may study bis drawing, just as he does any other branch. Each book is adapted to the particular grale of pnnila, so that he may have the one best suited for himself. "Agrioulture" was the subject of Dr. Sheldon's able discourse, who stated that all over the world there is a marked scarcity of people who are well fitted for successuflly perform ing farm work. He said so many peo ple went to live in the oities Decanse they liked the excitement and to a have a "good time." Although the work on the farm is lighter, yet it is more monotonous and the boys who go from it into the stores, do more hard work in the stores. One must be powerful, intellectually, to be real ly successful on the farm, he argued. Said there was a great deal of head work done by the farmer who made things count for anything. Farmers, be remarked, had come to realize that they must carry on their work scien tifically to make 'a suooess of it. Tbe schools must teach agrlcultore in a practical way to bedeflt the children, as the mere theory does not count for much. Dr. Sheldon gave the closing address ot the Institute, taking as his theme: "Problems of the Schools," which he handled in a truly masterly manner and be was listened to with a great deal ol Interest, as ne went minutely into this far reaohing subject. Thns closed one of the most successful lostitutee ever held iu Josephine county, and although there were several disappointments, ow ing to the inability ot some of tbe speakers to be present and take the part alloted to them, yet, on the whole, it was very helptul aod Inter esting to tbe teaohers of the county. COMING KVEJNrS. Nov. 2fi, Tuesdav Meeting in Grants Pas', to organize Rogue River An gora Breeders Association. Nov. 28 Thursday Thanksgiving day with Football game, Atdiland vs. Grants Pass at A. A. O. grounds. Deo. 2, Monday City Election, Mayor and one counciluiHii from each of the four wards to be e eeted. Deo 2, Monday Chicken fie Supper Odd Fellows' Hall. Eec-uiber 3, Tuesday Regular meet n of Grants Pass Poultry Keepers Association, in UuiKl mill. D'c. 4, Weduesday Conuty Court Convenes. D'C II, Wednesday Apron Sale and Chicken pie supper by Baptist ladies at hall's Hall. Dec. 23, Wed Chsistmas day. Jun. 1, Wed. New Year's day. Jan. 13, Monday Circuit Court meets Jan. 17 a"d IS, Krj.lsy and Saturday- First Annual Show, Grants Pass Poultry Ke-lers Association. Jan. IS, Saturday Fruit Grower Meeting iu Grants Pass, Under Aus pices of Grunts Pats Fruit Growers Association Sugar Pin Store Voting Contest November 1R, 1907. Citv Teachers. Mrs. Lillian Denison Miss Lucy George Mrs. M Helninir Mi's Blanche Crane ..... . Mm Hartuian Mi-s iirrien Miss Olson M las Nona Bridge M'-s M. Tuffs Miss Dement M m J. Pa'atuore Miss Kibret 878S 2702 242H 845 M0 417 2 2: W 122 Miss V. McGrath Miss R Lowry Miss Kahley County Teachers. Miss Bessie McColm . . . . Miss Augusta Parker Miss Edna Disbrow Miss Myr le Moore . Miss Alice Smith Miss Iva McArthnr Miss Oro Wil-on Miss Addie Knhinsoo Miss Wiloa Gilkev Miss DeardolT Miss M Scoville Miss Stella Paddock Miss Florence Barrett Miss A. C. Mclkey Miss O. Stebhensoo 101 78 86 20oS l2 7il 48 8 241 237 210 M 102 70 45 2.') 15 Don' fail to get votes with every purchase and then cast them for the one you favor. KINNEY & TRUAX I have a very large stock of Dia monds, ranging in price from 13 to $i(X). Rings, Brooches, Pins, etc,st Letchera, Dixon's old stand. 11-15-6L TEMPERANCE HOSTS HAVE SOME ROUSING RALLIES Opera House Packed With Citi zen of Josephine County to Hear Addresses. Sunday was iudeed a red letter day for the cause of temperance, in Jose phine county, for two of the largest audiences ever gathered iu this county assembled iu the Giants Pass New Opera House and listened to two masterly addresses by the noted orator, Dr. KrvinS. Chapman. At 11 o'clock, in the forenoon, the big building was filed with people and there was no preaching services in the churches, in order to enable the members to enjoy the rare treat. A large mixed chorus choir, com posed of some of the best singers in the city were on the stage aud ren dered valuable assistance in the' meet ing. Reverends Hughes, Lovett, Beokman and Holliugsworth sat on tbe platform and participated in the proceedings. Dr. Chapman was at his best and held his great audience from the first to the end of his fine discourse, al though it was long after the usual hour for tbe churches to dismiss ser vices. However, no one begrudged the time and all remained to the last, feeliug that they and been amply re paid for tbe time thus spent. Tbe speaker handled the matter in a manner to indicate all too plainly that, he was thoroughly conversant with1 it and bis clear, sensible and logical points were readily grasped by his hearers. In the course of his remarks, he took occasion to say that be bad ben in many states of the country, but that in uoue of them was the class of citizenship so good as it was in Oregon, even California, his adopted state, being far below the average of her northern neighbor. He then complimented the intelligence of this great ooiuuiouwealth for hav ing the only aud best system of law making in the galaxy of states the'l Iuitiative and Referendum, which ha said made every vo'er a legislator. Dr. Chapman then proceeded to tell of the many encouraging signs of the times, and not lea it among thorn was the fact that Oregon was ready to wipe out the liquor business next June. He has been asked to couie and tike personal charge of the work aud has practically consented to do so. He likened the people of this state to those of the Biblical times. known as Israelites and explained how they came to the borders of their ' Promised Laud," and so he thought that Oregonians ere now at the edge of this laud of promise and he be lieved that ne it June they would en ter in and possess it. He proposes to have a campaign on education and to this end will re sort to publio tallies, distributing of CHE on either of the Grants Pass Banks will buy House furniture at O'Neills And what's more, O'Neill is giv ing 10 per cent off on all purchases made before November 15. Watch our Windows tor Holiday Goods Furniture and Car pet. Linoleums, I.ace Curtains, Por tieres, Mstlresses, Pillows. Cots, Wall I'arier, Clocks, Mirrors, Window Khsdes, Pictures, Picture Moulding. R. H. THE HOUSEFURNISHER, f ront St., printed matter in large quantities, eutertainmeuts and much personal canvassing. Foi this purpose he called for contributions, the nionev to be paid to the Oregon State Executive committee, beginning with January 1. Itt08. This plan met with a very ready response and a large sum was realised. At night an even larger crowd literally packed the opera house, standing room being at a premium aud again did Dr. Chapman deliver a most telling aud interesting address ou the topio: "Tbe Story Nsver Told." It was principally an appeal to the "tober, aonudheaded, practical business man," as he put it and he then and there adduced ample proof of the sweeping statements he made, relative to the nudesirability of the saloon in this or auy community. Dr, Chapmau began his discourse in the evening by reading a number of newspaper dippings, verifyiug state ments he had made in the morning. He then took up his subject for the evening, telling of the experienoe of Dan House, a reformed drunkard of Dayton, O., making an appeal for prohibition as a busiuess proposition. However, he does not consider this the blithest motive for votiag out sa loons, for he thinks a man's love for his home aud family rhould oot weigh any busiuess advantages galaed. Hi spoks of tbe prosperity of the towns in .Southern California from which the saloons had been banished and of the class of people flocking iutto these places, and in comparison with these the towns with open saloons are not growlna at all. The servioe closed with the singing of "Tbe Stainless Flag Song" in which T. P. Cramer sang the verses, the large audieno joining with him In the chorus. Wills mot th Appl Show. Awards at' the apple shiw of th Willamette Valley Growers' asso ciation, held in Portland, were an nounced as follows: No. 87-Box of Spitzenbergs, Wal lace estate, Polk county. No. 1 Box of Baldwlus, H. a At well, rorest Grove. No. IK Box Jonathans, E. Keebler, Lebanon. 1 No. 21 Box of Northern Soy, C. J. Tidnoomb, Hoappoose. No. li-Box of Ben Davis, 3. F. Pot blur, Albany. No. 4 Box of Gano, L. T. Rey nolds, Salem. No. 8-Arkansas Black, D. O. Van Doin, Dayton. No. 84-Hox ot King, J. N. Over holzer, Sherwood. No. 14 Best packed box of apples. Miss Celia Kirk, McMlunville. For the best general display, no declsloa has been reached, as all en tries are not yet complete. Magnificent cups were offered for those awards by different business firms in Portland and by friends of th growers' aasociatlon. C.KS Stoves and Ranges, 0 Ml Granlteware, Agtewsrs, Tsriwars, Wooden wars, Wlllowsre, Cutlery, Crockery, Lamps, Ulasswars, Fancy China, Uo-Caru, Uaby Car nags. bet. 6 and 7 J