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About The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 2019) Wednesday, November 13, 2019 CLASSIFIEDS Grant County MEETINGS (Meetings subject to change. Call for confirmation.) ONGOING Grant County Library is open 1-5 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday; 10 a.m.-noon and 1-7 p.m. Tuesday; and 1-5 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. Thursday. 507 S. Canyon Blvd., John Day, 541-575-1992. Canyon Mountain Center offers meditation sittings from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. on Mondays, Saturday 6:30 a.m. and 7:10 a.m. 767 East Main St., John Day. Call ahead for schedule changes or further infor- mation and events. Jim and Sandy, 415-748-8697. Burns-Hines VA Clinic – Services for Grant County veterans. Im- munizations, minor surgical procedures, blood pressure and diabe- tes monitoring, group therapy for combat PTSD, sobriety and other issues. Lab draws on Wednesdays. Nursing staff and therapy Mon- day through Friday. 541-573-3339. Grant County Genealogical Society Research Center – Open 1-4 p.m. Thursdays and Fridays; and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays. Par- sonage building behind Historic Advent Church, West Main Street in John Day. 541-932-4718 or 541-575-2757. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13 9 a.m. – Grant County Court, courthouse, Canyon City. 9 a.m. – Grant County Art Association, Church of the Nazarene annex room, project at 9 a.m. Meeting at noon, bring a sack lunch. 541-575-0911. 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. – Veterans/families services, John Day Elks Lodge. Topics include PTSD services and individual needs. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. – TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), weigh-in, meeting. United Methodist Church library, 126 N.W. Canton St., John Day. 541-932-4592. 12 p.m. – Seniors Meal Program at the Prairie City Senior Center, 204 N. McHaley, Prairie City. 5 p.m. – Friends of Kam Wah Chung & Company, Kam Wah Chung Interpretive Center, N.W. Canton St., John Day. 541-575-2800. 6 p.m. – Prairie City, City Council/Planning Commission, City Hall. 6 p.m. – Swim Team Board, at Outpost Restaurant. 6 p.m. – Long Creek Volunteer Fire Department, City Hall. 6:30-8:30 p.m. – Family History Center, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 944 East Main, John Day. Access to most major genealogical websites free of charge. All are welcome. More infor- mation: 208-221-2252. 7 p.m. – Dayville City Council, City Hall. 7 p.m. – John Day Volunteer Fire Department, fire station. 541- 620-4037. 7:30 p.m. – Let Go Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, St. Eliza- beth Catholic Parish Hall, John Day. THURSDAY, NOV. 14 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. – Family History Center, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 944 East Main, John Day. Access to most major genealogical websites free of charge. All are welcome. More infor- mation: 208-221-2252. 12 p.m. – Seniors Meal Program and bingo, John Day Senior Cen- ter, 142 N.E. Dayton St. 541-575-1825. 12 p.m. – Women’s Support, by Heart of Grant County, for domes- tic violence survivors. Free lunch. 541-575-4335. 12 p.m. – Grant County Transportation District Board, bus barn in John Day, 229 NE Dayton. Public invited. 541-575-2370. 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. – Fun Jam, musicians and listeners welcome for bluegrass, gospel and traditional country western music. Valley View Assisted Living. 541-575-1927. 5:30 p.m. – Juniper Arts Council, Community Hall John Day Fire Hall. 541-932-4892. 6 p.m. - Celebrate Recovery, Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, 139 N.E. Dayton St. 541-575-2180. 6 p.m. – Prairie City Volunteer Fire Department, Auxiliary, Fire Hall. 541-820-3605. FRIDAY, NOV. 15 12 p.m. – John Day Miracles Group, weekly AA meeting at Church of the Nazarene, use ramp on the side of the Church. Call 509-551- 8402 for more information. 3-4 p.m. – United Methodist Church, weekly distribution of boxes of food, 126 N.W. Canton Street, John Day. 541-575-1326. 6:30 p.m. – Overcomers Outreach, Christ-centered, 12-step sup- port group. Living Word Christian Center, in basement, 59357 High- way 26, Mt. Vernon. 541-932-4910. MONDAY, NOV. 18 10 a.m. – Grant County Senior Site Council, John Day Senior Center, 142 N.E. Dayton St., John Day. 541-575-2949. 10-11 a.m. – Older Adult & Vulnerable Population Collaborative (OVPC), DHS Conference Room 725 W. Main St. Passionate about meeting the needs of the older adults in the community. Open to everyone. Email 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. – Alzheimer’s Assocation Caregiver Support Group, DHS Conference Room 725 W. Main St. Support for caregiv- ers who care for dementia patients. Call the Alzheimer’s Association for more information, 1-800-272-3900. 12 p.m. – Seniors Meal Program, John Day Senior Center, 142 N.E. Dayton St. 541-575-1825. 6 p.m. – Mt. Vernon Volunteer Fire Department, 541-932-4688. 7 p.m. – Dayville Volunteer Fire Department, fire hall. 541-987- 2188. 7:30 p.m. – Outlaw Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, Presbyteri- an Church in Mt. Vernon. 541-932-4844. TUESDAY, NOV. 19 10-11 a.m. – Story Hour and craft project, Grant County Library, for preschoolers 0-6 years old. 541-575-1992. 12 p.m. – Seniors Meal Program at the Monument Senior Center, Tai Chi to follow. 541-934-2700. 4 p.m. – Watershed Council, 691 Hwy. 395 N., Long Creek, across from the post office. Phone Call meetings are monthly. In person meetings are quarterly. 541-421-3018. 5-7 p.m. – Food Bank and ‘Soup’s On’ Community Meal, Teen Center, Front Street, Prairie City. 541-820-3696. 5:30 p.m. – Canyon City City Council, City Hall. 541-575-0509. 6 p.m. - Grant County Digital Network Coalition, John Day Fire Hall. 541-575-0028. 6 p.m. – Grant County Air Search, Grant County Regional Airport meeting room. Public is welcome. 541-620-0854. 6:30 p.m. – Prairie City School District 4 Board, school library. 6:30 p.m. – Grant County Bird Club, with potluck. 541-542-2006 or 541-620-2922. 7:15 p.m. – Boy Scout Troop 898, John Day Elks Lodge, John Day. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. – Veterans/families services, John Day Elks Lodge. Topics include PTSD services and individual needs. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. – TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), weigh-in, meeting. United Methodist Church library, 126 N.W. Canton St., John Day. 541-932-4592. 12 p.m. – Seniors Meal Program at the Prairie City Senior Center, 204 N. McHaley, Prairie City. 12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Grant County Local Advisory Council, on Healthcare, meet at the John Day Firehall. 541-298-2101. sim- 6:30-8:30 p.m. – Family History Center, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 944 East Main, John Day. Access to most major genealogical websites free of charge. All are welcome. More infor- mation: 208-221-2252. 7 p.m. – Grant School District 3 School Board, District 3 office, 401 N. Canyon City Blvd., Canyon City. 7 p.m. – John Day Volunteer Fire Department, fire station. 541- 620-4037. 7:30 p.m. – Let Go Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, St. Eliza- beth Catholic Parish Hall, John Day. 101 Legal Notices A15 101 Legal Notices SUBSCRIBE TO THE INVITATION TO BID NORTHSIDE WIND CREEK FENCE PROJECT Individually sealed bids will be received from qualified vendors by Grant Soil and Water Conservation District (hereinafter called DIS- TRICT), at 721 South Canyon Boulevard, John Day, Oregon 97845 until 3:00 PM PST, November 26, 2019 for the construction of ap- proximately 1.3 miles of wire fence along Wind Creek in Grant Coun- ty, Oregon. Immediately thereafter, Bids will be publicly opened. The full Invitation To Bid package, including all Addenda may be obtained through the project point of contact, Kyle Sullivan at 541- 575-0135 ext. 111 or e-mail, by visiting the DISTRICT Office at above address, or at the DISTRICT’S website The Project location is approximately 16 miles south of Dayville, Ore- gon. All work associated with this Invitation To Bid must be complet- ed by February 29, 2020. Liquidated damages of $100 per day will apply to the contract resulting from this Invitation To Bid, upon the contractor’s failure to complete the work within the specified time. This Invitation to Bid and the resulting Contract are subject to the provisions of the Federal Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 3141 et seq.) and Oregon Revised Statutes 279C.800 through 279C.870 relative to Oregon Prevailing Wage Rate Law. A voluntary pre-bid conference and tour of the work area will be con- ducted November 19, 2019 at 9:00 AM (PST). The tour will initiate from the Dayville Rest Stop, located adjacent to Highway 26, on the east end of the City of Dayville, Oregon. Bidders must provide their own transportation. Bidders are not required to attend this voluntary pre-bid con- ference and tour, but with the complexity of this project it is strongly recommended that bidders or their representatives attend. Individually sealed envelopes or packages containing bids and supporting data as stipulated in the instructions to Bidders shall be clearly marked with the vendor’s name and the fence project name, NORTHSIDE WIND CREEK FENCE PROJECT. Bids sent by mail should be forwarded by certified mail, return receipt requested, ad- dressed to the DISTRICT as shown above, in care of Pat Holliday, and likewise shall be clearly marked or endorsed as stated herein. Bids received after the time established for receipt of bids will not be considered. Bids may be withdrawn or modified in writing at any time prior to bid opening, following the guidelines established in the Invitation to Bid. The DISTRICT may reject any Bid not in compliance with all pre- scribed public bidding procedures and requirements and reserves the right to reject for good cause any or all Bids in whole or in part upon the finding of the DISTRICT that it is in the public interest to do so, to waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights, and to postpone the award of the work as necessary for a period of time not to extend beyond thirty (30) days from the Bid Opening Date. Bid prices quoted shall remain firm for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of Bid Opening. The apparent successful Bidder shall provide all required proofs of insurance, furnish all applicable security bonds, and other specified deliverables to the DISTRICT within twelve (12) calendar days from date the Intent-to-Award Announcement is issued by the DISTRICT. Failure to present the required documents within this period may re- sult in Bid rejection. Grant Soil and Water Conservation District By: Kyle Sullivan, District Manager FOR ALL CHANGES, NEW ADS, OR CANCELLATIONS Contact us by 10AM on Monday! BLUE MOUNTAIN EAGLE TODAY $45 1 year in county $85 2 years in county $57 1 year out of county $107 2 years out of county (541) 575-0710 195 N Canyon Blvd. John Day, OR Your digital subscription includes unlimited access to from your computer, smartphone or tablet. You’ll get around the clock access to the Blue Mountain Eagle and more! GAME ANSWERS HOCUS-FOCUS SUBSCRIBE TODAY $45 1 year in county $85 2 years in county $57 1 year out of county $107 2 years out of county DIFFERENCES: 1. GIRL’S BOW IS MISSING 2. COLLAR IS DIFFERENT 3. BOY’S PENCIL IS GONE 4. BRIEFCASE IS DIFFERENT 5. SHRUB IS MISSING 6. BOX IS DIFFERENT DON’T FORGET TO VISIT OUR WEBSITE 541-575-0710 MYEAGLENEWS.COM MYEAGLENEWS.COM S153796-1