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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1897)
Jaetnto, Cat, will ' ROGUE RIVER COURIER.’ DOINGS ON THE COAST. J. NUNAN, P ublisher . laBMued Every* Thurwduy. ülclil Piger of ImtDklie Cinti. Oreioa. T hursday , M ay 27, 1897. $2 a Y ear , ok ¿1 50 in A dvance /hat Has Happened During the Past Week. Halibut flahing haa commenced at Trinidad, with p«x>r succeaa. An endowment rank af the Knights of Phythias has lx*en organised at For tuna, ( al. The grave of Millionaire W. S. Ladd in Riveiaida cemetery at Portland, Or., whm robbed. The wbjacted of the ghoula is evidently to bold the body for rsnsome. The Sana Foil wagon road bas been finished to within twenty-three milas of Colville reservation. Twenty-eight miles have beeu built. The roa«i is living built at the rate of a mile a day. | I f all the young men are like those in Grant's Pass the women vill have to take charge of affairs in the next generation. The girls alone have the ambition to obtain an education and only girls strive to graduate and obtain diplomas. The Henry Boldman, a Contra C<ista boys have the same crance as the • farm laborer, shot his wife with a girls and the parents are not to small revolver ami then attempted blame, except perhaps, in living too ' suicide. Both will recover. Mrs. James Berry, an aged colored lenient anu permitting the boys to woman, was shot and instantly killed quit sc O >1 whin the lads them I by her jealous, wife-beating husband. selves prefer to run the streets and Jerry Jones has Liven selected chief learn to use tobacco. The country I of the Humlxildt Indian tribe and will go t<» Washington to see President Mc- will need educated young men in > | Kinley and get him to intercede for the future generations and there is government aid. J. A. Albrecht of Corvallis, Or., E hm always a field for those who have a iig tree in his yard that is live years disciplined their minds sufficiently old, ami at the butt the tree is four or to obtain a good schooling. While live inch« s in diameter. Mr. Albrecht very few of our great men have estimates that there are fully 1000 figs been college graduates, none of on th«* tree this year. Strawlierry growers of Hood river. them became slaves ot tobacco and Or., say that an immense crop is com whiskey in preference to going to ing on and that persons seeking work school. Many of them were com can find employment for the next month ¡licking berries in Hood River pelted to labor by day and study by valley. the light of the tsllow andie or the A million and a half feet of logs have liven landed in the dam above Colfax, pitch knot at night. T he only hope American wheat raisers now have is that the Powers will go to war over the question of Turkish demands. Fighting be tween Turks and Greeks is suspend ed, but the sultan "wants theearth” in the settl-ment because his troops met with no opposition to speak of in their invasion of Greece. The latter kingdom is humbled and wil ling to accept any terms, but Eng land and Russia will op[x»se each other over the question of the sul tan’s share, Both of these mighty powers are jealous of each other and Russia is gettiug pretty close to In dia, which she will probably cap ture iu the event oi a general smashup. T he robber killed while holding up a car in the suburbs of Tacoma proves to be Jack Case who robbed the train on Cow creek in July ’95. The law proved too lame to land him in the penitentiary and su some law-abiding citizen now has the un happy memory of having been com pelled to do what the law should have done lor him. On all sides it looks as though we were spproach- ing an unfortunate period when ev ery citizen must arm himself for self protection rather than depend upon the slow and unreliable meth ods of so-called justice. A husband cruelly shot his wife to death at Randsburg last week and the dispatches give great credit to the parties who spirited the mur derer away to Bakersfield before the howling mob got hold of him Why show so much anxiety to save a murderer from being justly dealt with on the spot? At Bakersfield he will be petted and p oteet- cd and in about two years, when half the witnesses are gone away he will lie found crazy and his worthless life will lie prolonged in an asylum at the expense of tax payers. T hk distress which still prevails in India is terrible and suggests the idea that if the United States would contribute what is thrown away in Fourth of July celebrations the eon dition of the million starved savag es would be shortly improved very much. It looks as though Eng land, which has tieen robbing the Indies, for a century or more, might put ber band in her pocket and save the poor creatures from slow death by starvation, but Great Britain isn't hurting herself doing any thing. F‘ ikstkh ' s case will come before the supreme court next month, when it is to be hoped our prosecuting at torney will push it and let the tax payers of the county have a breath- ing spe'l. Four per cent taxes will keep people away and drive out those already here There is such a thing as killing the goose that lays the golden egg and tax-pay era inav be provoked into repudia tiou. T hk hungry crowd of office seek ers threaten to undermine President McKinley’s health and his friends (who are in office) are trying to de vise some means to stave them off Civil service rules will help some, but there is a great push toward breaking them down and a strong desire to return to the Jacksonian policy of "To the victors belong the spoils.' ’ J oskhhink county should not lie compelled to shoulder the expense of the Melson trial. The scene of «he Perry murder is in doubt at best and although either Joseph or Curry bas jurisdiction, a strict defining of the line would put the well at Bain station. 75 yards with iu the county of Curry. Wash., and the mills will soon start cutting them. David Davison shot and killed his wife, Mrs. Davidson, proprietress of a restaurant at Randsburg, < al. The couple had liven divorced. No motive is known for committing the <leed. In searc hing the county jail at Seattle a few «lays ago the («tflcorM found sev eral rusora and knives secreted in the cells. Governor Budd has appointe«! Mars den Manson, John R. Price of Colusa and W. L. Ashe of San Francisco mem bers of the state highway commission. The Labor Exuhnng«»of Bakersfield is making an effort to raise |5<XM) with which to build a cannery this summer. William Sullivan, who pleaded guilty to having attempted a criminal assault on the fotirteen-year-old daughter of Rev. M. Judy of Han Mi guel, was sentenced to seven years in Folsom. Governor Budd appointed Georg«* II. timith of Ixis Angeli s commissioner lor the promotion of the uniformity of leg islation in the United States. Twenty- nine states have appointed similar commissioners, and the intention is to hold a national convention for consid ering chiefly uniform laws relative to divorce aud insolvency. Frank Valdex, the Mexican youth who confessed to the murder of Mike Ixirden,, the ('alabnsss storekeeper, was brought before Judge Smith at Ix>s Angeles, and pleaded not guilty. Hia trial was set for June 28th. The first of the trials arising out of the tramway disaster at Point Ellice, Victoria, B. last May, has resulted in a victory for the plaintiff, Mrs. Gor She don. whose liushaml was kilhel. was awarded ||0,000 damages. W. W. Fogg, a well-know farmer Mt New Hope, was found dead in a livery stable at lx»di, Cal. D«*ath was caused by an overdose of laudanum. What the Latest Dispatches Say About Affairs. A wholesale attempt to injurs the reputati«m of Californ.a tuamly by Tie ¡«oaers «object tn the terms of Mon«llng abroad a large amount of Nu- I |u a.« demanded by Turkey, oiainnng bra -k.i corn »¡»irits of low grade as pure them to I uxit asive. They object to grain» brandy has been detected by to the «c--..-.on of Thessaly to the Turks, Collector of Port Wise. The managers and wili no see Greece crushed. ©f the San FrancU« Bon<ie«l Manufac Pi uce Luigi of Savony, Duke o< Ab- turing Warehouse are the persons ruxzi and nephew of King Humbert, accused. left Liverpool with his suite, on his One of the big guns to tie mount©«! way to Alaska, where the prince will at the entrance to ban Francisco liar- make an attempt to ascend Mount St. ln»r was wrecked at Selby station, near Elisa. Vallejo junction. The railroad people The police of Moscow male sixty ►ay th«» gun was not injured by the arrest, nm»t of the suspects being men accident. with university educations, although T. Flatherty, a tramp, is in jail at Han working as mill hands, on a charge ot Luis Obispo, charged with criminal planning a big mill strike. They will aSMault upon thu little daughter of Rev. la* m « nt tn 8ibena without trial. Judy of ban Miguel. Fiaherty barely Baroness von Turkheim, alias Young, escaped lynching. alia- Mrs. D. M. Deltnas, has left IJv- Arrangem« nls havu been made at er,xiol for Han Francisco. When she San I m Crux for m week's encampment r«’aches her destination sensations are of the Filth regiment, N. G. C., begin | exf*€*< ted. ning July 17th. President M< Kinley has sent a mes John Hilton, who was injured by an sage to «oiigress recemmending the explosion reused l»y m <lefe< tive dyna appropriation ofS50,U00 to lx immedi mite «ap near G m rlock, Cal., is «lead. ate v axailable for distribution among William <¡¡11 of Fresno is recovering, (b-stitute Americans on the island of but will lose his ey«*s. Cuba. New ¡»lacer diggings have beeu dis Th«* supreme court of Helena, Mont, covered eight miles from Dale city, has sustained the anti-scalper law. Cal. A nugget worth 111 has been Th«* tobacco manufacturers of Ohio fouml and two other parties took out and Kentucky have appointed a com* two and# half ounceM of gold in two niitte«’ of three to ¡.resent a protest to days. 1 wo others who have been the United States amate againbt the* working I irty day«, have taken out in«*r»*aae of duty on manufactured 11200 to $1500. tobacco. Benton hillon of Portland, Or., has !>een appointed a special commissioner by Hecretary Wilson of tlie Agricultural department to vhit Alaska and report t<> congress the advisability of establish ing an experimental station in that territory. Alex. McKenxie, 15 years ot age, while lassoing wild horses near Carson city, Nev., bucaine entangled in the lariat an«l was «Iragge«! considerable distance, receiving injuries that may ¡»rove fatal. Carl Anderson, formerly of Oregon, was killed at Aspen, Col., by a eave-in in a mine. A fii« Lug has lately been at work, without seri«»us results, at Han Luis Obispo. Frank Piutlier, charged w ith stealing cattle from tlie Fair ranch near Wood- land, has been found guilty. The Grund Ixxlge, Knights of Phy- thins held its session at Hanford, Cal., last week. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted mm follows: A. J. Buckles, supreme representative; W. II. Grant, grand chancellor, C. K Patton, grand vice-chancellor; 11. Schaffner, giand keeper of records and seal; G. S. Little, grand master of exchequer; I». B. Short, grand uiaster- at-arins; T. H. Blackman, grand inside guard; J. O. Johnson, grand outside guard The next session of the grand lodge will I m * held at Santa Rosa. Benito Lopex, almost eighty years old, was hang«*«! at F«ilsom, ( al., for murdering George Washburn at San Andrews in April, 1896, I A young man w.«««iwd Lv«»n id<»lpi* *■* in the Salem jail for forging bis « other ■ nam«* *u a cb«?ck tor 4154*). Frank Kelsey’s 12-year-»l I »e1* from * h »rsr near F'jruat Grow *‘*«1 <1 e boy's forearm was broken William Havers ag«?d 60 kHInd by g runaway team in KU iu . h U c«»anty. He war a well to-do rancher him. T. I- < ■> The xenat«* passed a «¡uartet of Cal ifornia measures ia«t week, chief of which w a« Perkins’ Oakland public building bill, appropriating $35o,0<X) for the pur« base of a site and the erec tion of a building. White’s measure, giving the State of California 5 per cent of the sale ¡»rice of public lands for school purposes, was also passed, as were the meabures for the American register for the barkentinc Sharpshoot er ami for the reappointment of John <’ly«le Sullivan ns pay master with the rank of lieutenant-commander. The senate committee on the inter national ex|M»siti<m decided to report fav«»rably a resolution providing for the appropriation of $&*»0,0UU for the proper representation of this government at the Paris exposition in DAK). The president has made the follow ing appointments: Joseph Gaines to I m * attorney fur the United Hiatus for the district <»f West Virginia; Charles P. Aker-» to I»«» secretary of Arixona; Ar thur I*. < • ieelev of Naw Hampshire, now exaiuiner-iii-ehief of the patent office, to I m * msh slant commissioner of patents; Thomas G. Steward of Illinois, now principal examiner of the patent oflice, to be exaniiner-in-chief. Ui-r. »»• apj>oHi«e»l by th« I . mi » "i Mipt»vi»or» 'ele,»W to «>>• tr*n«-Mi-i»- county as U. r. i»l <'<>ngre*» which con- si ppi Com at Lake City on Julr ,4th' veuea at S -Il »rer oí ambo»«, J*ek- A. W. I ■on county. Or., broke hi« arui whue vuilii'g a tooth for a companion. ' ) Sisters Caleb Daniela, a none in th« ilaud, of Peace Hoapital, — at — R»><«1 —T B. C., ¿ut’b«r;m<L an »hot Blaiicl.e -------- - — tunes, aud three time», ami iiieu then »ent «ent » a fourth bullet through l*i. own brain, dying Lane countv is only a little more than six months behind in ber payment« u» county warrants, and warrants are sell ing at 2 per cent premium. C. P. Huntington has been spemhng several «lay«* sight seeing in and about portUiMl. He thinks everythi ig i'joks fresh and green, compare«! to California, where it’s dry ami brown. inHiantiy. K. Bar,, "I ■( Santa Crux $.10 or ten d iva in jail f°r selling trout I v .- b than *ix incbus lu»*g- Tomlin WM arrested st his IV. U horn«» iu Shssta county on warrants c’. urging him with tittering »nd p«'»" in a forged note upon the t. Bank of Te- A W. Hhearer. of Hteamb »at, Jackson county. br«-ke his arm while pulling a tooth for a companion. Nearly all the fishermen have their wheels out oi the water at The Dalles, and onlv enough salmon are being ( aught to supply the local market. hama c »uuty. A r...ilo»uak« »a» found and killed in one - f the rooms of the Julian high I Strawberries are many and pickers few over in the Hood river valley. The warm wearher is ripening the berries ( m H an«! increasing the demand for pick- ' ers. «•le«>l in Fan liiego counly- The increaaed rate on firo inauranc® in Tillar»', King an»l other counties baa been alimguted l y the lw>»r»l of lire underwriter. <»f tlie Pacific. D*e *>*• er» as<* coii'i-te.l of 2-> cent, and In |»er B. Butler, the complaining wiin**»*s ag ainst May Burrus, who is charge«! hi Salem with polygamy, haw ra-en field >•» ♦100 bonds, and is now in jail in Salem. «•nt of the total rate. John Grant of b.s Angele» !•»» »ent to San Quentin for two yeat* for Mrs. Kunzie, Uinat.lla, Inn the largest are! most valuable collection of Indian curios on the Pacific coast; 1 hat her col lection is worth at least $10,(MX). stealing a bicycle. The State Board of Hort culture of Washington announces that ti e | rune crop n Western Washington promines to b«» so heavy this season that the gr«»wers ai« at a lo>s to know h«»vv to dispoo* of them, particularly on Puget sotinil, where the business is new ami lew g?.»v\ rd huve drying apparatus. Sergeant George Willoughby lias taen appointed color sergeant of company ( . of Eugene. Company C. will drill twice a week from now until it leaves, June 26, for tlie liuod river encampment. George Francis Train reopened hin Rev. .Mr. Retd, who hss just been claim to the city of Omaha, and he in tends to pr«*ss it to the last. If he wins graduate«! from the Auburn, N \ tlieo- logical seminary, has accepted a «all as I •• *1 I 1-1- VOIth pantor «it the Presbyterian church at Al A suit for £75,(KN) damages has been bany. Rev. Mr. Reed is also a graduate brought at Butte, Mont., against the of Yale. Great N<>rth«»rn railway by Dr. Freund, Tuew«lav morning a train of 16 cars who was injured in a «xillision while loaded witii cattle left The Dalles lor being taken to the scene of another Montana. The tram carried afMiiit ’.MM) accident to attend the injur« d. bead of catlie that have been Iwugtit in The verascope pictures of the Cor- the surrounding country, and the ^ale Ixtt-Fi1 zsimmona fight will be barred dui about $13,(MM) into circulation among the farmers. from < *anada. The levees along the Calaveras river, The work of tearing down the famous at I x»«*kef«>rd, in Suu Joa«]uin county, I Tombs of New York, has commenced. gavi* way under the high water, and The new extradition treaty l»etween within half an hour thousands of acres wer«* flo<»«le«l and damaging crops to the I uited States and Braxil, has been signed at R.o Janeiro. til«» « xtent of $15,(KM). The seiiiit * naval affairs committee Tlie schooner Nereid was seised by custom offi« ials at Han Diego and her Ims agree«! to fix the rate to be paid captain and a sailor arrested, charged for armor plate at £4'H) ptr tun. with sni uggl i ii g opium and aiding in the unlawful entry of Chinese into the United States. l»r. IVi t* h.»l Ag' i.t at Ml»«»" recouimeuded Knat r I’, »km® having rrww»«»'M OVER THE STATE AT HOME AND ABROAD 1 . -.hi.I... A. f. Krick of Oakland ha» e*'i iu» 4 »uit airainat <jvorg. W. M« Near and P. E. Bowles fur services remit red ut Mscramento in securing the pr *<ge of the wharf, chute and pier bill. He claims foUUO. Don’t thill vo'ir blooi wi’h «n.nfrii or jxiiiion it «itli bl»*- nia-- ; but »i'l Nat ure bv ii-in.' I > h Witt’» Little E irlv Kisers the famous little pills for constipation, bi 1 ions lies« ¡mil stoimeh ii'i'l liver trou bles. They »re purely veget-'tb!«. F. Kremer. The M.ttï(|ui dvke burst in Fraser val-vy, B. < , and Hooded a portion of The Salem city ordinance inqiosing a the larg.* Matsqui district, devoted to tax of |1 50 and |3 on dogs, will g«J into ranching and dairying. Owing to con effect June 1. Dog owners art making tinued u cessively hot weather the arrangements already to have their dogs Fraser is niill rising in an alurming kept in the country. manner. E. S. Fleischer was robbed and mur About 100 head of stock cattle gather ed in Cow creek by Stoan and llaruem dered on hi» way home at Pittaburg, were driven through town Monday eu Pa. The crime was committed on Lin route lor Klamath county. Senator coln-avenue bridge. After robbing Harmon is a meuilM*r oi the firm. Fleis« her hia ussailant threw him over It is understood in lnpependen«’e that the bridge into the ravine, ninety feet the city council lias been oflereil $21,0 >0 below. for the city waterworks, ♦♦»,000 less than th** asking price. Die city is paying r«» < ( «ruMtlpai ioh I untver. nearly $150 a month fur water ami «eia.- .».ti» Candy Catbari.'. lue m . »c. C. C. fail to cure, druggists ri fumi i jotju ; light. Fourth-class ¡MMtuiBaterH have been ap|M»inted lor Oregon as tolloww: Anton E < astel, Klamath Falls, Klam* atn county; F. P. Eaatabrook, Lafay ette, Yamiiill county; Frank Purser. Sbeaville, Malheur county. HOUSECLEANINC gives you enough »»other without worrying about why color to put on the walls or what it will cost. To save this worry simply call at our store aud examine the sample cards that show the beautiful tints and com bination of ! |»A1 *> That will hall settle the question—the prices will set- tie the other hall M. CLEMEN'S, P’vscription Druggist. Arc You Ji PARK Buyer? Or Does Your Trade Go by Favor ? We can save you money on STATIONERY, NOTIONS, FURNISHING GOODS. ETC. ■,ric<‘s Talk! CLARK’S O. N. T THREAD 4c per Spool PEARI. BUTTONS 4, 5, 6 and 7c per dozen. LADIES' CORSETS 45c. LADIES BLACK AI.I. SILK MITTS 20c. LADIES’ VESTS 7, 12 ind 25c each. J ust RKCKIVED-A Full Line of Handkerchiefs, Linen Towel» Napkins, Etc. TBir BACKET STORE ». NEW CASH GROCERY! Having purchased the store of Alfred & Son, and brought on a NEW STOCK OE GROCERIES, we arc prepared to furnish the general public with same at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. MASH & PIKE. H. SCH21ÆI2DT dhaler J in Ag-ricultural^Implements, ‘Corner Sixth and I.Sts , Grant’s Pass, Oregon. Sadie Steward IRON and STEEL, OF KINQ8TON. N. V. Ou rad of 8paims by Dr. Miles' Nervine, The populist county ceutral committee held a meeting at Salem lor the purpose of discussing the miviaability of a union of political forces. The committee’s sen timent: We believe that the people's partv organization should be maintain ed.” I’he resolutions also contained a clause to the efleet that the initiative ami referendum are the onlv Anal safe guards oi the iMJople. HARDWARE and WAGON MATERIALS. I n L vrgk V ariety . 8®, MINERS Fitted Out on Reasonable Terms, taw J. (/ Swink, Jos. Buhl and Paul Vale rius liav«» contracted 14,OX) ¡»ouridH of hops to Faber ami Neis, of Albany. It is also recorded that this firm lias made contriets with Alexander Bros., oi Sum, lor delivery of 30,(MMI pounds ; Wilhelm «k Hons, Monroe, 15,0 M) pounds . further with Chitwood & Harn»«, of Albany, Mr«. E. Allen of I^ebanon, E. J.Cox and G J. Wilds, of Albany, for their entire crop*. HOW IS THAT? $8 PANTS Cut down in price to $5 & 5.50 II. 11. Shell has been reinstated as Immigration Inspector at Sun Fran cisco. The quartoi master at West Point, N. The family of Mr A R McCoy of Al many rases of spasms, St. Vitus Y., made the startling discovery that bany except Miss Ella hud ice cream for nee and epilepsy that Dr. Miles* five of the guns captured in battle iron) dinner, which had been ma le ut horn *. Restorative Nervine has cured, would It is estimated that the shingle mills lit«* Mexicans by General Scott's army About three hour-« afterwanls all were alone give this great remedy wide reputa Mrs. Roe«l was burned to death near had l>«*< n stolen. The cannon had lain taken Merioualv ill but the latter Tne tion. Mrs. Walter A. Steward, 773 Broadway, of Whatcom county, Wash , cut an av Upper Ahthanum, Wash., bv her for nearly half a century on the blufl Drs. Beers were called in ami attended Kingston, N. Y„ says March 3, 1806: "In 1*03, erage of 2,0(Mi,uo0 shingles per «lay. clothes taking fir«» while* passing brinh them. They wer«» confine<l to their be«ls while on a visit to friends our little girl was overlooking the Hudson. The Han Diego Supervisors havu ap for Hom«» time, but are m»w all right. It taken with spasms. We hastened home to fires. The ««mtmaker ’ s branch of th«» Gar pointed the following Horticultural is thought something was the matter our family physician. He did all he could J. W. Walker of Portland, Or., was Coinmisaioiiera: Chester Gunn of Ju ment Workers’ Union to the number with the milk. but fail, d We alb. d arrested in Hau Francisco on an indict of 2fi0 joined the garment workers ’ lian, F. Austin of Fallbrook, mh «I G. P. several physicians but Dr. R. J. Hendricks, superitendent o l'e ment brought by th«» federal grand strike at Philad«*lphia for ail increase the spasms continued, I!«»lt of Lemon («rove. ‘ Miles* ' Jury of Oregon. Walker ia charged of wage-. It is believe«! that unless of the Oregon state reform school, • re*’ her tongue became Bigne«l April 3. The atate board of <*«iu- It is expected that work will lie be with having attempted* to l>rih«» aome partially paralyzed th«* eontrnctoni a« cede to the demands cation accepted the resignation, t«i take gun <>n the Ventura and Ojai Railroad there will I m » 7000 to 8000 garment and the doctors said Jurors in the circuit court of Oregon. Restores et!«*ct lune l.and ap|»oint«*«l Ed. .M.Cr«>i this month. she would never talk I workers on strike by the end of the san superintendent The gunl»«>Ht C«mc»ord, which has Ah. Cruiaan ia a C Health J again. Night and day In boring for oil in 1 a » m Angeles this week. been theroughly overhauled at Mare resident of Halem, ami tiai th»«*n t >r we watched the poor many years, ih* ia a republican in poll- little sufferer and tried every reme«!y we island, is ready for Active» servic*e and week a strike of mineral water was A bill was introduced in the made. tics, ami haa served aa sheriff of Marion will go into «»ommissioii immediately. legislature provhling that a city saw advertised for such cases but g«>t no re county four years. The Trustees of Pasadena have will extend existing street lief. We began giving Dr. Miles* Nervine, Ix«w Roberts, a traveling comedian, While Blaine Mealey. George Scho t aud after taking four bottles she was run died in Petaluma from the effect« of pHs«*«! an oidinaii«*«» for the protection franchises fifty years. ning about as well and happy as ever ** Any ¡»««rson who kills «>r { drinking cold water when overheated. of song liir«lN. Eighteen coumils of the American and»y llowtiiug were riding tr mi Dr. Mlles* Remedies are sold by all drug wounds a song bird or rob?» any bird's Piot« « live Association in St. Ix»uls an«l Condon in Gilliam county, tow .it«1 Fet rv Three memliers of Company F, N. <». canyon, au«l when just outside of Con- gists under a positive guarantee, first botlla n©nt is subject to a tin«» of $2«> or Illi Kansas city have been suspended for •ion, M» al«*v*s hors«* ran into a wne fem e benefit« or money refunded. Book on Heart C., are under arrest at Fresno for fail pris«)iiineiit for twenty-five days. participation in the recent rump con and was almost instanilv kill«*d 11 is and Nerves sent free to all applicants ing to attend the annual inspection of Fire at F'irtuiia. Cal., destroyed vention of the order held in Ht. Ixjuis. thr »al was cut and the hide torn <»lf his DR. MILES MEDICAL CO , Elkhart Ind. the company. molding mill, three «Irving kilns, Allx-rt M. King, a nmetevn-yeai-old breast. The young man was thro an I experiment of sprinkling roads 1 sfur«*r«»oiiis and the electric light plant. messenger of the Bnylston National ever the fence, but was pructically un at night is to tie tri«»d in Santa < ' ’lara Tin» plant wmm valued at $25,(MiU, which, notici : for publica hon . I auk <»f Boston, is missing, t«»guther hurt county. together with the slmk, makes the loss aliuut |10,000 In cash and a »10,000 l'wo ol«l Indian women, one blind and William H Green, formerly a pupil alrtuit $35,(100. the «»ther decrepit, burned to d«»aih on United States certificate. iu the Whittier Reform school, and A masked high wav mmi was killed The Htate National Hauk of Ix>gans- Williamson river, in Klamath county Mrs« Ellsn J. Wilson, who was hia (hie was hurne«l to a crisp in the wigwam bv Superinteiulent Dame of the Ta- ¡x»rt, Ind., wasornere«! closed by the and ttie ottier ran f nd jutii|»ed into til«» teacher in the institution, *erc marrie«! coma and Steila« «»om, Wash., elec tric Natl onal bank examiner. river. Hhe was found on tIm bank nake«l at lx»s Angeles. railroad, while robbing the pass«*ngt*rs Several immense shipments of Aui- and nearly «lead, ami «lied two hours af The department of botany of I he of a car he ha«t he hi lip. erican grain have l»een made to South ter. The fiie is thought to have been Unlveisitv of California rv«|uests ¡>e«r- started bv some incendiary, ami agent Several v«*saels of the sealing fleet Africa recently. plv throughout the state to gather and have returned to Svatlle with catches F.rwin ami the Indian police ire in ik* Serious and fatal election riots to«»k I Inga mall to it the see«ts of California wild to small to pay vx|»uu«eM. thorough investigation. ¡»la«e m various parts of Hungary last flowers. At one ¡aunt the »«»kliers were l’h«» iiiipurta of ths Puget sound col w«*ek Dr King's New Ditcovory for b 4 Tbs Oaklaml Bank of Savings com lection dmtrivt for inril amounted to called out aqd kiiie«l fuurteen perenna Consumption menced suit against Alameda county nearly $HOO,(hx), and the exports to and wounded thirty, Religious matterà We have jn<t opened up a new store of IhiH iw I he l>«*ht m«»di«*im» in the w« irld for SI842 03, which, it is alleged, su, more than f 1,000,ISM). caused the trouble. for all form* of Cough« and Cold* and fur Improperly collected in taxes last year. One of a series of e i uadi H omi » of the Consumption. Every bottle 1* guaran- Randsburg, Cal., is to have another James La Rue and William Vaughan mail route. . . tit Aitor July 1st the mail Aim-ricati museum oi •f XaUoual History te<«l It will »tire ami not di«ap|«oint ha« unequal no equal for Wfiuuping \Vhu«'j ing Cough Coujjh Vsth- I ef Oakland were drowned in Han Fran will I»«» carried from Kram«*i, as well as started this week from New York f«»r bas ma, I lav Fever, Pneumonia, Br.-rihitH Itromli It. cis« u bay while vachtmg NO SHELF WORN GOODS. EVERYTHING NEW and FRESH • lit hr pob gical in vedtigation along the from Mojave, »• at present. taGrippe. Col« I m t he I lead am* lor Cm* North Paciti. *lope. William Carr, a niotorinan in the The Port Ludlow, Mash., sawmill, sumption It is sale for al age«, pleasant I < > If ■ \ i.i:. The big furnace at Newcastle, Pa., to take, and. above all, asure«nru. it is employ of the l!aywai«ls Electric Rail which has l»«*eti shut down ever sim*e »wne«l bv - -nator Mark Hanna and ex- al wav s w ell to take Dr. King'«« New Life way company, tame out of a serious 181*0 w ill start up again about J one I St h. railw av sc« blent w ith marka that tell I’he mill will give employm< nt t<» about Suiintoi ( iiiiivr »n let go and a heart l‘i I p m connection with l*r King*» New m ihì of land. with an 8 fuel Inch wat**r <»t the same covers voiuni«- of cos«*, iron ore and c<»al came Diet overt, as they regulate and tone the of the reventricity of the artificial ? st men. ». ai- • a mill site with pen stock «rushing tlir«»ugb the roof «if tiiu cast- t’Hii.i h and Iniwels Wr guarantor «1:1« lightning ll<> receive«! the current Nearly all the fisherman tavv their il .xM irei of flume; 1(H) acres nis-iiou«« , buryii g in the neighborhood action or r« turn money. Free trial !»ot- through hia left aim. vet that member wheels out of th«» water at Tlie Dalles, ml 50 acre- in grus-*»« . 1 large ties at Dr W I Kremer's Drug Sier«» ♦ »( thirty men in the debris. is scarvelv marked, while alvug his left Or., and unlv enough Nalimui are being Regular size 50 cents and ♦ ! fr) mall one and dwelling house; leg frem hie thigh bone to hui <alf is a By an arrangement just completed »Mnter apple trees. caught Io supply the Io« al market long burn. the l«*g Jul not come In tiie Naf ousl liMak of Commerce »f *«*..* Iaiu| joining th«* alove; George H »buon had been Ret»or«l«*r of I he appeal of the city of Walla Walia contact with the wire, but the «urrent Kansas city, will alworb the business Uauiiiton < «».,«)., for six years previous Ivncvil, with water right; and WOODVILLE. OREGON. went through ids body and is supposed from Judge Hauft>r«l's «ieMgjwn in tiiv «>f the Metropolitan NaUuuai bank, within a mi!» oi the above. 20 to « ntrr »14 on his duties I «st Svptem to hate t>een attracted to th« surface injunction suit biought by the water ha» lug «lei idud to buy the drp -eits of ««•«I, ares plowe I, with water l»or as ( vrk of the courts. IthaMsime pum will not l»t» adianted <>n the by »out »liter coins In hie pocket. e> the latter institution outright. Bvlh *' t<»»>iid that he was short about 11 of th«» I u.tvd Stat«*a nu | rwma W. H o SIK. Carr's left leg is temporarily petalvsed, d. banks ar« among the oldest sstabilah- , h Ih-c-oitl-r. Now the experts t It w II ba a year before the U liliali».. < lre<< n but he will e«>en tecovei. ««1 and biggest com'erns in the city. exam ning hia r « ords as (’ erk And that General J. Drummond, a British aut>- he IS air. adv short £2*..464 as Clerk, Hviirt Kinds, a farmhand, was proe- Hc«hl«'n« e I’ropt rl) furiale D kvlkk I n harlc» I < ’line with a party <>f Oiym- ject, who led the revolution at Puerto irate«! b) sunstroke at Woodland ami alti»«» gii I ,• h<* «I that office oulv six % in will nuuti etart for the Ovlmpic Cortex, Honduras, and who was cap- H KETCH ELIS, Prop die«l th«» following day. months. !'*• -«t >f N ronfi)« w ith hall«, intaina on a proapvcting trip. Th«»*«* tuied while wuueded and «xmveved to ar furnished, if desired . A K Smiley of Redlands ha« >tf«»ted Représe ntât ve Thunias H. Tongue ■ f intaiii* have never been fully rx- ban Pe»lru. w ms ’■elea«ed on the eve of turv barn and out- S2UD in prix«*«« for the best kept places ««! •’.*'1 if *ai<l to be the only Ins execution upon the demand of the Oregan was struck by a cable car in Just removed to the Jennings & I and city water lot in that city. >n m the I nit« «1 States of which commander of the English war ship W*«h ngt >n, D. C., and painfully in- K Ii'.j n premises I» Nt > op- Largest Stock of HAY in the Citv' Dean brick, Sixth Street jtin I. ^’•vvrnutciit ha« ne raphical Intrepid. Charles Caviil, the famous swimmer, t l!»t met hie death in St<H'kt<>n, Cal., while All Home Grown. F »r the first time a Missouri woman Trati'imrtat on company** new giving an exhibition by !><*ing asph) li The Restaurant will furnish haa been found guilty of tuurdvr in the wt XVv<M||An«l, Cal., containing sted. What It M >»n. first «legree, and will be sentence«! to a « • of wheat belonging M. A. Ung an«l Dr. F. II. Ahreus, lie In ngrd. She >s Pearl Watsrs, cui- ’»tab-, ilul into twentr-f W li i »* ii w«* .»dxerti** that w representing th«» st Mu-kaael's Colony ored, who dsllbeifttaly killed Uiian « I »r K ,ng'* New I »1«« >* ant company, of Mitii>« apvHe. ch-we.I a deal U ad h'll, a negreas. At Price«. Ruvlileii'» Arni. with JelWrwoti Meyers ofOiecu, Or., f«»r rie The Public are invited to cal'. Inking sie;«© to strwngtl ten New Life Fill«, it K11 g - ’ Dr. the pur« bate of 247»» a< res of land three isT ’ Call and Examine mv Stock. le nv 1 11« Ih.'.ivlent will a«k Cw w «’ ar»« anti I.orixeii by the pr mi<ea eouthesst of that place fur the tlu»«v r»' -medie* un a |»oei 1,’propnrte money for the du A {matins of a German <«»lony of 14») I STAUFFER purchaser ia 1 of o ir ironclad, Iw families ft >ni « astern states. », we will rehuitl t v toF|M «Io ls«ata -P puwwrfully and qUh-fclT ('urw «M m all I ee luedicinoa hav itH-r K vnrv I xm I i f*ii Y' hibc bi -« tenia |«wt inanb«L ii iarant««e lor uianv re h ^ntre«1 «». ( u re S»rv7.u«nr«e* 11**1** ir«’ts < on'I A Good Selection of Pants. Come and get one be fore they are gone. ALL MADE TO ORDER. F. FETSGH & CO Nervine GRANT'S PASS Pork Packing House Iti I. S', Propricloi*. f inest Quality of Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., at Wholesale and Retail. NEW STOKE GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Dry Goods.’ Croceries! Provisions’ Lot ' <t \ Prices. Give Us it Call. «I. o. < . WIMER A «<>. I. STAUFFER. CALIFORNIA BAKERY Hay. Grain, Flour and Feed! Weak Men Made Vigorous Good Eating and Cooking Apples What PEFFER S N’ERVIGoHid! * I great i 4* Ca,».l>ll * I»«.» The Chehalis v bl ery worked tip u or»* in I Ik «luring April. cream* mia of T Tabe If « C « b! cf V V V w f — —-— f araataed to curt» by bii dr i. gigli '»•I, Wilh 1 **■ *• • yi;oa Zliil 1?’ r «!’?* * UasnuVnU - .*•*.*’ irutaHt »aipawa a «Toflhj^w • . i .., «1 ' - rnna _ srji«!»’,". « ' »• » A w , i muhiil awn . tn » r>n*r. <tu»r |IU N E. McGrew Pioneer Truck anfl Delirery Ck.. E BY ki.L nitri hunt *.