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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1900)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER r Illinou Valky Metropolis Kerby, March fl, 11MX) l*ubluh«l E»«ry TI kitm I»», > Ladies’ Tailor-Made ► ► IS YOUR CLOCK ON TIME/ reining "Rotes Editor CouaiKK. Having recently locale ) ia the beauli- raoeaiKTOB. ful liltle town of Kerby, 1 thought a tow John K Harvey came over from the “Poe of the thitf* I ♦>»•• !° items from this part of the county, Old Channel mine on Tlmraday. BATE* or at'BM'RJFTION i ________ __ of t — w.c«." sliu ’“*■ tbe _ course my w experience, might be ot sowie lalerest to lhe many E G. Borden, the miner, was a visi or One Year, iu rdvar'W, - • |1.26 middle-aged man. accordit g to it« to Grant* Pass on Thursday. Hix Months, • • • .65 readers of your valuable paper, therefore New York Suu. *ia ufcut prup I write. Threw Mouth*, ... .35 A P. Woodward of Portland arrivtd like io have you axk: 'B SILK WAISTS I arrived here the '.Otb of Februarv, and Hingia Copies, • • • • .06 here last week to look over the mineral right?* This is • quebtioL that w A«lverti*mg rates on application. Copy soon found myeeli bn snug as a bug in a to a great many propfe, and 11 »» fieid ut thia section for change or*ad”mu*t »>e Landed iu before lovely room at lhe Pioneer hotel, kept SATIN WAISTS, or leas annoy ing to “*o>t of them, Tuesday noon, otherwise selling of lhe Several promising copper p ospect» have seen mrn rrseul it "ith a »«a* matter will be ♦ barged '• r < me rate « f ■>« by Geo Floyd Kaq. 1*1 Ri VII WAISTS are being developed near Waldo, and though that would be M-n. it per running 1m h, single column. Alters I was kindly received by that gentle lions and addition» to copy will I m - charged thia Ixanch of mining ia one which will usual; but, as a rule, ni< *’ mci SKIRTS or at th« rale of 10c ¡»er running inch, sin man, and hia accoexplished wife, and Warranted not develop into a large industry in thii well of their clocks, and tkrj res gle column. foond bis bouse full of people from all f AI.L UP TO dati : question more or less in tl cir o county. parts of lhe county. He ha« lately had nor they don’t in word or manner. Ei»termi at the |>ost office al Grants Pa-», The mill at the Victor Junior quartz hia bomse painted imstde and out and Oregon, aa second*« lass mail matter. ’•Doesn’t every man think his o" now mine, winch was recently somewhat watch is a good timekeeper? lie d » every thing is a« neat a« a new dollar. crippled by breakages in its mauhineiy, It may be a cheap watch that cost tei Hia table* ar* loaded with the niueal T hursday . M auch 15, 1900. has been fully repaired and the 10 dollar* or five dollar* or or.z dollar, I * thing* and it wi/uld make you smile, Mr. stamps are dropping as before. The he thinks it’» a good one. All ci ' ’ Editor, Id see the good things he sets be The trait industry in this county is fore hia guest 1. I also found your nuwNy A First Class Article made in America name of this mine ia becoming a syn watches are bet 1 er rowadny s than 1 b «• u»ed to be, but each man think» bc’s one of much importance. The varied paper in bis reading room, and those onym for high grade ore. W. E. DEAN. A CO., Propr. for the American trade....................... got the »till remarkable exceptioi character of the soil gives opportunity whom I have so far met *|*ak highly of 1 H. Morris was in from Williams on watch that really is a woudcr. Ai I for the successful production of every it and its enterprising editor. Yeater- Post Office Tuesday. Mr. Morris is the owner of a the clock owner thinks the same of th Ik variety of fruit that c an be grown in a day he received a beautiful piano. Mr. large placer property on Powell’s creek. clock. Whether it’» in »he jewelry kA A A A A A. A A A A A A A A A A tern iterate climate. The fruit business Floyd has been laid up with the rbeutna He has nut been able to do much min store, the bakery or the butcher’», tl e> has Buffered somewhat in past years by tiarn lor some time, but is now about ing this winter on account of extensive all resent the question: ‘Is your dock but as yet they have not found either A. M Helrnsto A. D Helms, placer ill-advised and misdirected procedure in and says he will be all right soon. siidee and breaks in hia ditch, some of right V property in Louse Creek mining “The question implies in some vague, the line of fruitgrowing Pro|»er care 1 Kerby ia a lively little burg, has three wall. Il is not free milling ore. Tha’ district consideration .................... 50 which are of such character that repairs indefinite way the idea of an assumy»- was, in many cases, not exercised in the f stores, two hotels, g'Xsd eburenes and is the trouble with many of our ledges can not be made until drier weather, tion of superiority on tbe part of th* AT JEWELL S OLD STAND Fklucaiion in a Normal. choice of varieties and soil, resulting, schools, one blacknmitb shop and a d<sc- and we need other machinery to work Next sqmmer lie wi'l throughly over- questioner, for docs it not suggest in in many csae. in disappointment. 1 tor. On Sunday, although it rained the them before we can make a success. The Southern Oregon Normal, at Ash haul the ditch and crib the loose ground. feriority, at*least on tbe other man s and failure, But earn succeeding year, church house was fille«i, and all listened The writer took a trip up Tunnel 9 land, give* a training ot three arid four clock? and no man likes it. My conclu for the past few years, has seen the ' to an able serin on, preached by Rev. Mr creek to look after quartz. He saw a years in branch«* of study above the sion is that nobody should ask the ques Best fruit industry put ui»on a more ho I id 1 Clark of Nashville, Tenneaseo. large force of men cutting railroad wood. eighth grade. <)ne year of practice tion idly—not at all, in fact, unless rtli. and profitable basis, and market something really de|>endb upon it. But Mrs Haden will close her school in a W. M Cox has quite a force of men teaching in the training school ia affijrd- if it should be really ,a matter of im facilities have impioved from year to tow day*. The steres a.e doing a good cutting wood on Chapin A Moss’ place. ed to students preparing to teach portance for you to know, then you year, until now the fruit busines* stands business, and everything looks blight, Mr Cox is a rustler and understands hie Many young people leave out tbe train may ask, and this time you’ll find the upon its merits as a leading and profi tbe farmers look happy, and ail look bnsHiews He has been engaged in the ing and have the advantage of the aca question will not be rasented.” table industry. demic work as a preparation for college. wool business for some lime. forward to a proi|>erous season. Mrs Chapman (Nee Vandergreen), has just MYSTERY OF NUMERAL NINE. Archie McInnis has returned to Tun Not all students, by any means, attend The Boers in South Africa are now returned from Gold Beach, where she nel 9. He ban been working as a car ing a Normal school, make toavhei« ui fighting under different conditions and, ba* been visiting her mother, Mrs. Dr. penter for a mining company on the themselves. have an immense stock and going to sell them cheap, as a result, have changed their tactics Vandergreen. Mr. Chapman starts Illinois river. Ktzl Estate Transfers. Outnumbered ten to one, they are not soon for Alaska, John Mitchell, the city from the Narrowest to the Widest. A« a rule, the health of the people is able to successfully compete in battle blacksmith has all he can do. He em Recorded silica March 5 . Have v . ii bought one of our Dress Patterns? About 200 left. Among the magicians and sooth with the English, and so are avoiding ploys two men. J. D. Auteu hss a sa g<x>d Gram Is growing finely and stock Geo. B. Currev to Stale Land sayers of ancient times both the fig are doing well. M in km . See our Bargain Tables-ioc, 12c, 15, 15. 20c, 25c articles; Board, E 1 , of NW 4 of aec. 21, often conflict and renert to merely bar oon here, and always has a smile for his ures nine and three had a certain tp .10 H<mth, range 5 west, con assing and imjieding the British ad friends, he never allows miners around amount of mystery and sacredness at choice, toe. sideration ........................................ I h thia l*t-|in Enough? vance as beet they may. The British his place and all say he is a gentleman tached to them, and volumes have M. A Root to C K. Root, loi« 11 If yon have a nagging cough, and are been written in explanation of their now occupy positions before Bloemfon of the first water. and 12, block 24, Grants Pas«, losing flesh, go to a drug store, an<i get meaning in connection with the his- consideration .... ................... tain, the capital of the Free State and Andrew J. Fry of Gold Beach, wa* here tcry of men and lhe world. Apropos seem to regard the city as good as taken to day visiting, he leaves for home on a toittle of Shiloh’s CoMsmuption Cure. O. A (' R R. Co to J. C. Elder, of this, a curious coincidence is noted Take two third» of it, an«l then if you are NE’4 of sec. 25. 25 tp 40 south, The British government now refusea Io the stage tonight in the fact that nearly all the great very attractive to the eye may makea range 8 west, « ensideration .... not benefitted, return lhe l*otlle Io lhe consider any peace proposals which will The mail comes twice a «Uy, once from druggist, and he will return your money. j M Chiles to Maggie E (’biles, mining discoveries of recent times leave the Boer republics inde|>endent. your beautiful little city, ami once fro n have been made in years ending with very ordinary picture. When we look at lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 58, Rail Iiin ’ t that fair? No one could ask 11101«. While the war was begun under the pre «town the coast. The mill ia running road addition to Grants Pass, the magic figure, nine. Thus »he fa a view we can see more with the eve 26c., 60c , and $1 00 a bottle. W. F. tense of corn pulling the government to full blast consideration mous gold find in California fell in the than the lens sill take in. The land Kremer, Druggist. grant franchise to the UitUnders, the John C. Elder to tear 1849. Ten years later, in 1859, scape should be broken in its nature. The electric lights went out last of sec. i remarkable discoveries of the same Overcome “sameness” as much as pos real object of the war, that of occupation night but it’s all O K now. The street Mining Location* range 8 west, c metal were made in British Columbia, sible. Select the bit of scenery that will is no longer concealed. According to cars will be running soon, Chas. Declc- (Recorded since March 5. ) Henry A. Meyers to L L. Jewell, causing a great rush of fortune hunt cause one to examine lhe picture closely. one authority, Presidents Kruger and er of Waldo, was on the streets today, N ‘ w of NE ’ 4 of NE ’ 4 of sec. 10, ers to these points, says Leslie’s J II. Foreman, quartz claim, ‘‘Last bteyn have taken steps toward the lie came over with Mr. Fox , the min Chance, After the view has been decided upon, ” in (¡rave Creek mining dis tp 36 south, range 7 Weekly. opening of peace negotiations through ing man, who went on to Kan Francisco. trict. sideration .............. .. In I860 the famous Comstock lode it is then necessary that the light fall the United States government, the basis Willie McMichael and Will Ruthnr find became known to the world; in just right to j)ring out w hat we want to The miners around bore are all busy of the proposals being the independence ami are doing very well. ford, placer claim in Grave (.’reek niin- Photograph mailing envelopes for cab 1879 the gold-bearing region around uhow to advantage, and to cover up those ing district. of the republics. This basis, however, inet and larger six •. For sale by A. E. Leadville and Tombstone, A. T., began things whi^h we should like to remain For Sale By There was a surprise party last Salur Keep’ Oil Cloth blight; W ui. Dark is, waler 1o attract attention, and in 1889 the in the background. As in tbe case of, will not be considered by (lie British day night in honor of Miss Nellie VOOHHGCH. 1*. SON diggings at Clover Creek and in lower photographing a building, tbe sun government. The British are now very Floyd’s 10th birthday. There was a Remove Grease and Dirt California became the objective points should never fall upon the lens. Select hoi>eful and much inclined to think the large number of young people present. T. P. Cramer made a trip to Leland front wood work- of great multitudes of excited and war practically over, but it would not M iks Nellie is a lovely girl and ia love«I Friday. He visited some of the large anxious seekers after sudden wealth. a time of day when the sun is off to the be a great surprise if there should be by «11 for her many generous and noble Wash Flannels; placer mines of that vicinity, which are And now again, at the end of another side and back of the camera. See that trouble still ahead of them greater than qualities. They sang songs and had a all running under full headway and decade, history repeats itself once the sky line is a little above the center Blankets; Wash has preceded. The Boer forces have merry time, and al 12 o’clock all sat thoroughly improving the very favorable more. The remarkable gold finds re of the picture. If however, the view to i not been seriously crippled an yet. cently made at Cape Nome, surpassing Beason. There is water for every body be photographed has an especially pretty i down to a substantial lunch prepared by Break water for Shaving They have only been forced back and and gravel is being moved in wholesale in richness and extent anything yet cloud effect it would be well to drop the her mother and other lady friends. are almost as strong as ever. When the discovered in the Yukon district, bid Shampoo Hair; quantities. The two Lewis mineh are lens a trifle to secure lhe clouds, as they Miss Floyd sang some beautiful pieces British advance on Pretoria, they will each operating with two giants. Van fair to make the year 1899 are sure to add to tbe beauty of the view. Miss Elsie (dark presided at the piano. us any in the annals of gold»mining. Whiten Porcelain Sauce doubtless have trouble in earnest. But Brunt at the Steam Beer is getting a In the choice of a piece of scenery, lhe W. A. Wade sang a comic, song which During the Last Week I have Added Several before that happens, it is to be hoped Pans; very large amount of bedrock exposed. selection should be made if possible, took the house by storm. Mr. Wade A HARD RAIN. that peace can be secured on some P. B. O ’ Neill A C>. have been running from a point where tbe immediate fore bax been here some time ami Las many Wash most anything. satisfactory terms, for a more inexcus le- ground is of a pleasing nature. It is this nince November hi without the loss ot The Mun frinii friends. There were about 40 present able war was never perforated. cuatomed a single day. A b these mines are ail part of lhe picture that will catch the After many speech« ami songs by the the good, Hulid, paying properties and very eye of lhe beholder at the first glance. We desire to call the M|>ecial attention young folks, ami then singing the dox- sure in their returns, the unuatially To bring out the perspective belter “It rains a great deal in the Puget of our readers to the articles from ology all departed to their several horneti large amount of ground which is being sound country,” said the man from and ne ju Ige better of the dis “Aunt J osib " which wa are publishing well pleased with the evenings enter moved means a correspondingly large that section, according to the Wash tance in a landscape, it is advisable so to weekly. Then« articles are written by a tainment, nothing hup|»ening to mar increase in the profits of the owners and ington Star, “and I heard of a funny arrange the point of view as to have lady who ha* tarn in a great many of the occasion. is a nucleus of prosperity whose influ incident not long ago about it. Some some object such as a tree, bowlder, All well ami wishing the Editor of the the homes in this county. They are ence will be felt in many lines of chap had come from the Missouri val stump or something of like nature in thoroughly practical and are written Co< hike success. I am very respeclfuly business and by a large number of ley to take up his residence at What the middle foreground. Be sure to have it LADIES TAILOR MADE SUITS, B C. far the purpose of bettering the con- com, on Bellingham bay, where there people. SKIRTS, UNDERSKIRTS. WRAPPERS, arc very high tiJes. When the boat off slight ly to one side of the plate. Th is dition* of the home life. The subjects To ('ure a Cold in One l>ay IL (’. Perkins spent several days at lande«J him at the end of the long pier will give something by which distance dealt with in thene article* are of great UNDERWEAR, corsfts , i:rc. MUSLIN Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. Gold i-liil last week surveying some extending over the tide fiats the water may be measured with lhe eye. If im|»ortance and fully iu touch with Hie All druggists rotund money if it fail* to cure. mineral land. Among other places, he was low* and the new man didn’t no there are to be figures or stock or a home conditions all over Jetiepbine E. W. Grove's signature on eAery box. 25c j» j* .■* visited the mine of Mitchell A Symonds tice anything but a wide stretch of bouse include«! in the landscape these county. The home life exerts a Ire and brought back with him a very sand between the boat and the town. should never occupy the center 01 the — VIA THE l.rland Hihlnga meiidous influence on 1 the national wel- It was in the evening about dark handsome specimen of copper ore. This I Take Orders for fare. Perfect home conditions would We are having plenty of rain which is and was raining, and he went to the picture. Where they come directly in mine is situated on the vast side of the hotel on the front sfreet and staved the center they become (tie “center of put ail end to very many iierplexiug juat the thing for us miners. That is hill which gave the town its name. there, going to bed without having attraction” to the detriment of the problems now before the 1 political mind. what we Wish fur, but I »oppose we are There are two veins running parallel gone out for a walk. The next morn picture.—Gx>. W G ilbow in Photo All lhe details of home life are worthy a little selfish for II is time we were about two fret «part. One of these is a ing w hen he got up he looked out and graphy for Amateurs. ol consideratioa and all have a l>earing having some dry weather so that the Shasta Route high-grade copper ore which also carries the tide was in, the water coming up on the general conditions, 11 la often of farmers could put in their gardens. close to the hotel. He gazed at the a large |»ercentage of gold, and the other more direct importance to a man to Mrs Osborn an«' daughter have been s remarkably rich in free gold. The widespread waters for an instant, and, TruniN Leave Granta have the right thing for breakfast than ill lately, the resalt of severe colds, but “This is truth the poet singi That a ourrow'i crown 01 .sorrow owners are developing the mine and are throwing up his hands in astonish land und U ay Stai Ions at 4:20 to have the right Rian for prevident. are now liettor. Jetta Osborn, the ment be exclaimed: ‘Gee whiz, but 1» rcineinbrnng happier things •• a in. and 6:45 p. sacking and shipping the ore to be it must have rained hard last nigut.’ Often too, a maa must have the right operator at West Fork, has been making Tuf t that what a woman thinks who milled, giving it a practical lest. thing for breakfast to be able to deter a visit at home. “Then he hurried downstairs to the find* herself practicallv laid aside in the B. A. Cardwell, manager fur the com office to find out if there was any dan heyday of life > A few year» of marnage Lv. Portland mine llis right man for pre»utont, aa the 8:30 a.m. 7 ;0d p.m Times are lively in Iceland and a good pany that has taken hold of the Higgins ger from the fluod, and the clerk a couple of children, and she is worn out’. Ir. GranlsPai >S9..10:48 p tn dyspeptic stoma« h I »gets the sour, 9 30 a m. many strangera are seen ou our streets smiled four or fixe times and gave him And as she lies Ar mountain cop|»er claim, has received Ashland. _______ _ prejudiced, ¡»esBiaiistic mind. This is a ¡2 :33 11 :30 a m ♦ nd suffer. some much-needed information. Some are looking for work, which they Ar. Sacramento 5.ÓÓ p,m. notification from headquarters to pro 4 :35 a in (act which is too well knowu to admit e reniem- Ar. SanFram i&co 7 :45 p m. 11 Illi >11 jilt’s. Drv Goods, Shoes a 1 ceed with development work on the of dispute. The safety ot the nation ia find readily, ethers are prospectors. A the da vs, good many outfits are starting for the One of the few things of wLich the only such a little property, and will immediately put a in the horn*. Tha mure perfect the < >gden 5:45 p in. bills notwithstanding the bad weather. while behind, force of men at work. The report of the Boers have an inadequate supply is to home, the greater the «atoty of the .00 a in. when she tiptoed bacco. While sjH'Tding millions for The placer mines have had a good expert sent to examine the prqspects nation. Aunt Josie's article* arc lull of 7 :25 a in along the top guns and ammunition, they neglected 7:55 a m was highly satisfactory, and lead the practical suggvNtions as to the improve long run and we can expect large re rail of the worm to provide themselves with an abund fence, as active company to order further developments ance of the soothing weed. Soldiers ment of home conditions. She lias turns for the season. The quartz mines from Scott’» gulch in Waldo n ining di l>rl Norte Hlscktand and blithe a» a The mine is some thirtv miles from poMtiveiy cannot gel along without it. many saggeNtlons which may be simply , which are develops*! have a more than tricl. squirrel. This office is in receipt of a letter from Qrescent City, near Monkey creek and They can easier in many instances dis and easily carried out, by whim the satisfactory appearance Tim Green H. A Corliss and Lydia II. Jtoan. But there's Rhode Islaml, asking information about is said to show abundant croppings < f pense with food. An editor in Pre home life may I m * made more pleasant . back at a depth ot 400 feet, shows a five ditch and water right from Centenniiil something wrong the blacksands of this part of lhe coast. r Hunston . ato»ut this condi c »pper B« well an a well defined ledge, toria. the capital of the Transvaal, ap and, at the same time, more healthful loot ledge with gold visible in aimoat gulch hi Galice mining district. tion. < hie word r. New Orleanc E II Orcutt, quarts claim, ‘Black Tne inquirer ha* a process for saving where a shaft han been sunk. The preciates the situation. He has made and more completely satiafaetory in every piece of the rock. cxpri * • a and Tan,” in Grave Creek mining dis the line gold and fecit confident that r. Wesbington t> 42 a ni claims in th« Low Divide District con- an appeal to ti e eitiz» ns who remain »t The (’lark mine on Mt R-»ul»en gives an trict. every way. Iler articles are writton r. Nr* New York .12 43 pin result« ran I h > obtained ii he can procure hottie to deny themselves tobacco in trolled the same company will n< t with a high ami important purpose and assay of $82 to the toil. There has been t>r > B' s I'vainst na- H O Williams, <|uarlx claim,' Ifn bla< knand ground upon which to o|»er* order that the supply of the men at the ITI I M \\ 'M» TOURIST CARS on ■ tu" '*■ “ be further exploited for a time, until front may not be restricted. a good deal of work done ou this ledge, drrfoot,” in Grave Creek mining dis deserve the fullest appreciation. ate. The inquirer asks for an estimate ilb '«»">’ Chair care sacrameli o to .. . .. such a condition. trict. «pring opens at least. The Monkey It is tne unnatural drains, the irregular- i>lei and El Pas. . (1 l0 W. G Palmer, quartz claim,‘ (»rant of the area of blacksand l«eaches and crerk placers tinder bond by the same tty, the ulceration, an.l mflammauun. 1 '"■» Orleans and Palmer," in Wolf Crrek mining district. dv|h»*it9 in tbe country ami methods of patties, will also be opened up and which sap woman's strength Cure these and health comes hack with all its iovs L. B. Palmer, quarts claim. “ Mad- working, both questions are hard to worked. A crew of men being engage«I Diseases of the delicate womanlv orl rona, ’in Wolf Creek mining district. answer. The method* of working the Connecting at San al the present time in putting water on gans are positively anl jiermanentlv W. G. Palmer, quartz claim, “Golden x.inds in the past several years, have «toainsbip cured by the use of Ih Jhera . Favonte Queen," in Wolf ( r^ek mining district. lieen as varied as the minds of the men them — lb‘l Norte Record. Prwcnption. Thousands of women are Japan, China, i‘ John Angel, placer vlaini, “Marion.’’ who have sougtit fortunes from our Strike at Gold Hill. 22 ,T‘. . ,V"lg Wltn"«’ to 'he truth Jflth A ineriva. on Rogue River, ot that statement. beaches. The mo t successful methovl Southern Oregon ha* enjoyed hereto I. J Fader, placer claim,“Linn,” on The lied Fir. r’T'"” arr inv',c,1 to eonwlt Dr J** p J-a'er. #geht we believe, is carried on by Edward fore almost absolute immunity from Rogue diver. The divl»ion of lorcitr« . r ’ • de Pierce by letter without charge. Everi 1 "» «talion or a.ldre,, at Grants Pass Yates, who sticks to the old faabioned strikes and labor trouble*, and in that letter i* held as private and its story F S. Wat*on, placer claim, ‘ Sumpter,” partment of agriculture ! «tn C 11 M arkham . «. p. a , "Tomi” of the 50‘s when hr mines. wav. a* in many oylier*. has } roved the state of Washington l ; • t u sja. gnar led as a sacred confidence. AU an- on K »gue River. E. S Watson, tilacer claim, “Col Thv area of th«» l*raches that carry it*vli superior to a great number of min tlstics regarding the grow th of ref fir. swers are mailed in private envelone, l’oifiard. Ore bearing no printing upon them Address umbia," on lLtgue River. blacksand is limited, but old beaches or ing local itto*. But the blow has falltn. Dr Pierce, Buffalo. S. Y. /''""»s Timm< th« F.xpoxurt V >-00000 I. J. Fader, placer c ai«n. “Wa'co,” deposits of blacksand of s«»me extent The girl* at the Gold Hill hotel hate Ark''wnlei '■•'?»* ■ « »«, lay*. Co M ANI LACH KI RS’ S \MI I I S. on Rogue River. Alter the diaphragm ba« been place«! ^•£”a exist just below Crescent City. It ia struck for higher wages, with I lie con-v «aid that in ni the Walton place to quen«o that the dining room ha* been in lhe 1«ns, a areiu’ «lamination sh«'j d \ Few be made of the object as it appear« on a mvk^n,« Cushing cierk, a distance of tome four cl<we< I. I did wnh wrScrlW The recent statistics of the number of miles sm h a <top<>sit exists, carrying tbe ground glass, to decide upoa lhe ! am OMupiete;» ciarvd j t«..h f«.»» iTSt . Commencing SATURDAY, M ARCH 17th. we will place on \ «»th log Like it. deaths show that the large majority die g Id to a greater or lees extent tune of elpo-ure. Tkie 1» another point This You should remember that no other sale in regular Metropolitan Style, an intnietr lot of these sam with cotisutnptiun. This «l.scase mav o'.d la ach or deposit, is 5>niilar to the where it will take ex;**riuc • to become pies. They will make beautiful rugs, They run ironi 1 to 1 *4 commence with an apparently barn.les* tundra >m’ i the lamed Cape N n.r mtdivine i* like Hhiioh's Consumption anywhere near accurate. One method Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure btl: ■■ S'T' : ,r,l I Uthority. Cure in any lespect It other remedies coagh which can t»e cured instantly by rrgi n, and s pcr'.iap« aw rich. Mining that is suggeste I for the beginner to fol ” •* Bf*wsea and 1 yards long and consist of Ingrains, Brussels, Ax minster, ■pr< n.f» Cv«n. have fallen! to relieve your cough or void low fe to look tixc«lly at the object to be Kemp's Balsam fur tbe Throat operations at several points on the than is all tbe more reason why you and Moquett Carpets. They will be offered to you at less than Slanciarti Lungs, which i* guaranteed to rauches bordering the beach have in b<>uhl try Miiloh *. Always «« Id under photographed, keeping the «yeas near any dealer can buy them at wholesale from the manutactuiers. S« pr-riwe relieve all cases. Trice 25c. - tit :r >u- lhe past returned lair compensativn for a positive guarantee. If it does not help tbe center ol it as ¡«o.'etule for 25 second*, I •l- r '.Mr Prices will run at Fur sale by all druggists. and then . wttbonl looking at any lung IbnnfcN. the v*ur expanded (Ml Nor to Record. you tbe dr ugg 1 *t moat give back your W a rinh else, put the bead uuder the focusing « "iniiK ndr.l Mining Trannier», ■Mary, 25c . 60c , aud $1 00 a bottle. W >li«ke Into \ osr Mhor« cloth, examine lhe nn <ge on the ground 90c. 35c, Hk‘, liUc. "«■v.l«»nts i ' s Foul East*, a powder. It cures F Ktetuer, Druggot Recorded »inee March ■* l glae« ami count the number of seconds r L>n $1.25, marling, nervous feet and in A. (\ Mt-ckman to U. S. (irren. >nn« ber. Wilt Wanted. it lakes to tee the detail in the very placer claim of 20 acre« in Siu krr toMlesble is» ami instantly takes the Ter pee: shadow F irst class baker an 1 chef want* a Whatever that number it. and t«i (’reek mining district, considers ■urns and bunion* It's the w to Has been tuperinien«tont of rail- may be will be the time it will take to for a limited time only. This is a spot cash offering that the like ■ lar. pr«>- tion ................ ml arlf 1 tort discovery ot the age has never l>een offered to the ¡>eopt< of Southern Oregon. road dining car aarvica in tha East and get a goal negative 1 However some ( lia* Ilford to C. Bradbury unJi "pp/íra/ím* l*o <se makes tight or new •’ * V. „.>w_ private cook to Ex-Governor Joe Filer plate* require les* ti Dine than others, vided ’4 inlervet in “Prw«|*ec tor •2'"‘“••«•uhtiwh. r» Kindly >ear in mind this is for a limited time only. First It is a certain cure for of lllInoM; is 35 years old, sot»er, steady This method t* g«H*t if the regular land- and “Grubatika” qnarft mine and water right lh*iw < rnten « ni’Tiox 1* and hot, tired and a« h- and industrious, an«l a widower. B< st evape piste* a* pul out by lhe different come first served. L?. r** ** «• gnhh* all in Galice mining d to-«lay. Sold by ail of reference* can tw given 111 regard to manufavtureu are u?ed. No two’alik«-.. • OsOoo •—««Kd strut, consideration imp store*. By mail It it ha* been decided that a iandstape faithfulness and rtficiencv as servant or A. D Helms to (t. W and M J Set , in stamp«. Trial package Free» workman. ley, idoeer properly in Lous will rvxpute cloee stndy to \ddre-* Allen > iHmsted, Is ( reek mining district considera Addrraa. Ttsoa. H. W xao find oat ju*< what will took well in h 1 Mount« for 'temp pictarw. Headquarters fur Bargains. Hua........................... .. N. Y , Kearns Hotol. Wolf Creak, Ore«o« a picture. A bit of * ruerv which look* . for sale by A. E. VauHiaa A. E. V<K)RHIES, Granite Ware > F I » » » » » » to (.hip, Scale Discolor — Come Building. « ? The Dress Ea Embroideries NEW YORK RACKET STORE II. HARTH & Is New Goods! New Goods! _ New Lines ■ ■. > Spring Steck EAST 2nd SOUTH LADIES’ IAILOR-MADE COSTUMES. MADE-TO-MEASURE SUITS, SKIRTS, CAPES AND JACKETS. E. C. Dixon Grand Special Sale of Carpets and Rugs international Dictionary Cleaning and 75c, $1.50 each, Thomas' Cash Store, L. dayman, Propr,