LETTERS TO SANTA MyEagleNews.com Wednesday, December 23, 2020 13 PRAIRIE CITY Dear Santa, I want a dirt bike, a iPhone10, a PC, a bb gun, a goat cart. Sincerely, Antonio Dear Santa, I have a question, how tall are your elves. Thanks for the shoes I got last year. This year I would like a dirt jumper. Love, Jacob Dear Santa, How is Mrs. Clause? What I want for Christmas is for Covid-19 to just go away. My friend Nora wants stuff for her dog Hunter. Another friend named Sophia wants a giant stuffed animal cat. Thank you. From, Maddie Cearns SIXTH GRADE ADINA BROOKS Dear Santa, How are you and the raindeer. I been good and bad this year, But just in case I will like a new phone and case and a grip. My sister will like a new phone to and so will my mom. My uncle will like new fishing stuff. My grandpa will like a new tv and hunting stuff. My grandma will like a new phone and tablet. I hope you have a good Christmas. Sincerely, Sonja Dear Santa, How are the elfes doing? Have I been good or bad. I want for Christmas is a tiny robot that is a dog. I want a phone. I want a hammock in my room. My mom and dad want a new house to live in. My brothers want some toys. My sister wants some new shows. My couson wants a new horse. My Mimi and Papa wants some forwele. From, Paizley Harmon books and art pad please. Then I would like a new bed set. I hope you have a good year and a good time on Christmas. Best wishes, Erin Donathan Dear Santa, Hi, I hope your holidays have been good. I have been cutting wood after school every day. One Gift I want a Visa gift card. And maybe a Starbucks gift card. I also would like a over and under double barrel shotgun. Don’t really no what my family wants so ya. I hope you had a good year even though its 2020. Sincerely, Chet Workman I hope misses claus is helping you at the werk shop. I hope that roodoff is being good. I have bin nise this yere. My mom wants a mor mune at her job. My sister Kore Jo would like a new blakit. My sister Dalli would like a new pare of vans shous. I would like a pare of rolerblads. Sinserle, Paytin Dear Santa, How have you been? I think I have been pretty good. I help my mom and I am not mean to Nora or Jayda. If you can I would like Dear Santa, Dear Santa, How are the elves. I have been naughty and nice but more nice if anything. I think I deserve a swetshirt and a new lego set. And my brother wants a grimlock transformer. My sister wants a new alarm clock. And my dad wants a PS5. My mom wants a vacation. Sincerley, Syntheia Dear Santa, How have you been? Is Mrs. Claus doing well? I think that I have been naughty and nice this year. This year I would like a bucket full of animal supplies is all. We have a lot of animals I sure could use some supplies to take care of them. My dad would probably like someone to fix our fences for us. My brother, I am just going to guess wants something to do with basketball. Anna I know doesn’t want to do virtual school anymore. I hope to receive and for my family to receive something close to these presents. Sincerely. Emma Field LEN’S Pharmacy Jase • 4th grade, Seneca School Tatyn Harper • 6th grade, Prairie City Elementary LEN’S Pharmacy 120 East Main Street, John Day • 541-575-0629 S220125-1 60561 Hwy 26, John Day • 541-575-0023 S220367-1 Lillie Stewart • 2nd grade, Monument School Wyatt Davis • 5th grade, Prairie City Elementary Boyer’s Cash Store 335 John Day Street Monument, OR 97864 (541) 934-2290 S220141-1 Zivah Moore • 2nd Grade, Seneca School Thriftway S220149-1 Mitchell McKrola • 2nd Grade, Humbolt Elementary John Day Plaza 541-575-1899 S220668-1 S220503-1