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About The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current | View Entire Issue (April 10, 2019)
A2 FAMILY Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, April 10, 2019 OBITUARIES Emory Addison Moore Dennis Dale Reynolds Oct. 30, 1949 — March 13, 2019 Emory Addison Moore, 69, of Vancouver, Washington, died March 13 in Albany. Emory was born Oct. 30, 1949, to Emory Ray and Edna Josephine (Kirk) Moore in Pendleton. He was third of what would be four children, and was the only boy. He and his family lived in Monument, where he spent his childhood playing every sport imaginable, and graduated from Monument High School in 1967. Emory went on to play basketball for Eastern Oregon State College and was inducted into the EOU Hall of Fame in 2003 along with his teammates. Emory hauled logs for many years and eventually bought his own self-loading log truck. Later, he fol- lowed his dream and went to Alaska to haul oil, gas and fi sh. He returned to Oregon and spent the last 25-plus years of his career hauling groceries all over Oregon, Washington and Idaho, proudly retiring from the Team- sters Union in 2008. He then worked with his sons and was a passionate fan for his grandchildren’s sporting events. Emory was preceded in death by his beloved father, Emory Ray Moore, in 1956; mother, Edna Josephine Moore (Kirk); and sister, Darlene Gayle Boyer (Moore). He is survived by his sisters, Anita Cork of Wasilla, Alaska, and Mary Jacqueline (Bud) Geer of Happy Val- ley; his children, David (Nancy) of Kenai, Alaska, Tracy Jay (Tammy) of Rexburg, Idaho, Michael Ray Price of Bothell, Washington, Mark Price (Sarah) of Lake Oswego, Kevin (Rita) of Reno, Nevada, and Kimberly Moore Streight (Stefan) of Oregon City; 18 grandchil- dren; six great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Emory was cremated, and his ashes will be spread off the bridge in Monument into the John Day River where he spent most of his childhood days. A celebration of life will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 28, at Hopkins Demonstration Forest Everett Hall, 16750 S Brockway Road, Oregon City. All are welcome. Feb. 28, 1949 — April 1, 2019 Dennis Dale Reynolds was born to Percy and Mickey Reynolds Feb. 28, 1949, in Prineville. He passed away April 1 in Bend. At age 5, his fam- ily moved to Grant County, where he resided the rest of his life. He was very active in sports and 4-H, receiving statewide recognition. Dennis attended Grant Union High School in John Day, graduating in 1967. He enrolled in Oregon State University, majoring in forest management. While a junior at OSU, he began dat- ing the love of his life, Julie Ann Elligsen, and they were married Oct. 24, 1970. After college, they returned to John Day where he began working for Hudspeth Lumber Com- pany and Hudspeth Sawmill. Dennis dutifully served as Grant County judge for 12 years, accomplishing many per- sonal and county goals. Dennis also served Grant County as a 4-H leader for 45 years. Dennis and Julie have three sons, Percy, Beau and Jake, all nine-year 4-H members. He was very proud of his sons and their athletic abilities in football and baseball. His great- est joy came from teaching them to hunt and then later, as they became men, hunting elk and deer with them. His grand- children became a special delight. Hunting and camping with family and friends highlighted Dennis’ life. Family was the priority, and his love for Julie was made known to her and oth- ers every day. Dennis was preceded in death by his infant son Dustin; father, Percy M. Reynolds; and several aunts and uncles. Den- nis is survived by his mother, Mickey; sister Julia; wife, Julie; sons Percy (Nicolle), Beau (Sara) and Jake Reynolds; and grandchildren, Jack and June. A celebration of life will be held at 1 p.m. April 27 in the Heritage Barn on the fairgrounds in John Day. A meal will be provided afterward. Donations can be made in lieu of fl owers to The Dennis Reynolds Memorial Scholarship Fund in care of the Grant County Family Heritage Foundation. Cecilia Jeanne Freshour Sept. 20, 1933 — April 5, 2019 Cecilia Jeanne Freshour, 85, was born Sept. 20, 1933, in St. Ignatius, Montana, and was the oldest child of Walter “Doc” and Francis Cordis; she passed away April 5. Jeanne was a registered nurse, preschool teacher, artist, rancher’s wife, fos- ter parent, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother many times over. Jeanne was married to her best friend and hus- band, Gene Freshour, for 62 years. Jeanne accepted the Lord as her savior together with Gene on Easter day in 1964 and dedicated her life to His work ever since. She had a variety of roles working with Frontier Mis- sions in places such as Belize, Venezuela and England. Jeanne always remembered everyone she had ever met by name and prayed for them daily. Her commitment to thank you cards was religious. Her faithfulness, kindness and love for her family are a lasting legacy. Her fi erce nature and forthright approach assure she will not be easily forgotten by those who knew and loved her. Jeanne was deeply compassionate, and her artistic eye led her to daily appreciate the beauty of the world and God’s glorious creation. Jeanne was preceded in death by her parents; brothers, Don, Bob and Randy; and her two daughters. Jeanne is survived by her sisters, Ruth and Judy; and her four children, Dane, Ann, Joel and Jennifer. She leaves behind nine grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren. She will be deeply missed. A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 12, in John Day, Oregon, at the Church of the Nazarene. A celebration of life and potluck meal will follow. Memorial contributions may be made to the Sonshine Christian School through Driskill Memorial Chapel, 241 S Canyon Blvd., John Day, OR 97845. To offer online condolences to the family, please visit About Obituaries News obituaries of 300 words or less are a free service of the Blue Mountain Eagle. The paper accepts obituaries from the family or funeral home. Information submitted is subject to editing. Obituaries submitted to the Eagle with incorrect information may be corrected and republished as paid memorials. Obituaries longer than 300 words may be published as paid memorials. Send obituaries by email, offi; fax, 541-575-1244; or mail, 195 N. Canyon Blvd., John Day, OR 97845. For more information, or to inquire about a paid memorial, call 541-575-0710. April survey will help identify health care needs in Grant County Blue Mountain Eagle Blue Mountain Hospi- tal District is seeking feed- back on the health needs of the community through a survey. District CEO Derek Daly is encouraging Grant County residents to take a quick, confi dential survey in April. “We will use your feed- back to help identify poten- tial programs, services and initiatives that may be of benefi t in our county,” he said in a statement. The easiest way to complete the survey is to visit r/56QSZWD. Daly said it should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Paper copies can also be picked up at Home Health & Hospice, Blue Moun- tain Care Center, Straw- berry Wilderness Commu- nity Clinic and the main entrance table downstairs at the hospital. ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE OTEC announces youth tour, scholarship winners Blue Mountain Eagle Eagle fi le photo Blue Mountain Hospital CEO Derek Daly encourages Grant County residents to complete a quick, confi dential survey to identify health care needs. District Public Relations Director Jena Knowles said only Grant County resi- dents should complete the survey, which is part of a Community Health Needs Assessment. “We will be running the survey all month long, in hopes of getting as many responses as possible,” she said. For more information, contact Knowles at 541- 575-1311, ext. 2213. Local students will soon receive scholarships or tour Washington, D.C, through Oregon Trail Elec- tric Cooperative programs. Danner Davis of Prai- rie City and Jace Hays of Baker City were recently each awarded a $5,000 scholarship by the OTEC board of directors to pur- sue a career as a lineman. OTEC offers two schol- arships each year for high school seniors, adults or returning college students interested in a career as a lineman. Twenty-six more stu- dents received general col- lege scholarships. Each scholarship is $5,000, and 10 of the 26 aca- demic scholarships are ear- marked for returning col- lege students. From Grant County, high school seniors McK- Ellie Justice Madi McKrola eely Miller and Madison McKrola and returning college students Sydney Thompson, Eastern Oregon University, and Heather Mosley, Walla Walla Com- munity College, received scholarships. Applicants must be active members in good standing with the coopera- tive or dependents of such members to be eligible for the scholarships, which are funded from interest earned on unclaimed refunds of capital credits. The cooperative is also sending four high school juniors on an all-expens- es-paid trip to Washing- ton, D.C., in June for the 2019 Rural Elec- tric Coop- erative Youth Tour, McKeely Miller where they will join more than 1,500 students. Ellie Justice, Grant Union High School, Sam McCauley, Baker High School, McKinzie Beau- dry, La Grande High School, and Lauren Ben- son, Baker High School, will visit famous historical sites, meet with Oregon’s congressional leaders and learn leadership skills. The students will also cre- ate podcasts and digi- tal photo projects as they learn about electric coop- eratives and current issues in energy and climate change legislation that face their communities and our nation. A TTENTION G RANT C OUNTY V ETERANS : This is our 61st Anniversary 1957-2019 Are you using or interested in learning about Choice Card Medical Care? Sunday, April 16th at 1pm Katee See your Grant County Veteran Services Hoffman Officer today for more information. Monday through Friday 10 am – 4 pm. Grant County Senior Center 142 NE Dayton St. • John Day, OR 97845 Call 541-620-8057 for an appointment 530 E. Main, Ste. 5, John Day, OR. This is an opportunity for you as a member and owner of Old West Federal Credit Union to review this past year’s performance and learn about goals for the upcoming year. 100000 Michael B. DesJardin Dentistry, PC Preventive, Restorative & Endodontics New Patients Welcome! Monday - Thursday 7am- 6pm Friday 8am - 5pm 208 NW Canton John Day 541-575-2725 Mendy Sharpe FNP 112617 Apppointments available 114089 98769 Last Week’s Temps John Day HI/LO Tuesday ........................................................... 54/43 Wednesday ..................................................... 58/43 Thursday .......................................................... 56/40 Friday ............................................................... 59/36 Saturday .......................................................... 55/34 Sunday ............................................................. 57/47 Monday............................................................ 54/41 24/7 F ORECAST A UTOMATED : 541-575-1122 R OAD CONDITIONS : 511; TRIPCHECK . COM NOAA W EATHER R ADIO FOR J OHN D AY 162.500 MHz W EATHER F ORECAST FOR THE WEEK OF A PRIL 10-16 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy with showers Mostly cloudy with showers Mainly cloudy with showers Periods of sun Showers possible Mostly cloudy 47 47 51 54 49 54 55 39 36 33 35 35 29 29