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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1900)
------------------------------- ---------------- Quick delivery—Th« Weekly Oragonlan. Meeting. Strang« Nuejet». The regular zemi-mouthly busince« Take our «hoe® to Haukett for good Cook Brothers of Foots creek pipe useeling of the city council waa held on wort sad rifM pneet. strange nuggets out ol their plaser mine. Thu reday evening. Councilman Rum Gardaa Med®. Gra®® Seed®, Cyprra® They recently uncovered a tusk about mage being abaenl. Dr. Flanagan. Seed, etc., at Fike’®. four feel long and about six inches A C. Dixon viiitad in Aahland Satur The committee appointed to investi Resident l*enu®t. around in the largest part. It is supposed *‘Ala»ka and Klondike” at the Fre®- day and Sunday. gate the matter of extending the sewer Shoes repaired at Hackett’s. byterian churvh, March 13. F. M. South «•« iu town on Monday to the school house reported that the in to have belonged to a mastodon or sours other ancient quadruped. Several smal • RAMBLERS Mat”; pricw $40. RAMBLERS High grade Bicycle« |4<) from the Victor, Jr. mine. creased cost of the extension as proposed ler onea have aleo been discovered. The Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. G M' Bailey of Kubli waa a viaitor wou'd be somewhere near |1000, the ad bones are found in a stratum of b’ue During the season ot fasting ironi C. 8tLoui® for watch repairing Use Dunne’® Solid Spray« for your in Grant« Fa«« on Tueaday. ditional distance being about 1290 feet. Whip«, )0c to 12.50 at Hackett’s. gravel which lies next to tbs bedrock. meat, we carry an extra large stock Quality and satisfaction Guaranteed Fruit Tree«—Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Walter Dyke began hi« whool thi« The committee recommended that the of all kinds of Agent«. County School Superintendent. plane be chauged so that the main week in the Centennial diatriet. at Fike's. ehould run straight through on Fifth To tbe Voters of Josephine County, Ore: Next Monday to Wednesday go «ee Cbarl.y Nickell, of the Jmkaonvillb the CuUMlXB Tablets of all kiuds at 1 Dr. Lowe at Hotel Jo«»ephine if you need Time« h«« gone to Naw Orlean« to attend street from C street to the river, in 1 respectfully announce myself as office. which case the increased cost would be a candidate lor the office of County School glae»»e® and value yonr eye«1 the Natioual Editorial convention. Of best quality and pet feet condi Thia will be Dr. Lowe’s about |50. Some of the council men Superintendent, subject to the decision I Any one who ia contemplating attend Geo Sartwell, one of the prominent tion, including Nansen's Celebrated Granta Pass. could not clearly see how there could t* of the Republican County Convention. ing the Normal at Ashland will du »ell citixeua of the lively iiiiniug diatriet of Smoked Sardines in oil and Broiled lk>n t forget the Stereopticon enter ' to cur re® pond with tbe Coi aiuu e* much difference in distance between O. A. Savaux. Galice, haa been «pending a few day« in tainment. the two routes, aa the only difference Mackerel (soused in spices). A first class line ot gooJa tlway« on Grants Fas« waa from FlfUi to Sixth and from Sigth If you want Dried fruit: Lost. hand at Fike’s, you will be pleated if Mrs. G. H. Palelborpe, formerly a ret- back to Fifth, which could not poeaibly ALSO, REMEMBER Cash Grocry. A post office key and a flat door key. i you buy your Groethe of him. ■dent of thia place aud now a reaident of equal 1300 feet, but the committee said i Harness of ail Kinds, Grati«« and Finder please leave at this office. R. H. Gilfillan has rooted a 15 acre' Ashland, has been visiting friend« in that the figures were prepared with the Prices at Hackett's. New Ledge ol Foresters. greatest of care and were undoubtedly The railroad company is r<~«bingling fruit farm in the town of Berthoud, ! Grants Fast thia week. Thursday night Josephine court of Colorado and ia well ■nd cumfortably J. B. l.abor, wife and daughter are iu correct. The report waa accepted and NOTHING FINER THAN the round house this week, the Forester« ot America, was organized eeltled. the city thia week. Mr. Labor ia known placed on tile for future cooeideration. 1 DU CDV PHUHKiRAPHEtt To be amveesful in fruit raising, use ■a the S. F. Bulletin man and is now ■¡I he following bills were allowed and in the I. O. O. F. bail in thia city with 1 n C D I Opp. Court House. If you have not used it ask for a sample. We sell lots of it, there Dunne’s Solid Spraya untile after State working in the interest of that paper. warrants ordered drawn; Ge>. P. Fur 28 charter members. Following is the You all know Scott Griffin put the formula and put up in convenient form, Mike Devanney, th. S. F. fireman man, recording deeds, |i ; Frank East officer® elected: F. H. Schmidt, chief fore it is always fresh. ; Henry Hiller, nub. chief rang price on Flour below 75cl® a sack. 1 Fur aale by Hair Riddle Hardware Co. who was so badly injured in a wreck man, <1 ray age, |4 ; John Patrick, work ranger Royal Gent Tea is another leader that we are proud of. New, fiesh er; Jauiea Triuible, jr. past grand There will be a meeting of the Native about a year ago. has gon. to the I on streets, |31.50. Joseph Shaeka haj opened a lunch and with a flavor that is all it s own. Sam pics cheerfully furnished o.i Daughters on Wednesday, March H, in ranger; F. F. (.¡rove, dept, grand chief eouuter and short order restaurant in Sacramento hospital, where be will | The street commraaioner reported that 1 rauger ; Geo. N. Bolt, treasurer; E. B. application. the A. O. U. W. ball. connection with his bakery al the Stone have an artificial limb fitted in place of i 98 citizens of the town had either 1 For cheap Coffee our toe Rio Siftings is the equal of any 15c pack worked or paid their street tax. It wan Brown, finacial secy. ; Win. M. Johnson ‘ RAMBLERS are Strangers to repair building on Fruut street. Mr. Sbaaka the leg which was amputated. recording secy.; David 8. Cook, ar. age Coffee. Shops.” High grade Bicycles, |40. Hair- is an adept in the culinary art and A. IV. Silsby was in town a few days •uggesttd that there was an ordinance 1 woodward; O. H. Dunlap, jr. woodward providing that persona who refused to Riddle Hardware Co. know® bow to supply the wants of hi« till« week from bi« mine oa Forest creek. A. L. Fryer ar. beadle ; Ed« Veatch jr. Ed Armstrong, who was shot by Bud patron« iu the moat ®at iefactory man He and his partner, Mr. Breedon, are work or pay thia tax were subject to im beadle; F. L. Eisman, capt. of guard; prisonment. ner. steadily developing their mine, «inking Hamlin in Medford, is steadily improv The sewer was f.iscassed, but it was J. A. Kehkopf, II. J. Baker, Win. A. in tbe March number of McCluie’® down on the veil! and are now showing ing and will probably recover. considered inadvisable to take any Hood, trustee«; Dr W. F. Kremer,court Don’t buy Dried Fruit until you see Magazine, Mr. Walter Wellman will tell up a large body of good ore. Thsir measures in regard to it until the de- physician. ledge lie« on one aide ot a 30 loot dike of another «lory ol hi® recent t xtraordinary Pike’s Display and get his prices. Quan School Klectlon. experience® iu the Arctic. He »ill aho mineralised rock. It haa every appear cision should be rendered after the trial tity and Quality always considered. The annual election of achool otlieora acce of periuauenjy and excellence, of the injunction case at the special give the conclusion® from his own ex Pike is making a drive on Canned 1 and it« indication« »tea((ily improve term. will be held on Monday next at J. O. Goods. Better see him before buying. perience regarding tbe only feasible way School Muting. Booth’« brick building on G street near under development. to reach the pole, telling what it ia and Price by the Case very cheap what it involve®. E. E Redtiald returned last Wednes Die regular annual school mesting for Fifth. The election will be by ballot, aa Dunne’s Solid Sprays are recommended RAMBLLR Bicycles have a distinctive day evening from San F rancisco where this district was held on Monday with required by law where the number of by the State Board of Horticulture—For “ style ” of their own. See the sample® be bad been making arrangement« for eight volera in attendance besides the votere in a district exceeds 500. The sale by Hair Riddle Hardware Co. officers to be elected are a clerk and two at Hair Riddle Hardware Co ® Store tbe construction of his new sawing school officers. My Cow gives lots of milk and butter, . machine. The machine is now being The meeting was called to order by directors; one for the term oí three “'he price is |40. I feed her ail the Alfalfa hay she wilt eat. years to succeed J. A, Klover, wliow In this issue appear® the advertisment* built by the Oriental Gas Engine Chairman Harry Smith of the board of I buy the best. Scott Griffin has the. term expires, and another for the term Company and will probably be here in director«, and the clerk read the minutes of Jas. A. Slover who ha® opened bis best Alfalfa I ever saw. of one year to till the nnexpired term oi new drug store on Front street. Mr. a week, accompanied by the air com of the regular mesting of Dti*U and also Hamlin’s Wizard Oil company will be Slover needs no introduction to Grant® pressor, all complete except the attach of the special meeting of January 2U, and llarry Smith, who has resigned on ac count of having changed his residence to here next week, deliver their senes of Fas® people, as be ha® been a pharma ment for tasleniiig to the log, which will delivered his annual school report. another district. entertainments at the opera bouse and be made here, Mr. Redfield ia now Al the special meeting the sentiment cist in thi® city for a numt>er of years sell Wizard Oil for all aches and pains. and is well known be thoroughly contemplating a wood «levator by which was expressed that the district should Agent Wanted. If you want extra Burbank Potatoes competeut and reliable. The new store wood may be loaded into a wagon after be bonded in the amount of *3000 to A good live agent is wanted to handle cover the floating indebtedaees, and II go to Pike’s. is sure ef receiving its full share of the .being floated down a stream. Acetylene<fan Apparatus in this section, was expected Ikal this question would be Red Top Clover seed, Utah rec leaned nublic patronage. in compliance with the rtquest of t heapest and beat light. Apply to Bul Alfalfa seed, Timothy seed, Willamette' ^Mi«s Alice C. Fletcher is said to be many ladies there will be a talk on taken up at I his meeting, but Hie board We will give away the elegantly finished after a conference had come to tlie con lard and Breck, 131 Post St. San Fran Valley Tame cheat seed, Winter the leading authority both of Europe health given at the Odd Fellows Hall on clusion that it would not be necessary to cisco, California. and Wheat at Scott Griffin’s and America on “Indian Story and Thursday. Alarch 8 at 3 p. m. under the vote the bonds at this time, as there RAMBLERS are fitted with G A J I Seng.” Every body can not afford to auspices of Hi« Hygienic Department of would be money coming in. shortly, and beet Tires. The best Wheel and the Now un exhibition in out corner window. No one is i buy her recent book on thi® subject. tbe Viavi Company. All ladieacordially the question could lie taken up at some fire, price 110.—Hair Riddle Hardware ¡Every one can hear what Rev. D. E. invited, admission frre. barred, everybody has an equal chance, ask for particulars. future time. Co. Finke ha® to ®ay alxjut the Indian® and In response to a question as to whether Grant® Pas® people are pleased to see I the Mexican® of this county for there Fred Benson, brother of Judge H. L. or not the teachers were paid in school R. O. McCroskey resume Hie mercantile Benson and a former resident of this will be a free lecture by him on this business in their town and to note the warrants, the board stated that it was place was in town on Tuesday. He is subject at the Presbyterian church excellent taele ami judgement with the custom to obtain the money by war now holding down a position with the Wednesday March 14. Very tine stere which he ha® selected his large stock of rants and to pay the teachers in cash. opticon view® will be shown. d. P. railroad company, running on the No further business appearing, the new up to date good« and the ability be ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. Large assortment at economical local freight from Roseburg. “Modern Painters” by the late John exhibits in anticipating the wants of his meeting adjourned, Au electiou by bal HARDWARE. GARLAND STOVES. Ruskins, will tell the reader® thereof We experience another copious rain lot will be held on Monday next, to prices : $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3 00, customers. this week. The flow of water is keeping much about picture®, and art. The pict elect two new directors, #3-50. ÿq oo anil $5.00. up this winter in an almost unprece ures, however, should be seen to be Arc you Married dented degree aud the placer miners are appreciated most. So with “Alaska and BORN To the old-time belief that consump HEADQUARTERS EOR ALL KINDS OF moving a corresponding amount ot Klondike”. Much can be learned by tion is incurable? If so you are wedded MEADE — At Draper, Ore. Feb. 24, 1000, reading and hearing, but more informa gravel. to a mistaken notion. Shiloh's Cough to Mr. ami Mrs T. B. .Meade, a daugh tion can be given by seeing. If you ter. Sea sickness is said to be good for the and Consumption Cure has overcome want thi® information come to tLe Pivo- health, but it is disagreeable to say the many a serious case, and it never fads MERRITT—At Woodville. March 1, byteriau church on Tuesday Match 13 ¡.MM), to Mr. and Mm. A. R Merritt, least. It is not necessary to get sea when taken in the early stages. One at 8 F. M. Rev. 1>. E. Finks will show a daughter. BUTTON ÖF sick tog) to “Alaska” for Alaska can bottle will prove more to you thana you that land of magnificent scenery. be seen at the Presbyterian church on whole opinion of argument. Try it. MARRIED No charge for admission. Tuesday evening. 8 P. M. It don’t cost Every bottle guaranteed. 25c., 50c., NEAS CLEVELAND—ln (irania Fas., anything to go. $1 1'0 a iM.ttle. Try Allen’® Fowl-Ease. oii Wedne».lay, Feb. 28. 1000, 8. C. Don’t let peddlers and self styled opti A powder to be shaken into the shoe*. A Mow i This? Nca», and Mi«« Nellie Cleveland, Re». cians fit glasses to your eyes. I>r I>owe, Your feet leel swollen, nervous anti hot, C. W. Haya officiating. at We offer One Hundred Dollars Re y the eye eight specialist, is the only opti and get tired easily. If you have smart ward for any case of Catarrh that can PARKER- HELMAN-In Awhlaml.Ore, rtiTiss O'jTcurss t . ovmrj THtr noti 11« we« mirti sou PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. cian who has had medical training. If ing feet or tight shoes, try Aden’s Foot- not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Wi-diicmlav, Feb. 28, 1000, hy Milton Berrv, J I’., Richard Faikeraml Mi«« your eyes are diseased he can recognize Ease, It cools the feet ami makes waTk- F.J.CHENEY A CO.,Props.,Toledo,(>. Je.nie B. Helman, buth of AalilamL it and wont recommend glasses but treat* inf easy. Cures swollen, sweating feet, We, the undersigned, have known F menl. See him at Hotel Josephine next ingrowing nails, blisters and callous J. Cheniy for the last 15 years, and STANLEY—LEE—In .lackaonville, on Wrdneaday, Feb. 28 l'.HM, bv Rev. A. Monday to Wednesday spots. Relieves corns and bunions of believe him perfectly honorable in all M Knanell, John Stanley ul McCIond ¿T. ZB. FADDOCK, FROPR. all pain and gives rest and comfort, The C. E. society of the Presbyterian Cal , aixl Mi»« Olive Lee, • I Aalil. n I. business transactions and financially 1 am prepared to iiiiiiisti anything in the line of Cemetery work in any kind church held their monthly business Try it today. Sold by all druggists and able to carry out any obligations made It ANDI.E HELMAN In JackHonville, of MARBLE or GRANITE meeting and semi annual election of shoe stores for 25 cents. Trial package by their firm. March, 4. l'.HJO, by Re». 8. H. Jone«, Nearly thirty year« of experience in the Marble buainef» «arrant« my saving officers on Tuesday evening at the Free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le- .lames E. Randle and Mi«« Huelo A They S|K.*ak for Themselves. W jcrt AT ki ix, Wholesale Druggists Helman, botli of Aakland. that I can fill your orders in the very best manner. residence of the Misses Telford. The Roy, N. Y Toledo, O. Can furnish work in Scotch, Swede or American Granite or any kind of former officers were all re elected show W aijhng , K innan A M ahvin , Whole Marble ing the society’s appreciation of their sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh C ure is taken intern faithful and efficient services, and a rate cary Front Street Next to Greene’»» Gur.Nliop. was very pleasant sen-i al evening ally, acting directly upon the blood and UNDERTAKERS mucous surfaces of the system. Price enjoyed by the members and their EMBALMERS 75c J»er bottle. Hold by al! Druggists friends. INSTRUCTOR OF a Testimonials free. Hall’« family Pills VOCAL AND 1’IANO MUSIC, Girl Wanted. are the best. Clothing, Gents’ Furnishings, Office on tlth Hl. oppo. Court House. A good girl wanted for house work. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Typewriter paper at the C ourier Residence North 7th St. Good wages and light work. Apply to 1. prepared to receive a limitednu mlx-r of ORDER THROUGH THE COURIER. pupils. Studio at Mm. R. K. Montgomery’«. office. Dr. W. F. Kremer. GRANTS PASS, OR. Trunks and Valises. White House Grocery. local toappcninoe Coffee and Tea are our Specials. Chase&SanbornsCelebrated Mocha and Java Coffee L.. personal I WHITE HOUSE GROCERY. Sixth Street, Opposite P. O. 7 O^T APRIL 14 TH Nickle Plated No. 20 Oliver Chilled Plow. Your bill and your gtoceries do not correspond exactly, you’ll find, if you buy here. Why? Your bill won’t be so large, but your market basket will have to be a good sized one to bold your dollar's worth. ’.Ve are making a Special Offer along the followiug lines: Maple Syrup, warranted and guar anteed strictly pure maple: Gallou cans. .......................... $■ 20 Half gallon cans..................... ”5 Quart bottles........................... 35 Pint " ........................... 20 We are selling the best Buck wheat in ten pound sacks at......................................... S» II. O, Self Rising Buckwheat per package......................... «5 Whole Wheat Flour 50 lb sack 80 •• •• •• jj • •• 45 << •• •• 10 ‘ “ 25 Gerena, ten pound sack for.. 25 Rye Flour, ten pound sack.., 40 Ju«t try some of our good Buckwheat and pure Maple Syrup. You are sure to pro nounce them good. A Japanese Tea Pot free with each dollar's worth of Tea. See samples in the window. We sell Garden Seeds at 2}ic a paper. They were grown by a reliable house. Cramer Bros Calhoun Grocery Go Disenfectants Chloride Lime, Copperas, (Carbolic Acid, Etc., Sulphur for Fumigating Purposes. CLEMENS MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS- J. B. PADDOCK. Miss IIOI.MAN & SON, , Courier and Oregonian i year for $2 I Chicago Bakery For Bread, Pies, Cookies, Etc. j»er loaf Cookies, per doz . . Ihuigk nut«, par do« Milica Fie». aach .. Apple Fie», each... ... 5c Mi Ilk 15e 10c JOS. SHA5KA. Propr. Two door« ea»t ot Tbouiaa*. N. E. McGrew Pioneer Truck and Delitery GRANTS PARS. OREGON. C oe & Co THE BIG NEW STORE ON THE CORNER R. L. Coe has just returned from the east and Loads of New Goods are arriving daily. The new Counters, Show Cases and Shelving are being placed in position as fast as possible and with our increased facilities for serving our pat- rons we shall endeavor to make this the best year we have ever had. Our buyer while in the eastern market picked up some Rare Bargains and Exclusive Styles that will be appreciated by our customers. Remember we will have a class of Dress Goods, Silks, and Shoes that you will not find in any other house in the city and will say that while the great cry has come all along the line that all classes of goods are advancing in price you will be somewhat surprised to find many ar ticles in our mammoth new stock not only at old prices but in a great many lines we are offering BETTER VALUES And advise everyone to watch our advertising columns carefully. Bargains This Season. ______________________________________ THAN We are going to make the Big Store Famous for Genuine A Big Scoop in Wall Paper 2000 Rolls of 20c Wall Paper at 10c. 12 l-2c and löc Splendid Values Others may follow but we lead in Quality, Style, Variety and Prices. R. L. COE & CO. The Big Store on the Corner.