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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1902)
HOW MARJORY SECURED HER END Original.) Marjory Kane was a schoolgirl who lived In a university town. On her way to the high school she was obliged to cross the campus, where she occa slonnlly passed students, but none of them challenged her reverence. The day that Marjory was graduated the was returning to bcr borne, dressed daintily In white mull, passing, as usu al, across the campus, when she met dignified. Intellectual looking man about thirty years old. He barely glanced at ber, but Marjory as soon as bis eyes were turned away fixed ber gaze on blm, and It wss evident that she was very much struck with bis appearance. The same evening at a school reception she saw him talking wltb one of the teachers and learned that he was the new professor of Eng' lluli literature. When September came, Marjory was entered to pursue a select course of English literature In the woman s col lege connected with the university. Her continuance of any study whatev er after ber difficulty In getting through the high school was a surprise to ber friends. Marjory gave no rea son for bcr action, having the faculty of reticence, which Is often far more valuable than learning. She lumbered - along through the first year at the tall of the class and, despite Professor Genthomc's efforts to help her by lead ing questions, approached the June ex aminations wltb the likelihood of fail ure. A week before the dreaded test wss to corno off Professor Gcnthorne met ber crossing the campus In the same spot where be bad seen ber the first time. Ho lifted bis bat politely. "Miss Kone," he snld, "do you feel prepared to pass the examinations?' "Why do you ask a question to wblcb you know the answer, professor?" "You mean you are not prepared?" Marjory replied by casting down her eyes, as though she exected to bo slaughtered and Professor Gcnthorne was to bo the butcher. At any rate, that Is the way the professor felt about It "If you will come to my lecture room at say, 4 o'clock every afternoon be tween now and examination,. I'll be bappy to give you an hour's couching each day." "Thank you," said Murjory meekly, and both passed on. The oext afternoon at 4 o'clock Mar jory was at the lecture room. Profesa or Gcnthorne gave ber a resume of the course, so clearly drawn that It could not but be stamped upon her memory that Is, If the bad bad a memory and then proceeded to put her through a preliminary examination. "Who la called the fathor of English poetry?" he asked. Marjory made no reply for some time, looking now and again at tho professor with mild reproach, then auswered feebly: "Uurna." "Oh, no. With whom did I begin Just now when I spoke under tho bead of poetry?" There was another gruppllug for Ideas, during which Mnrjory made tlx professor feel Hint Instead of trying to help her be was treating her brutally. Finally she gave a guess: "James Whltr-omh Illley." Tho professor sighed. "You had better go over this division of tho sub ject at homo tonight, and r will try you again tomorrow. Perhaps you are better prepared In prose. I-ct mo ask you a few questions on tho subject of essays. Who Is suptMiscd to have heen the author of the letters of Junius?" Marjory cast her reproachful eyes upon hltn. "I didn't think, professor, that you would wound me Intentionally." "I wound you Intentionally ? My denr girl I mean how could you so con st rue" "In asking mo such a question." "Explain." "Why, the author of tho Junius let ters was" "Well?" "Junius, of course." The professor groaned, walked to the window and stood looking out Then he turned and saw Marjory sitting where be hnd left her. Kho was look ing down at a knot In the bare floor, a pout on ber pretty lips, and as tho professor on me up she gavo him a glunce which said clearly, "When do you Intend to cease this torture?" "I fear," be said, "there Is a Inck of application." Marjory put tho corner of ber hand kerchief to one eyo. "You don't undcrstnmt mo," he went on. "You bsvs a good mind, and the reason you do not git on" "You aro very nnkliitt," moaned Mar jory. "I'm euro I have tried to please you." "Hut, my denr, It Isn't I you aro to please. You aro to learn for your own benefit" Marjory covered her eyes with her handkerchief and leaned back In ber chair. Hho knew better. "Havo I la-en harsh In my treat ment of you?" asked the professor penitently. No answer. "If so, I beg thnt you will forgive mo. I am sometimes lmpntlent" Ily this tlmo ho was stumllng over Marjory. II took one of her hands from her right eye, the other from her left Suffused, as they were, with tears, they looked to Mm like twin hikes un der a storm. He bent dowu and kissed ber. Marjory passed tho exsmlnatloo creditably, though no one knew how It was accomplished, and when In the following autumn her engagement win announced to Professor Geuthonia everybody said: "Great heaven, the stupidest girl In tils classl" V. A. M ITCH KI V mm 9 31 ktidfr&jtiiMZ HIS 1.1 KK IN PKK1U "I Just secme'il to have gi no nil to pieces, " writes Alfred Ihe. of Wei fare, Tex. , ."biliousness itnd n Inme back bad made life a liunlcn. I couldn't est or sleep and felt almost too worn out to work when I Ivpu; to use Electric Hitters, but they worked wonders. Now I sleep like a top, ckii eat anything, hitve gained in strength and enjoy hard work." They give vigorous honlth and new llfu to weak, slcklv, ruu down people Try Duly aoo at W. r Kie uer'a drug store. ' V 'I' il 'A' V "..fill 'I 1X14 ft UMi OF LIFE'S PLEASURES. There is nothing In life more en joyable and at the same time so bene ficial to both mind and body, as traveling. A modern railway journey, intel ligently taken, tends to prolong life, break the monotony of existence imc acts as a panacea for dull care by tak ing os ont of the wellwom channels of worldly and business struggles. Before starting opon a trip, whether on business or recreation, it is well to inquire and investigate the var ious routes, and choose the one offer ing" the best inducements in tho way of comfort and attractions. Tin traveler, the tourist or business niau is wise in selecting the liio Grand' Lines in a journey to and from th east, as it offers every comfort am; modern convenience, to suit all classe of travel, with an array of scenic at tractions unsurpassed in the world Castle Gate, The Canon of the Grand, Marshall Pass, Tennessee Pass and tin world renowned Royal Gorge ure btl few of thi'seattractionsseii from tlx car windows. Three fast (ruins daily between Ogden and Denver. Pullman, Palace and Ordinal? Sleeping ears on all trains to Denver, Omaha, Kunsas City, Chicago and Si. Louis without change. A perfrct Dining car service Agents throughout tho Northwest can sell tickets via this route. Foi rates, maps and full informal inn oi for copy of beautiful booklet, "With Nature in Colorado, " write to or call on W. C. Mcliridc, Gen'l Agent or M. J. Roche, traveling Pinmnigci Agent, 124 Third Street, Portland, Ore, ONE WOMAN AMONG THE THOUSANDS. W received a letter from Wnyeross, Georgia, a few days ago, from a lady who has lived there lor years. She writes us that she had been trnuhltil with female complaint for a long time, until she was reduced nlmonl to a shadow. It effected her mind, sho could not remember any thing would get so confused niitl so nervous mid irritable she could hardly sleep. She described her case as one similar to thousands of other women, nod then ended the letter by saying she gained 1H lbs. last month, anil never felt better in her life, having no trace of her former troubles, slept well and ato her meals with a relish, llns lady commenced the iwi of Dr. Guild's i flood and Nerve Tonic just six weeks before she wrote the letter from which we copy the above This tonic is in tablet form and should bo taken right after men Is. It turns the food ynn eat into strong rich blood, making solid IIchIi and feeding the nerves, curing disease by making healthy flesh. Pale, weak thin IM'oiilo should use this tonic. For sale hv w F. Krcnier ICA. akes short roads. JL iXud light loads. (fjrREASE Vood for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere. Thro' Train Southeast. Northern I'aclflc Burlington Route The St. Ixuis Special, the llirotntli e press of the Northern l'acilic and lltir liiiglnii railroads from the Northnest to the Southeast, cluiiiged time on Muy i. The trans-contiiMMitMl service is materi ally bclletlti'il, us connection for the Fast ami South are now made with morning trains out of St, Louis and Chicago. The St. Louis Special now leaves Portland, st H :'.'.' a. m.; Tacoina, ,! :40 p. iii.; Seattle, 3 fit) p. in. j SiHikune, (I ,V a. m.; Helens, 10 lo p. in.; Hil lings, 7 .00 a; m. The new card is more convenient to most cities in the Northwest. The train now carries standard sleeper, tourist sleeper, diiiingKcnr, chair car, coach, and hatii.'iige car, Portland to Kansas City without change, also tree reclining chair car, Portland lo St. I.ouis. It remains the great T1MK SV l it, ua well s the onlv tlirmmli train W'tweeu the Noithwest and the Sotillievst, CATAliKll OF T1IK M1MI-1.K FA 11 Produces deafness, can son touring and crackling noises; mates your cars disc harge, causes ringing in your ears, makes your bearing worse some days than others. As the catarrh progress es, there- is a steady disagreeable ring ing or roaring in the ears, due to the entrance of catarrhal itillamation into the eustachian tulss, which are two small tuls'S connecting the ais Willi the nasal canals, and entering the hi), ter canal at a iint well luu k ton aid the Ix'giuniiig of the throat. This roaring disapiHars only w hen the ca tarrhal inllaiuat ion in the nosv and throat bus Ihtii cured. Smith liros' S. It. Catarrh Cure taken regularly will reduce and cure all catarrhal In tlaiiiation. Hook on Catarrh free. Ad dress Smith Hrm. Fresno, Ciil. Profes..uinal and ntnateur photog rapher will he tilde to lind nearly everything necessary for their use ill stock at A. V.. Yooihics' Kmlak Head quarters. mm itjaaj w mi ' in iT Would You Think It? Would vou think it possible that yo could beilippointed in the faceof awom an whose haiely shoulders, and beauti ful hair sugg-.-at womanly perfection and beauty ? Such disappointment comes not seldom when the face turned to you shows nur.xur ing blotchesaud blemishes. In general the cause of these eruptions is im- f,7 pure blool. li fir Pierce's kj Golden MedicM IMM-UVCiy pui- hrs the blood, and removes 'j the corrupt ac- ls .vfv V 1 cumuiaiions HQjty!t.--d& which cause Vtf--"--' disease. When the blood is cleansed, pimples, tetter, salt-rheum, boils, sores, and other results of impure bhxxl, are perfectly and per manently cured. "f-'-jr three ve:ir I MilTere-i with that dreaded di-eme e.ze:j - write Mr. J. K'lepp. of Her man. Kirei.i -I 1' Id " try Ur pftct'l r.ol.ien Meilu-al lo-foverv. winch I din, and af-U-r I lift'! tr.fcrn I'mrtreij tutllea I w perma nently curt I. II h hern a year einci I ttojttiel UiLtnil Y'Mr nediiin and It haa never apiieared nee 1 tliiiin ymr me.iiclne a wonderlnl cure and hie oilier- BiifTcfiiKf I did. wiil ukc it and I- rthtv.d ol iheit mnVrinir." Some of the most remarkable cures effected by "Golden Medical Discovery," have t;cen of scrofulous diseases. 1 M will f'trever throik vuu for advitinn me to tflVe li I'iercc a rioMcii Medical li-cnverjf." wrina Mra. ;.i- Murhv ot F-mda, I'orahfintaa Co I-.wa, "It hn-iii-ed ineof chronw -r'i ula .jl twelve ye-.Tv' taiilinv 1 hd d'K-tore.1 for the trout.le inilil I v. , -lit completely dituraed. I nlso l-iel rhr'tiite- diarrhea for twelve yeara. I am in K.i.i l.' illh now-httter than I ever waa In mv life owi'-p to Ir. I'ie-ce'a Goldu Me.tical liiacuvety. I n.k everal U'Stlea of the ' Dukuv ery " Ik (ore I tiped." Accept no snt stittite for "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just ai goxl" for diseases of the stomacli, blood and lung!. Dr. I'ierce's I'leasmt Tellets cure da tiness and fick headache. NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. Timber Land Act, June 3, 1S78. Uniteil S stes Land Olliee. Koeeburg, Oregon, Sept. !), IU02. No'it: is hereby tdven tbst in coinpliant'e with the providoos 01 the set of Cungrrns ol June A, 1H7.1, entitled "An act for the esle ul timber IkiiiIh in the Siaies of California. Oregon, NevsiU sud VVashingf.on Terri lory," as extended to sll tin- I'uhlic l.aod S:..l by net of Ainiu.n 4, IWt, Frerl L. I'likih'du ot I'urtiatid, C'tjiiuty of MiiiliioiiiHh. Stule of Oregon, has this dny filed in this ollice Ins sworn siatemeiil .No :W!!4, for the porch-u ol the ul KK1.,. NK'4' iilSW'4-.NW'i4 ol 19W4, and b '-4 ol pi W '4 01 Section No Tl in Township No 37 Siuth, Kange No. 7 V, and ill oirer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or slonn than lor agricul tural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said Isml Is-tore J . O. l'ooth. County Judge, st his (illicit at tirsnts Pass, Ore gon, on Moiidav the nth day ol Decern In r r.'O.'. He names as wilnesi-eo: T. W. llHtisell, W. C. Ward, II. 11 .YluU'ett, hiiiI Alfred (msiulsoii all ol I'orilaiid, Oregon. Any and all istsoiis claiming adverse ly Ihi above doscrl'ied lands are re. 'nested to Hie their claims in this nlhce un fir before eanl H'.h tlay ol December, IUUU. J. T. r.lllDUKN, Kegister. NOTICK FOK PUHLIOATION. Tiinler Land Act, June 3. 1H7H. Un. led Stales l.aml Olliee, lt'isehing, Oregun, Sept. Ill, I !HU. Noticu is hereby given ttiat In com pliance tailti the pmvision ol Ihe att of Congress 01 June 3, IH7H, eutilled "An ael lor ill" nilo ol liiuher lands in ihe SiaU-i ol aliloriiU, tiregon, Nevada and v aslnutoii Territory," as extended to all the 1 iihlic I. snd Maieo l.v act ul August 4, IH'.I.', ltiiherl II Mullet ol I'oitund, ( ii u ii i y ol Alu tnoiuali, Stale of ilregon, has this day Hied in this olliee bis sworn statement No. 34113, tor the purcbsse of the NK NK'4, SK NK1, SW NF'4 and SF,'4 NVVJ4 ol Seciloii No. L'H 111 Township .V). 37 r-ouih, Kange Nu 7 W.and will oirr proo! losliow lhat the laud sought is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agrictlltuial purposes and to establish hit claim to said laud lielore J. I), lloolli, County J udge, at Ins olliee al titan s Pass, Oiegon, on .Monday, the Hill day ol Deceuilier, IIHIJ. lie riaiues it" wiluesses: T. V. ILitisell, . C. Ward, K. II Mil II, It, snd Allied Cuutuisou, all of I'm t laud, OrcBUii. Any and sll per-ons claiming advHtae ly the nhuve descriheil lauds are re ques'ed 10 tile llieir claims 111 this olliee on or beluru said Hill day ol December, luo-'. j. r .hhiiiuks, Kegister. NOIICK FOK PUIII.ICATION. Tiiuher Laud Act, June 3, lh78. United Suites Land Otlice, Kiisehurg, Ilregon, Sept. Ill, l'.HIl!. Not.ce is hereby given that in compli ance with the provisions of Ihe act ul cougrers nf Juiiu 3, 1N7S, entitled "An ait lor the sale ol limber lauds 111 Ilia Siatci ol Caliiorma, Ilregon, Nevada, and Washington len uory," as extended lu all the Public Laud S ates !y act ol August 4, Is'.i-, Thomas W. Ilnuscllol Portland, County ul Multnomah, Slate ol Oiegon, has this day tiled in this mine bis sworn aialemeul No. 31'Jl lor the puttdiasti ot the Sl-.l4 ol seiaiou No. 32 111 Township No. 40 South, Range No. I W, and will oiler prool to show that the laud sought Is more valuable lor its Umber or sloue than lor agricul tural purposes and lo establish his claim to said laud bctoio J. O. ilooib, County Judge, at bis olliee at f i ran IB Pass (.lie gnu, on Monday the 8tti day ot Is-cem-ber, Hsi'J. He names aa witnesses: F. 1. I'nklhorn, Alfred litinlufson, VV.C. Ward, and It. It. .Mullet, all ol 1'oilland, Oicgiin, Auy and nil persons claiming adve se ly the alsive-described Isnili are re quested to tile their claims in this ulhce on or bciore said Sib. day ol IVceiuber, IW.'. J. T. HiiuiiiKS. Kegister. NOIKK FOR PUHLIOATION. T1111I1. r Land Act, June 3, 1S7H. KoH'burg, Oregon, tcpi. HI, l!JJ, Nnine is heitby given llisi in ci 111 liliauce Willi the provisions ul the act of ! I impress ol J one .1, 1 7S, eiiiuled "An 10 1 101 the ta:v ol iimlier lands m Ihe j Slates ol Cuiiloniia, Oregon, Nevada, j and WjrIiiiiiMoii leir.tory, ' as exteiulevt I to all the I'tiliiic Land Mates by act ol August I, l,-',i.', Aihikii 1.1 n imu ul 1'nitUnd, County ul Multnomah, Staie 1 ol Ilregon has tins da) tiled in tins otlice hisswoin siaienieiil No. 34PJ, tor ihe ! puicbase ul the SN l4 ul Section No 3 in lowueliip No. 40 South, Kange Nu. ,4 West, and will oiler proof tu show 'that the laud soiuht is more valuable lor us (itulier or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and tu establish his claim Vo raid laud tielote J. O. liooih. County ' J ndge, at hi- otlice st lirauta l'a-s, ilre gon, tut Moiuia, the Slh day ol Dcvsiu 1 tier, I1..).'. He names as wilm-stes: ! Ihoieaa W. Ilaiiseil. F. I. I'nklhorn, W' C. Ward and K II. Mutl.-il, all ul I'olllaud, (Iregoll, i Any and all p- reons ela. tiling adverse tv the alH'Ve-tlt scl ll e-l lands are le qne.-icd to tile their ilaiins inlhisotlitt 011 or lichee said Sth tiav ol iK-wiub- r, : I' d.'. J. T. Haunt, 1 Kegister I Vou Know What You Are J Ttsklng When you take lirovr'a Tss(eless Chill Toui.'.', hc au-e the f rinulsis plalnlv print ed en evciy Uitlle showing that it is aim I ply Don aid Quinine in a It stelisa furiu j ii i ure ru, 1 ay. .s.a, .1 V' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land Act. Tune 3, 1878. United State Land Office, Kosebarg, Oregon, Sept. 19, 1MB. Notice i hereby giv-n tbst in enm plisnnt with the provisions ol the aer m Onngri-saof June 8. 187. entitled "An sllor Ihe sal of timber lands in the !'tr of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Waahirgton Territory," as esten I ed to all the Pnhhe Ijind Sist a h act of A"g'it 4. 1S'.'2. Wilbur C W'd ol Portland, County of Multnonith, S'ari. f Or-v n. has ibis 'ay filed in this oflii-e Ins aworn iiaieoeeiit .No S40i. fo ihe pnrcheof Ihe N W4 NE'-4' NK'4, NW1.4. SK N'A U SW nlSK'i"" lien No 'J2 in Township No 37 Son'h, Kan.-" No 7 W, sn-l will ffcf proof n how that the land sought 'e more vsoi ihle lor i's limber or stone than for sz eienhnral ptirpn--', and to es'ahlisn bi ;limtoaid land he-'ore J. O. Koo'h. ''ountv Ja life, at bi o!fi,-e at li-an's l'sa, Oregon, on Momlse. the 8lh il if (eeeiiirM-r. l!K1i He na'nes as wii- neaiH- : T. W. Hansell, R H. MntT-', Alfred li'iatniaon, r. L rickthorn, all of Port land, Or-Kiin Any and all persona claiming adverse ly tji shove-described Isnda are re queued to file llieir claims in this otik-e -n or before said Hlh dav of December, 1!K)2. J. T. liHIIMiK. KeKis'er NOTICE rOK PU15LICATIOS. Timber Land Act, June 3, IH7r4 Uniteil Stale I. ml Ollire, Ungehnrg, Oregon. Sept. 5, UrOj. Nolico is hereby given that in com pliance with the provision- of Ihe vl ol Congress of Jun 8, IH78. eniirled "An act tor the sulw ot ftmlier lands in ifie States of Californi . Oregon Nevada, and Washington Territory." ita extend to all Ihe Public Land States by set ol August 4. 18'J2, Amy A Zinnhol nf .Mos cow, County ol l.atsh. State of Idaho, has this day Hied in this olliee le-r sworn statement No. 34111, for the pnrci a-e oi the S of S 14 ul Section Nu 22 in Township No. 37 S, Range Nn. ti IV, and will oir r proof to show tbst the Isnd ought is mors vsluahlo for its timhir or stone thsn for sgrit-iillnrHl pn posea, anrl to establish her claim to said lantl before Lind Otlice, Iftr-ehurg, Oregon, nn Friday, the (iih dav of Feb rnary, 1IK)3 She panics a witns"ses: Msrv C Mela. laid II. C .Milarlsn.l, snd Marion M. t'ollins of Moscow, Idaho, and A. W. Silsbv of lirants Pass, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly Ihe a!nve.desf ribed lands are re quested lo tile their claims in this olliee nn or before said Ot li day of February. 11103. J. T. Hhidoks.' Register NOTICE FOR PUBLIC 1 1 ION. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S. Unitetl States Land Office, Rosebarg, Oregon, September D h, 1!K).' Notice is hereby given lhat in com plisnen with the provisions of the act ol Congress of June 8, 1878, rniitletl "An act for the sale of titular lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land States by set of August 4, 1HH2. Mary 0 .Me far land of Moscow. County of Latah, State ol Idaho, has this dav filed in this otlice her sworn statement Nn 3417, for the purchase of Ilia N1 of H'y of Seciion No. 21 in Township Nn. 37 South, lUnge No. 6 W, and v ill offer proof to show that the land eon: In is more valuable lor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish her claim to said land More Land Olliee, Rosehurg, Oregon, nn Fri day, the Hlh day of February, l!)-3 She names as witnesses: Amy A. Zntnhol, Marion M. Collins. II. U Mcfailand, of Moscow, Idaho, A. W. Silsbv, of tirauta Pass, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-rlescribed lands sre re quested In file their claims in this olliee on or before said (lib duv of February, 1!I4'3. j. T. Hhiimies.' Register. NOTICE FOK PUHLIOATION. Timber Land Act June 3. 18. "8 United Stuuis Land Otlice Roseburg Oiegon, Septemlier 5th, HiOj Nnlice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provi'inns nf the act ol Congress ol June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act fur Ihe sale ol timtier lands in the States of Cahloritii, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territoiy," aaexlendeil to all Ihe Piildic Land States hv ml of August 4, 1811? Marion M Collins ol Moscow, County of Latah, Stale ol Idaho, has this day filed in ibis olliee his sworn statement No 3418 lor the purchase of the S'v ot Ihe N'j ol Sec lion No Ti in Township No, 37 South. Range No. 0 W, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than fur sgriciiltiiial purposes, and in establish disclaim lo said laud belore Rosehu g Laud Olhce, Riisehntg, Oregon, on Ke: day. the (i h day nf February, 1W3. He names as witneaaes: llemy tl. Mefarlautl, Amy, A. Ziiinhot, Mary C. Mcfatland, all ol Moscow, Idaho, A. W. Silsby of (iranls Pass. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lauds are requested to tile their claims in th k olliee on or before said tilh day ol February, 11(0.1. J. T. IIkiimikh, Register. NOTICE FOK VV MUTATION. Timlier Land Act, June 3, 178. Unitetl States Land Olliee, Rosehurg, Oregon, Sept. 5. l'.K). Notice is hereby given that in cniupii ance w ilii the provisions of the act ol Onn gtess of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States ol Calilornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as ex ended lo all the Public Laud States pv act ol August 4, 18!ii, Henry C. Mclarland ol Mccow, County ol Latah. State ol Idaho has this day tiled in this ollire his sworn sta'einent Nil. 34 III, lor (In purchase ol the N ' ol the N ol Sec tion No 'J in rownship No 37 S Range No. ti W, and a ll t H't priaif to show that the land sought is innrt valuable lor ns ii 111 tier or stone than lot agricultural purposes, and to establish his rlath. to said land before J. T Bridges, Rosehurg, Oregon, on Fridav. the li b dav ot February, HK13, He names as witnesses; Marion M. Collin. Amy A. Zulu' o, snd Mary 0. M.lailaiiil ol Moscow. Iliaho. and A. W. Siishv of Grama Pass Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the alsive described lauds ae re quested to tile their claims in this otlice on or belore said ti'h tlay of February. HUM. J. T. UlllhtlKS, Kegister. SURE CI KK FOR I'll.FS. Itching Pile producer moistu'e and causes itching. 'This turtu. aa well as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles are Hired bv Dr. Ko-ssn ko's Pile Ki Stops itching suit bleeding. Ali-mb tumors. oOV ajar at Dniggist-, or sen hv mail. Treatise free. vYnie in. slajtil 011r case. Dr B i-anko, I'hd tda Pa. For sale bv W . K. Kreuier. OUT OF DEATH S JAWS. 'When death seemed verv near from a severe stomach ant liver trouble, thnt I had sntfercd with for venrs," writes P. Mine, Durham, '. C., "Dr. King's New Life Pills saved my life and gave perfect health." Pest Pills on earth and only Soc at W. F. Krcmer's drug store. Rlue Print Par by the yard or roll at the Courier otlice. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". Timber Lsnd A. t June 3, 1878. United PliV l snd Ot!tce. K-e-ehura O-egun, Auii'-t 13, 100 Notiro '6 he'et.y iven lint a idiii- ..I: ... . 1. I I d t.,.V kl'UIN I inatnv ol lune:;, 15-7S. entnl. .) "An ,o for iiaeol litiirsr isiius in i" Stales "f Cal ion is. Oregon, N' va I ', and V -ni. .ii Terii or ," s- ex end.- oali 1 be lu'oic 1-nd S a'es b. ad ot twni 4. IMii. li'a H. Kuti'lMugh ol I'orrUii'l. County ol M ill norii.ih. Mate of O ewon, has tiiis day ti'-d in this ol liee her sworn sta'eiiient N'i. :U;.0, for the piifhsa- ol ih W ol N E '4 nd S ol N W ,'4 "f See-1. n No. 13 n-Town-hip No 41 .-o'Hh, It40g-N' W, and nl offer proof to show tlisl ihe isnd wmahi is more valuable lor i s tmi ber or "tone ilrni lor agnrnlmral pur poses, and to establish her cla m roesid lsnd before J. t) f.ooih, County Ju 'g' at his cilice at (Jrants I'ase, Oregon, on Monday, tin- ltlih dav 01 -W nib r, Sh nuin as w Unes-ps : "ieo. It Funk, C K. Kield-. Son P Vealch, KiwikkI Wi'e, all of I'oi '1 ml Oreijon Anvsnd all ;ieron claiming silvers. -im ,l.u Kn.-u..lUrf.--ilk..l ldi',1'1 um re- onenril lo fll 'heir e'illlllS in 'hi- t Ihi-e nn or Is-lore m il 10 Ii day ol N-.u inner, !!t0.'. J. T. Bkiihjks lteg.-i.r NOTICE FOK ITBI.M.'AIION. T nil-r Lnd A. t, June 3. 11-78 United S'stis Lai d Olli.-e Ko-eburg, Or-g 'n, Augu-t 13 VJJ2 Nonce is hereby given lhal in compli. ance with the nrovi-ion" o( the a-1 o (iugrtseof .lune 3. 1878, ell i-led "An set mr be -a'e n' iimlier l.unle in the State- o; 0. 1 f -r-iia Oregon, N-vd', and Wa-lil'-g'oll l en dorv." i-s ' X'etid- l 10 all Ihe I ulihc l.niil S a'e- I.- . ' n: August 4, IS';', Mary linn 'ereuu, ul Portland, Cooll'v of Mllltnuliiah, Slate of t In-gtm. to.- tins d iv riled in ibis oflice her -w -rn s',tement No. 3'J 13 'or the pur' hs-e ol the N K ?4 oi c N '. 3" m T-l A eslii :l N'i. 40 Millth, Kaeu'e ii'l. V VVcsi.ard w,ll oir.-r proof 10 iih w that the land sought 1- more valuable, for il-timls-r ir s'one than for iigrictiittiral i purposes, and 10 1 f'ait'i-li her claim to sni. 1 land tieltue J. O Booih, Cuunt' Judge, 3t hi i Itice al ti-ants Pass, Ore gon, on Mo"d.iy, the ldthdsvol Novetn b--r, I'.lo'J She names as wttneese-: E lititiilerson, C. E. field". Kiwond Wiles. E. A Fearing, all ol i'uriiaiid, Oregon. Any and all personi r-la;mitig uiIvit-p-ly the at'Ov.-desiT'b' d lands sre re-q'lfst-'d lo tile their ciaiins in this olliee on or iieloru 10 h dav u Novemb r. I'.iO-i. J T. I'llllHIKS. lieglsit T NOlU E FOR PU15I.1CAIION. Timls-r Lantl Act, June 3. 1878. United States Land Olliee, Rusebtirg, Oreguu, August 14 1'JOi! Nuttce is hereby givt-u lhal in compli ance with the provieions of the act ot Congress of June 3,1878, entitled "An act lor the salon! titiilier lands in ihe Stales of Calilornia, Oregori, Nevada ami Washington Territory," as extend d to all the Public Land Slates bv act ol August 4, 1802, Flwund. Wiles, ol Port lantl, County of Multnomah, Sale of Oregon, bus Hub dav tiled in this olliee his sworn statement No :'-':)-'. (or the purcha.'e of the N,1.. N rC'4 S li'4 N W'i uiid S W i4' N F;i4 ot Section No ii, 111 township No. 41 S, Knge ?. . H weBt, and will ofler prool lo show lhal the land sought is mure valuable for' its timber or stone than fnr sg tctillural pur poses, and to establish bis claim losnd lantl belore the Register and Receiver of this office at (Hauls l'a-s, Oregon, on Monday, Ihe luih day ol Novem ber, IWi. He names as witnesses: E A Fearing, 0. K. Field-, F. W. Frber(i"0. K. Funk, all of Portland, Oregon. Amtand all persons claiiningadveiseli the above tic-cubed lands am requested to tile their claims in this otlice 011 or be lore said 10:b day ol November, l'.'OJ. I. T. Hkiikikh, K'gtsier. NOTH E FOR I't'BI.K'A TlON" Timber Laud Act, June 3, 1878 I liiied l lies Land Olliee, Roscb'irg, Oregon, August 13, I'MYi Noiice 19 In rebv given that 111 c mpli aiice with the provisions ol the Met ol Congress ol June 3, 1878, entil ed "An act lor Ihe sale of timber lauds in the Siaies of Calilornia, Oregon, Ne vada and Wa Illusion Terriinry," a extended to all the Public Land States by act nf August 4, I sua. W. F'arber ol Pun 'and 0 nut v of Multiioinab, Statu of Ore gon has this tlay tiled in this of fice his sworn statement Nn. Wiil . (. rtbe purchase ol Ihe S'P ol N Wl4 snd N' of S W'4of Seclton No. 14 ill Tuwnsbip No. 41 S, Kings No 9 west, and will oiler prool to show that the land sought is mure valuable (cr its tiinb"r or siomi than for agricultural puipo-es, snd to estalili-h bis claim to said laud belore J. O liooih, County Judge at his ollire at lirants Pa's.Ore gon, en Monday, Ihe 10: Ii day ol Novem ber, lDiC. He names as witnesses' F.I wood Wiles, V. 1'.. FidiD, Joseph Abslock, Sam P. Vcakh, all of Portland. Oiegon. Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above described lands ate 'i-qucstcd to tile their clutiin in this olliee 011 or belore said Kith day of November, 1IKIJ. J. T. BiitniiKS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land Act, June 3. IS73. United States Land Otlice, Kisebnrg, Oregon, August 13, l!iO.. Notice is hereby given lhat 111 compli ance with the provisions ol Hie net m Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act lor the sale uf tuniH-r lauds in tin SiaieB ol California, Oregon, Nevada and Waidiiug'on Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land State by act of August 4, lMi'J, Edward tiundersoii ol l'otliand, C'tii'ly ol Mtiltnomah State ot Oregon, has this day tiled in this titlice hi-sworn statement No oL'Jn, for l!e purcha-c nf the S of SeelMn No. 3 in Township No. 41 South, range II west, and will offer proof the land sought is more valuable tor Hr liinner or sione thin for agriutltina; pm poses, and to establish his claim n said land before J. O. Bisqli. Ci tinti Judge, t his otlice at Hiatus l'a-s O t gon, on Monday, the 10 h d.iy ol Novem-b(-, liKlV He names as wnties-es: S1111 i Veaich. ( en K Funk, Joseph A I-link. C. E. Fields, ail ol Portland Oiegon. Any and all (lersons claiuiitig adv- rs- ly Hie sb ivc-desirtli-d lands .ire re I lie-led lo ti'e then c'sinis in this otli.'eon o before said I0hd.iv ol Novemtier, lis); -I. T. I'KllltjKS. Register. !. FENN KIDNEY and Backache Alt dtteas of Kidaavt, Bladder. Urinary Crrjiua. Al- Rheuiualtsiu, Baca ache Hsartnueasc Cravel L'lopay, I caiiUa TtouMoi. CURE Ton t become dlirourased. There Is a CUTCforyou. i( n,v,-;.i , i it,. 1 r. Kim. t I e 11 19 n ,.t a llf.i ii,,,,, cin,,.. (.( ,ub ''" Jours. All consultation tit: "Your Rhine mill IIh..-,...k. v I rurrd tni very KiJ am, our cu-o I liters the pa,t y.' i nrliomlhe il.- ior-, h n' I uu. J. L. ILL ro.. W.ssii imi. . nriict:ltv.VV.. fl. A-k forCook B.-k Fre j ST.VlTUS'DANCE Sure Cure ClM-iilar tl resr, t'r-J,nn, y Who Was She had been wrongly directed by well-meaning friends. While she was pondering the situation, she saw a fine healthy woman coming toward her, and asked her: "Do you know where Wellville is?" "Of course I do," was the answer, I live there." The stranger gave Mrs. Roe exact directions as to the way to Wellville and passed on. But Mis. Roe stood still. " Suppose," she said to herself, " that this woman is deceiving me. Perhaps sho doesn't live in Wellville or know the way." And while she was still pondering, another woman came by and Mrs. Roe accosted her. " How can I get to Wellville?" she asked. Again tho way was pointed out and tho stranger passed on. Hut Mrs. Roe still stood iu the road, wondering whether tho directions given her wero trustworthy. One would say that Mrs. Roe must be a very singular woman. She wanted to go to Wellville, could not find the wav, and yet doubted the information given her by two of her own sex who had no motive in the world for deceiving her. Hut Mrs. lloe is not at all singular. There are many like her. They are sick and want to bo welL Not two women, but scores and thousands, say, " We know the way to he well. We are well after years of sickness, and we can tell you, as a matter of experience, that Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well." Hut still the Mrs. Roes stand hesitating, wondering whether they are being deceived by tho women who point the way to health. Often there is a natural reason for this doubt and hesi tancy. Directions given by friends havo been perhaps fol lowed without result. Perhaps the local physician, has said therjo is no way by which you can regain health. But a largo number of tho women who have been cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription have gone through the same experience. Friends advised this or that medicine but it failed to cure. Doctors said : " There is no hope of health for you," and at tho last, tho use of "Favorite Prescription" healed iliscaso and restored pcrfoct and permanent health. "You have my heart-felt thanks for the kind advice you sent me." writes Mrs. Florence Archer, of Eason, Macon Co., Tenn. " Words fail to express what I endured for about eijjlit years with female trouble. The awful pain that I had to endure each month, no tongue can express. These lx-urin-down pains, backache, headache, distress in my stomach, and sores in my breast, cramp in limbs they have all left me and health has taken place of these distressing troubles. What caused them to leave? It was the best medicine on earth Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. For the first three or four days after tak ing the medicine I Rot worse. Had you not told me that I should lie apt to feel worse I never would have taken another dose; but in one week's time I lajgan to feel better. After taking six bottles of the ' Favorite Prescription ' and using the local treatment you advised I felt like a new woman." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures womanly diseases. Hundreds of thousands of women testify to that fact. It cured in cases where every other available means ami medicine had utterly failed to give more than temporary relief. "Favorite Prescription " establishes regu larity, dries tho drains which weaken women, heals intlammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. For expectant mothers it has no equal. It prevents or cures morning sickness, tramiuilizcs the nerves, encourages tho appetite and induces refreshing sleep. It gives great muscular vigor and elasticity and so makes the baby's advent practically painless. It is tho best known tonic for nursing mothers. . "Without solicitation from you I feet It my duty to suffering women, to make known the virtues of your ' Favorito Prescription,' in curing me of a complication of diseases," writes Mrs. Mary J. Weiila, of Allcntown, Pa., 391 Oak Street. I hail heart trouble for about three year9 and was so weak and run-down that I had to force myself to attend to my household duties. The least excitement would cause my heart to flutter, and during it's normal periods it would every now and then seem to lose a beat, which affected me through my whole system, even the raising of my hands aliove my head, would make me so weak that I had to sit down awhile t r cover myself. All these ills have given way to the cura tive power of your 'Favorite Prescription.' The greatest relief was received prior to the coining of my little one; during the six previous experiences 1 wrts afflicted with ntorning 6lckness from beginning to enu of each period, but alter usiug yo . remedy for one week, I was entirely relieved of that distressing affliction. No one can appreciate what a relief that was, save those who have actually experienced it." Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All letters are held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. If you are led to the purchase of "Favorite Prescription," because of its re markable cures of other women, do not accept a substitute which has nono of these cures to its credit. TisE WAY TO WELLVILLE '"""""''"' 9 " mnd hmap wall Im porfaotly poinladoul In Or. Plmrom'm grumt work, Thm Paoplo'm Common Sanma Madioal Ad visor. Thia book oontalna ores a thouaand laroa pagea, and mora than 7o lllua t rat Ion: It la aant antlroly FREE on raoeipt of atampa lo pay expense) ot mailing ONLY. Sond at ona-oant atampa tor tha book In papar covora, or 31 atampa for tha cloth-bound voluma. Addraaai DR. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, M. X. rr 1 civ Krs, - TO AND FROM Al.i. Points East VIA Short Line lo ST. PAUL. DULUTH, MlNNE. P0LIV CHICAGO, ANI POINTS K A ST TbroiiKh Palace am! TourUi Sleep era, IHnlnii ami Unncl Sunokiuy Library Cars. I'AII.Y TRAINS; FAST T1MK. For Kates, Polder. f jf-rm.,t;( ricanlinx Tickets, lUm, c, rail on or .id-lress I. W I'll, T. ,, A II 1 ll'KStlN, c. T A 122 Tlitril Street, Purl Unit V. B.C. I'KNMSTUN, tl. W. p. a rt: - ''" Avenue S.u'tle, W'a.h BRIQHT'S DISEASE The Isrireat sU, PVHr ,1)r t cuptinn. clisiii-eii lisn U infant-ran "i--o. Au.'. IIH, I-.M1. The tri,f..r in voivej in com ami st.vk $1 1 2, oil I 0 I anil as i ,1 h . r, hllslnw, Qwn (u -necitlc lor Itrmht's liisease ami Dia-le-'es, hitherto incurstilf iliseasea. I'hey ciitiinience.l the serious tnveati iaiioii ul Hie sj'ccitic Nov. if, iioo fe, interviee,l acres o( ' I tie' Clireri an. I tne.1 11 out on its meriis hv ptuiin. ,n. r three iloi.-n cases on the treatment n l aatclniu 1 hem. Thev also not phv--11 sua in name chronic, incurat.le cases .11 I siliu.nt-leretl it u, ..hvsicsns " JUilitei. I,, to I'.",, H7 ner cent I 11. e le.i ,-ai wete either well or . r -nivaairin (avorahlv. There heintt but thirteen per cent ol si'iire. Ihe fames er. satisfied and .ed the trsn-action. The p.rtee.1in. of ihe invest, k,til:g cntumitte,. and the cl.nt.-al re,rta of the teat cases P-ir. ami -HI be mailed fre, on st'i'ltcaiion. Aild-ess Jons J. ruTo . "hit, .v .Montstomery et. san r'ran 1 Lai. Woman t Lost Sirs Richard Xloe haJ started for Wellville, and had missed the way. GO EAST -ovku TiiK- RIO GRANDE WESTERN ii . p. ' . n J Denver & Rio Grande Railroad i J tiily tranacontinen'al l:n p.ineitif directly thro!i'li SALT LAKE CITY, LEADVILLE, PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER. rJAu;p,;nNK,;'si':'-il'r,i',!,',i, Thro,,,", Sleep-n.. . l mill5 c:lr nn rrce tveciteinii Chair t'a- The most ti:ir ulUvnt. s,ewv in i T'.ke America hy d,i Iikih. - : ();iUl, Slop overs allotted on all , U-, of ! tickets 1 Por dieapest rates nnd ,,.,;;?, , I literature, a'ldre-s ' J.D M in-lii'lil, li. nera! , nt 11M riiitd St., l'rtl.n. i.Biin I . rjia aitn-iture Is ca crcry N,t of tbo nulae Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabiru tho remdr Ust cure. a cold In one da? f visit DR. JORDAN'S OTSEUB OF AKfiTCin 'lliUl7n..lllFHttlH.CU. iNMi.MlU'u , . . ' D. !1II-0ISEJ OFKCnt) sToeri iL a.Z T V71w'4 aaw. inssiUA- Ot k le-riaat A n. -. IS...KI. " OH WS01S m M , IM1 SHeM tl. t The Ueek' (1. : . "'TJuiri inn the Coi sua both lor ore year lor 2 in ad Tlllct). r 71 m wnLi,,LLi A,,i9. sr ---- ivr fti'vi-f,, a has O. R. & N. OKir.ON SHORT LINE and UNION PACIFIC. II IS TIIK cr a -a r : .1 i. AMI M0.ST Comfortable Koutc in all Ka-tern points via. rortland. All Thromh Tickets riilitii over tlii- route arc i;om via : Nn It IsiUeund 1-iitt Low Kates Everywhere. Sulc at Snutherii Pacii'u 1' l-ol A. I.. C'KAKi, Gon'1 PunM'iiKer Avciit, I'ortlanil, dre. j "THE MILWAUKIE." - ! A funiilia: name (or lite thicaiio. Mil J aankee A St. Paul Kailasv, hiioan sll lover the Union aa the Great KiisV rtinninit t!,e "pi.ine.-r Limited" tr.iinf j every day ani nio,t tietwetn St. i'ntil j and fhic.iiio, mid Or.iaha and t'lnc?i:o, 'The only perfect trains in the world, j rnderstati.l : Connections are made j with All Transcontinental Lines, af'ur- inx to passi ng r the bett service knon. Luxurious coaches, electric litthts, steam heat, of a verity equalled by no other . line. I See that your ticket reads via "The : Milaukee" when Roina to any point in , the United Slates or Canada. All tick et agents ecll ihem. ' ror ra'es, paniphleis or other inlor niaiion, a Idreps, J. W. t'AetV, C. J. EODT, Trav. l a-.. Airt. tieneral Anent., Wash. Portland, Or. j Siniihk' llanilrufT Pomade Stops iidiinfc seal? npon one spplica t'on. three to s-x removes all dandrofl aolwill (;0p falling bair. Price 50c ' all drua-de'g. Kor sale, hy Sler Dru.- Co. j EX,.. ( aa-vR-i Sli--S'.VJeeV,, 5 I Mo t un ua, ray.