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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1906)
I . i- e. ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON, JUNE 15, 1906. - , , ri 44 W 4 a . Om " Th: Bin y i do ..aauu tr ... .J jv -a 1 1 n f ii rrvni. f seUma w. c. t. tS! J Willi a WOIUL!l-lL! C i DO YOU KNOW That Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ll the only medicine sold through druggists for woman's woaknefuw and peculiar ail ments that dixit not contain large quanti ties of aicohol? It li also the only inedlclno, specially prepared (or the cure of the delicate dlwawn peculiar to women, the maker of which ii not afraid to take bis fiatients Into hl full confidence, by print ng upon each bottle wrapper all the Ingre dient entering into the medicine. Axle your druggist If thia la not true. "Favorite Prescription," too, la the only medicine for woman, all the ingredients of which have the unqualified endorse ment of the leading medical writers of the several school of practice, recommend ing them for the cure of the diseases for which the " Prescription " is advisrd. Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for a free booklet, and read the numer ous extracts from standard medical au thorities praising the several Ingredients of which I)r. Pierce'i medicines are made, and don't forget that no other medicines put up for sale through drugglsU for do mestic use can show any such profationnl endorsement. This, of Itself, is of far more weight and importance than any amount of so-called "testimonials" so conspicuously flaunted before the public, In favor of the alcoholic compounds. The "Favorite Prescrl ption " cures all woman's peculiar weaknesses and de rangements, thus banishing the periodical headaches, backaches, bearing-down dis tress, tenderness and draglng-down sen sations In lower abdomen, accompanied by weakening and dixagreeable catarrhal, pelvic drains and kindred symptoms. Dr. Pierce and his staff of skilled spe cialist may be consulted free by address ing as above. All correspondence Is treated as sacredly confidential. By con sulting In this way the disagreeable questionings and personal "examinations " are avoided. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser contains some very interesting and valuable chapters on the diseases peculiar to women. It contains over one thousand pages. It Is sent pout paid, on receipt of Biifliclent In one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only, or 21 cents for a copy In flexible paper covers, or 31 centa for a cloth-hound copy. Address Dr. R. V. I'lesce aa above. Dr. Pierce's Pellets regulate and Invig orate stomach, liver and bowels. One a laiative, two or three cathartic J. M. CHILES The Pioneer Grocer RELIABLE GOODS AT RELIABLE PRICES A Specialty FARM-CURED BACON THE FINEST EVER BROUGHT TO GRANTS PASS Dried Fruits of All Kinds Wholesale and Retail Feed and Flour Store J. E. KEULEY, Proprietor. Kerley'i Feed Stables, South Sixth Street, Rout Brand of Flour. Hay of nil kinds. Rotted Hurley, Wheat and Oats. Clean Gray Oats for Seed. J Hod rock prions. Ed Smith made a raise of a new male. Mrs. Schmitt is improving very slowly. , We are all glad to see the son shine once more. Mr. Reynolds has been at Selma (or few days. R. C. Chorobill is painting his new store and postoffice. Miss Louis Harmon is visiting her grandparents of Selma this week. Miss Amory Lonignn visited her father and mother Saturday and Sun day. Miss Hathaway and Miss Wimer have returned to their homes at Apple gate. Mr. Fallin and bis two little daugh ters of Grants Pass went through here today. Dolly Smith had ber finger badly crushed while assisting her sister with ber washing Tuesday morning. We are glad to see little Maadie in the store again. GEE WHIZZ 1 Jwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I WILDEltVILLE 1 Well, the weather has indications of uleariDg op, and people are beginning to cut hay again. The beef wagou run by Mr. Griffin made a trip through onr part of the Valley Tuesday of this week. The bridge across Chaney creek is now completed which will be much appreciated as the ford was getting to be bad. Jane the 6tb being Annis MoCann's 13th birthday, she entertained at sap per a few of her young friends. All enjoyed the occasion and wished her many happy birthdays. Miss Addle Robinson enjoyed a few days visit with a couple of ber young lady friends from Grants Pass part of last week. Didn't learn their names. The ladies of the W. 0. T. U. met at Mrs. Jones' Thursday of last week with Mrs. Wade of Grants Pass as leader. Sunday the 10th was Children's Day. A big crowd was out more than coold be seated In the church, Had good speaking from the little ones from the ages of 5 to 13 years old. All then took dinner oat in the nice opening in front of the church. Had a table CO feet long, heavily loaded and if anyone went away hun gry it was their own fault as there was grub left. UNCLE FULLER. All matter for this column la supplied by the Grant Pass Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The Popular Barber Shop Get your tonsorial work done at IK A TOMPKINS' On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath Room In connection Feeling Impending Doom. The feeling of impending doom in the iniuds of many victims of Bright' ' acids and Southern Oregon Contract ing & Construction Co. Estimates anil bids fusnished on Ditches, Dams, Bridges, Tunnels, etc. Office, Room 3 Masonic Temple. disoaae and diabetes has been changed to thankfulness by the benefit derived from taking Foley's Kidney Core. It will care incipient Bright s di senna and diabetes and even in the worst cases gives comfort and relief. Slight disorders are onred in a few days. "I hail diabetes in its worst form, " writes Marion Leel of Dunreath, Ind. "I tried eight physicians without re lief. Only three bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man," For sale by H. A. Rotermund. Miners' bUnks at the Courier office. The W. O. T. U. worked bard and constantly for Suffrage during the months preceding the election, and while we are disappointed because the measure waa lost, we still expect to work, for under the Initiative we will have another chance in two years. We are glad that the men of oar ooanty showed themselves so strongly in favor of extending the right of franchise to women, as tbeir vote waa nearly two to one for it. We have great reason to rejoice in the fact that the Liquor Dealers' amendment was defeated and believe that the good women have a right to some oredit in that case. At any rate we did what we ooold with oar Influence and some say a woman's influence counts for muoh and we know it does. Well, we will "keep everlastingly at it" and after while our influence will have a clean ballot to back it np. According to the "Ram's Horn "a few months ago, a Portland, Oregon, saloonkeeper said to a friend : "I tell tbe saloonkeepers we can fix the laws regarding liquor drinking any way we choose. Bat tbe people will down the whole business sooner or later, as sure as the sun rises. They would do it at once if it were not for the fajt that they have locked arms with it to get revenue. " But they didn't fix the law this time. Mrs. Bainbridge, county president of San Francisco county, California, bas a tent in Golden Gate park fitted op for a reading and rest room. Many weary ones come there and good literature is much needed, also song books and toys, games, etc., for tbe little ones. The W. C. T. U. state headquarters were destroyed and with everything goue it Is uphill work to get tbe women together, hut the workers are doing their best. The officials are so well pleased with the work that they are asking for more of the same kind. Mrs. John B. Henderson became deeply interested in the temperance cause some time ago and the Ex United States senator has come to her way of thinking and not long ago they joined the Rechabites, a tem perance society which is strong in the District of Columbia. Upon his Initiation into this society his stock of wines, for years untouched, In the cellar, was poured into the gutter. This stock was valued at 11000. The Union Signal for May 31, is a patent medicine number and oontains many things regarding proprietry remedies that every one should now. How many know that Liquozone, so highly advertised aa a cure-all is simply a cheap compound of mineral water? Alcohol is a very - - - GRANTS PASS, OREGON CORSET C0VER39c so too nmmoxsEvt To tdvwrtLM our atainpad Om mmi Qornra wn will nd to any ad draea this luuidsutue COHSKT COVER, itamid In extra qual ity Prenobi mbrto. with 'J(m , cotton W embroider, ail ThcNcedlecraft Shop SXM WUkhfUa BV VerOaaA, 0. FREE TRIAL on todb rauiora U.S. CREAM SEPARATOR ! I 1 1 . - fL r w. aw iv m Ancient Rome is now merely a memory of the past. Ballard's Snow Liniment is the family liniment of the twentieth ivn tury. A I'twitive cure for Kheuu'a tiui. Barns, Cuts. Sprains, Neuraliiia etc., Mr. C. H. Ronyon, Stauberry, Mo., writes: "I have used Snow Liniment for Rheuniatisunu and all paiu. I can't sav enough in its praise." For sale by National Drug Co. aud liot;rmuud. Wt know from on Staling nuth oeef t T Aalreriien tn the t'arlflc Noithwenl sod frvm our twn ira.-tlial ei- J.crilim that iiv"' the 1. S. -j Creani , a,'iarntnr ll Hie boat an.l lira. II. al eeparatnr foe eeery cUr farm ue,t. ft la aut-h a well-made plHe of tuarhtn 17 that It will laat a lifetime, llu( eeerjr lr the ul.'at. vat!! aereU-e. It la tbe beet Valne foe the ni.iiMff and nunratitee It our al. Id tdiltlwi to ihe euaiantee t th fnt'torT. To ah.iw our runndroct In thta JM'lWf S wlU illil H' u ,,n daja' ra trial Tlitn if It don't rr' aa rapraaontrd lha brat aud uracll'al for I' lir n uar, jou may return It at our rtLHtfa. llaU1 ttU)- aland with its guarantee hrhliiJ lbouaude of I'. 8 Separator, aud there I'm lirerr hot-n a day when we hae r.-gretl.d havlna guarautoed Ihl tin- orat.. We are thoroughly aud irak'ttially familiar with the adrautagea and rilaadratitagoe of every a.-tarator ou the market and are handling th l'. S Starator beoaue we know It to W the beet thrre la SKIMS I'lHIVfST- In addlll.m. the IV . K,'lret.-r aklui lb milk cleaner than doe any other waohlne. Tula baa been deanow alratrd ever and oeer again. The world' reowd tr ,'leao ektuimtug haa been held by the I'. S Hand Separator for many yeara. No other baud eenerator haa been abie te equal the record utade See year at at the ran-Anaerl-. ran E1poaltU.11 and yet thte record waa lowered ' br th 1'. S aeoaretor In the official teat at I tke Iwtt and ( lark fair lat year It will oatwear any ether water. It ha nun aay and almnle to operate. It U wlir t te hear clean and It will keep right on year ' aflat rr doing He dally work, glrtuf perfect I aaturactv s I PAYS ro ITS!! The, IV S Se pare toe I will pay for Iteelf In wn yenr In artra rn am aared over what eovld be aklmmeit In the old reeMoned way If yoo d.-n t believe II lakn advantage of ear free, trial offer and nuko the teat right on your own farm Sklna In both way Vnd tim out th result In your own nay. in will Ind tbe eraretur wtll iay for Itef In a year. Wa eeU It a enay tar ma and wtll take creep tn pavnMnt. o ywe need nwt par oa cae rent for the eeaaratr. and at tbe ao4 at tk year tk maektaa wtll tt V aak tor. Write tedu he eauVwiM and rdl partllae ouau-ajiT, rokrLAMs, oaxdoi. large factor in many nostrums and ofto the taste for liquor is nnoon scionaly formed by these things. Aeetaoilid is a heart depressing agent, yet is largely used in headache cures. Dr. Harvey Wiley is reported as say ing that "more than 1,000,000 infants have been sacrificed to the various concoctions known as soothing syrups and pain killers." It is said that 1100.000,000 are spent annually in America for patent medicines. The W. C. T. U. has been busy trying to educate the people on this line sinoe im. Their work has beeu done principally by literature and lectures as it was hard to get the newspapers to take up the work. At the present time however many of the best papers aud magazines will not advertise dan gerous noRtruius aud anHlst us in the work and we do not by any means undervalue (heir anniHtance. MRS L. W. HOOD, Presa Supt. Your clothes railed for and delivered and all flatwort that goes through the niaugle washer, ironed at 25c per lirauta Pass Steam Laoudrv. Phone 373. NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT McLANE'S STORE Wait 0 Street Setend Block from Sixth Street At prices that make bargains. H 1 L L I A JI o 1 T www J. R. Stites made a business trip to Grants Pass last week. Rev. 8tarmer will bold services in the M. E. church Sunday, the 17th. George Tetherow and wife left for Eastern Oregon last week to spend tbeir honeymoon. Mr. Johhnson, Sr., of Upper Will iams made a boBiness trip to Murphy tbe first of tbe week. Mrs. David John, Sr., spent a few days in Grants Pass with ber daugh ter, Mrs. Ed Herriott, last week. Bert Sargent went to town last Fri day to consult Dr. Loughridge. We are glad to hear be is improving. Miss Daisy Stites, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. M. J. Stites of this plaoe, returned to her work at Portland last Friday. Deadly Serpent Bites are as common in Jndia as are stomach and liver disorders with us. For the latter however, there is a sore remedy: Electrio Bitters, the great restorative medicine of which S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C, says: " They restored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering with dyspepsia and a chronically torpid liver. " Electrio Bitters cure chill and fever, malaria, biliousness, lame back, kidney troubles and bladder disorders. Sold on guarantee druggists. Price 60c. by all . t tvi r.M i A jv i aj 'i Takilma is quiet at this writing. Ed Bayse is mining in Scotch Uulch. The Takilma school house is nearly finished. Mrs. C. Johnson visited Eerby Saturday. Jimmie Hogue visited Takilma Saturday with a livery rig. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Leon G. Courier, of Waldo, a son, June S, 1906. Mr. Thrasher, one of our mining men, went through here last week on his way to Portland. A crowd of yoong men of Waldo and Takilma went to Kerby Saturday night to be initiated into the W. O W. lodge. Wm. Borgman, who has been work ing at the Queen of Bronze mine for the past Winter is now at his home near Waldo. TOTTER ANN A Happy Mother will see that here baby is properly cared for to do this a good purgative is necessary. Many babies suffer from worms and tbeir mothers don't know it if your baby is feverish and doesn't sleep at nights, it is troubled with worms. White's Cream Vermi fuge will clean out these worms in a mild pleasant way. Ouce tried al ways used. Give it a trial. Prioe 25 cents. For sale by National Drug Co. and Rotermund. HOW IS THIS? Between 8 and 10 acres meadow No. 487. 80 acres. Z i.Zi ZJZrZZ-.V I ditch and aDoui o a-i" s-aiu; i,r. ign ba?n shedVfor stock and all-necessary outbuildings 2 Scl S wagon tWo set of harness; 21 head of stock; horses, nata. t . r.;nir imn ements. consisting of . Id pigs; 1-Ju.u,, - mnwj , " mosi ucw, """" ...c, fVcorl fnr 3fl Have nnlv J2500.00 takes the entire ouim. . Ko 494 240 acres, uooa uuec iuuui uUU3C, sujuh oarn, mcv hnitand all other out buildings. 30 acres fenced. 20 acres in CH ... j uiitH,,, rr rrrin nuinr i ,... C - 1, vation. small $5.00 per acre. Yours for bargains, Wattj, 516 JOSEPH MOSS, The Real Estate Man HELL." OVO WlilUC, Ul. "voiuvuvt.. x E Street Grants Pass. Ore,' www LGOLDEN I Prof. Savage visited onr school one day last week. Miss Laura Pardee, who is teachng the Greenback school, visited with the family of M. C. Davis, over Sunday. Misses Adella and Maze" Mulkey visited friends in Golden last week. They were on the wav to their home iu Myrtle Creek. The farmers are in despair about the weather aud hay crops, tho' the miners are happy. There are several giaut.s still iu operation. In npite of threatening clouds a large number gathered at Wolf Creek on Sunday to enjoy the Children's Day picnic A service of gospel songs waa enjoyed in the morning then after a bountiful lunch, ao excellent program was rendered. Everyone enjoyed themselves and got homo just in time to escape a hard rain storm. Wolf Cret'k will enjoy livelier times since our hustling friend, Mr. Wilson of Leland has taken charge of 6tore and hotel. DOLLY GRAY. Following the Flag. When our soldiers went to Cuba and the Philippiues, health was the most important consideration. Wil lis T. Morgan, retired Commissary Sergvant I". S. A., of Rural Route 1. Coucord, N. H., says: "I waa two yearn in Cuba and two yeara in the Philippines, and beintt "subject to colds, I took Dr. King's New Dis covery fot Consumption, which kept me in perfect health. And now, in New Hampshire, wa find it ttie best medicine in the world for coughs, colds, bronchial troubles and all lung diseases. Guaranteed at all drag gists. Price 60o and $1.00. Trial bot tle tree. rbKlHLKON STALLION A Picture of Life's Other Side. Buy a Bicycle Take a spin, get health and pleasure, see what is going on around you. sio.oo Will buy a good durable Bi cycle at PADDOCK'S Second hand wheels $2.50 up fr- X ' if - - - AVATA W ill stand at the following p aces one day in each week: Williams C. O. Bigelow's. Applegate Near Rose Hall. Ruch Murphy H. L. Reed's. Grants Pass Service: Insurance, $20.00. For further information address, C. E. HARMON, Grants Pass, Ore. W. B. SHERMAN Real Estate and Timber ROOMS 10 & 12, MASONIC TEMPLE GRANTS PASS, OREGON PHONE 731 Club Stable FRANK HECK, Proprietor Successor to Haye. & Heck Special attention given to mining men and commercial travelers. street, Grants Pass, Oregon THE LIVERY FASHION mm n Ii FEED AND SA.LE STABLES C. A. DlCKTsnv t ana tutu PBn oB1 To Cure a OH fn On a r.ul avatnra TltaLa.VM4aX ; wam w winu Vimnine Tablets. JG r aera suuro voxr tot aip wmonthn. Thk tUn in ' SJT -0avurj. aWT. Cow Crip hTwoDsyt. era every bcz.2dCs Brant H ana 1