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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1906)
ROGCH RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS. OREGON, JUNE 22. 1906. OFFICIAL VOTE ON THE AMENDMENTS it la Now Walk or Pay Fare Office. Yet All for the Men. The following is the vote of the ' state and of Jrsephine county on the various questions submitted through the initiative and referendum law : Approval of $1,000,000 appropriation : State, tee 43,918, no 36,758 majority for 17,160. Connty yes 937, no 472; majority for 465. Woman Suffrage State, yes 36,928, no 46,971; majority against 10,043. Connty, yes 9)0, no 703. Majority lot 208. Localvoption amendment State, yes 35. 897; no 45,144; majority, against 9747. County yes 591, no 955; ma' jority against 364. Barlow road appropriation State Yes 81.525, no 44,525; majority against 13,000. County yes 657, no - 748 ; majority against91. New method of amending oonstitu tion state, yes 47,wsi, no 1S75I ; ma jority for 38,910; Connty. yes 1030, no ; 290, majority for 740. OiTing cities and towns exclusive power over charters State, yes 52,567, no 19,942 ;majority for 82,625. County- yes, 1081 ; no 325; majority for 756. Regulating compensation of state printer State, yes 63,749, no 9511; OFFICIAL RETURNS OF THE ELECTION FOR JOSEPHINE COUNTY JUNE 4, 1906 CANDIDATES U.S.Sentor,short trm! Hiram Gould, Prohi I 44 14 15 IS1.? Fred W. Mulkey, Rep.. . 244 162110 79 The Strength of a Bank is shown, 1st, By its working capital 2nd, By its stockholders. 3rd, By its management. THE first Rational Bank OF SOUTHERN OREGON Grants Pass, Oregon. Has a Capital, Surplus & Undivided Profits J77.500.00 And an additional Stock holders Liability (un der the National Bank ing Law). .... 50,000 00 Total Responsibility SI27.500.00 J DIRECTORS : John' D. Fry, P. H. Harth, J. T. Terrs, H. C. KlNNKY. R. A. Booth. Pres. J. C. Campbell, V. Pres. H L GlLKEY, Cashier. 205144 104113 SO fli 28' 83 28: 29 1 11 2 10 31 9154 244169112I18 74 106 48.11 11 45 24, J. D. Stevens, Soc 67 U. S. Senator- Jonathan Bourne, Rep. John M. Oearin, Dem. B. Lee Paget, Prohi... A. Q. Simola, Soc Governor I. H. Amos, Prohi a W. Barzee. Soo Geo. E. Chamberlain, D 130 143 James Witbyoombe, Rep 204 180 secretary or State Frank W. Benson, Rep. R. C. Brown, Soc T. S. McDaniel, Prohi. P. H. Sroat. Dem State Treasurer Leslie Bntler, Prohi... Q. R. Cook, Soo J. D.Matlock. Dem Geo. A. Steel, Rep 238 153,105,59 supreme Jodse C. J. BriRht. Prohi 28 10 Robert Eakin, Rep 216 145 T. G. Hailev, Dem I 69, 97 Marcus W. Robbing, Soo 64 53 Attorney General C. G Brix, Soc I 85! 86 A. M. Crawford. Ren... 231 15 Robert A. Miller. Dem.. 76 104 F. B. Rntherford, Prohi: 26: 8j Snpt. of Public inetruo J. H. Ackerman. Rep...264 1'i9 1 I 6 9 5 64 18 58 72 55 38 5615 48 68458012 1 17 13 614,2818 3019 17 87 0i 1 419 52 51 24' 19 6 1 1 7,19 14 1 8! i 16 8211 19 38 48 52 24 36 1661179,62 32! 9 54 25, 10 3 9754 49,80 60," 18 54 68 57 29'l7 6, 4 2315 25,17 0 II 4 6 1 i 10 35 35 36 24 11 12 5 8!34 15 1 1 120 14 86 4138 2420 I a a 4 i 49 4319 10 14,4,0 43 31 24 101 41 36 8 3, 0 0 3! 5 8, 8 6 49 29 16 89 38 17 46 39 21 U 6, 6 8, 0 II 0! V 1 3827i 8 8 41" 107 57 17 53,63 54 82i 19 51 61 82 29 1 21 6! 6 39h0i 14 47,84 23,11 1 l" i .! 1 12 42 38 20U 13 35 38 40 13 13 40 21! 8 8 4, 6 25 15 25:20 M 1 I 5; 6 10 1 i! l 9 55 1! 9 8 118 46 lOttO 10; 388 8 45 46 6 25 23: 0, 8 1 0 6 0i 8 0 0 8! 8i 631411 844 33 917 659 78 48 179 777 906 473 358 849431043 ?! H i S55 O 11 II 64 5 22 22; 503 J 1! 0, 68 0 6 4 -48 6 22 24 551 9 49 43 1004 0' l: o 845 43 5 24 27 l ?i 66 941 644 807 8! 4 20H2318 19 52 65 57 30 16 45 3019 11 67 35 42 tf 26 19 40 28 10 12i 2 0, l 4. , 1 1 I! 2 0! o W V 0' O 6 5 233 9 52 45 10081 6 21 24 657 0 1 0i Hfi 129 640 I I I I I J. E. Hosmer. Soc. Henry Sheak, Prohi state Print: J. C. Cooper, Soo 80 S Willis S. Doniway.Rep. . 236 157 124!70 18'ei!78 61 36l9 48 40 23 IS 10 55 53 1143 63 ,3 V II 32' 81 19:12 17 10 10 20! 6 79 100 . 260 178 . "I 85 48" 105 67 "! 8 6525 4 7 7; 7' 6 1 3; 4' 2: 8! 5W 9 23 19! 41 71 9 fj! 17 548 57 80 0 1 2 16:35 87, 37 24 I N. E. McGREYV, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and Piano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. GRANTS PASS WALL PAPER and PAINT SHOP W.P.Sharman and E.F.LeMieux SOUTH SIXTH STREET, NEAR J Full stock of Wall Paper all designs quality and prices. Paints, Varnishes, Oils. Brushes j"e, i-ri r'i-t iin"i'e. Mall orders promptly filled. Palace Barber Shop BATES & WILLIAMS, Proprs. Shaving, Hair Cutting Baths, Etc. Everything neat and clean and a work First-Class. Alvin S. Hawk. Prohi J. Scott Taylor, Dem... Commissioner of Labor O. P. Hon Rep W. S. Richard. Soo. Congressman Chas V. Galloway, Dem1 77110 Edward F. Green, Prohi 221 7 Willis C. Hawley, Rep.. 218 126 W. W. Myers, Soc I 27; 33 Representative L. L. Jewell, Rep 210165 John B. Paddock, Soc..1 851 88 Robert G. Smith, Dem.. 114 112 County Jodse F. W. Chausse, Rep... . HilL Soc Stephen Jewell, Dem... Sheriff- Ed Lister, Rep '160129 JNine Keynolds, Soo !100 65 w. j. KuRseu. uein 103 123 Count Clerk I I S. F. Cheshire, Rep.. O. J. Knips, Soo Treasurer Fred Geyer, Soc Eclus Pollock, Rep. . . . J. T. Taylor, Dem.... Surveyor- I I D. J. Lawton, Rep 227 145 116 56 n'sSM 88 84 166115 21! 20 171 176 305 230165 44 60, 46 120618 59 72 62 84 70,14:10,14 88 25 25 I I I I 71 29 103146 38 38 12 8 1( ,, , 4 4 92 5016 4746 4949 27i" 8 419 8 8 I 123152 16 53 84 48 35 28,15 4, 2 18 10 19 76 29 15 40 31 53 25 74 54 11 475 84 21 16,16 36 21 H 1 1 0' 787,29 0 1 7! 8 18153 40 2211 22 131011 1 I 23 33 27 8 8 1 1! 0 1 5,41241811 6 4, 3, 9, 0 01412! 394 1; 4, lj 110 1 7 3 241 41) 44 1012 0 1 1 4 22 26 67 548 10 1 2 IS, 4 11 3 24 47 64 78 47 III 5818 5887 81 20 13 4 14 60 36 82 29 20 24 49 48 26 Jill '4 28 74 91 83 45 15 814 27 15 27 III 21' 28 21 10 4 219 315 .,186 126 87 60i 8 49,755023 . 157,1.56 U788 27 44 44 63 41 16 44 29 23 19 5 61 8 12 40 38 8! 681; 7,1710 10 4 4 8 0 81 68 62,15 H. C. Perkins, Dem. W. R. Whipple, Soo. Coroner T. E. Beard, Rep W. H. Flanagan, Dem. Commissioner E. N. Provolt. Dem... H. L. Reed, Sac M. A. Wertz. Rep... . . 89 129 46j 31 -236 140 113 156 I I 101 120 I 84 39 227 151 83 27116 27113 4 113 54 21 100 37il8 11 54 28 48 13 120 58 28 36 53 61 26 829'25'll 20 2 4 18 19 62 46 " 7 H'sa'as 13 7; 0 1C48 431109 22016 I I 7 22 80 1' 31 6 88 29 1 9 46 34 1 8 3 5 2738 82319 I 4! 2 6 6366 II 9 8 63, 5: 5' 61 48 33;19 89,34 13 60,84l20ll 18,85 88 421 1218 17 7j 7 II 51163 5129 17 32 40 'Ml' 1813 20 54 32 15 2 42 62 57 43, I I 68,80 38 37 2 24 4 17il6 6, 5 3 27 73 23 224 5 41 28 12 10 55' 7 41 28 50 6 36 11 '65 814,1, 0! 4! 3 8 48,35 7 45,8 9 59 513 111 944 7 35 I 8 24 li 6: 461 587 61 840 181 996 214 600 697 130 1067 713 479 780 1403 833 163 861 875 993 659 331 964 825 61 3! 228 43 1043 453 397 451 749 464 648 253 S30 870 17 1070 14 334 139 429 MAJORITIES FOR STATE CANDIDATES Republican Gat Big Vol For Some ol Their Candidate and Loose on Other. Complete official returns of the state election, June 4, for every oouuty in Oregon are contained in the follwing figures : Governor. Chamberlain, democratic 46,003 Withy com be, republican 48,608 Barnee, socialist 4.68 Amos, prohibitionist 3,787 Chamberlain'! plurality 8,494 United States Senator (long term) Boorne. repnblican 42.588 uearin, demooratio 89,417 SmoIa, socialist 6.571 Paget, prohibition 4,410 Bourne's plurality 8,131 United States Senator(short term) Mulkey, republican 60,615 Stevens, socialist 13,486 Jould, prohibitionist 8,324 Mulkey's plurality 49,180 Supreme Judge. Eakin, republican 61,678 Hailey, democratic 80,238 Kobbins, sooialist 6.804 Bright, prohibition 4,684 Eakin' plurality 81,838 Secretary of State. Benson, republican 65.654 broat, demooratio 25.801 Hrown, sooialist 7,718 McDaniel, prohibition 4,984 majority lor 54,178. (Jonnty, yes 1203, no 156; majority for 1137. Initiative and referendum lor mu nicipalities State, yes 47,778, no 16, 785; majority for 81,043. County yes 951, no 279- majority for 672. Prohibiting free passes State, yes 57,281, no 16,779; majority for 40,502. Connty, yes 1153; no 811, majority for 842. Tax on gross earnings of sleeping car, refrigerator-car and oil companies State yes 69,635, no 6440 majority for 63,195. Couuty yes 1363, no 128; majority for 1233. Tax ou gross earnings of express, telegraph and telephone companies State, yes 70,872, no 6860; majority for 64,512. County, yes, 1392,no 115; majority for 1277. Men Wanted. Sa mill and lumber yard laborers, 12.25 per day. Woodsmen $2.25 to $3. Steady work. Apply to Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eocene, Ore. Send the Courier to your friend, so he can learn the facts in regard to the famous Rogue River Vallev. DAI POLITICAL HISTORY OF INTEREST TO ALL List of Oregon Governor To gether With Pe-rty AHlllaJlon and Period of Service. for;sale BY A. E. Voorhies Since Oregon was admitted to the union on Febrnary 14, 1859, she hag had !I governors, six of whom have been democrats. No republican gov ernor of the state has ever been elect ed for a second term and two repoftill cans have never been governor in suc cession. There has always been a democrat saudwiched in between the republican;. The only governors of the state to be re-elected are Grover, democrat, who served from 1870 to 1877, being succeeded by Chadwick, a democrat, when Grover was elected to the United States senate: Pernio- yer, a dnmocrat, wno served rrom to 1895, and George E. Chamberlain, who was electtd to bis second term June 4. The re-election of George E. Cham berlan as governor of Oregon makes the third instance in the history of the state of the re-election of a demo cratic governor. The eleven govern ors were as follows: 1. John Whitaker, farmer and democrat, of Lane county, served from March 8, 18V5, to September 10, 1863. 2. Addison C. Gibhs, lawyer and republican, from Portland, served from September 10, 1862, to Septem ber 13. 1866. 8. Georg L. Woods, lawyer and republican, from Wasco oonnty, serv ed from September 13, 1866, to Sep tember 14, 1870. 4. L. F. Grover, lawyer and dem ocart, from Marion county, served from September 19, 1870, to February 1, 1877 ; being re-elected he filled ont part of bis second term, when be was chosen United States senator, and was ncceedfdasgovernorby Stepben.F. Benson's plurality 29,753 State Treasurer. Steel, republican 55,600 Matlock, democratic 26,545 Cook, socialist 6,984 Butler, prohibition 4,869 Steel's plurality 38,055 State Printer. Duniway, republican 54,543 Taylor, democratic 26,015 Cooper, socialist 7.292 Hawk, prohibition 4,203 Duoiway's plurality 38,638 Attorney-General. Crawford, republican 68,149 Miller, demooratio 37,763 Brix, socialist 6,840 Rutherford, prohibition 4,469 Crawford's plurality 25,897 Superintendent Pnblio Instruction. Ackerman, republican 65,463 Hosmer, socialist 11,809 Sheak, prohibition 7,307 Ackerman' plurality 64,168 Labor Commissioner. Hoff, republican 63, Ch9 Richards, sooialist 17.083 Hoff' majority 48,066 Representative in Congress (1st District) Hawley, republican 33,130 Galloway, democrat 19,840 Myers, socialist 8,844 Green, prohibition 1,801 Hawley' plurality 8 780 Representative Congress) 3d District) Ellis, republican 38,894 Graham, democrat.. 13,161 Paul, socialist 8.533 Stone, prohibition 3,408 Ellis' plurality 16,343 Majority against woman suffrage 10, 043 Majority against local option change 9,747 Majority against Barlow road 13 000 Majority for gross earnings tax 64,613 Ohadwick, who became the fifth governor. 5. Stephen F. Chadwick, lawyer and democrat, from Don gins county, who served as governor from Febru ary 1, 1877, to September 11, 1878. 6. Walter W. Thayei, lawyer and democrat, from Portland, who served from September 11, 1878, to September 13, 1882. 7. Zenus F. Moody, merchant aud republican, from Wbsco county, who served from Sepetuiber 13, 1882, to January 12, 1887. 8. Sylvester Pennoyer, lawyer and lumberman, democrat, who served two terms from January 12, 1HH7, to January 14, 1M95. 9. William Paiue Lord, lawyer aud republican, from Portland, who ser ved from January 16, 1895, to Janu ary. 1899. 10. Theodore T. Geer, fanner and republican, of Mnrion county, took office January 15, 1899, aud served until January, 1903. 11. George E. Chamberlain, lawyer and democrat, from Multnomah connty, was formerly attorney general of Oregon and district attorney of Multnomah county. He was elected on Jane 4, 1903, and took office in January, 1903. Re-elected June 4, 1906, for aeoood four-year term. Dea'tltll Don't let your child suffer with that cough when yoa can oar it with Ballard' Horehound Syrup, a sure cure for Goophs, I Bronchitis. In- fluenia, CroufCand Pulmonary Di seases. Buy a bottle and try it B. B. Laughter,; Byhalla, fit ins. , write: "I have two'childreuiwuo nadcroup. I tried many different remedies, but I must say your Horehound Syrup ;is the bet Cronp and Congh medicine I ever used." For slae by Nations! J -rug jo. ana Kotennuna, Good Things io Eat WHILE IN CAMP Many of you dread the task of getting a meal while you are in camp for only a few days because you miss the home conveniences. We are prepared to serve you with good things that are already to eat or so nearly so that a few moments time will suffice to prepare an appetizing meal. ' Our Teas and Coffees are second to none in the city. Our canned goods bear the trade marks of such firms as Campbell's, Ljbby's, Curtice Bros., Van Camp's, etc. Our Crackers and Cookies are put up in 5c, 10c, 15c. 25c, 35c packages and are just as clean, fresher and more appetizing than "mother used to make." We have Hard Tack and Sea Biscuit for the real old array supper. Smythe's Tea and Coffee Market i0 Front Mtreet CITY MEAT MARKET J. H. AHLP & SON, Propre. Phone 14.4 6th St. near G BIGGEST 8TOCK OP Best Grades of Fresh and Smoked Meats Member of the 1 wenty-Fourth Legislative Assembly of Oregon. Early election returns indicated that there wnnlrt nnt k. . Aam..i i next House of Representatives, bnt it now devslnna tht nna mamka ! a. , a waaw UUU4anJ VI VHT T I li Inf 7, "llplH,d ,D- 11,6 n",n wh0 bM ,hl distinction is Herman Ro hohild of Union County. There will be six democrat, in the Senate Mtller of Linn Coshow of Douglas. Mullt of Jackson, Caldwell of Yamhill, Hedges of Clackamss and Smith of Umatilla. In response to many request, for the postofflce addresses of the members of the ni,. b . Statepnnbar has compiled a list giving that information. The counties and posiomoe addresses are as follows : SENATORS COUNTIES. No. of '-'IB. IXABr,. fXlUNTTira DKHTinunn lK- T n nnoivaayjn. toith;jN::r.v.:u 3-Miller. M A Linn Lehsnnn nei Cottage Grove, .Dougai.... Roseburg. .Douglas, Josehplne and Lane Eugene. .Coo and Curry MarBhtleld. Ashland 4 Bingham IH 5 Ooshow, O P. 6 Booth, R A.... 7 Coke. J 8.... 8 Mulit, L L. -Layoock, J A. Crook. Grant, Klamath and Lake. John Day. 10 Johnson. A J Benton "iT,V li-yu'' ?Vci; Lipooln, TiUamook'andYamh'ili.'l.'McMinnville 13 Lnnghary, U 8. 13 Caldwell, F H. 14 Hedges, J K.... 18 Haines, E W.... 16 Hodson, O W. . . . 17 Bailey A A 18 Malarkey, DJ... Mays. FP Multnomah. rot n.11 Ymhill Newberg. ' SlBik1"m" Oregon City. . Columbia, Multnomah, Washington.. Portland. . Olaokanias and Multnomah Portland Multnomah Portland. Hicfael, Sig. Nottingham, O Beach. SC.. 19-Scholfleld. H T. 20- Whealdou, N... 21 Bowerman, J. . . aa-Cole. WO 28 Smith, CJ.... roruana. .Multuumah tv.,h...i W. Multnomah Portland. .... Multnomah , Portland. ....Clatsop.... Astoria. .... WaKoo tw Dalle. Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler.', . . .Condon. ... Morrow, Umatilla and Union Pendleton. . umaiuia , pendloton. union ana wauowa Alioel. 24 McDonald. Peter... M Mart, J JN Baker, Hsruey and Malheur Baker City. R e pr;e S E.NT'A T 1 V E S NAME. RESIDENCE. COUNTIES. Dlst No. 1- Marion Frauk Davcy Salem J H Settleinler Woodburn. George Rodger Salem. L T Keynolds Halem.R. F. D. No.fli T. J- Simmons Woodburn, R.F.D. 1, 2- Litin AM HoU Allnv. M Brown Brownsville. T EE Upmeyer Harrisbnrg. 8 Lane Allen H Eaton Euuene B A Washburn HprlnaflehL , , , I M Edwards Junction City. 4-Douglas C 8 Jackson Rosehnrg." J,8 0y Gardner. 6-Coos ... W A Chase Coqutlle. 6- Coosand Curry Edward Rackleff Lauglois. 7- Josej)hine L L Jewell Grant Pass 8- JackHon J W Perkins Medford 8 Donglas aud Jackson W I Vawter Medford 10- Henton y A Carter Albany, R.F.D.No.C ) 11 Polk IIH MoUallon Dallas " m 1 1 !ov0lku V,'1 L1"C"ln ? F Jou,' Independence. : 13-YaiuhiU J W Hones Sheridan. li ' F A Crawford Dayton. 'BS Ji-J,niaiiio..kaoJVamhill....A O Hels Tillamook City. V- lo-Washingtou UK Purdy Gaston j'ss W N Barrett Hillsboro. . WK Newell Dilley. TTfjai 16-Clackamas CO Huntley Oregon City. i,?00'8 Oregon City. 13 ! OH Dye (ru,in 17-Clackamas aud Multnomah J U Campbell Oregon Cltv nnuJB I'oniana. J O Bayer Portland N B Bnctgen Portland. J W Beveridge Portalod. DO Burns Portland. W H Chapin Portland. J B Coffey Portland. John Drlsooll Portland. Robert Farrell Portland. K F Freeman Portland. H E Nortbup Portland. a w wuson Portland. ' ' .AsmuBrlz Astoria. J J O McCne Astoria. It T , . ''"rTOk,Ka'UrantLk,,aw,W U Merriman.'.'.'.'lKlamatli Fall, 1U Clatsop. So Columbia. . 22 Morrow and Umatilla 23-Uruatllla.... ..W M Slusber. ..O W Bteen.... O A Barrett. . . , J H Dobbin... ..Walter Moor. 24 Union and Wallowa. 26 Baker 2 Union 27 Harney aod'Malbuer 28 Gilliam, Sherman, Wheeler. B FPike.. R N Donnelly.. -Waeoo J T Hendriok. . , :PI.Kiowle.... Democ ratio. Herman Rothohild. uiiDerl L,K.lng. v. v.. . 0 Pendleton. ...Milton. . . . A thAfisV ...JoMph. xi - mm m NorthPow'der. .UntarWv- ; ....Mora. . . . . Richmond. "" '.. . Cascade;Looka ZZZ . ...Dufor.