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About The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 2017)
TIMBER TRUCKERS LIGHT PARADE The – PAGE A7 Blue Mountain EAGLE Grant County’s newspaper since 1868 W edNesday , d ecember 13, 2017 • N o . 50 • 20 P ages • $1.00 Strep throat cases on the rise Antibiotics, rest and better hygiene recommended By Richard Hanners Blue Mountain Eagle The Grant County Health De- partment reports seeing an increase in cases of strep throat in the com- munity and advises people to take steps to prevent the disease from spreading. The health department has seen an increase in the number of chil- dren and adults with sore throat complaints that tested positive for strep throat. Health Department Manager Jessica Winegar told the Eagle that people should not be alarmed but should step up hygiene around their homes and businesses and go to the doctor when certain symptoms ap- pear (see box on Page A10). April Gillette at Blue Mountain Hospital told the Eagle they haven’t seen a recent uptick in strep throat cases, but she acknowledged that they see a different population than the county health department. Strep throat is a bacterial infec- tion and can be treated with anti- biotics, pain medicine and rest, ac- cording to information provided by the health department. People with strep throat can transmit the disease to others for 24 hours after starting antibiotics, so children should be kept out of school or daycare for at least one full day after starting an- tibiotics. Frequent hand washing with soap and reducing germs in bath- rooms and kitchens by cleaning with soap or cleansers is also important. When possible, people should avoid anyone in the home who is sick. Winegar said about three to four people a day have been showing up at the health department complain- ing of sore throats that tested posi- tive for strep throat. See STREP, Page A10 Eagle file photo The Grant County Health Department at 528 E. Main Ste. E in John Day. Health department staff report seeing an increase in strep throat cases. EARNING FOR LEARNING The Eagle/Richard Hanners Prairie City School sophomore Lucas McKinley explains his FFA cow project Dec. 7 while his cow devours grain. Prairie City School will receive grant for new barn and equipment By Richard Hanners Blue Mountain Eagle C hristmas came early at Prairie City School — and in a big way. The school recently received a $336,286 career read- iness grant from the state aimed at increasing hands-on learning and building skills to retain quality jobs. Superintendent Julie Gurczynski said Lindy Cruise, the school’s agricultural science and technology instructor, “put in many hours preparing and writing” the successful grant application. “The overall goal is to provide students with post-high school skills and training,” Cruise said. “There’s been a trend where students go on to trade schools lacking the management and work ethic skills needed to get ahead.” The plan is to invest the grant money in three areas: 1) build a live- stock facility to provide a supervised ag experience where students can practice industry-recognized skills; 2) update some of the wood and metal shop equipment, including purchasing a CNC (computer numerical control) machine for cutting wood and metal; and 3) re- place the current greenhouse with a larger one. The state’s Career and Technical Education Revitalization Ad- visory Committee reviewed 64 applications totaling $21 million in requests and granted $10.3 million to 205 middle and high schools across Oregon. See GRANT, Page A10 The Eagle/Richard Hanners Carson McKay, a sophomore at Prairie City School, shows his FFA steer to his ag science class Dec. 7. He and his seventh- grade sister, Laken McKay, each have a steer in a small pen in a neighborhood in Prairie City. Ranchers, environmentalists voice objections to Wolf Plan update Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife planning to revise the plan By Mateusz Perkowski Capital Bureau Environmental groups are alarmed by a proposal that would authorize lethal control of wolves in Eastern Oregon after only two livestock kills under “extreme circumstances.” The regular threshold would be three livestock kills in 12 months, but the current draft of the Oregon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan would reduce it to two kills if non-le- thal methods proved ineffective or couldn’t be implemented. “It moves too quickly to lethal con- trol,” said Noah Greenwald, endan- gered species director for the Center of Biological Diversity, during a Dec. 8 hearing in Salem. Wolves in Eastern Oregon have been delisted under the federal En- dangered Species Act, but they’re still regulated by the state government. Representatives of livestock and hunting groups also found plenty they didn’t like about the plan, which the Oregon Department of Fish and Wild- life is updating. For example, the plan sets a min- imum population threshold of 300 wolves through 2022, but it doesn’t ensure that any particular zone doesn’t See WOLF, Page A10 ACCESS TODAY! See Page A3