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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1902)
ROGUE RIVER COUH1ER GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Published Every Thuiidiy. Subscription Rates i One Ytr, in rdTSocs, 11.60 Bix MontUR, .76 Tbree Montns, ... .40 Single (Juries. .1 Advertising Races Furnlxhed on application at tie office, or by mall. A. E. VOORIIIES, Pkopk. & Mnor Kntered at the pout office at Crania !', Oregon, as aecoiid-claa mall mailer. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13, 1902. It in reported tlint a upoclnl BRi'iit of tlio interior dnimrtmi'iit 1h koou to be scut to Or' nnn to invent igulo tlie alleged fraudB under tlio timber and stouo act It is mid that Secretary Hitchcock is determined to stamp out all fraudulent practice and tlio special agent will niako independent invest! gut ion for liim. Applicants nndur the snupeuded entries will be obliged to show cause why their entries dhoti Id liot bo rejected. There is a movement on foot for direct nomination of candidates by the people. It is a known fact that the ring rulo and machine ieutures of oar politics, which so often defeat the voter's wishes, And their opportunity mainly in the conventions where dele gates nominate candidates. Direct primary nominations would bring the affairs of government at least one step nearer the eoplc. Tlio tendency of tlio time is toward a more direct government by the JHiople, with less politics and politicians between the people and tlio management of the nation's affairs. The forest fire problem will always bo a problem as long as there are forosts. There are so many ways In which a forest niay bo set on fire that it is almost cortain that the fire will occur some time. And it is also cer tain that each year increases the amount of inflammable material in the forests, to add to the fury of the flames shoo 11 tlio conflagration ever occur. The fires of last summer were the worst over known in the state. For several years past there had been few forest fires and these years of accumulation of inflammable debris added immeasurably to the destruct lveuess of tlio tire whon it did occur. The heavy losses sustained during the fires of last Hejitenilier liavo at tracted attention to the fire laws and it is probable that an effort will lie niado at tlio coming session of the legislature to frame a bill which will have a tendency to reduoo flro losses to a minimum. The ltwwis by the fires of hist autumn were vory great. Chairman L. Q. Van Dyke, secretary of the Hpringwater Fire Relief com mittee of Clackamas county, in a let ter to the Oregon Timlieruiau, esti mates the losses of 101 farmers of that county at over f 100,000 and says, "I adiuiro tlio intuition you are taking in regard to letting out forest fires, and could you see the devastation to the farmers hero from the carelessness of hunters and campers with their fires you would say that a law mak ing it a misdemeanor to hunt or put out a camp fire during tlio dry season would bo aliout tlio proer thing. Give us more stringent fire laws then call out tlio army and navy to enforce tlieiu. " WATKK.KIUHT8 IN OUEUON. As the laws of our state, in relation to tlio usu of water for irrigation, have been mentioned ill tho press and ou tho platform, it may lie of general interest to present a brief statement of tlieiu. The doctrine of riparian rights is defined as follows : Every proprietor of land on the banks of a natural stream has a right to have tho water ot the st nam con tinue to flow in its natural course as it was wont to run, without diminu tion iu quantity or deterioration iu quality. If this is the law of Oregon, it is a proivrty right and cannot bo taken away by an act of the Legislature, Uor by a constitutional amendment, l'roiicrty cannot ho confiscated iu thai manner. If one Invests his money Iu digging a ditch and using the water to irri gate laud, ran a party who owns a falls and the bank of the stream fur ther dowu the river coiiih1 the irriga tor to run tho water back again into the river? Can an irrigator's right to water he shut off by some one further up the stream turning tho water from the natural channel? Tho doctrine of approbation is lierhap tlio most original contribu tion of our western civilisation to the science of jurisprudence. According to this doctrine, a right to the use of the water of natural streams, not al ready appropriated by others, may be acquired by simple appiopriat ion, ir ivscctive of the ownership of the lauds through which the stream may flow, or any other considerations. The Supreme court of Oregon has adopted this doctrine of appropriation, and used the following language: The law regards the appropriation which is Mrsl in tune to ix prior iu right, and that such appropriation constitutes a vested right, which the courts will protect and inforce. When the water of a stream has liccu appro priated for a bencticial use, it is an appropriation of all the tributaries then of almve the joint of original diversion, l'rior appropriation, under the doctrine of tlio i'ucitlc I'oaM stall's, is a paramount right. In other words, if at the time the water is diverted from the st renin for irrigation, no one is actually using it, the diversion cannot be disturls d later ou. If at tho time of diversion, others on the stream, alsivu and below, have aullleient water for their lieuctlcial use, they cannot complain at a later date. There Is uo occasion for a constitu tional amendment or a legislative act, and both of the questions asked at the la-glnuing of this loiter are answered in the uegative. Capital that comes to our state and is Invested lu iirigatiou will ho pro turUtd, and is secure. These laws should be knowu by people inviting capital to our it at it A. KINO WH.HON. On goniail. GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK We rwve bad lots of good luck with our Shoes, People . tell us they wear well. We think it is because we strive to buy the kind that wears. We do not search for shoddy stuff when buying. RED STAR STORE. W. E. Dean & Co., Propr. i Front street, opp'o Depot. J HARMON-GREEN PLACERS. The Harmon-Green placer on Unlice creek is, as usual, one of the first to begin active operations for tlio win ter and piping was commenced ou Sat urday. The ground to be worked this winter consists of bars along (lie east bank of Galice creek about a mile bo- low the forks. The gold is coarse and of high quality. The ground is of moderate depth and yields readily to the pipe. The boulders ure heavy but aro not generally of such a si.e as to be troublesome, most of them readily move by the pi".'. The inino has a good dump and one of the best water rights iu Southern Orcngu. NEW MINE ON UALDY. Loren Adams and W. Dennett are developing a ledge nil Mt. iialdy, ueur tho Jewett mine, which is making a flue showing and, If its favorable ap pearances continue, will undoubtedly levelop into one of Southern Oregon's productive mines. The vein has nu average width ot two feet and its course may be traced on the surface for 1000 feet. Much of the ore is of very high grade and shows free gold iu gratifying quantity. A shaft will bo sunk ou tho property and other de velopments made to determine its value. The ledge is located on the south sloiHi of Mt. Ill lily, quite near tho top. Its location and ponilion in regard to its mineral district are favorable for a mine of richess. Only reliable brands of Photo Goods cairled at A. E. Voorhics'. STOCK INDUSTRY OF OREGON. According to the estimate of live stock agents of the railroad lines there are about 4,500,000 sheep iu the state of Oregon. During the past year 500,000 head of sheep have been nil i pi 'd out of the state. The wool market has been spirited und wool has moved rapidly, purchasers keeping the prices up in their rivalry for the output. Since the close of the lioer war there bus la-en a lull in tho shipment of horses and only about 250 carloads have been shipped out of the state, these going irinciially to the Omaha and Kalis is City markets. Thus far over 300,000 head of catjtle have been shipped with tho heavy yard shipments yet to go. Much of the cattle go to San Francisco, the Sound, and to Dakota, Montana and Colorado. Over TOO carloads of hogs have been handled lu Oregon this, year and the full shipments will swell the number to 1000 carloads. Viewing tho live stock industry of Oregon as one of its permanent and bountiful resources, it gives more promise of future growth and improvement than any other of the multitude of industries. Changed conditions are especially benefiting this business. APPLE TREES. All the standard variety of apple trees at the Eureka nursery near Wild erville, Ore., Sat isf net ion in price and quality guaranteed. J. II. Rob inson. Proprietor. NEW GOODS 7lrrivin Daily in all Departments 4 CLOAKS Liulios', Misses' and Children's Jackets ami I.onjj Coats. WALKING SKIRTS, WINTER WAISTS, OP1-KA SHAWLS, Dress Goods. Wo have many new novelties in our Dress God8 Department. We invite you to eonie hi ami look them over. MISSOURI FLAT PICK VPS. I The weather has been a little odder the past week. George Sparlin anil Banks Newcomb j were down from Williams Sunday. j Oscar Bunch of Murphy was a visi-1 tor with us Sunday. I Ed Brown was up from Murphy Sunday and stayed till after the ball' game. Joe York of this place went out j hunting this week but killed only one rah tit. W. B. York is not quito through gathering his cattle yet. He will send some of his men out a girt u this week. The 111 game at the Flat Sunday was very exciting. The home team made some very good plays and l at the combination team. Messrs. Travis and Mitchell, who came here from Missouri lust spring and went to Eastern Oregon to work through haying, are going home Fri day. Just From Missouri. Grants Pass Hardware Gompany Successors to J. WolUo. Suits Overcoats few Shoes and Furnishing Goods COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. The regular meeting of the city conn- 11 waa held Thursday evening. Those present were Mayor Kretner and Conn- ilmrn Minna, Hough, Hsrinou, lii-h- kopf, W. C. Smith, and Henry Siliuiidi. reliiiona o( K. I.. Co and others for atrert lights eoiuidered and committee authoriied to place ten additional light lu-re uiot needed. Petition of Mary Simmons lor pei- iniasiiiii to leuiodel building for wood shed to be ronntriiitdd of coriugiiled on sidea and roof, granted. Salon bon.l ol Henry Walter apptov. .1 OrdiiKiieea taxing addltouul co l ol lateral ner tbrouh blocks '.'3 SI i el i.S slid p'nvi I'Ctf f, r ex ousl ill of uiuiii ,eer alonu .'nli t. N '" bet and (or fl inch UiivisI spiver Irom Tiili to (lib t. slung alley in b'k. 4. Hill ofj. Wolke ! siippliis liie di- pariiuent nlltmed liiitu lt)il, Win. Alfred. Hud II. '. ler spHiliitrd judges mi l .lo-t'idi l en der and K I. l'.ivis clerks pf my nuiii naling convection lo l.e held st the cuiirl house. Judges and clerks election appointed follow : Judgis for lir-t w,ul- I'.'im Kvel, Hred Clinton , lid. Minim. Second srd J. C. CsmpUdl, N It. Meade, M. 1, Slo, kletdge Thiid waul-lid. I.iaivr. I!. Thornton, John Windcra. Fourth ward J. K. .lennii g', Win Alfred, J. 11. Mill. Ultra for tir-t ward C. C. T.iylor, J. V., Peteraon. l'or second ward Win, P.illin, Jo. Kilmer, Third ward II. Zollt", I'eter Cravlin. Fourth ward We.a ltig, T. M. Ken ans. Tli following were the places chosen (or tlio meeting of the wards: 1st ward. J O ltooth'a building on F st. in blk. 41. , Sud waul, court house. jrd " city hall. tth " lire department house, corner t'h and II Ms. On ordinance reorganizing the fiie de partment was iutrodtiicd and read the lirst lime. WlI.hKHVlI.l.K ITKMS, Mrs. Kachcl McCann is lie! tor at this writing. Kev. Mr. Thomas visited a few days near Wildcrville. The weather has been unite rainy for the last tew ihiys. Kiiliurd has Ikmii hauling lumber for a new house. Mrs. Cart is able to isit at Wildcr ville, although still iuite feeble. The bright sunshine seems nice after a few days of rainy weather. Are ve going to have that parsonage built ? Poii't hear much about it any more. H. M. Unhlnson made a business trip to Grants Pass the llrst of the Week. I. W. McColluiu took his wife to Giants Pass Monday for medical treatment. There was a very fair nl tendance at Sunday school Sunday, though the weather was somewhat had. .aiuini. APPl.K OKCHAKO FOK SAI.K. "Ml young, thrifty, full-bearing trees, live-room house, etc., deep atluxial soil. f'.'oa Great bargain. Address Hell A. Ixiwell, Woodville, Ore. GRAVE CREEK NOTES. Key Mowry has leased a mine and exjiects to commence work soon. The rainy season has begun and we have had a great deal of water for this time of year. John lilalock has his mines iu oper ation ami thinks ho will make a good cleau-up this season. W. W. Perry has started his mines; we are glad to know ho is going into .the mining business. The Yoktim brothers aro ready to begin mining. They have their flume laid and expect to do a considerable amount of work this winter. Mr. Wilson is beginning to do some work and ex'ct to put on a big force of men this winter. We are glad to think that Grave creek is to Ik) the leading placer district of Southern Oregon. Mose I lop wood is going to begin sluicing us soon as tho rainy season sets in. Whistle Trigger. MERLIN NOTES. William Hustid returned from Ash land Friday evening. Prof. J. P. McConnell visited Grants Pass Saturday. W. E. Sanders from Hugo visited his old frieuds Sunday. W. E. Sanders and daughter, Mulxil, are visiting friends ta Eugene this week ' Alva Hammond is delivering fresh (Kirk and lacf at our doors every Saturday now. Miss Hilda Larson of Golden visited the family of W. It. Powers for a few days this week. Mrs. Kay Colby left on tho evening train Monday for Coyote creek, called there by tho serious illness of Mr. Colby's mother. W. It. Powers has leased the placer mine on Applegate, ow ned by Jewell & Co. of Grants Pass. Mr. Powers will commerce work at tho mine soon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fit.iiatrick from the Gold Bug mi no wero here Monday ou their way to tho Junip- otf-Joo Booth-Dysert placer mine, recently purchased by J. M. Clark. Mr. Fitzpatriek has charge of the electric light plant at the. mine. The teachers and pupils of the Merlin school are preiaring to give an entertainment on the evening of the 23d of November to raise fuuds to purchase an organ for tho school. There will be a good literary program, after which Ikixcs containing lunch will lie sold to tho highest bidder. All ladies are invited to bring a box. Merlin Night Hawk. ITEMS FROM GLEN DALE NEWS. Snpt. E. Redfleld expected to visit the county seat Saturday. MissJeane Clarko went to Grants Pass Friday niorningfor a few days visit with Mrs. H. C. Sampson. J. L.. Winchell's household goods arrived from Grunts Pass Saturday. This means that Mr. and Mrs. Winchell am going to reside ou their new farm iiIkivo town. The new road recently constructed from the Gold Hug road to the Benton mine will ho continued on to Whisky creek this winter, V. II. Hampton having just surveyed tho line of grade. U S. Heilleld and wife of Chioago, are in towiar Mr. Heilleld is one of the owners of the Cooke mine at Tun nel i. He will bo hero for some time looking over the mines iu this sec tion. Mrs. H. K. Montgme y, after a six weeks sojourn at Porihuid, arrived at her home here Wednesday evening, very much improved in health. Mrs. Montgomery's many friends were pleased to welcome her return, to say nothing of the glad face It. K. pre sented himself. Wo undcratuud that H. K. Mont gomery has been commissioned-by tin Governor a Notary Public for Gh u dnle. This is a good apiHiintmcnt. Mr. Montgomery is one of the most practical mcu we have iu attending to all manner of legal business, mid the many important business transact lorn, which have been pressed uisui him this season, have made the apiioiut lent a tiiHMssity in order to facilitate business. 1'iupliroy Boyd an Billy Wilcox left Glend.ile for Benton mine yesterday, where they have a logging contract for otl,000 feet or more, which they will saw into lumber and timlxrs for houses and mining purisises. They aro worthy gentlemen, and deserve much success. They have two of the best teams iu this part of the country and also two gmnl new wagons. Work on the road to the mine is pro grcsaiag nicely, rcgaldhss of i. weather. With every Pyrogniphy outfit sold, Mrs. Clevenger gives free instructii ns how to use. The Benicia Disc Plow Is a sure winner All it wants is a (air test. We have one two scaled Kcnim pnn wngon whirl) we offer at cost. Front Street, Opposite Depot, A. E. CARLSON, Propr. GRANTS PASS ORE. LELAND S1FTINGS. We havo no sickness to report. CLm-noe Espy has a large, modious lilack-mitli shop ou his lot. Our young people are moving around so often that wo can't keep posted. J'rs G. W. Cliupin und Mrs. "lin kers HK'iit a day iu Merlin last week, visiting relative. We luar of a rich strike on upper Grave creek but have not learned the j names of the finders. j Most, of the miners have laid, in j their supplies so uot many aro com- j ing to town. Consequently mining uews is scarce Ibis week. Our fall has been very favorable for gathering in the fruit and other crops. So now if the rain will stop we will look for good weather to the farmers can plow.. With a Jittlo more rain the miners ; will bave work, as their is quite a little water iu the ditches now. Most of t lie miners aro ready for water. We hear of some that tire not ready but that is always the case with some, never ready. Our board of trade is a little slack, wheu home seekers stop iu our town they give their tittention to their own private business instead of giving the desired information to our newcomers who are seeking homes. If they would give it a thought it would in crease their business for most all new comers have money. A largo amount of freight is being hauled to Greenback and other points up the creek. A person would think that the supplies would nil he in be fore the wet weather. Considering tho jxipulatiou tip Grave creek and the amount of goods consumed there it is no wonder that thero are such long strings of freight teams. They aro continually cu the road innd or no mud. Tom Clark will soon build a new shop as his present building is uot largo enough he needs two forges as his trade is so large one man cannot handle the work. To see the string of horses waiting to he shod is sur prising. Also the number ot wagons to be repaired. We think when both shops are running the public will not havu to be turned away as it has been hi cases before. Wo are having a big rain; the farmers havu been wanting rain so they call commence plowing. As this rain is a very heavy storm, the farmers must now wait until the rain ceases and also wait for the ground to settle as it is swimming. Farming' is like any other business they must take it as it comes; judging from the past we will have good weather .ifter this storm. Some of our laboring class have gone to Gold Hug to work. Th, mom y that is earned at (odd Bug conn s I, I.elaml iu its natural channel of tiadl .is our merchants are carriyng a large stock oi goods ami sell cheap. That draws trade from a great distance. People w ho live near Gh ndule come hero to trade. When asked w hy tie y come so far to purchase their goods they answer, "we can save money In truding at l.elaud. " Wide Awake. PROPERTY FoR.EXCHANGE. Town property to trade for cattle, also new sew ing machine to trade for cow or voung cows. Enquire at this oltice. For sale. Good, sound, 10-yiar old horse, weighing aliout lKKI pounds, f,,r sale for fl.-i. Inquire 1). K. Clasattlc, I street, next to Trimble Cimk' blacksmith shop. FIVE GOOD REASONS. Tlu.t the Kio Grande Route is the most popular one between the Pacific l .'re.-t and t ic i East, is evidenced by the fact that the greater per cent of trans-continental travelers use it. First, the hemic attractions ' ir view fioni tiains are umqtiuled in tin world. Second, the daily personally con ducted tourist car excursions being espi cially adapted for ladies traveling alone or w ith children, affords a com fortable mode of travel at rales within reach oi all. Third, it is the only route between the East and West passing directly through Salt Lake City or modern .inn. Fourth, choice of two distinct routes through the In art of tin Rocky mountains. Fifth, three fast through trains daily bitwem Ogdeu and Denver cquipptd wilh every modern con venience. There are many other reasons why this route is the most comfortable and enjoyable in "the whole country. Yon can learn a grout deal on the subject of through travel, and receive some very beautiful and interesting booklets, by calling on or writing ti the undesigned. W. C. McBRIDE, Gen'l Agent or M. J. ROCHE, Travel ing agent, I'M Third Street, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE. A BARGAIN. One good two-horse hack at Rob kopfs; one good strong road cart and new buggy harness, ifis ; one good second hand two-horse wagon with two sets of work harness, $'."; one good work horse $15. Inquire at this ollico. GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that on Fri day, Deeemls-r l'Jth,', at the hour of 10 o'clock iu the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court house, tho guauliau will oiler for sale for cash to the highest bidder the undivided interest, being one half, of Mabel I. Smith, u minor, in and to the following real property s:tuate in Josephine couutr, Oregon : Lot ."), block H."i, and Lot 7 ill Block IS ot tlie town ot Grants Pass, and the S. '- quarter of Section 2: in Town.-hie !i i S. Range li SV. Dated Grants Pass, Nov. II, uioj. Sarah E. Smith, Guardian of the Estate of Mabel I. Smith, a minor. The old rPliibl-Th Weekly Orrw!Hti ..OPERA HOUSE.. Four Nights, Commeticiiii; WEDNESDAY Eve, Nov. 19ih The Pi.ive'M.l hivomea Madison Square Theater Go. l.-First-C'nss Aiiists-i: Op',.!!,- p- "A G()l.I)i; GIANT" New and p:, S,.c ly n e i ler. oi h., ,,,,, ,,, Tltlmlsslon. H; ioc und 30c KVVVfty,f, DO YEARS' Y r.scvnLi .-r A'lT'in,' i-i.IIi,k n O il uiul ,1,. .no. In i 9W i ' "i .- 1 1 1 i ir. ,. ; ..... ., UIV.'li: ..HM, !.. I. .(.., ,, lt !.),. , . , .,, 11...:. .T, I..., ,;,.. -Y i,..,..., ,. Sf'tT I"-.- i .; i ... . f,,r l;, . I'tt" Is t .,. thr-.n.-l, .Mm,. - :, V. ,. n.,. li li f-tfii ft f ; 7 v W v 7 i' A n tr.inrnf'r !Jfil ir:' Milii! ;i .it (" n-iv , i. 1 .-u'-t ,-lr t ; Mi' X-i't -.- V Agriculture's Triumph is tho siij, riin,. M, ,lf,,r, r tr"' H.oice Winter! and gr, .uii.l ,y . most imj,r,-t! I-' . A l.g will, , ,. , ,..,. Hi" millers is a guaianiee ., puiiiv '""I high ,,. . x.-.-II..,,...-. , Me.'.f.T I Ih ur is uii.l,, ,,,,. , f, r ,hl. ": "I lii.a.U and feod-iui;.. A. A. DAVIS. iiji,.'.' T".- 11 9 u- awl- yk,h'Aof 1 I o la I ?tmwt f il I ft'yhm ,i I Outm 1 M IJ IMmy I I L .'V. WO S (O.M, ua A new line of winter Clolliing, in all the popullr clot lis, and a fine line of Overcoats just received. You ' "will surely find just what yoti are looking for ... AT - - - Welch's Clothing vStore, Opera House Block. Grants Pass, - Oregon; " I III,',. COPY or? li5.1-.:Af)s?-' is? i'ifi.v U'"-, i-i- The Utmost Care is v.h::t you havo a ioifcct right to dein:md in the filling of a rreserintion in ix rlrjS store. We will stim.l orfull by-our iire.sciitioii work, because we Lnow it's up to the standard. We use all the safety rhteks known, and guarantee that yon get what your doctor orders. G. P. Pharmacy and national Drug Store, W. F KREMER. Propr. The Lowest.. Price, consistent with the highest quality, is al ways at Slover Ding Co.'s stote. We do not handle inferior goods of any kind. Inferior drugs' are expensive as a gift. W'e buy THE I3K3T onlv. JQ Fountcin Syrinijo, Wilb Syringe, Y()U ilof Water Boftle, Mcdiclno.1 Alomlzjr, WANT Nasal Douche, Or any nick room Requisite? These goods we offer in guaranteed qualities. If there's a crack or in one year the coit is ours. We will replace the broken with a new article. Slover Drug' Company, Front Street. We will have a full liue of Holiday goods 2fKeep Out OIL CLOTHIMG .nirn-ii.-,l ,.,, r. r!.i.."" i l;r On. iri.,1 li. ,,,!. .... . , - .-,"l'"'.i,.i;i,f,(f,m,, ta J.I..I Ha,, -.ili,,, s..r: v V. 1 " K".V k'" Hi... EXPOSURE to tiie cojd and wet Is tho first step to Pneumonia. Take a dose of l'KKRY DAVIS' 1 i 'PainkiWcY nn 1 the i!.ni;er can bo averted. It has no equal as a preventive and cure for Colds, Sore Throat, (Juinsy and Rheumatism. Always keep it handy. Saddle and P.-ck Horses in R.ea...i ness on Short Notice, Ha.y. Grain and Millfeed of all Kinds. Selma Feed Stable and The Selma Grocery ' J. Smith Propr. Scaler in Groceries, Provisions, Clothing, Boots, and Shoes - MIM.RS SUPPLIES. Selma, Ore. ana . .-n. WASHINGTON. PORTLAND, ORCQ0N .IwJ. f b done; where the r b Klv; where cotife ls developed. where fa taught exjctly., books are kept b busing; where sTorSTI SiS CSSEiiE fa TftTCiT where of been educated for TncceM to Ufe' WhWe be. Or.n ,11 the year. CaUloe. A. P. inueTn.,. . . MRGFi MNF, OF guaranteed pocket knives lirtllULf lilllf Uf RAZIM RTRftPS unil PADDOCK'S BICYCLE DEN