The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, December 23, 2020, Page 29, Image 29

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Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Dear Santa,
I want a dirt bike, a iPhone10, a PC, a bb
gun, a goat cart.
Sincerely, Antonio
Dear Santa,
I have a question, how tall are your elves.
Thanks for the shoes I got last year. This year
I would like a dirt jumper.
Love, Jacob
Dear Santa,
How is Mrs. Clause? What I want for
Christmas is for Covid-19 to just go away. My
friend Nora wants stuff for her dog Hunter.
Another friend named Sophia wants a giant
stuffed animal cat. Thank you.
Maddie Cearns
Dear Santa,
How are you and the raindeer. I been good
and bad this year, But just in case I will like a
new phone and case and a grip. My sister will
like a new phone to and so will my mom. My
uncle will like new fishing stuff. My grandpa
will like a new tv and hunting stuff. My
grandma will like a new phone and tablet. I
hope you have a good Christmas.
Sincerely, Sonja
Dear Santa,
How are the elfes doing? Have I been
good or bad. I want for Christmas is a tiny
robot that is a dog. I want a phone. I want a
hammock in my room. My mom and dad
want a new house to live in. My brothers want
some toys. My sister wants some new shows.
My couson wants a new horse. My Mimi and
Papa wants some forwele.
From, Paizley Harmon
books and art pad please. Then I would like a
new bed set. I hope you have a good year and
a good time on Christmas.
Best wishes, Erin Donathan
Dear Santa,
Hi, I hope your holidays have been good.
I have been cutting wood after school every
day. One Gift I want a Visa gift card. And
maybe a Starbucks gift card. I also would like
a over and under double barrel shotgun. Don’t
really no what my family wants so ya. I hope
you had a good year even though its 2020.
Sincerely, Chet Workman
I hope misses claus is helping you at the
werk shop. I hope that roodoff is being good.
I have bin nise this yere. My mom wants a
mor mune at her job. My sister Kore Jo would
like a new blakit. My sister Dalli would like
a new pare of vans shous. I would like a pare
of rolerblads.
Sinserle, Paytin
Dear Santa,
How have you been? I think I have been
pretty good. I help my mom and I am not
mean to Nora or Jayda. If you can I would like
Dear Santa,
Dear Santa,
How are the elves. I have been naughty
and nice but more nice if anything. I think I
deserve a swetshirt and a new lego set. And
my brother wants a grimlock transformer. My
sister wants a new alarm clock. And my dad
wants a PS5. My mom wants a vacation.
Sincerley, Syntheia
Dear Santa,
How have you been? Is Mrs. Claus doing
well? I think that I have been naughty and
nice this year. This year I would like a bucket
full of animal supplies is all. We have a lot of
animals I sure could use some supplies to take
care of them. My dad would probably like
someone to fix our fences for us. My brother, I
am just going to guess wants something to do
with basketball. Anna I know doesn’t want to
do virtual school anymore. I hope to receive
and for my family to receive something close
to these presents.
Emma Field
Jase • 4th grade, Seneca School
Tatyn Harper • 6th grade, Prairie City Elementary
120 East Main Street, John Day • 541-575-0629
60561 Hwy 26, John Day • 541-575-0023
Lillie Stewart • 2nd grade, Monument School
Wyatt Davis • 5th grade, Prairie City Elementary
Boyer’s Cash Store
335 John Day Street Monument, OR 97864
(541) 934-2290
Zivah Moore • 2nd Grade, Seneca School
Mitchell McKrola • 2nd Grade, Humbolt Elementary
John Day Plaza