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About The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 2019)
A6 SENIORS Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, August 14, 2019 GRANT COUNTY SENIORS John Day Seniors Dusty Harris Fair is this week, and I hope y’all are ready. I’m sure town will be extra busy with the head- liner of the fair being Parmalee. On Monday, our greeters were Gregg and Darlene. There were 33 regular and 20 frozen meals deliv- ered by our friends at Step Forward, as well as Chris and Margen. The winner of the gift card donated by Len’s Drug was Margie, and Yvonne won the free meal. Congratulations, ladies! Our delicious lunch was a baked potato bar with chili, chips, cheese, salsa, sour cream and corn relish with strawberry churros for dessert. It was so good, and we thank our wonderful cooks for the meal. Went out to find some huckleberries yester- day. Only found a couple handfuls, but better than nothing. It started to rain as we were picking huckleber- ries, but luckily it passed quickly. We were about five min- utes away from calling it quits if the rain wouldn’t stop. At least it was a sprinkle and not a downright pour. I’m hoping I can get out at least one more time before the summer is over. It’s hard to find a good place now that everyone is picking. I’ll have to try some of my old standbys to see what I can turn up. On Thursday, our greet- ers were Everette and Mary. There were 34 total meals delivered by Mike and Patty and the crew at Step Forward. Our meal, which was barbecue chicken, but- tered pasta with veggies, seven-layer salad, French bread and old-fashioned rice pudding for dessert, was served by our won- derful friends over at the Cornerstone Christian Fellowship. We thank the Lord to have such great people in our community. The senior center bingo group was our sponsor for lunch. Betty Starr won the free meal, and Jan Ellison won the gift card donated by Chester’s Thriftway. We would like to thank Janet Henderson who donated some books to the center. We greatly appreciate it and you. Here at the center we are very proud of our com- munity members who donate items, such as med- ical equipment (wheel- chairs, walkers, crutches, etc.) movies, books, puz- zles and even gardening equipment. Thank you so much for your donations and another thank you to the businesses for their support. Acts 20:35 “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Monument Seniors Soo Yukawa A new dish was served for this Tuesday senior cen- ter meal. Terry Cade and Carrie Jewell prepared what they called “super nachos” with all the fixings, a salad, fruit and cookies for dessert. I was not present, but I can assure you that it was a deli- cious meal. I was at home nursing a sick child with the flu. We thank our cooks and are grateful for all they do for us. The greeters at the table were Jimmy Cole, Linda Blakeslee and Kristi Gui- mont. Jimmy and Linda collected and counted the money. Kristi checked in the guests and took notes of the announcements. Bodean Andersen led the flag salute, made the announcements and prayed the blessing over the meal. Linda Blakeslee is retir- ing from working at the greeter’s table. If anyone else would like to volun- teer to help at the front table, please let us know. There were 52 guests on the books and 11 takeouts. We had some visitors from Wisconsin. They were Shir- ley Wennerstraub and Linda and Steve Kelsey. Donna Campbell was the lucky winner of the Len’s Drug gift card. Linda Abraham and Steve Kelsey both won free meal tickets. There were also door prize raf- fles drawn, and they were for two $50 certificates to Mobile Glass Repair. The winners for those were Bob Cannon and Lonnie Law- rence. Those might come in handy one of these days. Bob and Sylvia Cockrell brought and shared squash and garlic. I tell you, that Bob is a master gardener. I need to be his shadow one day and observe what, how and when he gardens. Well, to continue my story from last week, I went into my pantry to look for chocolate chips to make my chocolate chip zucchini bread. I found one of those Costco bags that was already open but still pretty full. I pulled that out and brought it over to the counter. That was when I noticed a hole, a chewed up hole! I was like horrified. I had seen a couple of other holes and just brushed it off. Now I could not deny that there was some critter in my pantry. Oh, the horror. I took out three other new bags of chocolate chips (I know what you are think- ing, why does she have so many chocolate chip bags?), and they all had holes in them as well. We like to make lots of choc- olate chip cookies, and I hate to run out of them, and you know we live like hours away from civiliza- tion, so I always have them on hand. So, I believe there was a mouse in my pantry. But really? Did it have to make a hole in each bag? I set a trap with some peanut butter, and it is still there. I am wondering if the mouse was the one we caught about six months ago. I’m sure it wouldn’t keep away from some delectable pea- nut butter, would it? Well, I say PTL! I hope it’s the one we caught. Ephesians 3: 9-10 “And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mys- tery, which from the begin- ning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God.” Prairie City Seniors Rose Coombs Mistress (Rose), quite so nosy, how does your gar- den grow? With pea pods on the vine, blossoms on the cucumber and a 6-foot- 11-inch-tall mullein weed, that’s how! Wonder what depart- ment I could put that weed in at the fair? Har, har. Carlos and Luann did the home deliveries, and Jay led the flag salute. Wanda Kaufman was the winner of the $5 gift card donated by Len’s Drug. We had sunflowers and some other blossoms that look like sunflowers provided by various gardens in our fair city. Thanks so much for sharing, Amber and Carol. Tom’s word: If you want to be a leader with a large following, just obey the speed limit in Grant County. Ahem. Therefore, the table that got to go first had a piece of paper that read “speed limit.” Hearty har, har. Jack Rether- ford asked the blessing on our meal of beef pot roast with potatoes, carrots, cel- ery and onions. Along with a roll and your choice of strawberry or vanilla ice cream, this was a great meal. Yummy, yummy in the tummy. There was gravy too. What else could you ask for? It was cool in the hall, too! Lorna and Geralyn brought Thelma Kite, Char- lene Dean, Marilyn Randall and Arioa Martin from the Blue Mountain Care Center. We had 53 names on the reg- istration book. We have entered the “dog days” of summer. That’s when you just lay around in the shade, read a good book, watch re-runs that you missed during the reg- ular season, drink lemon- ade, etc. Such is the life of the retired in Grant County, right? Ho, ho, ho. Why is it the “retired” are so busy? ‘Cause it is so much fun to do the things that you didn’t have time to do when you were holding down a job, that’s why. So keep yourself in good physical shape, have a bright outlook on life and enjoy our little corner of the world. We are so blessed to live here. Came across a story about another “John Day.” He was born during the reign of Henry VIII, became a printer at age 22 and was the first to print music. The sign in front of his shop in later years featured a man pointing to the sun and say- ing, “Arise, for it is day.” He had 13 children by his first wife and another 13 by his second! Wonder if it was one of his descendants that came through Oregon in 1811 and had such a terrible time. Maybe I could Google that — if I was hooked up to the “Googler.” Ahem. Luke 11:13 “Give us each day our daily bread.” Church Services In Grant County Church of Acts Tuesdays at 6:30PM Use Main Entry Front Doors - Spirit Filled Sabbath Church - Sabbath School 10 a.m. Worship Service 11 a.m. Fellowship dinner after Wed. Bible Study 2:30 p.m. Home church at 421 N McHaley & 2nd, Prairie City, OR 97869 Brother Kelly, 541-620-4684 133921